//------------------------------// // Cataclysm // Story: The Temporal Shattering // by There Is Nothing Here //------------------------------// This was it. The world began to shatter beneath Alphion, the world he wanted to rule, was about to collapse. Rainbow Dash knew what was happening, at least they would die knowing Alphion did not succeed in taking over Equestria. An angry look began to grow on Alphion's face. He was still clueless of what was happening. "Don't you understand Alphion?" The dark lord raised his head and looked at Rainbow Dash, who was struggling to maintain her footing. "With no one governing time, time cannot exist. This world cannot exist. There will be no Equestria for you to rule. The same goes for Earth as well, you are going to be left alone with no purpose, it's over!" "It's not over, not yet!" Alphion raised his hand and cuffed them together. He levitated above the shattering earth below him. Suddenly, he raised both of his arms and let out a loud echoing roar. A black pulse fired out from where his hands had been cuffed. The blast hit Rainbow Dash, sending her flying back. The cyan Pegasus shook her head to recover from the dizziness from the blast. She looked down, at saw Blitz's body falling down, into the earth. She began to dash down, to catch Blitz. "You're not going anywhere!" Alphion began unleashing a flurry of attacks aimed at Rainbow Dash. Every single one missed, striking a piece of land instead. Alphion dove down, in pursuit of Rainbow Dash. The cyan Pegasus flew at intense speed, staying focused on her surroundings and making sure to avoid any obstacles. She stuck out her hoof as she increased her speed and prepared to grab Blitz's body. Just as she was within reach, a small purple ball struck Blitz, and she faded away. Rainbow Dash stopped her descent into the underground layers of Equestria. She looked up and saw Alphion, slowly lowering himself to Rainbow Dash's level. "I don't care, if Equestria is destroyed. I will still rule all of you for eternity." Rainbow Dash tilted her head, she had no idea what the deranged spirit meant. "I've slaughtered every living thing in Equestria, their souls wander the plane of death as we speak. All I need to do is recapture their souls and bring them to my nightmare, where they will all suffer the same fate you did previously." The cyan Pegasus flinched. Even with Equestria crumbling, Alphion was still going to win. He grabbed Rainbow Dash by the throat, giving her no time to fly away. But where could she fly anyways, they were far underground. "Come." He dashed towards the surface, holding Rainbow Dash out in front of him, making her collide with any of the shattered ground. Alphion pierced the top layer of soil, and rose up into the dead air of the collapsing Equestria. He threw Rainbow Dash on the ground like a rag doll. "Get up. Come on, you were so brave and strong before. What happened?" The rainbow maned Pegasus stood up. "There we go. I want you to see something." Alphion"s eyes flashed a bright white, blinding Rainbow Dash temporarily. When she could see again, she saw two ponies running, one a grown mare and the other a filly. She looked closer, it was Anne and the human filly. Behind them she saw the ground shattering. They were still alive! But, as they continued to run, Rainbow Dash noticed something ahead in the distance, two purple figures. It was two of Alphion's minions. The two human ponies ran right into the arms of the minions. Both of them struggled to get free, but it was useless and the minions faded away with them in their arms. "Like what you see?" Another light flashed and the vision disappeared. Rainbow Dash was now staring into the deep black eyes of the spirit of darkness. The cyan Pegasus was speechless, Alphion grinned. Just then, the earth beneath the two began to crumble, Alphion flew away slowly, while Rainbow Dash was caught off guard and fell. Alphion peered over the edge of the platform he was on. He laughed as Rainbow Dash plummeted to the bottom of the dark hole. He raised his arm and using his powers, raised the Pegasus out of the pit. Rainbow Dash was confused, why would Alphion save her? Was there something else he wanted? Alphion grabbed Rainbow Dash by the throat yet again. "You, you have no idea how much I want to crush your throat now. I wish I could, but I can't. Not yet I can't." Why couldn't he? Why couldn't he just end it now? "Rainbow Dash, I'm going to put you down, and you're going to listen to me, and you're going to answer any questions I ask you. Or I will personally decimate the soul of every living creature in Equestria." The dark lord dropped Rainbow Dash to the ground yet again. The earth was crumbling all around them, but Alphion no longer seemed to care. "Now Rainbow Dash." The cyan Pegasus looked up. "Why. Why are you here? Why did you not freeze in time like every other worthless being on this planet. I am aware that the human ponies were unaffected but you and Blitz could still roam free." Rainbow Dash was hesitant to answer, but finally she said, "After we were resurrected by Angealla, time began to spiral out of control as two beings that didn't belong in time were existing. Temporaz became weak, and didn't have enough power to fix it, so he faded and when time shattered and darkness began to rule, Angealla faded as well. We were not of the Equestrian timeline anymore, so we were unaffected by any changes." "So it was just you and Blitz? There's no one else out there?" "No. Me and Blitz were the only ones." Alphion stood silent for a moment. Suddenly, a large chunk of land flew by and struck Alphion, knocking him to the ground. Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to escape and she flew away. Alphion stood up and saw the Pegasus flying away in the distance. "Hmph. That bitch never seems to sit still. No matter." Alphion descended into the ground and faded away back into his realm. Rainbow Dash set herself down in a spot far away form where she had abandoned Alphion. It was incredibly luck for her that Alphion was struck by that piece of land. If he was more aware of the situation he could have captured her. She knew she couldn't stay here very long. Alphion wouldn't rest until Rainbow Dash was captured, she was the only living creature in Equestria. He was going to go all out to capture her. "Wow, I'm alone and being chased by Alphion"s minions, doesn't this seem familiar..." Memories of being trapped in the nightmare seeped into Rainbow Dash's head. She remembered the constant torture, like when the illusions attempted to cut her eyes out. Or when they blasted her with frigid air. She remembered the constant fear she had when she rested, hoping that she wouldn't fall asleep and get caught. The more she thought the more hopeless she became. What could she even do at this point? She couldn't stop Alphion by herself, he wasn't going to dominate Equestria, but if he lived he could continue to cause destruction in other worlds. Rainbow Dash was ready to die, but if she did, she wanted to take Alphion down with her, and avenge all of her friends that had perished because of him. "Time to do some planning." "Master Alphion, there is no need to continue chasing Rainbow Dash. She will die out there, it's a waste of time, and she already managed to kill Black Flare." The dark lord turned around and stared into the empty eye sockets of his Fluttershy illusion. Normally Alphion was so calm and collected because he always had a carefully deviated plan. But he was slowly becoming insane, he wanted to rule Equestria, but it was about to fade away. He wanted, no he needed the satisfaction of killing Rainbow Dash more than anything now. "No. Gather up every minion we can spare, we are going into Equestria to end this now." "Lord Alph...." "I SAID NOW!" Fluttershy's illusion cowered in fear as Alphion's voice thundered throughout the room. She turned around and exited Alphion's lair. He turned around and faced his portal to Equestria. He looked at the world slowly cracking apart and fading away into dust. "Before this is over Rainbow Dash, I will find you. And I will make you feel pain that will make everything else that was done to you seem like a paper cut." Alphion raised his fist and smashed it into the wall next to him, leaving a large hole in it. He turned around and faded away into the shadows.