//------------------------------// // Attempted Regicide // Story: Mission to the Griffon Kingdom // by Rakoon1 //------------------------------// Shining and Gael continued with their tour around Griffonstone, while they were starting to know each other better, with each one talking about their respective lives. The young captain told Gael about his family, mainly his younger sister, Twilight. He also talked to him about Blue, his best friend, and also about Cadance, talking to him about the problems they faced, being that these problems were caused by Fire Punch. Gael also spoke about his life. He told how his mother had died when he was yet to hatch from his egg and his father raised him alone. He also talked about the trips they made so Gustave could enrich his culinary skills, participating in several culinary contests and winning lots of prizes. When he got to a certain age, Gael began training in the Griffon Guard where he struggled to get to the post that he had now. It was then that they started to return to the castle, talking happily. But suddenly something aroused Shining’s attention. It was something flying towards the castle. "Hey, what's that?" Shining asked, pointing. Gael turned to where Shining was pointing and looked. Due to the fact that he had a better vision, the griffon could see what Shining was seeing. "It looks like a pegasus" he said. "And it seems that he brings a crossbow with him." "A crossbow?" Shining asked, apprehensive. "Are you sure?" "Absolutely" Gael answered. Shining thought that was very odd. What would be a Pegasus flying above the kingdom of the griffons, when all ponies usually avoid it? And, above all, with a weapon. "Where is he going?" Shining asked. "He's going ..." Gael began, showing then an air of concern. "Oh no." "What is it?" "He's going in the direction of the dome above the throne room." That didn't leave room for error. That's exactly what Shining feared. He turned to Gael and asked: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Unfortunately, yes" Gael said. "King Guto is in danger." "We have to stop him" Shining said. "Gael, you can follow him. I'm going to warn King Guto." Gael waved and took off, following the pegasus. Meanwhile, Shining ran into the castle in order to warn King Guto. In the throne room, King Guto was dealing with royal issues. The door opened and Ulysses came in, saying while approaching: "I'm sorry for the delay, Your Highness, but I had business to attend to." "It's okay, Ulysses" King Guto said. "I just hope it’s everything okay with you." "Don't worry, Your Highness" he said. "Everything's great." A few seconds later, the door opened and Quentin entered, saying: "Uncle, I would like to talk to you, if you don't mind." "Of course, Quentin, but you're going to have to wait" replied Guto, while signing some documents. "Of course" he said, advancing to a point on the room, siding against the wall. "I will wait." However, the pegasus, under Arimaspi’s hypnosis, reached the open dome located over the throne room. He put himself in position and prepared his crossbow, starting to point it to the king of the griffons. Finally, he was ready to shoot. Shining ran as fast as he could towards the throne room, while Gael flew to stop the pegasus. However, seeing him ready to shoot, Gael realized he couldn't make it. "Oh no" he said. Shining finally arrived to the throne room and opened the doors of outburst, making all the griffons direct their eyes towards him. "Captain Shining Armor, but what's going on?" King Guto asked. Shining looked up and saw the pegasus ready to fire, with the crossbow definitely pointed to the king. "Watch out, Your Highness!" he exclaimed, starting to move quickly towards King Guto. Gael was almost getting the pegasus, but he fired. The arrow advanced towards the king of the griffons, cutting the air with its sharp tip. Shining with all his speed, tried to make it on time, with the present griffons still not knowing what was going on. The young unicorn managed to put himself in the trajectory of the arrow and, without thinking, summoned his barrier. The barrier didn't appear in time to prevent the entry of the arrow inside of it, but, fortunately, it sealed around the body of the arrow, blocking it a few inches from Shining’s head. The pegasus, watching that, prepared a new arrow, but then Gael arrived there and gave him a punch that knocked him out. "Don’t think about it" the lieutenant said. "But what does this mean?" Ulysses asked, while Shining made his barrier disappear, making the arrow hit the ground, and seeing Gael subjugating the pegasus. "An attack directed to the king?! Now you ponies show your real face." "How dare you try to kill my uncle?!" Quentin exclaimed. "That's not what happened" Gael said, descending from the dome with the unconscious pegasus. "You got it wrong..." "Shut up, Gael!" Ulysses ordered, gruffly. "We talk later." Gael followed Ulysses’ order, but gave to his captain his cold stare. "Calm down, Ulysses" King Guto said to his captain, recomposing himself. "We must not be hasty." "But, Your Highness, you have just been a victim of an attempted regicide by that disgusting pony" Ulysses said, pointing to the pegasus who was subjugated by Gael. "It's true, uncle" Quentin said. "Something like this should not be forgiven." "You're right" King Guto said. "This attempt to assassinate me was a vile act. But I must point that this was an attempt because Shining Armor saved me, risking at the same time his own life. And this is something I have to thank you, dear friend. To you and Lieutenant Gael who prevented a second attack." "I was just doing my duty, Your Highness" Shining said. "So was I" Gael said. "Probably this is just a scheme so we stay in debt to ponies" Quentin said. "Your Highness, I can assure you that my intentions to save your uncle were pure" Shining Armor said to the spoiled prince. "And, forgive me for daring, but you have to start trusting more in us, ponies." "How can I trust you when a pony tried to assassinate my uncle?" Quentin asked. "A single individual does not generalize the species" Shining replied. "I can assure you that I will find out what led this pony to try to kill King Guto." "Do you really think we're going to leave you..." Ulysses started. "Very well, Shining” King Guto nodded. "I'm counting on you." "Thanks, King Guto" Shining thanked, making a slight bow to the king of the griffons. "But, Your Highness..." Ulysses started. "I think it's the least I can do for Captain Shining Armor after he saved my life" King Guto said. "Besides, I believe that he can prove that the alliance between ponies and griffons is still possible." Ulysses and Quentin were obviously against King Guto’s decision, but they remained quiet and nodded with their heads. "Thank you for believing in me, Your Highness" Shining Armor thanked. "Although we, griffons, are proud and zealous to our belongings, we know the meaning of good sense" King Guto said. "At least most of us know the meaning." "I promise that I will do my best to resolve this situation" Shining said. "And you can be sure that I will supervise everything" Ulysses said to the young unicorn. "Actually, Ulysses, I need you to raise the security around the castle" King Guto said. "After what happened, we need to be enormously watchful." "But we can't let him..." Ulysses started, referring to Shining. "I understand your perspective" King Guto said. "And don't worry. I will send someone reliable to supervise everything. I think it will be fine to Gael do that." "Me?" Gael asked. "Him?" Ulysses and Quentin asked at the same time. "Why not?" King Guto asked. "After all, Gael has already proved to be trustworthy, beyond that he contributed in saving my life. Furthermore, I see that he and Shining Armor get along and that will allow this situation to be over as soon as possible." Despite King Guto’s logic, Ulysses tried to create any objections, but the fear of getting worse before the king made him accept the decision. "As you wish, Your Highness" Ulysses said. And, having said that, he left the throne room. After a few seconds, Quentin left too. "Very well, Shining Armor, now it's all in your hooves" King Guto said. "I hope you don't waste this opportunity I gave you to prove that the alliance between our species can still exist." "Don't worry, Your Highness" Shining replied. "What depends on me, our alliance will remain unscathed." And, after making a last bow, Shining motioned to Gael and the two started heading to the exit of the throne room, with the pegasus that tried to assassinate King Guto. Arimaspi stood in the same place where he and the mysterious griffon used to meet, while waiting for his arrival. There was a flapping of wings and the mysterious griffon landed. "So, how'd it go?" Arimaspi asked. "Is the King dead?" "Don’t you think that, if he was dead, I wouldn't be jumping up and down with joy?" the mysterious griffon asked in a cranky way. "What?!" Arimaspi asked. "My plan failed?! How?!" "It seems you weren't counting with Captain Shining Armor factor" the griffon said. "What is that disgusting pony has to do with the failure of my brilliant plan?" Arimaspi asked. "It seems that he and his new griffon friend managed to prevent the regicide" the mysterious griffon said. "Worse, King Guto was immensely grateful for Shining saving his life. Now, the relationship between ponies and griffons are even stronger." "I don't believe this" Arimaspi said, who knew that his master would not be pleased. "You know, Arimaspi, I'm starting to regret of our alliance" the griffon said. "Don't shake your feathers, my dear friend with wings" Arimaspi said. "We still have a chance. Believe me, this is far from over."