It Came from the Mysterious Beyond

by Jongoji245

Chapter 1 (New Timeline): The Great Rift

Back at a more modern world, Dapplewood just finished a half day at school, sitting at the stairs to text his brother.

"Just finished school. Ready for pickup."

Well over the end of the other line and a good distance away, Cosgrove felt the vibration, picking up his phone and texting back.

"Okay, will arrive for you shortly. Be careful; Garble and his goons have skipped school.

Dapplewood sent the phone to sleep before walking down the stairs and turned around. As he walked to the asphalt that covered most of the playground, his ears picked up a soft hissing sound. Hugging to the wall, his grey-purple eyes spotted the people his brother warned him about. Garble, Clump, and Spyro were at a wall, snickering and chuckling as they spray paint the wall with obscene imagery. The boy recorded footage before sending it to the police. Just as he was finished, Dapplewood is snatched away and brought over before Garble.

"Well, well." - The red head chuckled - "Look what we have here."

"Looks like the little cub got lost from the pack." Laughed Spyro.

"C'mon little man." - Clump pinched his cheeks - "Say something. Oh, that's right you can't!"

With a curl from his nose, Dapplewood took out his phone, linked up a few voice clips from opposite genders before playing: "Maximals superior, Garble inferior."

A long drawn out silence with an increasing curl from Garble's lip. The bully grabbed Dapplewood by his orange shirt, drawing him up to his face. "You snide son of a-"

With one motion, the youngest Maximal bit him straight on the nose, pressing his legs against Garble's chest to pry him off. The bully held his oozing nose, glaring at the Elementary student as he spat at the ground before rubbing his mouth.

"Tiny!" He growled, beckoning a kid around Dapplewood's age.

Like his Equestrian counterpart, Tiny in this world had an unusually large limb, in this case, his left arm being twice the bulk. Dapplewood spat on his hand, rubbing his bangs into a mohawk, and putting on the sunglasses before rushing at his challenger. Tiny swung a left hook at Dapplewood, who blocked it and gave him a full kick on the tummy. Tiny tried to raise his left arm but was pinned down by a kid sneaker. Dapplewood stared him down underneath the glasses as he gave a snarl.

His victory was short lived when the ground began to shake. The tremor became much more intense, reaching the town square. Every citizen took procedure; seeking cover under the tables, moving to more vacant areas, or in the rest of the Maximal's case, staying in their car.

Back at the dinosaur world, Thud was walking in the wilderness. Time and time again he called out to his pack, but to no avail. Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

Back at the Human world, the Tremors shake Dapplewood off of Tiny. When they have ended, Garble snatched the boy from behind, holding him in one arm. "I may not have pummeled your brother, kid. But I can have a little ball with you."

Clump squinted his eyes at an unusual glow from a corner of the school, "Hey Garble! Have a look at this."

The group of bullies walked around the corner, seeing before them a glowing portal with small fragments of glass floating around it.

"Well, what do you know." - Garble gripped Dapplewood's pant's with another hand - "And we have just the guinea pig to test it."

At the dinosaur world, the tremor of the earthquake intensified, causing Thud fall into the portal and the same time Dapplewood was thrown in. The two beings spiraled out of control as they reached the other side of their respective destinations.

Back at the human world, Cosgrove was looking attentively at his phone, waiting for a response from his brother. Out of the usual rhythm, he narrowed his eyes. "Step on it, Zip!"

Back at Great Valley Drive, Garble held his arms crossed as he waited for the result. " Worked with that stranger from the Battle of the Bands. Still, one less Maximal to worry." He chuckled as he and his gang turned around to continue their work when another hum sounded off.

Now a human, Thud found himself to be somewhat smaller in size and in a new environment; no Dinosaur's to see, but humans. Garble stared at the green person who, believing him to be a threat, gave out a raspy screech. The gang looked in confusion.

"Was that supposed to scare me? Because you’re bad at it." Without a moment's notice, the raptor leaped at Garble and brought him to the ground.

"P-please, take it easy."

The raptor growled before placing his foot on Garble's throat. The raptor's eyes widened when his usual killing claws were replaced by a shoe.
Garble shoved the foot aside and ran off with his gang. The former raptor looked at his hands and his newfound body before exploring the world around him. Compared to his world, it was much more smelly thanks to a couple centuries of industrial pollution. He looked ahead, finding a yellow human running towards him.

Dapplewood slowly opened his eyes and found himself in barren wilderness, akin to the badlands. As he got up, he found that his hands have claws, alongside a tail, and most of all, no clothes. He couldn't find his cellphone to call his brother. He looked up to the sound of a screech. There were flying reptiles in the air instead of birds. His hunch became even clearer when the earth rumbled, becoming louder and louder.

He found himself face to face with a fully grown T. Rex. This one was gray in color with a cream underbelly. Likewise, it had a large scar running from it's left eye down to its finger. The dinosaur snapped at Dapplewood , prompting him to flee. He dashed through a few rocks, increasing his distance from the large theropod. Surprised he outwitted such a famed predator he "laughed" through his teeth.

That is until he came across the same blue and red Utahraptors that chased Chomper. The two beasts chased him down across the fern prairies to a more mountainous region. Without much choice, Dapplewood struggled to climb up a bedrock hill, something that not even the raptors could climb.

Safe in the tunnel, Dapplewood panted like mad when his ears picked up a soft roar on the other side of the tunnel. Following the light, he came across a massive green valley populated by dinosaurs, herbivorous ones at that. Better to stay there than outside, he followed the cliff edge down. Maybe he could find help.