The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 13: The Great and Powerful Trixie

The prince of storms Chapter 13: The Great and Powerful Trixie.

Ponyville - Library -

In the book-filled room an Unicorn, a dragon and an Alicorn were looking at a long list of spells most of which already marked-off with 'success' marks with narrowed eyes.

"Another?" Maelstrom Knight asked holding up a pen.

"You sure?" Twilight answered uncertain.

"Come on, Twilight. You can do it!" Spike said nodding eagerly.

"Sigh! Okay, here goes..." the girl answered as her horn gave-out a short burst of light that momentarily blinded the ones watching.

"W-W-What!? PFFFFT-HAHAHAHAHAHA!" once saw the result the Alicorn Prince couldn't help but melt into laughs and guffaws while trembly adding a new mark on the list.

"YA DID IT! And you are just jealous, Meally! Growing Magic, that's number twenty-five." Spike answered annoyed before caressing his sparkling new pair of moustache with a pleased expression.

"Huhuhu! Sorry, sorry...By the way, with this we got twenty-five different types of tricks and counting." Maelstrom said still smirking in amusement.

"Actually, the exact number would be twenty-six." Twilight corrected chuckling.

"What's the twenty-sixth?" Spike asked.

"But my wonderful 'Kage Bunshin Spell', of course! The first of a long series of Human Magic I intend to adapt to Unicorn Magic." Twilight answered making the moustaches on Spike's face disappear making him pout.

"If that makes you happy...but still, Twenty-six different kinds of tricks...I thought Unicorns were only supposed to have Magic that matches their special talents, how does it work?" the Prince asked confused.

"Yep! I know you are amazing, Twi; but that's an impressive number of different stuff you can do, and you made an even longer list of spells still to try!" Spike added impressed.

"True, for ponies whose talents are for things like cooking or singing or math the possibilities aren't too many. But what if a Unicorn's special talent is Magic?" the young mare answered.

"Oooh! I get it!" Maelstrom answered nodding.

"Huhuhu! You too defile the rules, Alicorn or not you should be only 'good' at Wind-related and Moon-oriented Magic, the latter thanks to Princess Luna's status as an Alicorn the moment you were conceived. But you have been trained in Human Magic thanks to the Chakra inside you you got from that Fox in your body...It's a rare event, but there can easily be ponies able to posses great magical abilities outside their talent." she answered with a short giggle.

"Like you, Twilight, you do know a ton of Magic." Spike said proudly.

"Yep! He is right!" the Alicorn added smirking.

"Oh stop, you two! I'm sure there are lots of ponies right here in Ponyville that know just as much Magic as me." Twilight answered waving the duo off while blushing.

"Are you kiddin'? I don't think there's another Unicorn in all Equestria with your kind of ability, Twilight!" Spike said annoyed.

"And neither there is a cuter one," Maelstrom added moving closer to rub his cheek on hers.

"Come on...not in front of Spike..." she answered with an even redder face while returning the gesture sighing lowly.

"GUH! I AM GOING! I AM GOING! Wait until I am gone!" the small dragon shrieked with a gagging tone.

"MAIL! MAIL! MAIL! HEADS UP FOR THE MAIL!" a new, young voice yelled as a Pegasus flew near the window.

"A letter for His Sexiness Prince Maelstrom! With the compliments of 'Mad Speedster's Mail System', please sign here." the mail-man-dressed mare said holding a letter in her mouth.

"His Sexiness?" the Prince asked laughing once accepted the letter and signing the receipt.

"I find it fitting. Until next time and thank you for choosing Neigh York's premier Pegasus postal service and remember: 'If you don't get the letter in a day, you can pluck our feathers away!' BYEEEE!" the post-mare answered smirking before zooming away at high-speed.

"Who's the sender?" Twilight asked.

"...Eh! It's Blueblood." he answered surprised.

"What does he want now?" Spike asked.

"He wants to meet me, says that it's important...either he wants to make peace or he wants revenge." Maelstrom answered shrugging.

"Revenge?" Twilight asked.

"Read the post-script..."

"Ps. This is in no-way a trap, Cousin. I have not gained an artifact of immense power nor I want to use it to hurt and humiliate you badly before attacking your friends as well in childish pettiness (Nor is this a Suspiciously Specific Denial...It isn't, okay?!) so do not expect a trap or a revenge plan or a surprise attack once your guard is down. I just want to deal with our differences once and for all, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!...he even transcribed the evil laugh." Twilight said with a groan once red the post-script aloud.

"He is an idiot." Spike said in disbelief.

"SPIKE!" the mare answered scandalized.

"He is right, my cousin is an idiot and by how shaking is his writing he is not even right in the head, so whatever it is he is not okay...Sigh! It's been a while since I delivered a 'Therapy no Jutsu'. But it's nice to practice every once in a while." Maelstrom answered cracking his back with a pleased moan.

"Therapy no Jutsu?"

"Kick the ass of the Bad Guy so badly they turn Good! It's pure violence used to teach a Life Lesson...modestly, I am pretty good at it." The Prince answered as his body got covered by the flaming golden aura of the Six Paths Sage Mode.

"So you are going?" Twilight asked sadly.

"I'll be careful, but if I don't accept the invitation then the idiot will do something stupid, I'll be back soon, promise." he answered kissing her cheek.

"I'll hold you on that." the Unicorn answered nodding and watching the Alicorn sprint away, soon enough leaving behind the deafening Bang! of his breaking the sound barrier.

"Sigh! Up for a walk? I feel like having a hayshake." Twilight asked walking outside.

"Coming! But can you give me back my mustaches? I want to see if Rarity likes them!" Spike said eagerly.

"Spike..." Twilight answered sighing while shaking her head.

"Gangway! Comin' through!"

"Augh! Snips, Snails! What's goin' on?" the small dragon yelped as he barely had the time to dodge before a couple of Unicorns ran over him.

"Wha, haven't you heard?" Snails asked surprised.

"Heard what?"

"There's a new Unicorn in town!" the other answered.

"Yeah! They say that she's got more magical powers than any other Unicorn ever!" Snips added excited.

"Really?" Twilight asked surprised.

"Aw, no way, that honour goes to Twilight here!" Spike answered huffing.

"Shush! W-Where is this Unicorn?" the blushing Element of Magic asked.

"Ho, she's in the town square. Come on!" Snails answered hurrying away.

"Yeah! Hahahaha! Come on! Whooo!" Snips added as he joined his friend laughing all the way.

"If only those two would not get excited over everything, one might actually think this Unicorn is worth it," Spike said sighing.

"I am still curious though..." Twilight said as she and her small assistant moved towards the Town Square.

A short walk later – Town Square -

Once reached the place both Unicorn and young dragon found out that welcoming the newly-arrived mysterious Unicorn there was a large crowd of people gathered in front of a small travelling caravan sitting quietly in wait.

"HOWDY! Hi, Twi! Hi Spike!" AJ said welcoming the two with a wide smile.

"This way, dear. Up in front, I want to see this supposedly-powerful Unicorn close, even just to justify this ruckus that has thrown the whole town into a frenzy." Rarity said while moving Spike on her back.

"Still, whoever this pony is, they won't be as awesome as me, that's for sure." Dash added smirking.

"Ego problem, Dashie." Pinkie said smiling.

"Tche!" she answered crossing her hooves.

It was in that moment that in a show of transformation that would have shamed Michael Bay and his Transformers' movie franchise the small caravan opened into a wide stage with a tall purple curtain and a small planet, a swirl and a rocket appearing hanging over the stage.

"Come one, come all! Come and Witness the amazing Magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" a female voice boomed as a fanfare resounded from the stage along a blinding explosion of fireworks making everyone gathered go 'Ooh!' in awe.

As soon as the smoke dissipated a cyan-coloured Unicorn with ice-white mane appeared on the stage wearing a purple mantle and wizard hat covered in stars, her entrance welcomed by a shower of light making her sparkle.

"People of Ponyville!" she said with blazing eyes as she looked at everyone gathered in front of her.

"Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of Magic ever witnessed by PONY EYES!" Trixie said getting up on her rear legs and yelling the last part making her fanfare sound again and her fireworks explode once more behind and above her.

"My, my, my! What boasting!" Rarity said snarling annoyed.

"Come on! Nopony's as magical as Twi-"

"SPIKE!" Twilight hissed angrily silencing him.

"That's to be demonstrated as we can't know how good other ponies outside Ponyville are, but I have to begrudgingly admit that you can hold your own in Magic, Twilight. So he has not said something wrong." Rarity answered.

"There...there's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?" Twilight asked worried.

"Nothin' at all, 'cep'n when someone goes around showin' it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons." AJ answered shrugging.

"Like Dashie," Pinkie said.


"HEY!" the rainbow-maned Pegasus said offended.

"Just because one has the ability to perform lots of Magic does not make one better than the rest of us." Rarity added.

"Yup! Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us...Hehehe...Eh, I mean, yeah...uuhm..."

"Boo the bragger?" Spike offered smirking.

"Yeah! Magic Shmagic. Boo!" Dash said with a forced tone and blushing.

"Well, well, well..." Trixie said abruptly stopping the music and leaning down on the floor of her stage with her front hooves crossed under her chin and her tail swinging back and forth above her head making the girls flinch.

"It seems we have some neighsayers in the audience...Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they know that they're in the presence of the most magical Unicorn of ALL Equestria?" she asked as her fanfare kicked-in at and even higher volume as she jumped upright opening her front hooves wide and nailing the Element Bearers with an hard stare.

Her answer was a loud, unladylike raspberry of Rarity that almost had her trip on her cape prompting a long round of laughs from the audience.

"Just who does she think she is?" the Fashionista said frowning.

"Yeah! Since we all know that Twilight here is-"

"Spike! Shhh!" the Unicorn growled covering his mouth with an hoof.

"What? What's wrong?" the small dragon asked dumbfounded.

"You see the way they reacted to Trixie? I don't want anyone thinking I'm a show-off!" she hissed.

"Spike it's still standing on my back so I heard you, honey...I don't know what's the problem with you today, but you never showed-off anything you know, so I don't think you'll start anytime soon." Rarity answered.

"I was wondering why you got him on your back..." Twilight muttered looking down.

"He is not exactly a giant, so doing this he will be able to watch the show." the other answered smiling innocently.

"So I am too small for you?" Spike asked hurt.

"Stop thinking that, mongrel." she answered with a low whisper.

"Sorry, Mistress, it won't happen anymore." he said smiling relieved.


"Trixie is still waiting! Who dares put into discussion her immeasurable power?" the show-mare asked smugly.

"Okay, 'Great and Powerful Trixie'! What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?" Dash answered glaring at her.

"Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has Magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!" she answered as this time the whole square trembled from how many fireworks exploded at the same time after her bold answer.

"What?" Snips yelled with wide eyes.

"No Way!" Snails chorused in equal awe.

"When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome Magic, vanquished the Ursa Major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!" Trixie said sailing on the audience's awe with a very pleased expression and shining eyes.

"SAW, SWEEEEET!" Snips and Snails yelled at the same time.

"That's settles it!"

"Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome Unicorn in Ponyville!"

"No, in all Equestria!"

"Oh, Celestia! Any more and I fear they will sneak inside her caravan to steal her clothes for a shrine." Dash said horrified.

"Ah would be more surprised if they don' try tha'..." AJ added shivering.

"Hahahaha! It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly best in Ponyville!"


"..." pure silence ruled at that as even the crickets were looking around uneasy.

"No, really...I am...TCH! Very well! You don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie? Hahaha! Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians! Anything you can do, I can do better! Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived!?" she asked to the audience (Fireworks, fanfare and all that soon following, as usual).

"Please?...Please, Twi! She's unbearable! Ya gotta show her! Ya just gotta!" Spike asked in despair while clinging to Twilight's face.

"There's no way I'm going to use my Magic now, Spike. Especially since..."

"We are not asking you to show-off, just to answer in tone!" Dash asked equally begging.

"Hmm, how about...YOU!" Trixie said pointing at Twilight with a vindictive smile.

"Eeep!" said Unicorn yelped shocked as a cone of light shined above her.

"Well, how about it? Hm? Is there anything you can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can't?" the show-mare asked with a teasing smile.

"I...I don't..." Twilight stammered.

"Well, little hayseed?"


"So that's a no? What a pity, Trixie heard everypony praise Ponyville for their magical knowledge and all during her trips...but in the end the only saving grace of this place are the guards making the rounds around here." Trixie answered pleased.

"The guards?" Dash asked aloud with narrowed eyes.

"Trixie had the pleasure to meet a few, and she knows some girls here would be more than happy to have them trot to their rescue...especially if the stories about a Prince himself helping them too are indeed true." the show-mare said making various mares nod eagerly.

"Gck!" the rainbow-maned Pegasus gasped, choking on her own spit at that.

"Oooh! Did Trixie touch a sore spot? Maybe somepony here has laid her eyes on said mysterious soldier?" Trixie answered with a predatory gleam in her eyes as the light this time shined on Dash and the violent eye-tick she was sporting.

"Who knows..." she then said casually while walking away.

"Maybe once the show is over...The Great and Powerful Trixie will be able to give him a private performance...a night can be 'Magical' in more ways than one, don't you think?" she said showing her smirk from above her shoulder and making whistles and cat-calls resound from the audience.

"WHAT!?" the Element Bearers yelled as one.

"THAT'S IT! I CAN'T STAND FOR NO MORE OF THIS!" AJ roared as she jumped on the stage with a smouldering glare aimed at Trixie.

"You show her, AJ!" Spike yelled cheering wildly for the farm-mare.

"Watch this!" the girl said tying the end of a rope to her tail and creating a lasso she then started spinning at blinding speed around herself before snapping it forward to grab an apple from a tree and pull it towards her open mouth.

"MUNCH! Sho? Can ya match dhis?" the girl asked with a smug smile while still munching.

"WHOOOOO!" the audience cheered wildly while calling AJ's name.

"Oh ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the Magic of Trixie!" the mare answered as her horn flared-up making the same rope move on its own and before the other could react tying AJ's hooves together before shoving an apple in her mouth.

"WHOA!" the poor farm-mare had the time to scream before jumping her way down from the stage after a last glare to Trixie.

"Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails!" she said bowing at the audience's cheers.

"There's no need to go struttin' around and showin' off like that!" Dash said moving at an inch of Trixie's face.


"That's my job!...And you'll have to step over my unconscious body before touching my man." the Pegasus said with a snarl before whispering the last part so that only Trixie would hear her.

"Then keep your eyes open, little feather! Heaven's forbid the Great and Powerful Trixie shows herself being better in that too." she answered smirking.

"ENOUGH! Beat this!" Dash said as she gave a single flap of her wings that launched her high in the sky.

Giving a challenging smirk the mare launched herself on a nosedive towards the audience making them part in a chorus of shrieks before zooming back up in the sky where she moved the clouds to spell her name and dive in one of them; as soon as she had the cloud disperse she landed on the stage to shake-off the small particles of water gathered on her fur forming a small rainbow above her.

"Eh! They don't call me 'Rainbow' and 'Dash' for nothin'!" Dash said smugly while basking in the cheering of the ones watching.

"Umpf! When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is loser." Trixie answered as with a flare of her horn that very same small rainbow moved on its own to circle Dash' legs tightly before snapping away making her spin like a top and fall from the stage.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa-a-a-a!...Gurgle! I-I think I'm gonna be sick..." the mare groaned while stumbling back to her friends.

"Huhuhu! Seems like anypony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the Great Trixie." the show-mare said summoning a small thundercloud that launched a tiny lightning bolt to Dash' flank zapping her.


"That's it! What we need is another Unicorn to challenge her. Someone with some Magic of her own!" Spike said with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah! A Unicorn to show this Unicorn who's boss!" Dash added.

"A real Unicorn to Unicorn tussle!" AJ said nodding.

"Uh..." Twilight just inched away slowly while trying to look inconspicuous.

"FINE! I'll take the hint miss Sparkle here is evidently willing to ignore, even if Rarity is normally above such nonsense. Applejack and Dash may like to act as ruffians, but this Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace and...ZAAAAAP!" Rarity started saying before a purple zap of Magic went shot-out of Trixie's horn nailing her on the forehead.

"Ooo, what's the matter? You got a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane!" Trixie said smirking.

" mane?" the Fashionista asked with a dead voice as she summoned a small mirror to look at her mane now turned into a shapeless blob of green tussled hair.

"Rare...Rare take a deep breath..." Dash said with a scared expression.

"Ya can fix it! I'm sure ya can fix it!" AJ added with nervous smile.

"MY HAIR! IT'S GREEEEEEEEN!" Rarity bellowed in both horror and disgust.

"What's wrong with having a green mane!?" the near mare named Golden Harvest asked sneering.

"Trixie believes that this style suits you better, dear." the Show-mare said mockingly.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAAR!" in answer to that and with a roar worthy of an Ursa Rarity simply pounced on Trixie trying to literally bite her head off making the Unicorn shriek in fear.

"KYYYYYAAAAAAH! POSTPONED! THE SHOW IS POSTPONED! HEEEEEEEELP!" Trixie yelled with wide eyes as the other Elements managed to grab the furious Rarity to drag her away screaming and kicking.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GOOOO! I JUST WANT TO USE HER FLANK TO MAKE A CARPET FOR MY BATHROOM! NOPONY RUINS MY MANE AND LIVES TO TELL THE TALE!" the mare bellowed while still dragged all the way back to her boutique.

"The...Gulp! T-T-The show will continue tomorrow...T-t-thank you for coming..." the very scared Trixie stuttered before closing the stage's curtains rapidly.

As the audience dispersed only Snip and Snails remained behind still watching the caravan rapidly transform from its stage-form back into its travelling version.

"You know, Snips? I really loved that Ursa story!" Snails said sighing longingly.

"Me too, Snails...Hey! I have an idea! Guess what we are going to do now?" Snips said developing an huge smile.

"We are going to steal the Great Trixie's hat and cloak so to bask in her magnificent scent?" Snails said with an eager expression.

"No!, yeah, maybe later...I mean we need to find an Ursa! So we'll see the Great T defeat it in person! How cool that would be!?"

"Yeah! That would be soooo awesome! Come on, let's go!" Snails answered as both rapidly ran towards the Everfree Forest.

Later that night – Carousel Boutique -

"Sorry if I called you at this hour of night, Ino. But I am not good at girly talk and problems of hair..." Maelstrom said sighing, winching when Fluttershy's disinfectant-drenched cloth passed over one of his bruises while she tended to his already half-healed light wounds.

"It's okay, I actually needed some distraction for my Writer's Block. And I know how it feels to have a bastard ruin your hair, Magic solution or not it brings a very deep trauma to a girl." the Yamanaka girl answered while sitting on the floor and passing a brush through Rarity's mane with the utmost care.

"Sniff! Sniff! Thank you, dear." the distraught Fashionista answered grateful while looking relieved at her reflection showing her mane back into its former glory.

"So soft!" the kunoichi gushed smiling wide.

"She is surrounded by cute horses...of course she would have accepted your invitation." Kurama added smirking.

"We have another problem though," Dash said sighing while pointing at Twilight stubbornly looking at a book while pretending to be reading it.

"Twi? Would you put down that book and just listen to us?" Spike asked annoyed.

"Didn't you see how they hated Trixie's bragging, Spike? If I go out there and show off my Magic, I run the risk of losing them as friends." she answered shaking her head.

"It depends on what you do, sugarcube. Just acceptin' the challenge and win won't automatically mean ya're braggin'" AJ answered huffing.

"Yeah! You'll just use your Magic to stand up for your friends!" Pinkie added with a nod.

"We all know that you are good at it, we saw what you did against our copies Nightmare Moon created; the only reason the others don't is all just because Discord stopped them from coming out of their houses...Just keep your Ego under check while facing that mean mare and nopony will comment on your abilities." Rarity said sighing.

"No, it's exactly the same...They would still think I am showing-off." Twilight said sighing.

"If you ask me...I think you people are overreacting, are you sure that the whole thing was not just part of her show?" Maelstrom asked while opening and closing his bandaged wings to check them and nodding in satisfaction.

"You didn't see her, she was doing it on purpose!" Rarity answered huffing.

"Exactly, she is a show-mare, she has to get a raise out of you as a part of the whole's part of the show, a way to call people on the stage as assistants in the numbers." the Prince answered.

"No, she was being a bragger instead and I don't want to be seen acting like that!" Twilight answered.

"Yeah! She is a mean mare!" Dash added.

"What she did was not nice at all..." Fluttershy said shaking her head.

"Sigh! I'll remain of the idea that it was simply part of the show instead if you don't mind." the Alicorn answered defeated.

"You are too nice sometimes, Mael." Spike said shaking his head.

"In my humble opinion, the truth is in the middle," Ino said switching off the charmed pendant she was wearing to talk in Konoha's Language.

"Gee! Thank you Ino-chan! Stay in the middle so you don't have to say which side is wrong, very nice of you!" Maelstrom answered rolling his eyes.

"Bleeeh!" the girl answered sticking out her tongue and returning to happily pet Rarity.

"It's not nice to talk in a Language we can't understand." Rarity answered huffing.

"I better go, the pause is over. I'll tell the guys you managed to get into a fight that destroyed half a city even here between ponies." the smirking Ino said getting up and entering the portal the Alicorn opened for her.

"HEY! He had an amulet that gave him Alicorn-like levels of power! I HAD TO kick his as in a major way to tear that thing off his neck! Now Mother Luna and Aunt Celestia have the thing hidden somewhere safe only the three of us know about...found in a pawn shop...Bleah!" Maelstrom answered indignant.

"How's your cousin now?" Dash asked.

"Pretty okay, I had to get rude, but he'll survive."

Meanwhile – Neigh York Central Hospital -

"Oh, Celestia...please somepony just kill me...put an end to this agony, I beg you..." the mangled Blueblood moaned from his bed.

"Gurgle! What happened to him?" the Doctor asked biting down his puking fit by sheer force of Will.

"He got into a fight..." the nurse answered with a green face before looking away from the scarring spectacle.

"With an horde of dragons?"

"We don't know, he is rambling too much."

"Oh, Harmony! He looks like an half-eaten pretzel!" a near janitor yelled in horror before running away.

"Call the surgeon, we'll start by removing his head from his own sphincter and straight his spine back to normal...and call an expert in knots for his hooves..." the Doctor said steeling himself by taking a deep breath.

"I'll call an expert in Modern Art too, to understand where is the front and where the back." the nurse added hurrying out.

Back to Ponyville – Library -

"So it's final? You are not going to challenge that mare?" Dash asked huffing.

"I don't want to be seen as a bragger like Trixie!" Twilight answered almost petulantly.

"But you are the best!" Spike said shocked.

"Uh. Please, guys, I said-ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" what the Unicorn was about to say went eclipsed by a long, loud and deep roar that seemingly shocked the entirety of Ponyville.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" soon followed by three voices screaming at the same time.

"...Okay, those were: something big and angry, Snips, Snails and...and I don't know who's the third voice owner." Maelstrom muttered with wide eyes.

"The third one was Trixie! What was that?!" Rarity asked.

"I'll go check! Uh-ho..." Spike answered looking outside before slamming the door closed with a pale face.

"Uh, is that what I think it is?" Twilight asked with a nervous tone.

"...Majorly?" the small dragon answered with a forced smile as roars kept echoing outside.

"What is that?" Fluttershy asked curious.

"An Ursa Major, probably." the purple Unicorn answered.

"YES, IT IS!" Trixie screamed as she, Snips and Snails bolted inside and started amassing everything they could find against the door while screams of fear filled the streets outside alongside the noises of things getting destroyed by the dozen.

"I expected a little bit more calm from a small, country-side town like Ponyville, even Konoha had not so many attacks when I was a kid there." Maelstrom said sighing.

"What have you two Idi...foals done?!" Spike asked, correcting himself at Twilight's nagging.

"We brought an ursa in town." Snips answered looking down.

"YOU WHAT?!" Twilight bellowed in disbelief.

"Don't worry, the Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish it."

"I can't." said mare muttered.

"WHAT?!" both Snips and Snails yelled as one.

"I can't, I never have. No one can vanquish an ursa major. I just made the whole story up to make me look better." Trixie added.

"MADE IT UP?!" the two idiots chorused.

"Hello? She is a show-mare! Being overly-theatrical it's her gig! Smoke, Pyrotechnics and awe-inspiring are NOT supposed to believe her...just to feel the 'Wow' of her show and enjoy her tricks." the Alicorn Prince said slowly.

"Yep! What he says! You challenged me, I HAD TO win and appear to be the best or I wouldn't have been paid!...Who are you, exactly?" Trixie answered.

"Maelstrom Knight, nice to meet ya!"

"A Show!?" Dash growled.

"Yes?" the mare answered with a nervous smile.


"YA TIED ME UP!" AJ bellowed.

"YOU RUINED MY MANE!" Rarity added.

"...Sometimes the Great and Powerful Trixie gets carried away in her acting, okay?" Trixie answered blushing.

"Can we focus on the giant beast that is demolishing the town, please?" Maelstrom asked while taking away his bandages to open his wings fully.

"You are an Alicorn!?"

"I though it was clear. How do we stop that thing?" he answered.

"You won't take part, you are still wounded. We others instead...I'll try to come up with something." Twilight answered.

"B-B-But I am fine!" the Prince said whining.

"You will stay here and rest instead!" AJ answered with narrowed eyes.

"Have faith, Maelly! We will be okay!" Pinkie added smiling.

"FINE! I promise I won't fight that thing..." Maelstrom said huffing.

"Good, you ready, girls?" Dash asked.

"YES!" the other Element Bearers answered as they ran out together.

"...Gone?" the Alicorn asked after a short pause.

"Yes, why?" Trixie answered uncertain.

"I promised that I would have not fought that ursa personally...but Kurama is an entity on his own." he answered smirking.

"YAY! Finally some work-out! I was getting cranky in here!" the Biju said from the Seal.

"Who's Kurama?" the show-mare asked.

"A friend, wanna come?"

"You want Trixie to join you?" she asked in surprise.

"Contrary to the girls, I am more open to give ponies the benefit of the doubt. I know you are not a bad girl, even if from what I got you tend to brag a little too much." he answered snorting.

"Why you keep saying Girl?"

"Mare! I meant Mare!"

"Sigh! Maybe Trixie really gets carried away a little when she is in the mood of the show." the mare muttered looking at her hooves.

"Me too, I still like to boast about my being awesome so we are not different, I know it feels good. So? You coming?" the Prince asked with a gentle smile.

"Trixie will be honoured!" she answered.

With Twilight and the others -

"So? Any Idea, Sugarcube?" AJ asked.

"WAIT! That's an ursa minor! It's a baby!" Twilight gasped-out as soon as she saw the giant bear-like creature.

"A BABY!? That thing is a kid!?" Rarity said in shock as they jumped aside to dodge a flying cart and its owner the ursa threw at them.

"If that's an ursa minor, then what's an ursa Major like?" Spike asked shocked.

"You don't wanna to know." Twilight answered.

"Bigger?" Dash asked.

"Much more."

"Let me guess, a Major one is as big as me?" a deep voice asked jokingly.

"...Yeah!" the purple Unicorn squeaked-out as soon as she and the others saw the giant body of Kurama.

"Summoned him out of the Seal! I never said He would not have fought that thing!" Maelstrom said smirking from the Fox' head.

"How did you sneak on us!?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"Grew-up in a Ninja world, missy. Got some tricks myself." Kurama answered with a fanged smile that had even the ursa whimper.

"There is no need to fight it, it's not rampaging; It is just cranky because someone woke it up." Twilight said at watching the translucent ursa keeping distance from Kurama.

"Snips and Snails!" the other girls plus Prince said as one groaning.

"Gotta kick their ass later,"

"Trixie will gladly help you in doing that."

"Don't stand too close to her!" Dash yelled with narrowed eyes.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will stand wherever the Great and Powerful Trixie wants to." the other answered huffing and actually scooping closer to the Alicorn.

"Talk like that and then don't be surprised if others are annoyed." he said bumping her shoulder.

"Trixie apologies..."

"Let's just deal with the ursa, this day has been even too much taxing." Rarity pleaded sighing.

"Okay! Mael! You and Kurama just make sure the ursa won't run away!"

"Okay!/Okay!" both answered annoyed.

"Can you do that rope trick again, AJ?" she then asked.

"That's a little big thing that tie up! But I can try." she answered uncertain.

"Tr...I-I-I can help!" Trixie squeaked out once pushed forward by Maelstrom.

"I don't trust ya, but we need to stop that thing so okay. But I will keep ma eyes on ya the whole time!" AJ answered grumbling.

"I guess you can't talk it into calming down?" Twilight asked.

"The poor dear is kind of too angry for that, Twilight..." Fluttershy admitted.

"Then you and Pinkie help me, I'll copy AJ and use some rope myself." Rarity answered.

"I'll help AJ then," Dash said nodding.

"Good...let's see...a lullaby maybe?" Twilight said.

"With something that big?" Spike asked worried.

"It's still a baby, it should work hopefully." she answered as she focused hard making a little tune drift around them carried by the wind.

"Aah, no! You'll stay there and listen to the pretty music!" Kurama growled going on all four with his nine tails spreading wide open behind him blocking the ursa's retreat.

"Heeey-AH!" AJ yelled as her lasso and Rarity's circled the ursa's feet.

"PULL!" Dash yelled as she and the others forced the ursa to fall down by pulling its hind legs back enough for it to slip and fall.

"What's she doin'?" AJ asked at seeing Twilight's horn shine in an unhealthy-looking red from the Magical exertion she was putting it through.

"PIN IT DOWN!" Maelstrom said in alarm at seeing the ursa crawl towards the Unicorn to stop her lullaby.

"No-no! Bad Touch!" the Biju growled grabbing both front paws of the bear to pin it down.

"IT'S WORKING! KEEP IT UP!" Rarity yelled at seeing the ursa's eyelids start to flutter closed.

"UUUGH!" Twilight groaned as several gallons of milk floated in front of the beast in a make-shift Baby Bottle.

If that was not enough, once sure the ursa had an iron grip on the bottle, the small Unicorn used her power to lift the bear-like thing to lull it until it went to sleep, snoring quite loudly but with an happy smile on its face.

"Okay, that was impressive." Kurama admitted surprised.

"Ugh..." Twilight whimpered before collapsing.

"TWI!" the Prince answered bolting at her side to catch her.

"Overdone?" she asked weakly.

"Huhuhu! Ten points Miss Sparkle, full marks." he answered with a proud smile while moving her on his back.

"Make a clone, I'll take this thing to its mommy before she too comes her." Kurama said grabbing the sleeping ursa with his tails.

"Be careful." he answered as the Biju slowly walked towards the Everfree Forest.

"Huh. You may have vanquished an ursa minor, but you will never have the amazing, show stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie said huffing.

"Come on..." Maelstrom said nudging her.

"Sigh!...Okay...I am sorry about how I acted...that's better? The Great and Overly-Dramatic Trixie overdid in her show!" she answered annoyed.

"Sorry about your caravan, Big T!" Snips said bowing at her feet.

"We just wanted to see awesome Magic!" Snails added as he too bowed.

"It was my only home." Trixie said looking at the wreckage of her stage with a sad expression, surprised to feel a wing cover her back in a friendly hug.

"Maybe we can salvage something?" Maelstrom asked.

"Trixie hopes so." she answered sighing.

"WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS?!" a new voice roared in fury making everyone jump.

"AN URSA! HERE!" Luna yelled as she appeared above the group.

"Mother, please! Don't make a scene, the girls took care of that!" the Prince answered groaning.

"M-M-Mother?!" Trixie said with wide eyes.

"You are too close to my son, missy. STEP ASIDE!" Luna bellowed.

"EEEEEP!" the other shrieked jumping away from the male Alicorn near her.

"Mom." he muttered sighing in defeat and accepting his mother's hug.

"Are you hurt? Did that thing try to eat you?" the Moon Princess asked in apprehension as she checked on her son's body.

"I can defend myself." Maelstrom tried saying.

"Why an ursa, of ALL THE CREATURES OF THE EVERFREE FOREST, was here? What happened?" Luna demanded furious.

"We thought the Great and Powerful Trixie could defeat one!" Snips said.

"Yeah! We believed her story!" Snails added.

"H-H-Hey!" Trixie said gasping in shock.

"So it's her fault?" Luna asked with narrowed eyes.

"Ehm...YES!" both said before running away as fast as they could.

"T-TRAITORS!" Trixie screamed with wide scared eyes.

"Now you'll tell me the whole story...and I hope for you that it will be a good story." Luna said stalking closer to Trixie making her grow pale.

"Mom, come on! It's not her fault if two idiots could get the...and she is gone." Maelstrom tried saying before both Princess and Show-mare disappeared in a burst of light from the Moon Alicorn's teleportation.

"Trixie will be fine, Princess Celestia won't let her sister overdo in her punishment." Fluttershy answered.

"I'll take Twilight home and then I'll help you others rebuild with some clones of mine," the Alicorn Prince said sighing.

"And those two Snips an' Snails will help as well, I assure you that!" AJ added.

The next day -

Twilight groaned as she finally awoke to find herself in her bed back at her place, a sleeping Spike curled near her jerking awake as soon as she awoke.

"You were so worried about showing your Magic this morning, and last night you literally shocked everyone to the core." Maelstrom said as he peeked inside the room from the door.

"Oh, Celestia..." the Unicorn moaned burying her face in her hooves.

"Let me tell you this, of the ones that saw you no one things you were bragging, in truth most of them wonder how come your horn did not explode from the quantity of Magic you were throwing around." he answered sitting near her bed.

"They...They don't hate me?" Twilight asked shocked.

"Hate you? Nope! Amazement? Oh, hay yes!" the Prince said smirking.

"Told you...YAAAAAWN! No one is more amazing than ya!" Spike added while yawning and scratching his belly.

"Come was nothing..." She said blushing.

"You were amazing." Maelstrom said burying his face in her neck her making her get even redder.

"C-Come on, stop!"

"Then get up and come get some breakfast, the girls are already waiting for ya!" he answered walking towards the door.

"Let me wash a little before that!" Twilight answered.

"Need some help under the shower?" he asked grinning.

"NO! You are waiting outside with me! Before I can conjure images in my head!" Spike answered pushing him outside.

"Spoilsport." the mare muttered huffing before hurrying towards her bathroom.

Barely few minutes later and the group of girls plus one dragon, one griffin and one Alicorn were happily sitting around a small table in the kitchen of Rarity's place, elected as the only one spacious enough.

"To Twi! Our Awesome Magic User!" Dash said grinning while rising her mug.

"TO TWILIGHT!" the others chorused happily.

"Oh, shush! It's embarrassing!" the girl answered.

"Nope! Ride the success, girl! You earned the right!" Gilda answered shaking her head.

A knocking at the door stopped the small party making Rarity get up to answer, gasping at seeing Princess Luna stand at her doorstep with a pleased smile on her face.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have an announcement to make." the Moon Alicorn said walking inside.

"What is it, your Highness?" Fluttershy asked.

"In lieu of the recent ursa incident I took upon myself to investigate, finding like that an hidden gem I then decided to polish with my own hooves." She answered smugly.

"In simpler terms, mom?" Maelstrom asked confused.

"Once I finished verbally chewing-off the head of Miss Trixie, I came to an important decision." Luna answered nonplussed.

"Which is?" Pinky asked.

"Maelstrom, please treat her well, she is going to study alongside you as my second student so help her revise the previous lessons we had together." Luna answered stepping aside making a grinning Trixie walk through the door.

"Please treat the Great and Ready to Study Trixie well, Meally!" the mare said standing near the Princess.

"WHAT?!" Twilight, Fluttershy, AJ, Dash and Pinky yelled as one.

"She has a great talent for somepony that had to teach herself how to use her own Magic, and even if more show-oriented, I could not in good conscience let her talent go to waste." the Moon Alicorn answered.

"And where will she live?" Dash asked with narrowed eyes.

"In the castle back in Canterlot, we have even too many unused rooms." Luna answered shrugging.

"I hope you don't mind." Trixie said moving closer to the Prince.

"It won't be me the one you'll have to worry about, I fear..." Maelstrom answered worried as he himself could feel the group glare the Element Bearers were shooting to the show-mare.

"Their problem, not ours!" Trixie answered, flashing a challenging smile to the girls before kissing his cheek making them gasp.

"Don't poke the dragon..." he muttered.

"Sorry, Trixie just loves to get a reaction like that from them." she answered chuckling.

"THAT'S IT! YOU DIE!" Dash screamed as she pounced on the mare making utter bedlam erupt in the room.

"Sigh! I wonder how it is living on the Moon, I bet in this time of year up there is wonderful. Peace and Quiet all-year-long to a stallion's heart content." Maelstrom muttered sighing before joining Luna, Gilda and Rarity in stopping the violent fight between Trixie and Dash.

Omake – What happened when Twilight discovered Rarity and Spike's relationship -

A distraught Maelstrom and Element Bearers were calmly helping the shocked Twilight to sit on a near puff, the Unicorn's eyes never stopping following Rarity's every move.

"Now Twi...take a deep breath..." the Prince said encouragingly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the mare answered with a blood-curling scream of horror.

"...That's not exactly what I meant...but is a good start all the same. now try again." he said with a gentle smile.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the same scream came out, only a tiny bit lower in volume.

"A little bit better. now try to low the volume a little bit more."


"Do you want some water, Twi? your voice is getting hoarse." Pinkie offered.

"AAAAAAAH! Thank you! Slurp! Aha! Just what I needed...AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Twilight said nodding before screaming once again.

"This may take a while, go change yourself and untie Spike while we do this." the Dash said sighing.

"Okay..." a very ashamed Rarity answered while taking away the leather mask and hiding the paddle she was using.

Later that day – Konoha – Pub -

"So she walked on them and discovered the truth about their relationship?" Sasuke asked amused.

"Yep! Full dominatrix attire and all the toys of the case." Maelstrom answered downing the new dish of sake.

"And she got mad? Enough to pounce on her?" Sakura asked surprised.

"Pretty much. Took three Alicorns to disengage her from Rarity before she could commit the first ponycide in our last thousand years of history. And she bites when angry." Dash answered nursing the biting marks on her wings.

"And she gave you a black eye?" Sasuke said snorting while pointing at Maelstrom's face.

"Eh? Nonono! This comes from the angry make-up sex marathon we had after that because she was pissed about me not telling her...It took me nine hours to calm Twilight down enough for her to FINALLY talk with Rarity in a peaceful manner without trying to punch her." he answered emptying the small bottle in front of him in one go.

"You were so vigorous! The best orgy ever! Fluttershy still can't walk straight and Pinkie has yet to wake-up!" Dash added sighing longingly.

"And the black eye then?" a green-faced Sakura asked while ignoring Sasuke's choking spit-take.

"She tends to kick during her orgasms and I forgot to dodge." Maelstrom admitted ashamed.

Back in Ponyville - The next day -

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"Ehm...outside?" Spike answered uncertain.

"Your are not going to Rarity's place! SHE SEDUCED YOU!" the mare answered indignant.

"It was consensual..." he answered.

"No! I don't wanna hear!"

"But, But I can tell you everything if you want!" Spike said smirking.

"NO! I don't wanna!" Twilight gasped in horror.

"But I want to! For example there is this thing she does with the riding crop where-"

"LALALALALA! I AM NOT LISTENING!" Twilight yelled covering her ears.

"And then she takes-out the cuffs and-"

"LALALALA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LALALALA!" The mare shrieked as she ran away in her room slamming the door closed.

"I'LL BE GOING THEN! MISTRESS SAID SHE WANTED TO TRY SOMETHING NEW AND-" Spike yelled from outside making Twilight go blue-faced in disgust.

"I DON'T CARE! JUST DON'T TELL ME THE DETAILS!" she shrieked in answer.

"So I can go?"

"...Just get out, you sick depraved dragon."

"Talks the one that dreams about doing it with two male clones of Mael AND a Female Clone of him at the same time."


"You forgot to close your diary with your usual spell, Twi! I got copies of some 'interesting theories' you have wrote in there and wish to try with the Prince." Spike said smugly.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" the scream of horror coming from inside the bedroom had the dragon chuckle in revenge.

"I'll be going then, BYEEE!" Spike said walking away whistling.

"YOU MONSTER!" Twilight yelled ashamed.

"Actually...I like these ideas." the Alicorn Prince said from the celing while reading from said diary.

"Oh!?" Twilight said shocked at both his presence there and his admission.

"Wanna try them? We can send picture to Spike as a revenge, turn-about is fair game if the little hypocrite doesn't want to know about us!" Maelstrom said smirking.

"O-O-Only if you want..." the mare muttered.

The next day -

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" two screams of horror could be heard in all Equestria and even all the way to Konoha and the Elemental Countries as Spike and Rarity screamed to the whole Universe their answer at the detailed pictures Twilight and Maelstrom sent them.

"Avenged." the Alicorn said smirking as he watched outside the window.

"Less talking and more bucking..." Twilight muttered in answer from the bed while winking at him.

"Yes, dear." the Prince said eagerly.

Another Chapter is finally over, now the story will enter in its more "Slice of Life" part so there will be some calm before I have Chrysalis and her army of changelings try and sneak in for Cadence and Shining's wedding, but we'll talk about that LATER, a couple of chapters at least before that happens.