The Stories from Ponyville

by Dragonfire2lm

The neverending story-?

As the ocarina incident was resolved Sunset decided to just head for the park, she like spending her days just sitting under a tree and wait as ponies knew who she was and what she could do, and simply ask for help.

She liked helping ponies.

She took a seat under her usual tree, a tall plant with ghostly white smooth bark and strange dark green leaves that tasted awful when a pony tried to eat, the oil the leaves produced had a very strong and recognisable odur.

it was what was commonly refferred to as a 'Ghost Gum', a rare type of tree in Equestria, but from a species of plant that ws Native to Sunset's home country. Since she was from Earth, she could see similarities between vegetation (though she suspected a proffesional botanist would be more fascinated), Add to the fact she was from Australia, and she recognised the Eucalyptus tree immediately.

She liked Ghost Gums.

As she pondered whether to have Derpy set up a muffn stand the next time she came here (the pony was the best Mailmare and secretly the bestmuffin maker in all of ponyville, having to deliver her own baked goods to the princesses on one occasion), a pony approached her.

It was a male Earth pony with a white coat and a very shade of grey for his mane and tail. he had black eyes..and it was then she noticed the stallion's cutioe mark...

it was two brown snakes tangled and intertwined together in some sort of medalion, the head of one biting the tail of the other and vicesa-versa.

Holy....The Oren! But the only known equine in that universe way.

"Artax?" she asked the white pony before her, who smiled and nodded in response.

"I see that your knowledge of the other worlds are commendable" he replied.

She gaped at him.

He chuckled.

"Your link to your own world has a connection to all that ever inspired you, and all that ever will. sSnce my universe, and my fate in that universe resonates strongly to you, Atreyu Asked me to come in his steed.not every day I find a world filed with other creatures not unlike myself" Artax explained.

She blinked and then gently poked him, a habit she started doing wen she didn't trust what she saw was real, finding her hoof meeting his soft fur, her eyes went wide and resisted the urge to let her jaw drop in her shock.

"Woah....Just woah" Sunset stated.

Artax, from the Never Ending Story, the Never Ending Story with dragons and creatures not even Pinkie could many laws of reality does this break?

It wasn't long when other pnoies walked past seeing the two chatting away like the best of friends.