//------------------------------// // Chapter Seven: Determination // Story: Love Degree // by AngelDCS //------------------------------// I never had walked through the school halls with so much confidence. It's true what Rarity said in Art Class a few months ago... "Wearing the perfect clothes is like wearing armor. When you are using a normal, boring armor, you feel protected but still know you're vulnerable." She then stands up from her chair to make a dramatic pose, looking like a warrior. "But when you are wearing a perfect, majestic, glamorous, and sexy outfit, you feel invisible. The swords woman inside of you comes out, and walk every step with pride and confidence! That's the power of the prefect dress!!! NEVER. UNDERESTIMATE. THE. POWER. OF. FASHION!!!" and hit the table with a dress she pulled of from somewhere. My grin widens. Everyone was looking at me strangely, but I didn't mind. In my mind there was only one thing... To show Doc how much he means to me... I see Roseluck and Doctor walking in the hallway. Rose is wearing a floral, casual dress with a white necklace, bracelets, and matching earrings. She occasionally puts a strand of her hair behind her ear. Oh sure... Dress up all nice and innocent to make Doc think you're adorable. You'll see.. I'll show you not to mess with me! I walk off to the bathroom. The bells sounds and everyone runs toward their classrooms like an stampede, making me fall and hit my head against an open locker. "Hehehe." I was seeing stars in my eyes, my brain being dazed. I shake my head. You don't have time for this! Go to the bathroom to make sure your makeup didn't get messed up, then get your bubble butt into Doc's office! I run to the restrooms and look at a mirror. I was perfect. As I saw my reflection in the mirror, I started to feel scared. "Maybe I shouldn't.." Backing out is not an option! "But... " You don't have a choice. You have to make him realize "How can I beat someone as pretty as Rose?" I felt my eyes water along with the small portion of confidence I had. You might not be as pretty as her but... You have something she doesn't have... "What could that be?" Desperation.. Remember that dream you had...? "Y-Yes.." Do it. "Y-You can't be serious.." I stutter on my words. You have any better ideas Blondie? "N-No.." I look down. Don't look so sad.. Remember, only the strong survive.. After all.. "I have determination in my favor." I look at my reflection feeling my confidence come back to me. I fix my makeup again and leave the bathroom when I'm completely satisfied. "Let's do this!" I leave the bathroom, discussing the plan in my head. It's now or never... I was standing outside of Doc's office. His secretary said that an emergency with her son just came up and she had to leave so she told me to notify him and rushed toward the door. I couldn't help but feel glad she was going to leave me alone with him and that his office was far away from the principal's office. No! she had an emergency.. You shouldn't feel good about it! Too late... I'm glad. I open the door and see Doc acting like usual; Signing some papers with a scorn on his face. "Cady, I need the files from February in order to know what the bloody hell this is abou-" "Wow, Doc! I didn't know you had such a vocabulary!." I interrupted, smirking. His eyes widen at the sight of me. "D-Derpy!" I could see his cheeks turn as red as apples. "W-Why are you here? Also.." He was trying to not look down. "I-I see you changed your outfit." I smile. "Yeah." Then I spin trying to make him see all my clothes. "I though that a makeover would do me good. Do you like it?" I rest both of my elbows on his desk, resting my head on my hands. "U-Um.. " He steps back. "I-Is nice, a bit too bold for my own sake that is." "Pardon? Did you said something?" I lean even closer. " I couldn't hear you." "N-Nothing.. Either way.." He breaths deeply and smiles. "W-What brings you here? Shouldn't you be in Rose's Class?" I laugh nervously. "Y-Yeah but.. ah! ... Cady told me that she has to go early because her son had an accident at his school and she has to be there, yeah that." "Oh.." He looks back to his paper work. "Alright then." I sigh. I didn't want to do this but.. I have no other choice. "I-I heard.." He looks up to me, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?" "That you and Rose are... a thing.. I-Is that.. " I pull a chair and sit next to him. "True?" I felt my anger rise again. "Well.. Not exactly." He took of his glasses of. "She confessed to me. I told her I don't know what I feel about her." Then he sighs. "She then kissed me and well.. It was awful what happened after that." I felt myself snap. "Did you and her..." I was in the verge of tears but I swallowed them. He blushes madly. "N-No! Of course not! She is a dear friend of mine and I would never take advantage of her!" I look down. "What if another girl said she loves you? A girl that has loved you for a long time.. A girl who gets sad every time she has to go home because she won't be able to see you until the next day? A girl.." I lean closer to him until our faces were just inches away from each other. "Like me?" He looks at me concerned. "D-Ditzy?" I kiss him. I didn't cared if someone walked on us. I want to show him how much he means to me. I know i'm not good with words so i'll show him with my actions. I don't know if he kissed me back. Doing this... Felt so right. I kept kissing him and sat on his lap to close the gap between us. I want to stay like this forever.. I pull of from the kiss. "Like me." I said between breaths. My cheeks were red. "I... lo.." "NO!" He shouts interrupting me. My eyes widen. "This isn't right! You are confusing your feelings for me because i'm showing kindness toward you thinking that is romantic love!" He looked angry. "N-No! I do love you! My parents don't have anything to do with this! I really love you. I.." I feel like I was going to drown. "Even so... Your a student and i'm a employee on the school, is against school rules to be with students." He then looks at me. "This forbidden love could be the end of the both of us!" "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!! I don't care what everyone or society thinks. I just want to be with yo-" I felt tears fall from my eyes. The tears felt like they were burning my skin. I was about to hug him but he grabbed both of my wrists. "WHAT ABOUT YOUR CAREER? YOU WANT TO BE A CHEF! NO UNIVERSITY WANTS A STUDENT WHO WAS KICKED OUT BECAUSE THEY WERE WITH THEIR PSYCHOLOGIST! THEY WILL NEVER ACCEPT A GIRL LIKE THAT!" He was holding my wrists strongly. It hurts I look down. "Doc.. I-It hurts." The tears were falling like a waterfall. He looks down and lets me go. "Go.." "D-Doc?" I look at him. Concerned? Scared? Who knows. "I SAID.. GET OUT!" He said looking at me with pure anger. I get up full of fright.. Then I snapped. "I HATE YOU!!! I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT FUCKING DAY WITH ROSE! I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!" I open the door and stormed off. I ran and ran through the halls and accidentally tripped. "Watch where you are going, Derpy!" The rainbow-haired girl said pushing me off of her. "Damn.. first you make me fall to the ground in gym class and broke my leg, and now this!" I clenched my fist. The anger on me was bursting like a volcano. "Can you at least watch were your going.." I punched her right in the face before she could finish her sentence. "Oh sorry! My hand slipped." I laugh. "Also.." I grab her t-shirt and pull her up. "Don't dare to ever.." My grip tightens. "Call me Derpy you threw up Rainbow kid." I let her go. She ran toward me and tried to kick me but I grabbed her leg and threw her against the floor. She couldn't get up. I could see a bruise on her cheek from my punch. "I told you so.." I was smirking. I didn't know what was going on. The anger, sadness, regret were too high. The noises too loud. "What ya think ya'll did?" Applejack was next to Rainbow. Her eyes filled with anger. I blink, opening my eyes. Rarity, Fluttershy, Sunset and Twilight were looking at me. A mixture of confusion, anger, rage and.. Fright. I stumble back. "I-I'm... " I was terrified. "Darling are you..?" Rarity walked toward me. I ran away mumbling ' I'm sorry' and got out of the school. I had to get away from them, I never wanted to hurt anyone. I have to go... To him I don't know how many streets or houses I have passed. I have to get there. He is the only one who can help me. I arrive at a rustic, three floor house that was desolated from the other houses. I throw a potted plant against the ground and reveal a silver key from it. I open the door and ran toward the kitchen were a light tanned guy with cyan blue hair adorned with lighter blue streaks. I open my arms and jump to hug him. He realizes it was me and put his arms up. I hugged him, but he stayed balanced.He caressed my golden hair with his right arm and hold me closer with the other. He sighs. " D..." He then cup my face with his hands. "Did you fight?" I nod and he hugs me. "There, there.." I cry and sob on his plain white shirt. " Big Brother is here.."