Butterflies And Strings

by ForgottenDreams

Lucy The Cat

Fluttershy wakes up and quickly sets off to the path see was shown several days ago she had too busy to go to Golden Oak Grove any sooner but not today. Today she was free and her friends were too busy to bother her about the mysterious musician. As she gets to the lake she finds that there are many ponies there playing. She has to go around after all if she just disappears when a pony sees her they might want to follow her and Melodious Melody was adamant that he stays hidden. The overgrown path was easier then she remembered once she got about a half mile from the lake the trees changed they were all now large oak trees whose foliage seemed to glow with brilliance as if they were made from a permanently setting sun. The closer she got to the mansion she was greeted by yellow butterflies which brought a wide smile to her face. The entire grove was amazing it was like a paradise for animals from wild bunnies to humming birds even a few docile timberwolves and of course the many species of butterflies all lived in perfect harmony. As she got to the front of the mansion a black cat was sitting there licking it's paws.

"Oh hello what is your name?"

The cat glares at her gives a deep yawn gets up and struts inside Fluttershy following suit. The cat seemed to be leading her through a hall adorned with portraits of different ponies and their instruments to a different part of the manor than when she was here first time. Since she was here during the day time she could see just how magnificent the manor truly was. It was decorated with: busts, and banners, vases, and drapes and all sorts of finery that rivalled the Canterlot palace. It did not take long before Fluttershy could hear it a soft melody filling the air but it was different than before and that is when she saw him. Next to a large statue of an unknown earth pony was Melodious Melody playing a cello with his eyes closed and completely enveloped in his song. The cat simply walks up to him and rubs itself against him purring he stops puts down the cello and pets the cat.

"I see you've met my pet cat her name is Lucy. Would you like to pet her?"

Fluttershy approaches and begins to pet Lucy to which the cat purrs loudly. "She sure is a pretty." Lucy smiles at that moment as she scratches her chin.

"Yeah I've had her since she was a mewling her mother was my pet prior but she died not much longer after giving birth to her litter.
Lucy was the only one I could save (caugh) the others died of some underlining sickness but she pulled through." a single tear falls from his face.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Lucy jumps out of Flutttershy's grasp and chases a butterfly out of the room eliciting a lough from the two ponies." So just how many instruments do you play anyways? Every time I see you your playing a different instrument."

"Well to answer your question I play all of them it doesn't matter if it is: string, percussion, wind, or brass since I am more of a composer than anything it is my duty to know every musical family. But don't worry what I have in store for you wont be as extensive as my own training."

"In store for me?"

Melodious melody gives a loving smile. " Don't worry you'll like it we're just going to start you with one of my personal favorites." He pulls a stunning guitar out from behind the statue it shone with a black luster as light reflected off of its black body and mahogany neck lined with silver frets it was like it was made out of the night air itself. There was not so much as a scratch on it.

"It's so pretty." Fluttershy says with big eyes.

" Yes it is and it will be your training partner from now on but that can wait. Why don't we go to the dining hall for tea?"

The two ponies go to the dining hall as Fluttershy is given a tour slash history lesson about the manor and Golden Oak grove. It seems that long ago before the Everfree forest was here there was a grand city with the castle of the two sisters at the center and this mansion was the home to a great composer of the time who had a talent similar to Melodious Melody's and after the pony had died the mansion had become an institute for musicians to come and collaborate their music with the best of them getting a stone bust or portrait placed in one of the halls. However soon after the incident with Nightmare moon no pony came to the city and nature retook what once was thus becoming the Everfree forest but princess Celestia did not want to let this piece of history be lost so she cast a spell on the mansion so that time could not take it. Then Melodious Melody's ancestor came here and planted the grove with the mansion at the epicenter where all could come and find rest in a paradise. Though when no pony came it was once again lost until Melodious Melody himself found it when he was a young colt and used it as a private concert house. Soon after that animals and insects alike flocked to the grove to listen to his music in peace.

Melodious Melody quietly drinks his hot tea as he listens intently to Fluttershy telling him of her adventures with her friends right up to the point of listening his music for the first time.

"It sounds like you have had an interseting life so far Fluttershy (caugh caugh) I can't wait to hear you put it into music"

"Huh!? but I can't write music! I thought you were just going to show me how you play not teach me!"

"Well on this one you are wrong. (caugh) I said it is difficult to explain so I am going to show you how to do it yourself so you can
understand what I mean. It will take some time but with me at the helm you will learn faster than what it normally takes. If you come here regularly it should take about a year for you to get the basics."

"A year? What about Octavia isn't she your sister? She has been doing this for her entire life and she can't play like you! How am I supposed to within a year?"

"Because (caugh caugh) even though she is my sister she never liked me teaching her. She always resented being compared to me so (caugh) she wanted to surpass me own her own hooves. And I wanted her to find her own way so I let her."

"Is that why she is so mean towards other ponies?"

"Mean? no she just takes her music very seriously and doesn't like any distractions. Even though I don't perform any more she still compares herself to me and it upsets her."

"So why don't you talk to her? I'm sure you could help her."

"I can't. You see she thinks I am dead. She failed her first concert because ponies thought they were coming to see me but got her instead. Her music was beautiful in it's own right but other ponies could not see it because of mine so she blamed me. I knew she was right since she wasn't the only pony suffering because of my talent but all musicians were. So I went into the Everfree forest one spring evening and staged my death."

"Is that why she disappears every morning with her cello in the spring and doesn't come back until night?"

"Yeah she goes to my epitaph deep in the forest and plays her newest masterpieces for me all day. Even though she resented me because she was in my shadow she still loves me. I guess it is her way of keeping me alive in her heart."

"But the Everfree is dangerous! Aren't you concerned for her safety?"

"Not really all animals and plants that live there know not to harm her. Because if they do then I stop playing and if I stop playing the insects stop dancing which pollenates the plants and if the plants aren't pollenated then they don't grow as much s they do and the entire forest suffers."

"Have you ever been to one of her concerts though? Most of her original music is so sad. I'm sure if you presented yourself she would be overjoyed."

"I go to all of her concerts in disguise but yes I know what you mean, but you have to understand that sadness is her muse it was there before I disappeared and it will be there regardless. However if I do present myself to her it would only hurt her and I don't want to bring her more heartache."

" Well when you put it like that I think I understand. But then why teach me if you want to stay hidden?"

"Because Im sick (caughing hard) I don't have much in the terms of time and because I see in your eyes that you want to change and be more outgoing. In order to do that you have to express yourself hence bring your suppressed emotions into music. Which I can help you by teaching you my way of music. Speaking of which it is time to start please follow me to the practice hall."

With that they begin Fluttershy's lessons starting with the basics of music. Before long the sun was starting to set and Fluttershy had to return home followed by Melodious Melody guitar strapped to his back. The moment she left him he started to play his guitar with yellow butterflies above him heading towards the Everfree forest and his on waiting audience. She smiles and heads home.