//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Another Dazzlings Redemption story // by writer283 //------------------------------// Sunday 1:47 pm. Adagio looked up at the school that had been the sight of her downfall from magic creature among insects to one of the very insects she despised. She was still a siren by definition. If she ever managed to leave this world, she would most likely come out on the other side with fins and scales rather than a mane or four hooves. But, the feeling of being a siren, the feeling of dominance over ones prey was gone and a massive blow to her ego had been dealt. Her two companions could never understand what it was like to once again have her dream snatched away just when it was coming to fruition. Twice now she had been burned by some magical fools refusal to submit. First that Starswirl the bearded, and more recently those disgustingly perky little brats. A being like her should never have been limited by some pathetic do gooders. But she would endure, just like she always had. With her head held high and a plan festering in her head, Adagio walked to the doors of the oddly horse themed school. She grabbed hold of the door handles and flung them open to make for a dramatic entrance... only to realize a second later that the halls were completely empty. “Oh yeah... weekend” Adagio said to herself as she walked inside. The only sound within earshot was the sound of Adagio's shoes clicking against the floor “This place is kind of creepy when no one's around” she said as she made her way toward the school's gym. The sound of muffled voices became apparent as Adagio stepped up to the gym door. She opened it and peeked inside. “What the heck is this?” she said to herself as she looked out at the few dozen students seated before the stage “Why would they want me to come here?” she thought as stepped out from behind the door; she half expected the group to suddenly turn into an angry mob at the sight of her arrival. A few moments passed by and nothing happened. Everyone seemed too caught up in talking among themselves or setting up for event to notice her. She looked around for either of the two girls she was supposed to meet, but there was no sign of them. She slowly stepped towards the few rows of chairs set up in front of the stage and sat down on the edge of one of the rows, a few seats away from a pair of eccentrically dressed students. “What's this all about?” she asked the pair, interrupting their conversation. The two students looked over to Adagio. They remained silent, unsure of how to respond to someone who had tried to take over the world. After a moment of silence, the two students quickly moved to the opposite end of the row. Adagio still had no idea what was going on and she wasn't about to go up and ask anymore of these students if that was the response she was going to get. After all, it was only a matter of time before the answer would present itself. Just as Adagio finished that thought, a rather frazzled looking Rarity walked on stage with a microphone on her hand. “Welcome” Rarity began “We're just about ready to get our little fashion show underway. Designers be sure to have your models ready, and if there are complications with an outfit please be sure to let us know beforehand. We don't want any wardrobe malfunctions like last time. Also if everyone picks up their chair on the way out then we can get this place cleaned up before the basketball team arrives for practice” Rarity then quickly walked off stage. “A fashion show... this is their reformation plan. What is wrong with these people!” she said aloud, attracting the attention of a few nearby students “If these girls were going to waste my time they could have at least had the decency to do something that makes sense” Adagio quickly got up from her seat and walked to the stage. Just as she prepared to climb onto the stage, she heard a familiar voice ask “Adagio, what are you doing?” Adagio looked to see Sunset Shimmer approaching her. She turned away from Sunset for a moment and took a deep breath, then put on a false smile. She turned to face Sunset “I was just looking for you.” she said cheerily “You did ask for me to take time out my busy life to come here” “Actually, you were supposed to be here to help set up over half an hour ago” Sunset replied. We figured you weren't going to show up” “Why would I want to miss this...” Adagio began before she quickly glanced around “Fashion contest... it is a fashion contest, right?” “It's more of a show case” Sunset replied “No winners or losers, just a good opportunity for people to show their stuff” “So, it's one of those noncompetitive feel good things where no one is allowed to lose because it might scar them for life” Adagio said smugly. “Well... kind of.” Sunset replied “Even though there's no clear winner, everyone can tell who gets the most applause. But putting a number along with it just takes away from the fun” “And why did you think this was a good place to start this little reformation process of yours?” asked Adagio. “Well, if you would have came on time, you could have mingled with everyone while we set up, but it's safe to say you've missed that opportunity” “If you ask me it seems you still have some setting up to do” Adagio said as she looked around at the relatively unchanged gymnasium. Sunset shrugged off the subtle jab “Some people couldn't make it, so we did all we could with the time we had” “Hmm... yes” Adagio agreed “The fashion types tend to be better at be being the show rather than setting it up” “Yeah, I asked them to set up these chairs while I got a spot light from the electronics room and when I came back they all looked like they had just ran a ten mile marathon. I don't know whether it's that they're out of shape, lazy, or both...” Sunset metaphorically bit her tongue as the last few words escaped her mouth “... don't tell them I said that” “Pfft... what are they gonna do, make you a tacky outfit” Adagio joked. The two shared a laugh that quickly fizzled out to an awkward chuckle, then stopped altogether. “Well... as it stands now, the show is really the only part left” said Sunset “So if you wanted to duck out and try this again another time that would be fine” “Oh, I wouldn't dream of leaving” she said as she forced her smile wider “After all, I'd like the chance to get to know you and your friends better. After all, me and you do come from the same world, and I would assume suffer some similar pitfalls, right?” “I guess so” Sunset replied “But admittedly, you may have it a bit better than me” “How so?” Adagio asked. “Well, I came here alone, and you got sent here with your friends.” Sunset replied. “Friends is really too generous of a word for the other two” said Adagio “I just seem to be perpetually stuck with them. Back in Equestria I needed them as back up singers, and here I need their help to pay rent. I can scarcely remember the last time I did anything without them hanging on my coat tails. Speaking of followers, where did Little Ms. Fashion go running off to?” “I'm not sure. I'm supposed to model her dress, but I've barely seen her all day. I thought by now she'd be getting me ready to go on stage... unless” Sunset let out a small groan. “I need to go deal with something. Just stay here and enjoy the show” she said to Adagio before quickly walking to the exit. The lights in the gym suddenly dimmed. Adagio clasped her hands together and let out a happy sigh “Beautiful tension” Meanwhile in the music room... Rarity stood before a mannequin displaying her latest and not so greatest creation. A dark red velvet dress... just a dark red strapless dress, no sequins or patterns, just a perfectly functional dark red dress. The blandness of the outfit disgusted her slightly. How could this have happened, how could she have brought such a flare-less garment into existence? Well, the answer was a simple as a few too many errands to run, a few too many tests to study for and a weekend trip to the lake that ripped her away from her work. Now, Rarity tried desperately to find some way to add a little bit of pzazz to the dress. But times was limited, actually it was gone. The show would be starting without her and their was no time in the schedule to allow for an extra ten or twelve minutes to complete a garment. “Why is it that when a fashion show requires more time it's an utter inconvenience, but when a sporting event run long it's just over time” she said before muffling a shriek. A knock on the door frame, followed by a familiar “Ahem” caught Rarity off guard. She quickly turned around to see Sunset Shimmer standing in the door way with her arms crossed and an annoyed expression on her face. “You don't look happy” Rarity said. “Not particularly” Sunset said as she closed the door behind her. Unbeknownst to the two, just a little ways down the hall, Adagio crept towards the music room. She stopped at the door and listened to the the girls talking. She couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but Adagio assumed the conversation would be heated... or at least unpleasant. A conversation that would be even more unpleasant if she was a part of it. Perhaps this was the opportunity she'd been looking for to start placing wedges between them. It was time to bring out those old Siren skills for causing disorder. Adagio's mind teemed with ideas of how she would begin dismantling them. Perhaps she would pull at their patience with each other, or lure one of them into insulting the other. The possibilities seemed endless and deliciously satisfying. Her body tingled as she placed her hand on the door knob. “Here we go” she said to herself as she slowly turned the knob, then thrust the door open for a dramatic entrance. However, instead of seeing the surprised faces of the two girls, she was met with a loud thump and a shocked gasp from Rarity. She quickly looked around for Sunset. Adagios' eyes widened and her face turned red as she looked down to see Sunset sitting on the ground, holding her head. “Uhh... oops” Adagio uttered out as she stood over Sunset, dumbstruck by what she had just done. Sunset glared up at Adagio, but her reactionary anger lessened as she saw something she hadn't seen before. A look of genuine emotion on Adagios' face. “Sunset, are you alright?” Rarity asked as she quickly moved to Sunset's side. “I'm fine” Sunset replied as she struggled to her get to her feet. “You don't look fine” said Adagio. Rarity shot Adagio an annoyed glare in response “I do not think this is the time for you to be talking” “Rarity, it's okay” said Sunset “It was an accident... right, Adagio?” she asked. “You say that like it may not have been” Adagio replied. Rarity let out a dismissive “Hmph”. “Now can we please get ready for the...” Sunset stopped mid sentence, as she placed her hand against the quickly growing red spot on the side of head. “Oh, you poor dear, you might have a concussion” said Rarity. “I'm... fine” Sunset strained to say “I just need some ice or something and I'll be okay” “Well... alright” Rarity hesitantly agreed “But you're not risking going on stage like that” “But your dress...” Sunset began. “No buts” Rarity said “We're going to get you some ice and sit you down somewhere to rest. The dress can wait for another time” The friendly concern the two had for each other sickened Adagio, but she was in no position to try make a move, lest the two's patience with her come to an end. Adagio rolled her eyes, the tense moment was gone anyway. “Just wait here for a moment while I go get some ice” Rarity said before quickly walking out of the room. “Is there anything I can do for you?” Adagio asked in her falsely sweet tone. Sunset ignored Adagio's question as she leaned against the wall, holding her hands on the side of her head. “Um...” Adagio uttered as she looked around for a distraction from the awkward situation “... is that the dress your buddy was working on?” Adagio asked as she walked over to the outfit “So you were going to model this? Uh... I bet you would have looked great in it” “You can stop now” Sunset grumbled. “I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about, Sunny” Adagio responded. “You can stop the whole little Ms. Perfect routine... and Sunny, really?” Sunset asked, her patience growing thinner and thinner with each word Adagio spoke. “I'm trying to be nice” said Adagio. “You're not acting like yourself” Sunset retorted. “So you're saying I'm not a nice person” Adagio said with mock out rage. Sunset paused as she carefully considered her next words. But before anything else could be said by either; Rarity returned with a bag of ice in hand. Rarity gently placed the bag of ice on Sunsets head. “Thanks” Sunset said as she took the bag from Rarity. “Well, I should go back to the gym and tell them we've had... a little...” Rarity trailed off as she looked over to Adagio. Adagio took offense to Rarity's odd stare “Oh come on! It was an accident, you don't have to look at me like I'm from another planet” “No it's not that...” Rarity began as her eyes moved back and forth between Adagio and the dress “Adagio, have you ever modeled anything before?” “What the heck are you talking about?” Adagio asked. “Well, from an aesthetic point of view, your, height, figure and skin tone is almost identical to Sunsets, whom I had originally designed the dress for” Rarity explained “Also, you did just whack Sunset with a door” “Hey, that means I owe her one, I didn't hit you with anything” Adagio retorted “And I must say I think it's insensitive to Sunny” “It's not a big issue for me... and stop calling me Sunny” Sunny said flatly. “Think about it for a moment, Adagio” Rarity said as she quickly walked over to Adagio and placed her arm around her shoulders “Just imagine, the lights, the crowd, and you at the center of it all” Adagio caught herself before making a snappy remark. Despite all her best attempts to shoot the idea down in her mind, Adagio couldn't help but be intrigued by the idea. She had missed the stage and the attention it brought; plus this act of goodwill could put her in a better position for the next phase of her plan. The only issue was to not seem too desperate... scratch that, desperate is exactly how she wanted to seem. “That sounds lovely” Adagio exclaimed as she clasped her hands together in feigned excitement. “That's the spirit” Rarity said encouragingly “But we mustn't tarry any longer. The shows just about to get started. Come on” she said before she grabbed the dress, and Adagio's wrist. Rarity quickly darted out of the room and down the hall, with Adagio in tow. A few minutes later... The stage was set, the lights were dimmed, and the spot lights were on. The show was underway. But as the student models walked across the stage, Rarity waited impatiently outside the girls change room for Adagio. She nervously looked back and forth between the change room door and the stage, counting down the models left before her her dress was meant to take the stage. “Adagio, are you almost ready?” Rarity asked. “You just asked me that 20 seconds ago” Adagio replied. “I take it from that response you're still not ready” Rarity said as she turned to see another student walking out onto the stage. “Alright, I'm ready” Adagio said as she exited the change room and stood before Rarity. Rarity looked Adagio over, but something still wasn't quite right. The dress fit Adagio to a tee, the deep crimson eye shadow matched perfectly with the outfit, and even though Adagio's shoes didn't match anything else, they were covered by the dress enough that no one would be able to notice. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Adagio asked “I knew it, I probably look ridiculous” “No, no... There's just no pop, no sizzle, no...” Rarity began. Adagio chuckled “Allow me to supply the Dazzle. You go sit down, I'll take it from here” she said as she walked toward the stage. Rarity let out a worried moan, unsure of what would happen next. She walked to an empty seat beside Sunset and flopped down. “Problem?” Sunset asked. “Just a little worried” Rarity replied. “I wouldn't be too worried, she's in suck up mode” said Sunset “If anything she'll try too hard” “That sounds more troubling than her not trying at all” Rarity said as the last model before Adagio walked off the stage. The room fell silent as the audience waited for the next model to take the stage. The spotlight rested at the edge of the curtain. Adagio reached her arm out from behind the curtain and pulled it back to reveal herself. She stood with her head held high and a dignified look on her face. She slowly stepped out onto the stage, but the silence endured. Adagio looked out at the crowd as she walked toward center stage; some of the students weren't even paying attention to her, a few others were gawking at their phones and everyone else wore blank expressions. Distracted by the audience, Adagio stepped beyond the X marking the center of the stage. Her cheeks became red from embarrassment and she awkwardly shuffled back to the X. In the crowd, Sunset and Rarity sat perplexed by what they were seeing. What happened to the confident girl they had just spoken to minutes before. Adagio had seemed perfectly at home on stage back during the battle of the bands, but now she looked awkward and scared. Dozens of questions rattled around in Adagio's mind. “Why aren't they looking at me? Why hasn't anyone clapped yet? Am on the stupid X now? Why is that air conditioner so loud? Shouldn't there be some music or something? Why would they rather look at those stupid phones than me? I just want go home?” Adagio smiled a bit too wide as she began to turn and move off stage. Just as she began to make her exit, the applause began. Adagio's face lit up with genuine joy and she looked back at the crowd as she walked away. Without looking where she was going, Adagio found herself walking straight into the curtain. She quickly corrected her mistake, but it was too late. All but Rarity burst into an abrupt fit of laughter. “Oh the poor dear” Rarity said concernedly. “What are you talking about? That was hilarious... she did mean for it to be funny, right?” Sunset asked as her laughter dissipated. “I don't think Adagio is much of a comedian. She's probably run off somewhere to throw a fit. I'd better go look for her” Rarity said as she stood. Sunset then looked past Rarity “I don't think finding her is going to be a problem” she said before pointing towards a frustrated looking Adagio stomping towards the female change room. “I should probably go check on her” Rarity said. “Wait a second” Sunset said as she grabbed Rarity's wrist “Maybe just watch the storm for a minute before you run into it” The two observed Adagio as she stormed into the change room. A little over a minute passed by and Adagio exited the change room wearing her usual outfit, with Rarity's dress draped over her forearm. She glanced over to Rarity to see the fashionista giving her a thumbs up. Adagio scowled at Rarity before she tossed the dress to the ground, then headed for the nearest exit. “Well that was a tad dramatic” said Rarity “I suppose I should be glad the dress is still in one piece” “That was weird; she started out so confident, then she just fell apart” said Sunset “I know, I didn't really take her for the stage fright type... do you think we should go talk to her about it?” Rarity asked. “Maybe when my head stops throbbing” Sunset said as she rubbed the sides of her head. A long, long time ago... The rain hid the tears of Adagio as she frantically hovered threw a wheat field. She looked back in the direction of the village she had failed to coax negative energy out of. It had been the same story as dozens of times before; a few too many ponies caused her nerves to get the get the best of her and her song turned into a quivering whimper. The crowd then turned into an angry mob upon the realization of Adagio's intent. She began to calm down as she saw that nonpony was following. She then stopped and hid among the tall wheat. She wiped the tears from her eyes but they were quickly replaced. Her tears were not from anger, or fear. There was a more essential cause for her sorrow... hunger. 3:02 pm. Adagio stomped down the halls of Sunny Shades. Her eyes brimmed with frustration, not only over her embarrassing turn on stage, but also for the fact that she had not acquired any useful information to tear apart the the perpetually peppy group. There was always the slight hope that Aria may had been able to procure something useful, but she wouldn't be half surprised if her grumpy companion had simply skipped the meet up entirely. In the end it seemed that the entire day would prove as pointless as her own attempts to be civil with the annoyingly posh designer and the weak headed outcast. Adagio stopped in front of the door to the sirens apartment. She retraced her thoughts and thought back to her conversation with Sunset. “She's an outsider just like us” Adagio thought to herself as a sinister smile came to her face. The first bits of a plan began to bubble up in Adagio's mind. She should have realized this weakness from the moment she first heard of Sunset being from Equestria. “The same pitfalls” she said to herself as she placed a hand on the door knob. She gripped the knob tightly and flung the door open to find her two cohorts sitting on the couch. Neither of them reacted immediately, having grown accustomed to Adagio's over emphasized entrances. “What's with you?” Aria asked. Adagio began to chuckle maniacally “I've finally got a plan to rip those little brats apart... but first we'll need a phone” Adagio ignored the confused looks of her fellow sirens. Nothing could bring her down from how she was feeling. She finally felt like she was close to a position of dominance, like she was in control of her own fate and the fates of those around her... plus for first time that day, her dramatic entrance hadn't backfired.