My Little Warriors: Clanmates Are Magic

by Rainbow Dash The Pegasus

Ch.6 Mating Date

Chapter 6: Mating Date

It was sunhigh and Brambleclaw was sending out a hunting patrol as Brightblaze hopped over to him with twitching whiskers. "Hey Brightblaze! What do you need?" Brambleclaw purred helpfully.

Brightblaze didn't reply, she just pulled Brambleclaw to Sparkheart and they started talking and went into the warrior's den. Amberpool looked up at Brightblaze with disbelief and dismay as she face-pawed.

"Why do you do these thing Pinkie?" Amberpool asked herself as Brightblaze skipped over to Firestar. Rarejewel came back from a dawn patrol and went over to Amberpool.

"Hello darling! Did Pinkie already set Twilight and Brambleclaw up? Because I want to see it!" Rarity purred, licking her chest fur.

"Yeah she did, there in the warrior's den." Amberpool answered as she pointed to the warrior's den with her blonde cat tail.

Rarity padded into the warrior's den as Brightblaze came back to Amberpool and told her about what she said to Firestar and went back to the warrior's den and Rainbow flew up to AJ.

"Hey AJ! I'm expecting Graystripe's kits and there due tomorrow!" Rainbow yowled as the whole clan heard her and gasped in disbelief.