Mission to the Griffon Kingdom

by Rakoon1

A Tour Around Griffonstone

The next day, Shining Armor woke up in the guest room. He stretched himself and then got up, heading to the mirror to fix up his mane. After that, he put on his armor and move out of his room.

He walked into the dining room where he found Gustave preparing already the table with the breakfast. Shining could see the vegetarian meal that was for him.

"Good morning, Gustave" Shining greeted.

That made the griffon startle. He then greeted:

"Bonjour, Captain Shining Armor."

"I'm sorry if I scared you" Shining Armor said.

"You don't have to apologize" Gustave said. "Ze truz is zat I din’t expected zat someone show up so soon."

"Well, after years of studying at the Royal Guard Academy, I learned to wake up soon" Shining Armor said. "And it seems I'm not the only one to be up early."

"Oui, I usually have breakfast ready and served before ze royal family get to ze dinner room" Gustave said. "After all, je suis ze royal chef."

"I understand" Shining said, while he sat down. "Well, let's prove it."

The young unicorn tasted a little of his meal and then told to Gustave:


"Merci beaucoup" Gustave said, making bow slightly and then starting to go to the exit. "Bon appétit."

"Thank you, Gustave" Shining thanked, while the royal chef got out.

After a while, the royal family entered in the dining room.

"It seems that our guest got up early" King Guto said.

"Your Highnesses" Shining said, standing up and making a slight bow. "Good morning."

"Good morning" King Guto and Greta greeted, while Quentin simply made a slight nod.

"At least you could have waited for the hosts to start eating breakfast" Quentin said, while he sat down. "It would be more educated."

"Don't be ridiculous, Quentin” King Guto said, sitting on his chair. “After all, Shining Armor is our guest."

"Personally, I don't care who starts to eat first" Greta said, also sitting.

"Well, Your Highnesses, despite everything, I think Prince Quentin is absolutely right" Shining said. "And, for that, I apologize."

That gesture seemed to have impressed Quentin, but he continued to maintain his indifferent air.

"If that's the way you want, Shining Armor, so you're excused" King Guto said, while he and his nephew and niece began to eat. "I just hope that you're enjoying the breakfast."

"In fact, Your Highness, Gustave has exceeded my expectations" Shining said.

"I'm very happy for that" King Guto said. "If there's anything we, griffons, can be proud of, is to have a royal chef truly capable of making excellent meals."

"So, Shining Armor, what are you going to do today?" Greta asked.

"Honestly, I don't know" he replied. "I was hoping to see some more of the culture of the griffons."

"Well, if that's the case, I suggest you to visit Griffonstone" King Guto said. "After all, I bet you haven't met that much our beautiful city, while you were taking the path that leads to the castle."

"Indeed, you are absolutely right, Your Highness" Shining said. "I would love to visit your wonderful city."

And so the dining room doors opened and Ulysses came in, telling to King Guto:

"Your Highness, I'm ready to escort you to the next meeting. And I hope that Princess Greta can join us."

"In fact, Ulysses, I think I'd rather spend this day at the royal library reading a book" Princess Greta said. "After all, I still have plenty of time to have to attend these meetings."

"I think it's a good idea, my dear" King Guto said. "Indeed, you're still young to stand the weight of ruling a kingdom and I am still quite capable of dealing with royal issues. Don't you think so, Ulysses?

"Yes… Your Highness" Ulysses said, looking disappointed, something that Shining Armor noticed and identified as being frustration for not being able to be with Greta.

"Being uncle’s favourite has its privileges..." Quentin mumbled to himself.

"What did you say, little brother?" Greta asked.

"Nothing, said nothing" Quentin lied.

"By the way, uncle, I had a great idea" Greta said to King Guto. "What if Gael took Shining on a tour? After all, he has done a great job and I think that he could rest and, at the same time, he would give to Shining a better understanding of our culture."

"What a great idea, my dear" King Guto said, turning then to Ulysses. "Ulysses, can you tell Gael that he today will accompany Captain Shining Armor?"

"But, Your Highness, I don't believe it's a good idea" Ulysses said. "After all, Gael has a lot to do."

"I'm sure it's not something so urgent" King Guto said. "Furthermore, we should focus on strengthening our relationship with ponies. And showing them our culture will surely work to that end."

Ulysses tried to refute his sovereign's orders, but he knew he couldn't, so he replied, making a bow:

"As you wish."

"So, you can go warn him" King Guto said. "I'm still going to take a little longer to get some breakfast."

And then Ulysses made a bow and left. Shining Armor didn't like the look that the Captain of the Griffon Royal Guard had given to him, because it made him even more uncomfortable than the look he had given him previously.

After breakfast, Shining Armor, saying goodbye cordially to the Royal family, left the dinner room. When he ran down the hall, he found Gael, using his armor, who told him:

"It was told me that I should follow up on your visit through Griffonstone."

"Only if you don't mind, of course" Shining said. "I don't want you to feel obligated."

"Are you kidding?" Gael asked. "Between accompany you and be here to fulfill Ulysses’ whims, I prefer with no doubt go with you."

"Well, then let's go" Shining said.

And the unicorn and the griffon advanced to the output of the castle and started heading to the city. As they walked, Shining said:

"It seems that Princess Greta knows about your situation and decided to put you as my guide to curb work."

"Wait, it was Princess Greta who suggested that I should accompany you?" Gael asked.

"You look surprised" Shining observed. "Didn't you know?"

"Well, no" Gael replied. "But I bet Captain Ulysses didn't mention that on purpose."

"Come on, Gael, tell me the truth" Shining said. "You love her, don't you?"

"What?!" Gael asked, clumsily. "That's crazy! How can I love a princess? After all, I'm just a guard."

"You can't fool me with that" Shining said. "After all, one knows another."

"What do you mean?" Gael asked.

"Well, it happens that I also fell in love with a princess" Shining confessed. "And it happened when I was still at the Academy. So, I know what you're going through."

Gael was surprised to hear something like that. However, he didn't admit anything and Shining continued:

"This princess is Princess Celestia’s niece. Her name is Cadance and is the great love of my life. You know, it was difficult to admit my love for her, but once I did, things between us just flowed. Of course we had a few problems along the way, but now our relationship is a lot stronger."

"Yes, but at least you know this princess loves you" Gael said.

He froze, realizing what he had just said. He practically admitted.

"So I was right" Shining said. "You’re really in love with Greta."

Gael sighed and admitted:

"Yes, it may be possible that I like her a little more than a guard should like."

"Then you should try to admit to her how you feel" Shining said.

"Are you crazy?!" Gael asked. "Maybe that worked with you, but that doesn't mean it's going to work with me. I bet Princess Greta is different from Princess Celestia’s niece."

"Maybe, but you'll not lose anything by trying" Shining said. "Look, it's your decision. I'm just trying to help by giving you an advice and speaking from personal experience. Believe me, nothing will go wrong if you follow your heart."

"You sounded like my father" Gael said.

Shining giggled. He was just in Griffonstone less than a day and he had already arranged a good friend who was in the same situation as he once was, and the young unicorn wanted to help to solve it.

The tour around Griffonstone went pretty well. Despite the suspicious looks from some griffons, Shining managed to enjoy the beauty of the kingdom and learn some of their habits. It was certainly a good way to strengthen the bonds of friendship between griffons and ponies.

Near Griffonstone, a Pegasus flew towards Equestria after having gone to visit some of his familiars. He now stood in the vicinity of the Griffon Kingdom when the pegasus landed to rest. But his rest was short-lived as steps began to be heard approaching.

The pegasus tried to see who was coming, but it was then that the steps and the rhythm increased and, when the stallion found himself, he was overthrown and pinned to the ground. He looked to see who was pinning him and became terrified when he faced with Arimaspi.

"Who..." he started, stuttering. "Who... Who are you?"

"Someone who wants to fulfill his revenge and his master's wishes" Arimaspi replied. "And, you're going to help me with that."

And Arimaspi’s eye gained a red glow and the pony, looking at that eye, began to feel himself immensely tired. He could feel his conscience disappearing, until finally it was taken.

At the bottom of the canyon at the edge of the mountain of Griffonstone, the same mysterious griffon appeared, covered by his cloth. He landed in the same place as last time and looked around, but he wasn't seeing anyone. It was then he heard footsteps and Arimaspi appeared.

"I hope you have a good reason for calling me" the griffon said to the one-eyed monster. "On top of that being day, you know I can't call attention."

"But I thought you wanted to see our goal achieved as soon as possible" Arimaspi said. "I have a new plan."

"Don't tell me" the griffon said, with not much enthusiasm. "And what is it?"

Arimaspi made a wicked smile and so the Pegasus he had attacked appeared by his side.

"One more of your hypnotized ponies?" the griffon asked. "How will this allow us to achieve our goal? Don't forget that steal the idol through a hypnotized pony to cause divisions between ponies and griffons didn't work."

"But that's it" Arimaspi said. "I'm not going to use this pony to steal the Idol of Boreas."

The mysterious Griffin got confused when he said that.

"This is new for you, Arimaspi" the griffon said. "I thought all you wanted was the Idol of Boreas."

"Don't get me wrong" Arimaspi replied. "I still want the idol, but I realized that it will be easier to obtain it when that soft-hearted king cease to exist. And if at the same time we can create a war between griffons and ponies, so much the better. So, I'm going to use this pony... to kill King Guto!"

Realizing Arimaspi’s evil plan, the mysterious griffon made a smile appear on his beak.