//------------------------------// // Alarum // Story: Lucidity // by Indulgence //------------------------------// ‘Buck’ Twilight swore, immediately catching her mouth with an embarrassed forehoof as she did so, falling back to her haunches against the door at her back and letting out a long drawn out sigh to follow the vulgarity. She felt tired, her body going as far as to crack a small yawn to that effect for its fatigued state (yet another insane prospect bearing in mind she was for all intents and purposes asleep), exhausted beyond simple physical exertion. In a very short span of time she had lived in the forms of two others by proxy as well as inhabiting her own and is was like each one had sapped her energies, as if bearing the strain of all of them herself. And Luna does this every night. ‘Not just that’ she corrected herself. ‘Every night she walks the length of all of Equestria’s dreams, not only the mere pair I’ve had to deal with.’ The immense feat entailed by the Princess of the Night’s duty was hard to imagine to say the least, seeming as infinite as the tremendous corridor that Twilight was sat back in. She herself had barely scratched the surface of what this place contained, having only seen the dreams of two fillies at the polarised ends of the emotional spectrum. Although her latest experience had not been pleasant, it still had only been a youthful nightmare, playing on basic fears such as that of the dark and arachnophobia, alongside the threat of parental loss or disappointment. How much more, both quantitatively and qualitatively, had Luna seen? Her mind switched back to thoughts of time, considering the vast distances of the other alicorn’s dream-walking. How many lifetimes had Luna spent here simply trying to care for her subjects? The dark alicorn now seemed to her much older than either her youthful form suggested or she herself felt, not in terms of age but rather in sheer weight of experience. Yet still she chose you. That thought brought a wide smile to Twilight’s features, spreading a warm glow within her and leaving her beaming through the darkness. These feelings roused her from her seat, setting her determinedly to task once more as she tried again to coax magical foresight from her horn. Neither the thoughts nor the emotions attached to them were new to her; she had many times stopped in her considering and had to remind herself that it was all truly real. To say she felt like the luckiest mare on Equis for the love that was unconditionally hers (although a severe understatement not to mention seriously cliché) summed it up quite nicely. Twilight stood herself in the centre of the corridor, taking a deep calming breath as she slowly veiled her vision. Blind of all distractions she channelled all her focus towards her single (if unclear) goal. The coursing pulse of energy flowed through her, wrapping its aura around her horn and emanating with a slight force before her. She let herself be guided by what little this divining arrow constituted, treading the path she interpreted from it. Even if she was not destined to keep this new found capacity for dream-walking, she would nonetheless for so long as she had it turn it towards supporting her Princess of the Night, that the dark alicorn might be given some respite to more enjoy what was her charge. A flare of sparks crackled and broke forth, bringing her to a full stop, whilst her intrigued eyes came open to meet the view of a basic wooden portal, defaced beyond all recognition by scrawled graffiti and the tinged stain of festering damp. Despite this it did however strike somewhere a chord of familiarity, although this stopped short of actually enlightening Twilight any further. Steeling herself to her purpose with nought more than a final resolute intake of breath, thoughts of Luna still fresh in her mind, she closed the distance, opening the doorway and stepping through. --- Trixie rasped as her windpipe closed to nothing, cutting off her breathing and her voice along with it. The chords of some unseen woven snake constricted about her throat, growing ever tighter and tighter as if gradually piling on even more of their serpentine length to crush her. This squeezing moved on the rest of her body, leaving her lungs deflated, forced to breath out their precious contents, with the short gasps she drew to try and reverse this failing utterly in their futile attempts. Now in desperation she struggled, forehooves scrabbling ineffectually at the invisible bonds, all to no avail in that they sensed neither hoof nor chord to free her from. The chair beneath her was rocked wildly by her exertions, wobbling between bipedal positions on the spot before its balance was finally lost, tumbling sideways with a crash whilst she herself landed hard, quickly rolling onto her back. ‘Great and powerful indeed! Ha!’ All articles of furniture disappeared as she choked on the freezing surface of the floor, leaving only the cruel noose swinging infinitesimally above like a pendulum. Back and forth it swung under her gaze, not just ticking by the passing moments with regularity but impossibly seeming to speed up its passage with each oscillation. Trixie’s vision blurred briefly, the drought of oxygen beginning to make itself felt, and as it cleared it was filled with the creature’s non-existent form staring down into her, mere inches between her own face and its lack of one. ‘Time grows short my little pony. Now it’s time to make a decision, not that you ever had any real choice about it to begin with, nor was there ever any doubt.’ The world became cloudy again, pained tears forced from the blue unicorn flowing to submerge its forms. Through these rivers however the demon actually glowed brighter, its azure irises and pure white fangs gleaming with fresh brilliant energy through the flood. Trixie’s hooves continued to tear at her throat with no result, control steadily slipping away from her starved limbs. Beginning slowly as a tremble (much like a shiver against the increasing cold) and then becoming full formed shaking, her movements dissolved. Her body was overcome by spasms, spreading all through her as she coughed against the strangling force. ‘Why do you still insist on resisting? There’s no hope for you now beyond me. Just give in and let me help you. Give in.’ Why won’t we give in? The strange lucidity of her inner voice at once surprised the fading unicorn, but she could not answer its question: in truth she did not know the why of it. It was unlikely that it was her past unsuccessful soiree with such darkness which held her back and neither was it the case that its offer was not tempting, because it truly was. What did that leave? Simply her stubbornness perhaps, still puffed up by self-worth, or maybe something more? No, all the arrogance she had had was fled with her withheld air. This left only one conclusion, bringing with it no small amount of further shock. Trixie knew that she was not nice, nor pleasant or for want of a better word “good” as a pony, but she had no want to fall (even if she was being strongly pulled) any further. Defiance in the end was not much, unlikely to be even known by any beyond herself and the creature, it was not redemption, but it could be her own small victory. ‘Enough!’ it snarled, bearing down on her. ‘Give in! Just let me in! Let me in!’ ‘Trixie?’ --- No light this time to greet the purple alicorn as she passed through the portal, neither lunar nor solar brightness in evidence, rather instead only the denial of its dichotomous opposite. This was however not what struck her first as she entered. Far more pervasive than this formless blackness, much the mirror image of the land she had just left, were the dual sensations of a tight grip winding itself about her throat and angry yelling ringing against her ears. The pressure around her windpipe was unpleasant but not enough to cut her breathing, the rage filled voice meanwhile held in it the same flickering familiarity that there had been in the door which brought her here. All this however faded into the background; set against the space’s single central figure flattened against the floor (or rather the immaterial substance which constituted it) gasping desperately for air. ‘Trixie?’ Recognition struck fast behind her vision, concern forming the called question from her lips to follow it. ‘You’ll have to excuse me for a moment, though for your sake hopefully no longer, but feel free to make up your mind in the meantime.’ The voice again (which Twilight was sure she knew), a mare’s, commanding to the point of regality, but mixed with other tones playing at its back to make it seem as if not just one were speaking, came again although more hushed. Two azure eyes appeared between her and Trixie’s collapsed form, a set of invisible lips unzipping themselves in the dark space beneath them, moving quickly from an initial frown to a drawn grin. ‘Well hello again Twilight, long time no see. I must admit you’re not who I was expecting, but nonetheless welcome.’ ‘Trixie’ Twilight began, taking a momentary pause to collect herself, ‘how I’m here and erm… dream-walking is kind of a long story, but I’m here to help if I can.’ ‘Oh no no no my little princess I’m not Trixie’ the not quite face interjected, moving as if it shook its non-existent head in the negative. ‘You don’t recognise me do you, likely too much on your new royal plate to remember little me.’ ‘I’m sorry Trixie. Please believe me though that I didn’t forget about you’ the purple alicorn half lied, feeling every ounce of her internal self-reproach as she did so, ‘it’s just…’ ‘I’m not Trixie’ it said bluntly, stopping her. ‘Then again, it was not like this that we last met. Allow me to jog your memory.’ In less than a blink what features there had been disappeared, replaced by a large jagged piece of grey crystal. Twilight took her turn in frowning as a low chuckle, deeper much more in the tone of a stallion, filled the space. A black bubbling began to pour from the stalagmite’s multifaceted face, then a crimson horn (sharpened to be much more like a tusk) emerged through the tar like magic, followed swiftly by the pinpricks of two equally red pupils set in the depths of freakishly emerald irises. The frothing puddle formed itself into the length of a serpentine mane, carrying with it a visage as grey as the crystal it was snaking out from, sporting a pair of fanged canines like some kind of mythical vampony. ‘Sombra?’ ‘King Sombra if you please’ the dark stallion’s deep voice countered in its base notes, ‘unlike you he actually earned and deserved his title. But no guess again’ he continued, although in an in an instant his voice reverted back to its previous mixture of mareish tones. In a burst of smoke the crystal, its protruding face and all vanished, the acrid gas stinging the purple alicorn’s eyes closed. When she could again reopen them a new figure was in the midst of appearing through the dissipating mists, striding out in a warrior’s full armoured carapace, form complete with both horn and wings. Its azure irises and entirely serrated maw had returned with it, each set with a menacing shine and grin, aglow against the fur of Luna’s darkened mirror image. ‘What?’ The creases in Twilight’s brow deepened as she was forced into an unsure step backward. ‘Nightmare Moon? But…’ ‘Oh Twilight, if you could only see your face!’ the nightmare laughed. ‘Your confusion is quite palpable, not to mention a tad hilarious to behold. Could it be that the great Twilight Sparkle doesn’t know what unites us both and others? Well actually I shouldn’t be surprised really, after all the sisters have always loved their secrets, so why should your being the sun’s “favourite pupil” and the moon’s “safe haven” make you any different.’ Persistent in its mockery, it continued: ‘even though you might think otherwise.’ A particularly violent rasp from Trixie, still pinned in place on the floor, recaptured Twilight’s attentions, pulling her forward only to be blocked by the taller alicorn in front of her. ‘What did you do to her?’ she asked, increasingly alarmed by and aware of the grip still around her throat. ‘Nothing, nothing at all. Truly.’ The nightmare was the image of mock innocence and hurt at the accusation. ‘All that ails her is of her own doing. Or rather at least most of it is, for you at least can take the credit for some of it.’ ‘But I haven’t done anything’ the purple alicorn protested, making a move to step around the one in her way, but her barrier continued to track and anticipate her every action. ‘Exactly. You did nothing after you shamed an incredibly self-conscious pony into flight, causing her to go on a self-destructive quest for vengeance and then beating her a second time, leaving her hated by many and laughed at by all others. Truly you are the rightful Princess of Friendship!’ ‘That’s not how it happened…’ ‘Of course not, I’m sorry, it must be so cumbersome and time consuming to be burdened with alicornhood, power and a castle, not to mention fame to the point of deification. There can hardly be much space on your lists for the troubles of mere mortals like her.’ ‘No…’ Twilight began, its words striking exactly where it hurt. ‘No? Your darker side then perhaps, that little part of you which allowed you to so easily master Sombra’s magic? Did you enjoy grinding her into the dirt, and was the chance to repeat it just another thrill? Maybe you even hoped she’d return for round three.' ‘No…’ ‘No? All that leaves is that you’re simply inadequate, not ready for any of what your wings or title entail. I couldn’t possibly hold it against you though, being the sheltered little bookworm that you are.’ ‘No!’ ‘It’s no wonder that you’re so wrapped up in yourself, wallowing in misplaced self-pity over your library or else obsessing over your own happiness with your night-time princess.’ ‘Shut up!’ Twilight shouted, her flaring anger shooting a few sparks from her horn, succumbing to the continued assault of her silver tongued attacker as it exposed and struck each of her nerve endings in turn. ‘Aww, does the truth hurt?’ questioned the nightmare in a caricature of true concern, unconvincing mostly for the fanged smile which appeared to follow it, along with a striking up of the demon’s own magic, matching the carnivorous fires in the rear of its gaze. ‘Enough!’ The purple alicorn’s neck spun to find the newly appeared voice, overflowing with its owner’s rage as it rolled through her and everypony else like a shockwave, roaring with the force of a storm through the air. Mane and tail billowing wildly in the angry whirlwind of her own making, face contorted in a mask of pure loathing with which Twilight was not accustomed and which desecrated the alicorn speaker’s beautiful features, Luna stormed forth from the re-materialised doorway. ‘You will not speak to her like that!’ the Princess of the Night continued bellowing, her fury showering an overburn of energy from her horn whilst beneath her thundering hooves the same power surged outward through the floor as lightning, painting pure white streaks across its blackness. ‘Nor will you threaten her!’ ‘Hey Lulu’ the nightmare flippantly replied, seemingly unperturbed. ‘Took you long enough to get here to spoil the fun, although this time I fear you may be too late, and your little protégé here is hardly much cop is she.’ The embers of the demon’s own magic now fully ignited in a silvery aura. Like each other’s reflections the two dark alicorns mirrored one another as they came closer together and then turned to circling, each in a zone of calm before the inevitable clash. Twilight meanwhile was forced into further backward steps, caught at the centre of the coming cyclone, trying to move fluidly so as not to upset the settled tension and therefore release it. Barely had she made it to Luna’s side then it began; dams of loathing breaking forth from both sides in waves to strike against their hated other. Bolts tore through the air with deadly intent, whilst sparkling shields rose and fell in response or else their targets blinked away, passing in and out of existence. No strike hit its mark however, each one merely landing elsewhere amongst the immaterium to pulse through its shadows. Naturally the tumult reached its crescendo and halted, its opposing forces coming to a dead stop where they had begun, breathing heavily. ‘That’s enough foreplay don’t you think’ the nightmare grinned through bared jaws, sending out a single murderous beam towards its enemy. Luna in turn responded in kind, their clashing streams of magic ballooning at their point of impact as a reversed tug of war developed with them both trying to force the other into submission, to be scorched by the searing rays. Pained strain etched its lines across their drawn faces, but gradually the fatal orb began to inch its way in Luna’s direction, much to her adversary’s delight. Twilight, put through a balletic dance of dodging between the blasts of the magical melee, rediscovered herself and her will in the same moment, unthinkingly teleporting to her princess’ side. She bound their powers as one, releasing a stream of purple energy to enwrap and bolster her love’s one of silver in a spiral. The scales tipped in reverse and an explosion burst the bubble away from the pair of them, its detonation throwing their armoured adversary to the ground. ‘Not bad’ the creature coughed begrudgingly without rising, not obviously injured but struggling immobile where it lay. The predator’s slitted pupils locked with Twilight’s a final time as it concluded: ‘you should dwell on what I said and take heed of it’ and then it disappeared, swallowed back into the shade. No time was granted for revelry of celebration, a sore scratching rasp unmaking and denying it before it could begin. Trixie choked violently for a final time, back arching and limbs thrashing as they kicked outward against nothing, whilst the vivid violet of her eyes paled as they bugged slightly from her skull. Above the writhing unicorn a previously unnoticed swinging noose came to a stop and when it did so the blue unicorn beneath it went suddenly limp, vanishing like the tormentor before it and somehow making the infinite blackness darker in her absence. ‘Trixie!’