//------------------------------// // Alexander Benton's Precious Little Life // Story: Much Ado of Siren Girlfriends And Bacon Hair // by SimaYi21 //------------------------------// Sonata groaned. Aria knew EXACTLY would that meant. In the centuries she had known her sister, Aria always knew what a Sonata groan meant. She was bored. As such, Aria had a number of contingency plans for a bored Sonata. Some of which involved tacos and some just involved watching a movie with her. Yes despite her constant dubbing Sonata the title of "The Worst", she did look out for her little sister. She just wasn't exactly open with that info. However none of these plans could be put into effect for two distinct reasons. For one, it wasn't Taco Tuesday. The second reason? They were at school. Now, you might be asking why on EARTH are three eternally young sirens, who tried to conquer and enslave the human race are still attending CHS? Well allow me to fill you in. The main reason the Dazzlings weren't kicked out was because now they were harmless teenagers. With the source of their hypnotizing beats turned to dust, the trio were little more then high school girls. Well, eternally young high school girls but I digress. Aria turned away from her food and faced her younger sister. "Alright squirt, what's with the groaning today?", she asked in her usual grouchy voice, with a hint of concern. "It's just....I dunno, I'm really, REALLY bored. Like, on a scale of 1-10, I'm a 20," the ditzy siren responded, adding another sigh to the end. ....putting Sonata's obvious math fail aside, Aria knew she couldn't really do anything at the moment to help ease her sisters boredom. It was usually at times like this where they would feed on their normal diet of raw negative emotion. Alas, that wasn't really an option anymore so Aria would have to improvise. "Hmm...", Aria mumbled, trying to think of a way that could ease Sonata's current boredom without starting a food fight. The last thing they needed was to get kicked out of the only place were they could get guaranteed meals. Suddenly, Sonata's eyes lit up. She had an idea. Yes, inside that dusty, airy head of Sonatas was in fact a brain. She just didn't let it shine as much as she should. Sonata turned towards their orange poofy haired leader and big sister, Adagio. Now Adagio took the loss of their powers the hardest. The thought of losing nearly destroyed her. She would look herself in her room for days on end, refusing to speak to anyone else. Eventually she got over it, but she wasn't nearly as confident as she once was. However, for the sake of her family, Adagio still put up a decent little facade up. Honestly if she were an actor, she'd have an Oscar about now. "Hey Dagi! Wanna play a game?", Sonata's voice perked up, causing Adagio to snap out of her current day dream of playing a grand piano recital. Now you might be asking, "Uh Sima Yi, why is Adagio interested in the piano now?" Well sit right down and lemme explain. See, with her magical singing gone, Adagio had to help bring in the rent for the Dazzlings apartment somehow. So she went job hunting and found a small cafe in need of a piano player. She asked for a bit of practice and seemed naturally talented at it, and as such, was hired right on the spot, and over time, Adagio came to really like playing the piano. But back to the story at hand, Adagio turned to her younger sister. "Sonata, I'm not quite aware of what game you wish to play, but maybe it can wait till later?", she asked, wanting to get back to her dreams of playing on a grand stage. "Come onnn, it'll only take a second!", Sonata said, a big smile on her face. The two elder Dazzlings knew that when Sonata had a big smile, she either just had tacos, or had a plan. A plan that generally should've been thought out ahead of time. But for the sake of avoiding an argument during lunch, Adagio conceded. "Very well, very well, what is this game you want to play?", Adagio asked, just wanting to get this over with and get back to her daydreams. "Okay okay, I dare you to ask outttt....that guy!", Sonata exclaimed, pointing towards a lone male student. The student in question was a bit of a lonely sort, a bit chubby, glasses, short brown hair with a recently shaved face. His clothes consisted of a dark blue jacket, jeans and white sneakers. All in all, your average everyday teen. Adagio blinked. Did Sonata seriously break her out of her dreams for this? Just to ask out a guy? Once they got home, Adagio was going to have some choice words with the taco obsessed ditz. For now, she sighed. "Does that include the actual date?", Adagio asked. If she was going to do this, might as well ride this train all the way to the end. "Mhmmm!", Sonata nodded happily, acting as if she had won an argument with a parent in the toy store for a new action figure or Lego set. Now in her mind, Sonata noticed that even with her new job, Adagio just didn't seem as happy as she was with her gem. Mentally, Sonata processed the obvious solution was to get Adagio into dating, happily ever after, blah blah blah. Adagio considered for a few moments and realized that she NEVER backed down from a dare. It was something of a siren's honor among sirens, or something like that. Regardless, Adagio nodded. "Alright, might well I suppose," she said said, getting up and moving toward the student, not noticing that Aria was trying VERY hard not to burst out laughing. As Adagio moved toward the student, she could already feel some rather burning stares. Yes, causing fights with your friends with the power of song and turning into hellish creatures of Greek legend would leave a grudge or two. Adagio ignored them. She wasn't about to let mere glares deter her from her "target." Across the way, Alexander was currently minding his own business, earbuds in, 3DS on. Alex was never a social sort. Picked on from an early age for being quiet, Alex never went out of his way to make any friends. That's why he was a unique sort in CHS. He didn't belong to any clique, any club, nor any group. He was a lone wolf in every sense of the word. Not that he was an asshole mind you, but he wasn't exactly happy go lucky either. He just kept on, keeping on, paying attention to his game of Devil Survivor 2 and nothing else. Boy was that going to change. "Ahem, hello there?", a voice to Alex's right asked. He pulled out his earbuds and turned in direction of the voice, only to be faced with perhaps the person at CHS he despised the most. Adagio Dazzle. Alex's hatred of the Dazzlings was fairly simple. He did NOT like being controlled in anyway, shape or form. His folks were rather protective of him and as such, had a rather strict upbringing, and Alex hated it. So when you have three girls being able to control you like a puppet with their voices, when you finally get free of said spell when they get booed off the stage, you don't really forgive that. At least, not easily. To this day, Alex carried a grudge toward the trio, and he wasn't about to change that soon. Regardless, if he was being addressed, he still thought it best to actually answer, rather than stay silent. So attempting to appear as civil as he could, he responded. "Can I help you?", he asked, just hoping it was something simple so he didn't have to talk to her again. Adagio, attempting to appear like her normal self, minus the mind control powers, smirked confidently. "Why yes, yes you can. You see, my schedule is all cleared up and I have no one else to spend this afternoon with. Would you, perchance, be interested in going out with me?", she asked, basically confident that she would get a yes in response. Grudges or not, no man alive at CHS could deny Adagio's, or any of the Dazzlings' beauty. Alex meanwhile, had a sort of "Brain.exe has shutdown", look on him. THAT he was not expecting. Just having the person you hate more then anything else in the world ask you out? So casually at that? He wasn't even that good looking to begin with, why in the name of all that was good made Alex that appealing to Adagio? It was like a logical error. When he finally regained most of his senses, Alex responded with three words. "No thank you." Would that make her go away? He hoped it did. Upon saying that, it was Adagio's brain's turn to go into Brain.exe shutdown mode. Someone had denied her? HER?! It just wasn't logical in her world. That and she was a siren of her word. She said she would take this guy out on a date for Sonata, and by Celestia above she was going to find a way if it was the last thing she did. With that out of the way, Adagio regained her composure. 'Just relax, he can't possibly resist you forever Adagio...', she thought to herself. She needed a plan of attack. This guy however.....this guy was just a logical impossibility in her world. Adagio curtly responded, "Very well," and hurried back toward her sisters. This was going to be tougher then she thought. Meanwile, across from the other table, the Humane 5 were just enjoying their lunch, chatting about this and that, when one of them turned towards the other way. Namely Sunset Shimmer. In the time since the Battle of the Bands, Sunset's reputation had considerably improved, people smiling around her, having good conversations with her, yes it seemed Sunset was on top of the world. And yet, there was still something she wanted to do. Something that was on her mind even before the Battle of the Bands. That was asking Alex out. Yes Alex does indeed have a secret admirer in Sunset. Today was finally going to be the day where Sunset would work up the guts to talk to him. Yes it seemed like a good plan of attack. That is, until Sunset overheard Adagio's little....conversation with Alex. Her fists shook with anger, her face in a rather intense glare directed towards Adagio's general direction. "Uhh, Sunset, you doing okay over there?", Rainbow Dash spoke up, out of concern for her friend. Sunset turned and nodded. "Y-Yeah I'm fine," she said. Sunset rarely looked angry nowadays and she was hellbent on keeping things that way. "Alright, if ya say so. So when are ya gonna ask out that kid over there?", RD smirked cockily, teasing Sunset about her more then obvious crush on Alexander. "W-What?! What're you talking abou-", Sunset responded, before being cut off by Rarity. "Come now darling, it's not rocket science that you like the boy. Just follow your gut and go for it!", Rarity encouraged her. A few moments of soul searching later and Sunset decided that, yeah, enough was enough. Time to plan out the best way she could get a date with Alex and make it seem as natural as possible. Even before the Fall Formal, Sunset wasn't exactly what you'd call "smooth", at getting a date. What do I mean by this? Well.....the reason she and Flash dated was because Sunset used some...rather Amazonian woman tactics in getting him to be her boyfriend. I shall let you fill that little part out yourself. "Alright....girls, I'll need your help on this one. How can i make Alex like me?" Suddenly Alex shivered. As he continued on Ronaldo's route in DS2, he could only tell that the next few weeks of his life were about to get really strange, really fast.