Constant Horizons

by Skyblade

One Rainy Night

Our blades strike from the skies above, our wings carry us to victory, unified as one, we are the sword and shield of Equestria, now and forever

Where do I begin? Well, I guess Azure Skies would be a good start. See, I had just moved here to Ponyville not too long before all this happened. I had just gotten this fun little enchanted journal on the way out. It was a gift from my... ahem... special somepony, and I never really had an opportunity to use it until now. She told me I could talk to it as though I was telling my life's story to some random interviewer, but right now I’m opting to just use a quill. It really is kind of nice, though, to just sit back, relax, and write away at random things.

One thing I’ve noticed here in Ponyville, is that the weather seems far less regulated than back in Canterlot. It was always sunny there, thanks to Princess Celestia's presence, as if to remind everyone she was there. Not that I minded. If anything, I welcomed it. I don't think even with a Pegasus' gift like mine, and the help of others, we could fix the course of the winds. Not to mention other disasters in the far reaches of Equestria that do not have weather teams.

I say this in the respect that, on the night I’m starting with, I remember there was rain pouring against my window, which reminded me of how I had considered joining the weather team, to do what I could to help.  After some injuries I sustained with my leg in the Equestrian Guard, I decided against it. Still, I reckon that I should be thankful to Celestia that my wings weren’t damaged or torn from the rigorous amount of training.

Leaning back I listened to the rain, taking inventory of what I had with me. Equestria has interesting mixes of technologies, though if anything for the common Stallion or Mare, it’s usually something lower tech or magical. I was allowed to keep my sword from the Guard, as a parting gift for my enthusiasm to serve with them. I didn't get too high up in the ranks; I was just under Sergeant. Though, I kept the Platoon going with my wise cracks, and, as they would say, "weirdness." It still makes me smile to think on that.

They enjoyed me being around, but they always asked me, “why Guard? Why be part of Infantry section of it?” I could have done something far better than that, intelligence, or air patrol pony, and probably a number of other positions. I could have done a lot more for myself, and gotten better pay, too, instead of freezing my flank off in the mud, snow, and other natural weather patterns. But I didn’t want that.

Instead, I did what I felt was best, what I loved, and nothing more. Taking the sword out of the sheath, I inspected it, feeling the weight. I stood up on both hooves, hearing the light thud against the wood. The sword itself was long enough to be used with either one or two hands, and its edge was still sharp. The best part was, it was light enough for a Pegasus to take into a fight, and still have an advantage.

Exhaling, I gazed into the mirror, gauging my golden eyes, and crimson mane. I chuckled at the fact that my name is Azure, yet nothing about me matched up, except that I was a Pegasus. As for my coat, my fur coat, a creamy white color, and still nothing Azure about me. I reckon my parents had a name made up prior to my birth. I always found it funny when my mother would say I was the odd one. Shaking my head and turning away from the mirror, I looked forward assuming a dueling stance, rather than one of engaging multiple enemies.

I took a breath, and closed my eyes to think on what I was to do. When I opened them I took a step forward. With it, the sword I had went in a downward swing, making sure not to leave myself open. Another step forward, I swung upward, then a second step, downward, and finally the same, but horizontally. I repeated this several times, “Just so I won't lose my edge,” I remember telling myself. Ironic, I suppose, since I should have felt safe in Ponyville. The nation's heroes do live here after all.

Then again, heroes can fail.

And I, for one, would not like to be a stallion in distress when there is another Changling Army knocking at my door. In fact, that was perhaps one of the scarier moments of my life, and scarring. I shuddered at that thought and lost my concentration with my weapon. I heard the thud of it embedding itself into the floor.

I also failed to mention, I live in a duplex... my eye twitched slightly hoping that no one heard that. A twitchy tail following next, and then my ears moving back and forth waiting for a knock at my door. Nothing, only my sigh of relief that, my neighbor, a very eccentric earth pony with a knack for history, hadn’t heard. He’s a… interesting pony, but if I had to hear any more of the Lunar Rebellion, I might have just acted like I need to house sit, or something, and hide in the clouds till he was gone.

Thankfully, the sword came out with ease, though it left a small groove in the wooden floor. Grimacing, I put it back in the sheath, I was done playing with that, for now. In the back of my mind, though, I could hear a good friend of mine, who attends the Canterlot Academy for Magic, scolding me for that blunder. Then again, she'd probably laugh, a lot.

With the sword away, I stretched out my limbs and wings, and headed for my small library. A bit of fiction here and there, and just before I could reach a book, I heard knocking at my door. An ear twitched toward the sound, taking it with caution. Combat instincts ran through my mind. I took a deep breath, and let it out, there was no reason to be fearful.

"Okay, who is it this time?" I said mostly to myself.

I opened the door and saw a mare dressed in official attire. She had, what appeared to be, militia attire, and was holding a lamp in her hoof. Her golden eyes looked up at me with a question in mind.

"Azure Skies?"

"That's me, what can I do for you, Ma'am?" I did my best to sound unamused, and monotone. I don't think it worked, I saw her shift and give a perk of the brow.

"Right, if you don't mind, could you assist the Ponyville sheriff's department?"

That wasn't what I expecting for a peaceful night, this should be good, or at least I had hoped it was going to be something good. "Sure, what is it?" I lost my monotone, and it was replaced by irritation.

"We’re forming a search party for a missing filly," she paused thinking of what would be best words to use next, "in the Everfree forest."

My thoughts became words, as my irritation was very real, "WELL THAT'S JUST BLOODY GREAT!" A snort escaped from my nostrils. I could tell I had scared the mare slightly by the step back she did. I felt awkward and like a complete arse for acting as I did. Letting out a sigh, I nodded. "Yeah, I can do that." I told her, "Stand by though, let me get dressed, and get my gear." I figured that they had asked me due to the fact that, when the ponies saw me moving in, they caught eye of my Equestrian Guard gear, and words spread quickly, here.

Throwing on what I had available, my sword on my side, I could feel my wings shaking in frustration. All I had wanted was a nice quiet night. If I had known what the night would bringing, I never would have answered the door.