"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

19th Scene - War

"I can't believe the car's outta gas already!" Aria snapped as she repeatedly kicked the immobile. "There's not a gas station around here! What are we gonna do?!"

"Well, at least we're away from those men." Sonata admitted as she rubbed her arm. "As much as it kinda felt good to fight, I don't want to do that again."

"Sonata's right. We're away from them, so that's the good news." Adagio added as she let out a sigh. She turned to Jacket who was staring at the car. His head snapped up and turned around. The sirens wondered what he was looking at and turned around, only to gasp at what they had saw.

Sunset Shimmer and her friends, along with these girls who wore these fancy looking school uniforms, all marched to the party of four. The girls in their fancy looking school uniforms looked hesitant and hid behind Sunset and the other girls.

"Oh great, not now..." Adagio grumbled as she placed a hand on her forehead. Jacket was confused as he watched the three girls around him look uncomfortable and uneasy.

"Jacket, remember when we said we tried to brainwash Canterlot High?" Sonata reminded Jacket who nodded in response. "These girls are not only from Canterlot High, they stopped us and took away our ability to sing."

The silent man blinked in response as the red and yellow haired girl appeared next to the Dazzlings with the other girls behind her.

"You three again?!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she shook her fist at the girls. "We thought you left town after that Battle of the Bands fiasco!"

"You know these girls?" Spike asked Sunset. The sight of a talking dog made Jacket raised an eyebrow, though his face still remained stoic.

"These are the sirens we told you about." Sunset explained to the dog and the Shadowbolts. "The ones who almost took all of our magic during the Battle of the Bands."

"Alright, look." Adagio reasoned. "You girls made us lose our ability to sing, so we can't do that anymore."

"Ya tried to take over the school!" Applejack aggressively shouted as she marched up to Adagio.

Aria placed herself between the girls. "Stop it! We have bigger things to worry about!"

"Yeah!" Indigo Zap shouted despite her nervousness. "Like what is HE doing here with you girls!?" She asked as she pointed to Jacket.

"His name is Jacket!" Sonata explained.

"We don't care what his name is!" Twilight shouted back as she avoided looking at Jacket. "He's still that rooster-masked killer!"

"No wait, please let us explain!" Aria tried to state until Rainbow Dash interrupted her.

"Ha! What makes you think we'll-"

"Start from the beginning." Sunset Shimmer replied to Aria, causing her friends to stare at her with befuddled looks on their faces. "And tell us why...Jacket is with you."

"Sunset, pleeeeeeeeeeeease tell me you're joking!" Pinkie Pie practically shouted at Sunset.

"The Dazzlings brainwashed the school and this man is a serial killer." Rarity said firmly while trying to sound lady-like. "Why do you wish to reason with them?"

"Scorpan said you're just a mercenary." Sunset Shimmer explained as she walked up to Jacket, which disturbed her friends as they watched her come closer to the killer. "You were targeting just these gangsters. No one else. You may be a killer, but you had a reason to kill those people, didn't you?"

Jacket turned away with a blank look on his face as Sunset continued to give the blonde man a hard stare. The girl turned to the girls and blinked when she noticed their slightly ripped clothes and bruises they had on their faces.

"What happened to you, girls?" Sunset Shimmer asked the girls before Sunny Flare blurted out something to say.

"Don't tell me this chicken freak did this to you!" She frantically assumed as she pointed at Jacket who rolled his eyes. He hated it when people referred to him as a chicken freak.

"Look, it's a long story." Sonata answered. "And I don't know if you want us to tell it."

Rainbow Dash felt like throwing a punch at Jacket and the Dazzlings. "I don't care if Sunset wants to hea-"

"No, let them explain." Fluttershy interrupted Dash, causing the girls to blink at her. "I know the girls did some bad things to us, but that doesn't mean we act like they did. Besides, look at them. They look seriously hurt. At least let them talk before we start judging them."

Despite their fury against the girls, they couldn't help but pay notice to how terrible the girls, and even Jacket, looked. Fluttershy continued on as she gave a look of concern at the blonde man.

"Besides, Jacket is it? He looks...sad. As if something happened to him. Something in the past that emotionally scarred him for life."

Jacket turned his head away, letting the girls know that Fluttershy was right. He silently hoped his bearded friend was resting. Fluttershy looked to her friends and saw them staring at her with surprised looks on their faces. She started to blush and cower a bit as she stuttered.

"If it's alright with you. You can do what you girls wanted to do to the Dazzlings initially. I was just saying..."

The girls stared at Jacket, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk while wondering if they should hear their story or not. After what seemed like a long minute, they finally decided on their decision.

"Fine." Rainbow Dash grumbled as she folded her arms across her chest.

"I don't like this, but I hope it's a GOOD story." Pinkie Pie answered as she grinned nervously.

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other uncomfortably before nodding to the Dazzlings. Sunset turned to Twilight, Spike, and the Shadowbolts for their response. She could see the fear in the eyes and tiny beads of sweat dripping from the girl's foreheads. Nevertheless, after looking at each other, the girls and dog nodded at Sunset.

"Go ahead."

Letting out a sigh, Adagio began to speak, "You girls obviously know that we're not from this world and that we're from another universe. Jacket...is also from another universe as well."

The schoolgirls and Spike tilted their heads at this explanation. Adagio ignored them as she began to explain what Jacket had told the Dazzlings. The girls were informed about the man's past from the military and his business with these mobsters. Eventually, he was incarcerated and, under unusual circumstances, was teleported into this world.

"They're not lying so far." Applejack pointed out to her friends, causing them to widen their eyes at the country girl.

"Wait, really?" Rarity answered in disbelief as the apple girl nodded.

"As someone who's honest her entire life, Ah'm able to tell who's fibbin'."

"I can tell as well." Sugarcoat added, despite her fear of Jacket. "My blunt honesty helps me detect any lies anyone is saying based on their expressions and mannerisms. So far, as far-fetched as their story is so far, I believe it. We HAVE experienced some bizarre events after all."

The students remained silent though they couldn't help but agree that they had run into some bizarre events in the past. They looked at Adagio as she continued her story.

"Eventually, Jacket needed a place to stay. We also needed money since we were living in a dump."

"A dump? How awful..." Fluttershy murmured as she felt pity for her former adversary.

"Yeah, I hear you." Aria added as she shook her head. "Anyway, we got money and Jacket got a home. We thought things were gonna be okay...but that is until that bank robbery."

"Bank robbery?" Sunny Flare asked. "You mean that robbery around the beginning of November?"

"That one." Sonata answered. "And it turns out Jacket was the one who thwarted it."

The schoolgirls and Spike stared at Jacket in awe. The blonde man continued to not show a single emotion on his face as Pinkie Pie exploded in disbelief. "Wowie zowie! That was really crazy over there! I can't believe a crazy freak managed to...uh...oops. Didn't mean to call you a crazy freak...hehe?"

Jacket stared at the pink girl.

"Heh heh...stop staring at me. Stare at Sour Sweet." Pinkie Pie nervously said to the quiet man as she pointed at the Crystal Prep student. "She always talks about how she wants to kick the chicken freak's butt and teach him a lesson he'll never forget."

Jacket turned his stare to Sour Sweet, who immediately hid behind Twilight Sparkle while shaking her legs and whimpering.

"Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me."

Jacket kept himself from letting out an annoyed groan as Adagio continued the story.

"Afterwards, Jacket received these phone calls. They told him to kill these gangsters or else they're not only kill him, but us as well."

"Land sakes..." Applejack grumbled in disbelief.

"So Scorpan was right, Jacket was actually a mercenary hired to kill Tirek's gang." Sunset stated as she placed a hand on her chin. She looked back to the blonde man. "That attack at The Alicorn Nightclub. You were sent to kill all of Tirek's men there and they responded by having those gunmen."

Jacket nodded as Sunset Shimmer clenched her fists. "Damnit! Luna, Flash, and the other students were involved in this!" She noticed a twinge of guilt in Jacket's eyes and soon calmed down as Aria began to speak.

"Eventually, we told him we were sirens and he actually took it well. Um, though since it's because he's in another universe."

"Then today happened." Sonata continued as she let out a frown. "Jacket had to do something, which was apparently to take care of more crooks. He took a bit longer than usual."

"The Wifi Palace..." Twilight whispered as the Shadowbolts bit their lips and felt their stomachs being twisted. "You killed those people...who were going to kill us."

"You didn't want to kill them, did you? You actually saved them?" Sunset asked the reticent, blonde man who nodded in response. The Shadowbolts couldn't help but to blink their eyes at him. He saved us in his own free will? Twilight thought in curiosity.

"Jacket finally came back, only to go to some other place." Adagio disclosed before feeling a bit sheepish. "We...decided to follow him. We had to take care of some gangsters in our way to get to Jacket."

"Judging from how you look, must've been easier said than done, huh?" Lemon Zest guessed. She turned a bit ill as she saw Jacket staring at her with a tiny hint of hostility at her. Lemon Zest, however, noticed that he was paying attention to her headphones more than herself.

"Yeah." Sonata replied. "Anyway, we ended up stumbling across Jacket in some standoff with two guys. One looked red with a black jacket while the other one was brownish with some golden triangle medallion on his neck."

"Scorpan..." Sunset Shimmer analyzed as her eyes grew wide. "What happened?"

"We heard gunshots and...Jacket was the only one who survived." Adagio answered while giving Sunset a remorseful stare.

Sunset felt pale as she had trouble accepting the news. "No...I talked to him a while ago. I can't believe he's...gone..."

Fluttershy placed a hand on Sunset Shimmer's shoulder as the red and yellow haired girl let out a single tear, feeling saddened over the loss of Scorpan.

"We had to get out of there." Aria said as she crossed her arms. "When we got to our apartment, we learned about what kind of man Jacket really was and...got mad. We had to put aside our anger at him when these men came and tried to kill us. They were probably hired by the guys who made Jacket kill these gangsters. We took care of them without killing them and got out of the building as quick as possible. We stole a ride and drove away until it ran out of gas. Apparently, it stopped right here...and here we are now!"

The girls said not a single word as they stared at the Dazzlings and Jacket. While they still felt some hostility towards them, the girls couldn't help but believe their story. Applejack and Sugarcoat confirmed they were telling the truth, so they decided to have a truce between their former enemies. However, Twilight frowned as she placed a hand on her chin.

"While we're at least glad you're not our enemies in this situation." Twilight explained as she let out a disappointed sigh. "This doesn't really help us though. We still have no idea where to begin solving this problem."

The Dazzlings looked at each other with troublesome looks on their faces before they cleared their throats. "Um, Jacket has an idea." Aria pointed out as she scratched the back of her head. "We, uh, have someone who's part of the people who attacked someone."

"Really? Where?"

"He's...in the trunk of the car." Sonata answered Sunset's question with a shaky, toothy grin.

"You took one of the thugs as a hostage?!" Sour Sweet snapped from behind Twilight Sparkle.

"It was his idea, not ours." Aria quickly pointed at Jacket who still did not display any emotion.

"I guess we might as well...reason with him?" Twilight asked Jacket who nodded in response.

The girls, Spike, Dazzlings, and Jacket walked to the trunk of the car. Jacket placed his mask back on his head as he placed his hands on the car. The Canterlot High students shrugged at the Crystal Prep students as Jacket nonchalantly opened up the trunk. Inside the car was an irritated crook who was busy struggling and shouting.

"What the fuck?! Where am I?!"

He turned to his captors and widened his eyes at the sight of Jacket.

"Shit! The chicken freak! Get me outta here! You're all dead! You hear me! DEAD!"

"Yeah, yeah, we're dead. Whatever." Sunset Shimmer apathetically grumbled before she glared down at the thug. "Listen, we don't want to hurt you. But we've got a problem and you have to at least know SOMETHING. Who hired these men who tried to kill the Dazzlings and the rooster-masked assassin?"

"I'm not telling you shit, demon girl!"

"We're not going to ask you again." Sour Sweet serenely said to the thug before her tone became furious. "Who's responsible for this mess!?!"

"Fuck you and your school that turned that girl into a demon for those stupid games!"

The Shadowbolts felt a twinge of disgrace over the Friendship Games event as Jacket rolled his eyes behind his plastic mask. He signaled Sonata for a piece of paper with a pencil and soon obtained what he asked. He began to write a list on it and showed it to the girls. Pinkie Pie immediately responded by digging into her pockets of her pants and pulling out some materials from the list. Jacket was tempted to break his mute status to ask the teenage girl HOW or WHY she had those in her pocket. Nevertheless, he took them and then vigorously dragged the thug from the trunk.

"Um, what do you need those things for?" Pinkie Pie asked. Jacket stopped in his tracks and gently turned to the pink girl. Without a word being spoken from the two people, Pinkie Pie suddenly looked like she had seen a ghost as Jacket continued his dragging.

"What was that about?" Rainbow Dash asked as the girls watched the criminal start to shout as Jacket lugged him to the other side of the vacant school and out of the sight of the girls. Pinkie Pie smiled nervously at her rainbow-haired friend.

"Jackie's gonna...talk some sense with the guy. He also recommends that we don't follow him. It isn't going to be pretty."

The girls faces turned dull as they shrugged at each other and hoped to the goddesses that Jacket did not resort to killing. After a couple of minutes had passed, Adagio jumped up in irritation.

"Okay, he's been torturing that guy for too long. I don't care how ugly it's going to look, I'm gonna stop Jacket."

She ran to the other side of the school with her friends following her, despite feeling uneasy about the mess they're going to witness. When they got there, they found the criminal not too physically injured. He was rather savagely emotionally injured as he crawled up in a ball and let out anxious sobs. They noticed a piece of paper pinned to the wall and walked up to it to read the message that was inscribed on it.

I'm sorry Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and the rest of you girls and that dog. I got you all into this mess. Now I have to get you out of this mess. The guy told me the location after a couple of seconds of...interrogation. The address of the HQ is at the bottom of this page and if you're reading up to this point, I'm already there. I'm going to make things right.

The girls stared at each other as Sonata rolled up her fingers into a fist. "We have to go after him!" She said to the Dazzlings. "We can't leave him there! He's going to get killed!"

"Say no more. We're going after him." Aria responded as she cracked her knuckles.

"C'mon girls!" Adagio ordered as the trio of girls began to sprint off.

The students of Canterlot High and Crystal Prep wondered what to do now as Sunset Shimmer let out a determined growl on her face.

"Girls, you stay." Sunset ordered without turning around. "I'll go with the Dazzlings."

The girls gasped in horror at what Sunset Shimmer had just said. "Are you demented?" Rarity shrieked as she placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "You are going to get killed there, darling!"

"I have to...for Scorpan..." Sunset Shimmer replied as she mildly removed the alabaster girl's hand from her shoulder. "He died because of this mess. I have to make things right..." She began to sprint away from the girls who tried to reason with their friend but could not keep up with Sunset.

"Wait up!" Sunset Shimmer shouted at the sirens who stopped for a moment.

"What are you doing here?" Aria asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"What does it look like? I'm going to help you!"

"Wait, really?" Sonata stammered with doubt in her tone. "But I thought you still hated us because of that brainwashing school thing!"

"That's all in the past!" Sunset shouted as she let out a firm look at the sirens. "You girls are trying to stop this mess. I want to stop this crazy thing!"

Total silence hung between the trio of girls and the red and yellow haired girl. Sonata quietly turned to Aria who shifted to Adagio. They still felt some anger at Sunset for making them lose their ability to sing, but she was right. That was in the past and they should let it go if they want to stop this chaos. With strong-willed smiles on their faces, they nodded at Sunset as they began to ran.

"Well come on then!" Adagio called out. "We gotta get there and help Jacket!"

Sunset Shimmer smirked back and rushed to the girls as she looked up in the sky and let out a courageous nod.

"Scorpan...wish me luck!"

Jacket let out a relaxed sigh upon finishing his cigarette. Throwing it on the ground before stomping on it, the stoic man looked up to the building that bestowed in front of him. The gangster said this was the headquarters and Jacket knew he was telling the truth. The silent man rarely brags, but the times of brutally killing Russians have made him skilled in sadistic torturing.

The blonde man growled as he can feel his hands aching from being tightly clenched up as fists. A chance to leave the violence and Russians from the past had been offered to him but was wasted on petty orders on executing gangsters. Men who were part of a gang that he was not even aware of in the first place.

I know where you live now, you bastards, Jacket mentally declared as the rage building in his soul was ready to be unleashed. You made me kill these fuckers for some reason I don't care about and then tried to kill me.

Jacket cracked his knuckles before he closed his eyes while slowly inserting his mask onto his head. He opened his eyes and then squinted at the entrance. He can still hear that dying man's request. He was going to make sure that request came true, come hell or high water.

Find the bastards...and kill them...
(Click here for looped OST)

Jacket did not show any hint of hesitation as he kicked down the twin doors that stood before him. He took a good look of the area, identifying it as a lobby of some sort. Three gangsters acting as guards raised their eyebrows at the masked maniac, momentarily wondering what is he doing here before shrugging and pulling out their butterfly knives. Jacket saw nothing but vicious grins on their faces, intent on making Jacket suffer. One charged and swung his knife at the masked mercenary. Jacket moved aside, avoiding the blade and not wasting this opportunity for a counterattack. He grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it enough for blood to slather into the gangster's skin. Much to Jacket's satisfaction, the nearby gangsters dropped their grins with panicked looks on their faces as the man with the twisted wrist screamed from his lungs until his throat ached from its soreness. Of course, it went from sore to slit with blood squirting from it when Jacket slashed the gangster's throat. Pushing him down to the cold ground, Jacket walked nonchalantly with the other guards. They put aside their uneasiness and growled at the rooster-masked warrior. With their blades intact, they dashed to the killer with the desire for some action. Unfortunately for them, the only action they received was the excruciating pain of their throats as they fell down with slit, bleeding throats. Jacket noticed how one of them had a revolver concealed in their shirts. Ignoring the need to question why the guard did not use the gun in the first place, he snatched the gun from the guard before pausing to look at them. The killer could tell from their dying faces they want to be put out of their misery.

No fucking way... Jacket thought after some patient thinking.

Jacket saw three elevators to his right but chose to walk up the stairs. Before he faced the ones responsible for this mess, Jacket thought it would be wise to have everyone else out of the picture. He reached the second floor and kicked the two doors in front of him.

Jacket noticed how he was in a large hallway with a room at each side. Windows were present, along with an overweight guard behind each window. Two overweight guards immediately crashed through the doors and headed for the rooster-masked man. Jacket aimed the revolver and fired, striking the man's head with a caliber bullet before the masked man blew the other man's brains. Four more shots were left which was coincidental as Jacket looked up and saw four guards equipped with silenced MP5's. Placing his free hand on the hammer of the gun, Jacket used his other hand to pull the trigger, rapidly taking out the thugs in front of him.

Yeehaw, motherfuckers... Jacket mentally quipped as he threw away the revolver and pulled out his knife from earlier as he walked to the dead thugs. An eyebrow was itching to be raised on his face upon seeing another gangster wearing a gas mask and holding an active chainsaw with a rusty blade. Jacket honestly thought this idiot was really going to try to kill him. His thoughts have been answered when the dodger lunged at him while swinging his chainsaw until a knife was jammed through his mask and into one of his eye sockets. As he fell down dead, Jacket grabbed the chainsaw and pulled on the cord, giving it a good loud rev. His ears perked up at the sound of thugs rushing into the floor.

I promised Adagio I wouldn't kill anyone at our burning apartment. Jacket thought as he lifted up the chainsaw and gritted his teeth in anticipation for the carnage that is about to occur. Gangsters jumped out of the two rooms with guns and axes in their hands. They did not waste a single second running towards the masked killer while yelling out battle cries. Jacket swung the chainsaw at one of them in a diagonal slash, causing the gangster's top half of his body to slide from the lower part. Blood squirted around Jacket and stained some of the nearby gangsters who were shocked at what just happened. One of them growled and shook his head, concentrating on Jacket as he pointed his pistol at him. His eyes snapped wide open until he could feel his eye muscles torn as the rooster-masked man sliced his hand from his arm. Jacket grabbed the gun from the chopped hand and then pounced on the gangster. The fear-filled thug screamed as Jacket slammed the chainsaw into his chest, causing muscles and sinew to burst and filling the room with the sweet sounds of agonizing pain and mutilated muscles and meat. As Jacket was busy tearing through the poor sucker's chest, he whipped out the pistol he had just stolen and fired at the nearby shocked gangsters as they were easy targets.

He yanked out the chainsaw from the corpse. Jacket momentarily turned off the chainsaw for a bit to avoid overheating and taking this time to clean some of the blood and heart pieces from the blade. He cleaned the saw a bit as he slowly walked into another room filled with more gangsters. An overweight thug tried to punch Jacket. The other gangsters dropped their jaws as they saw the rooster-masked man impale the overweight man with the chainsaw. Bloody bits of the man's chest exploded throughout the room as the fat thug cried while the masked man pulled the chainsaw downward so that his stomach would not be spared as well. The gangsters almost puked at the sight of the overweight's kidneys and liver being splattered into blood-soaked chunks all over the expensive looking carpet. Jacket kicked the dead thug and swung the chainsaw at a stunned thug. The thug screamed in horror as the blade ripped through his arm, causing a gush of blood to burst from the end of his shoulder. The other thug was about to blow off Jacket's brains out with a shotgun. Feeling his eyes hurting from narrowing too much, Jacket jumped from the gangster and swung the chainsaw downward at the shotgun-equipped gangster, chopping him in half. Immediately, the two halves of his body fell to the ground with a splash of blood squirting from the halves, coating Jacket in crimson red. His organs fell from the chopped body, causing the armless thug to vomit over the sight of his former companion's stomach and intestines soaking the carpet and his brain slumping to the carpet. As he stopped his vomiting, he looked up only to find a chainsaw heading towards his face. Jacket remained emotionless as the chainsaw tore through the eyes, nose, and tissue. He did not even blink at the tongue, skin, and cranium being plastered on the wall with gallons of crimson blood being ejected all over the room.

Jacket could feel the chainsaw engine dying, causing him to leave the chainsaw in the guy's face. He took off his mask and let out a deep breath. With his eyes closed, he could smell the blood, brains, muscles, and this other distinctive smell he couldn't really identify. He snatched a sub machine gun from one of the dismembered thugs and exited the room to get some fresh air that didn't have the extreme strong scent of blood in the air. Satisfied, Jacket placed his mask back into his head as he headed for one of the exits and darted up the stairs.

He halted his sprinting when a single gunshot ricocheted from the railway. The masked man looked up and already saw an angry criminal with a revolver in his hand as he attempted to gun down the intruder. Jacket moved aside to let a bullet ricochet away from him before he pointed at the thug and held down on the trigger, firing the weapon. The unfortunate thug got his chest stained with massive amounts of blood as the bullets ripped through his heart and muscle, causing him to tumble down the stairs. Jacket quickly grabbed the corpse's pistols as the gangster continued to roll down. The rooster-masked killer proceeded to walk up the stairs which was soaked in the blood of the gangster.

With some bullets left in the sub machine gun and two pistols tucked behind his jeans, Jacket continued on before he heard one of the doors from the stairway open, revealing three thugs with double-barrelled shotguns. As he sprinted up, Jacket whipped out his sub machine gun and used the last of the ammunition to scatter bullet holes at one of the thugs. After killing the criminal, Jacket snatched the double barreled shotgun and fired a shell at the other two thugs. One of them was killed as his head exploded into a bloody mess, yet the other one was shot in the stomach and was not killed immediately. Feeling blood dripping from his nose, the thug took out a desert eagle and pointed it at Jacket with a shakily hand and blurry vision. Jacket threw the empty shotgun at the dying thug's face, causing him to drop the gun and hold his attacked face. The masked man quickly grabbed the thug's neck and twisted it, causing a splash of blood to splatter over the stairs. Grabbing the other shotguns and desert eagle, Jacket took a deep breath as he equipped both of his hands with pistols before kicking the door open to the current floor.

The masked anti-hero was already met with a surprised gangster who pointed his pistol at Jacket before getting the top half of his head blown to red bits. He fell down to the floor with blood leaking from his head as Jacket observed his surroundings. In front of him were a couple of windows where two overweight thugs, witnessing the rooster masked man killing the criminal in front of him, rushed out from the room. Jacket tried to gun them down but his bullets missed as they exited to the hallway to get to the masked man. Shrugging, Jacket walked into another room that contained electronic musical equipment as well as three gunmen who sidestepped behind the equipment at the sight of Jacket. Just as the gangsters were about to open fire, Jacket jumped out of the doorway and leaned against the wall as the bullets missed him. He swapped his pistol for a desert eagle as he appeared in the doorway. He dived forward while firing the desert eagle, successfully shooting the gangsters. One got his eyeball blown in a bloody mess while the other had his throat butchered from the gunshot. As the gangster with the shot throat fell down dead, the last one got his shoulder blasted as he yelled while clenching it. Jacket grabbed one of the equipment and smashed it at the gangster's head until brains started to leak out of his head. The masked man took a deep breath as he finished bashing the brains before whipping out his shotgun and wasting the only two ammunition on the overweight men from before. They had arrived in the room with hopes to kill Jacket, only to have their faces shredded off of their heads by a sheer force of a shotgun. Jacket swiped a Mendoza from one of the dead gangsters before heading to the doorway.

Sprinting out of the room, Jacket equipped himself with the two pistols as he ran through the interior. He extended his arms out while pulling on the triggers on each of the guns. He guessed there were already enemies hiding behind the doorway so he saved himself the trouble as each crook on each side collapsed with bullet holes distributed all over their chests. Entering another room, Jacket saw what seemed to be a pool built inside this square room. Already the rooster masked anti-hero saw a couple of guys taking a swim. The crooks stopped their pool enjoyment when they spotted their enemy standing in front of them, causing them to drop their alcoholic drinks and snagged their nearby pistols. Jacket fired a couple of rounds at them which lead to the pool being filled with bloods and the corpses of the shot gangsters. The sound of bullets attracted dogs as they appeared on the other side of the room and jolted at Jacket. The man couldn't believe how easy it was as he wasted the dogs by firing a well placed shot on their temples. Jacket realized that he only had a few amount of ammo on one of his guns as he threw the other one into the pool, not wanting to carry around an empty gun. Thankfully, the ammo on his last pistol was used wisely as a man pursued to chop off Jacket's head off with a fire axe. Jacket twisted around and fired the last ammunition into the gangster's liver, causing him to drop his axe and clasp his part of the body that was severely bleeding. Unfortunately for him, he looked up to see a tall man with a chicken mask using his last bullet at the goon's forehead. Jacket snatched the fire axe and shifted his head to the dodger that rushed past the pool, swaying his chainsaw in the air. He stopped dead on his tracks, literally as the anti-hero lodged the fire axe directly in the dodger's skull. Jacket kicked the chainsaw into the pool, since he wanted to shoot some assholes, not chop them up.

As he exited out of the room, he came across a long hallway and walked forward with precise caution and a cold Mendoza resting in his palms. He came across a room with no door and plenty of windows revealing the people inside the room. Jacket spotted a gangster with a sawed off shotgun, an overweight hooligan, and, most to Jacket's great dismay, a guy sitting on the couch who was facing at the wall while listening on his big pink headphones. The hero pointed his gun at the gangster with the shotgun, shooting off a moderate chunk of his head much to his fat companion's shock. Jacket did not forget the overweight man, firing at his stomach until the intestines started to ooze out of the dying thug's stomach. With a ferocious growl as he stared at the clueless headphone-wearing moron, Jacket aimed directly at the headphones and fired, causing them to explode and make the thug yelp while plunging down to the floor. Turning up, the crook saw Jacket pointing a gun at him and replied with a frantic cry of surrender. Jacket shot him in the head, hoping that would help the world from being contaminated by music-listening idiots like HIM. He paused a moment as he recalled seeing that green-haired, pink-skinned schoolgirl with those large headphones on her head. He shook his head since she was just a teen and possibly didn't listen to her music with her eyes closed while banging her head smiling 24/7.

Just as Jacket reached the end of the hallway, he walked to the doorway on his right and stopped for a moment to blink. He was standing in front of a canine...who was spinning around at a moderate speed. It didn't even look like the mutt is chasing his own tail. Jacket shrugged at this...glitch thing as he pointed his Mendoza at the dog and put it down. The sounds of the dog whimpering before it died attracted an enemy, rolling into the hallway as he fired his combat rifle at the intruder. Jacket sidestepped to cover as he felt lucky that the bullets just scratched the side of his plastic mask. He vaulted back into the room, firing his weapon at the gangster. A success hit killed the thug as he perished on the floor he was lying on as Jacket continued on before hearing more crooks coming his way.

Leaning against a wall for cover, Jacket peeked from the corner and saw one of the gangsters pulling a pin from a frag grenade before throwing it at Jacket's direction. The masked man slightly panicked at the sight of the grenade and pulled back in time as the explosion failed to scathe him. He bounced back up to his feet and killed the criminals who were foolish enough to run to the corner to see if Jacket had died. The assassin saw that he was almost low on ammunition so he switched to his desert eagle and plunged to the side. The enemies were startled to see him suddenly as one of them tried to pull out the pin of another grenade. Jacket landed a successful hit with his sidearm, causing the grenade to explode and slayed the gangsters around the explosion. As soon as he got up in his feet, Jacket grunted in confusion upon learning that the desert eagle only had one bullet in it. Shrugging, he threw it away before placing the Mendoza back into his hands. Just in time as dogs could be heard backing as they bolted past their fat masters and towards Jacket. As soon as they were in his sight, Jacket pulled on the trigger and let the gun do its work until he heard nothing from the lack of ammo. At least the dogs were scattered throughout the floor in their puddles of blood and puppy guts. He was down to his last weapon, the double barrelled shotgun. He shook his head, saddened that he had to waste it on the two "big-boned" crooks that were sprinting at him. He fired at their faces and relished at the sights of them being killed when the force of a good old fashioned shotgun blast tears through their skulls and paint the surroundings with extensive amounts of blood and brain lumps.

Feeling a bit down that he no longer had any guns on him at the moment, he was glad to see that was all the crooks on this floor. Stretching his neck a bit, he kicked down a nearby door that led to the stairways and dashed up the stairs with anticipation in his spirit.

"We're finally here!" Sunset exclaimed with a victorious smile on her face. "This should be the building!"

"Knowing Jacket, he should have taken care of some people in here already." Sonata grumbled as the four girls rushed inside the building, since the twin doors were already broken from being kicked too hard, and arrived in the lobby. Sunset Shimmer almost gagged at the sight of three corpses on the ground with dried blood on their throats. The Dazzlings, despite being disturbed by the sight of the deceased goons, were less disturbed at this sight compared to Sunset. Four crooks stood by the bodies as one of them lightly kicked one of the bodies.

"Bastards bled to death." He mumbled in an apathetic tone before he turned around and spotted the girls. "What the fuck?! It's those sirens people are talking about! And they're with that demon girl!"

"I have a name, you know!" Sunset grunted as she held up her fists with the Dazzlings readying up for combat. The gangsters chortled before one of them walked up to Sunset with the intent of going easy on her. She slammed her fist into his face, causing him to become shocked for a quick second before being smacked to the floor. The crooks dropped their jaws as the Dazzlings were impressed at what they had just witnessed. The men growled and charged at Sunset. Aria kicked one of them in the groin as Adagio grabbed another and thrusted him into the wall. As Adagio gave the goon a couple of punches to his cheek, Sonata kicked the last one in his shins which immobilized him to let Aria punch him in the stomach before letting Sonata headbutt him, causing him to to tumble to the floor. Sunset let out an impressed whistle as she looked upon the comatose thugs around her.

"Not bad..." She complimented as the trio gave her a warm smile in return. She turned to her right and glanced at the elevators. "We should take these elevators to the top floor. Jacket's going to find the people in charge of this madness so they're most likely at the top floor, which is where Jacket is heading!"

Adagio pressed one of the buttons which resulted in the elevator door opening. The four girls quietly walked inside the room, pausing for a moment to realize how huge it is as there was enough room to walk around. With no time to waste, Sonata pressed the button for the top floor before she watched the door close. As the girls felt the elevator heading up, Aria blinked for a bit as she cleared her throat to get her companions' attention.

"Um, we're gonna fight these idiots in this elevator, aren't we?"

Her question was answered when a sharp ding sound was heard. The elevator opened up to reveal a small group of crooks having a conversation with each other only to suddenly stop. The girls prepared themselves for combat as the thugs ran to them with the elevator door closing when the last thug ran in the elevator. Sonata felt her knuckles bleeding from colliding on the face of one of the thugs. She clenched her teeth as her knuckles throbbed from punching the man's cartilage in his nose along with his upper lip and row of his teeth. Aria jabbed one of the crooks to the wall as she used her elbow to fracture his jaw before his crotch was wounded by Aria's fierce kick. Sunset grabbed the hair of one of the thugs and thrusted him to another man causing both of their skulls to crash and almost fracturing them both.

As the downed men whimpered in pain, the last one put up his fists until the elevator opened to reveal more gangsters with melee weapons supplied on their gloved hands. Sunset grabbed the hands of a nearby guy holding a sledgehammer and struggled to snatch it away from him. He tried to hold on to his weapon but his foot was suddenly crushed by the girl, causing his hands to let go of the weapon and into his foot. Sunset gripped the sledgehammer tightly as she looked down and could not stop the memories in her mind playing. They reminded her of when she once tried to use a sledgehammer to destroy the portal to Equestria if Twilight Sparkle did not surrender her crown to her evil self. Funny that she is now using it to indirectly help the person who may stop this chaos. Shaking her head with a growl, she swung the hammer at the thug, knocking him out cold instantly as his unconscious body bowled over some other men. One of them tried to get up with his palms holding on to his golf club only to wiggle his palms a bit when he could not feel his golf club anymore. He looked up and already saw the orange haired girl lifting up in the air and smacking his cheek which led to him falling flat on the elevator floor. One of the thugs rolled away before flipping out his butterfly knife. He attempted to stab Aria who quickly dodged to avoid the attack and then punched one of the guys in the face. The one with the slightly bruised face dropped his chainlink whip which was quickly stolen by Aria. She wrapped the knife-equipped gangster's legs together with her chainlink "lasso" and dragged him across the room until he was slammed into the wall that took him out without any fatalities.

With just three foes left, Adagio grabbed the tip of one of the guy's baseball bat and shoved it into his stomach. He let out a "oof" as the butt of the bat squished his gut which left him open for Adagio to grab the tip of the baseball bat and slammed it into his forehead. With just two thugs left, they quickly surrounded Sonata Dusk with lead pipes ready to be swung. Sonata sensed a guy in front of her and a guy in the back of her, so she quickly dropped to her knees as they attacked, only to accidentally shatter each of their jaws as they can feel the nerves in their tooth gushing out blood as they could almost detect their teeth being yanked out. The elevator door opened and a group of four thugs with wooden planks as weapons appeared at the doorway. They blinked as they saw the sight of unconscious men and four girls who had tattered clothes and pissed off looks on their faces from their burning aggression. They tried to step away only to have the girls pull them into the elevator. As the doors closed, the sounds of men grunting, crying, having their faces bruised, and the faint sound of a bone being crushed were echoed from behind the doors.

The four girls looked up at the top of the doorway and saw that the elevator had just reached the top floor. As the doors finally opened up without any man in front of it, the girls stepped out of the room feeling a bit sore from the aching wounds they had received. They halted their minor suffering when the sound of bullets being shot and the laughter of a teen entered into the ears of Sunset Shimmer, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk.

Jacket had finally reached the top floor and kicked down the metal door that was in his way. He marched down into the hallway only to cease his marching at the sight of a hooligan drinking from a beer bottle. He continued to drink from his beer as nine more criminals suddenly appeared as they circled around Jacket. The hooligan smashed the beer bottle into the ground as he hissed at the masked assassin.

"Let's see what you're made of, chicken boy."

The enemies yelled as they darted to Jacket with their fists showing off their bronze-encrusted brass knuckles that some of the crooks wore on their knuckles. Jacket quickly grabbed one thug's neck as he gave his chest a good handful of rapid punches. Just as another enemy was about to strike him, Jacket launched his fist into the guy's face. If an X-ray machine was present, it would show the bones of the nose being shattered like a glass falling into the kitchen floor. The teeth on the upper row underestimated the force of Jacket's punch as it almost broke into pieces as if it were snowflakes. He laid on the floor in brutal pain as Jacket used his occupied hand to rip out the man's head from his body, showing off his bloody spine. Some of the men questioned the possibility of this brutality but ignored it as they focused on killing the masked man. One of the crooks got his stomach personally fed by Jacket's powerful fist that almost felt like his gut had suffer from severe bleeding. He gasped and almost choked on his spit as he plummeted to his knees to clench his ruptured stomach. Jacket took this moment to grab each side of the thug's head and twisted his neck until a loud snap was heard along with small squirts of blood that injected out of his ruptured neck. One tried to throw a punch of his own only to have the rooster-masked assassin grab his hand mid-air. He proceeded to crack every finger and experimented a bit with some twisting and bending, causing the thug to scream in agonizing pain. Jacket detected one of the thugs whipping out a box cutter and responded by placing the screaming thug in front of him. The box cutter was unintentionally jammed in the man's neck, causing him to scream even louder with blood squirting out occasionally. Pushing the dying man into the attacker, Jacket kicked one of the thugs in the stomach before stepping aside and performing a jump kick on some other unlucky person. The man with the cut neck was dead leaving just seven men in Jacket's way. The masked man wanted to just run past them but he figured that he needed to teach these jackasses a lesson. One of them leaped at the man and tumbled him down to the ground. The thug sadistically smiled as he tried to crush Jacket's skull. As the anti-hero tried to struggle, he figured that this thug liked to smile a lot and soon an idea popped in his head. He placed an index finger on each end of his mouth and slit the ends of the mouth. The bashing soon stopped as the thug cried from the bleeding mouth before Jacket shut up him by grabbing a nearby box cutter and jamming it into the back of his head and into his brain. He pulled it out with bits of brain and plenty of blood on it so that he can slice open another goon's stomach which led to a waterfall of blood from his gut before he perished.

Five more to kill and he can finally be in his way. He already got tired of this pointless fight which was why he was satisfied to see one of them pulling out a hand cannon. He plundered it and fatally blew off a good chunk of the lower part of the man's body off before pointing it to the other four. One luckless man got his blown into bloody pieces after watching his companion's head blow up like a meat balloon. Wishing to avoid death, the hand-less man grabbed his comrade and placed him in front of him which led to his shoulder being fed a bullet. Jacket cursed himself when he discovered that the gun was out of ammo so he picked up the box cutter and charged at the thug that did not have a bleeding shoulder or missing hand. He pressed the cutter into the man's palms, causing a leak of blood along with more shrieking. Jacket proceeded to push the bloody blade into the man's eye only to found it to be mildly difficulty as the thug used his bleeding hand to stop the blade. It didn't matter as Jacket succeeded and burst the eyeball open with the blade as it dug deep into the brain. As the enemy died, Jacket was surprised to find a small amount of hand cannon ammo in the man's pockets. He grabbed some and reloaded his weapon before turning around and already seeing the two injured men trying to retreat. A bullet was loaded into their heads and traveled past their brains, signified by the splash of crimson blood that injected right from the exit bullet wounds from their foreheads.

With the obstacles cleared out, Jacket walked ahead through the hallway until he made a couple more turns. He saw an elevator that was coincidentally placed a couple of yards away from the thing that interested Jacket: a pair of doors with a sign saying to not disturb unless it was REALLY important.

Jacket paused a moment as he glimpsed upon the twin doors that stood in front of him. He tilted his head down and saw a mat that did not welcome him. This is where they live... Jacket speculated mentally as he felt the ire and ferocity inside his soul boiling up at a high temperature. This is where Jacket had hoped to end this madness and to finally finished what he had helped started. He thought of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, and everyone else who happened to stumble into this mess and become a part of this predicament. With this inspiration fueling up his aggression, Jacket lifted up his foot and let out a vigorous kick on the doors, opening them as they cracked from the kick.

The rooster-masked killer entered the final room.