"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

17th Scene - Famine

We need to get out of here. Jacket wrote on another piece of paper. These guys are coming towards us. We NEED to escape NOW.

His pleas went unnoticed because of how grim the girls were as they faced away from Jacket. The blonde man put a hand on Adagio's shoulder, trying once more to reason with her. However, Adagio felt a vein burst in her head as she, for the first time, ignored Jacket's stoic demeanor, swiped his hand from her shoulder, and barked in front of his face.

"This is all your fault!" Adagio snapped at the blonde man, who surprisingly backed away a bit with a slight surprised look on his face. "You caused all of this! You got us involved in this! Now we're going to die! I HATE YOU! I should have thrown you out on the street the day we met!"

"Oh, NOW you decide to throw him out!" Aria snapped at Adagio. "I told you from day one to throw this idiot back in the streets! But, nooooo! You were like 'We need money! Let us have this creepy guy stay with us!' I was the one who didn't want him to come to our place in the first place but you just had to let him in anyway!"

"Aria, stop yelling at her!" Sonata shouted as she grabbed Aria's shoulder. "Adagio didn't do anyt-"

Sonata was silenced when Aria slapped her on the cheek. "Shut the fuck up!" Aria growled as Sonata tumbled to the floor.

The blue girl's shocked face quickly turned to rage as she tackled the purple girl to the ground. "Fuck you, whore!" Sonata shouted, uncaring of the vulgar language she had just shouted.

"Stop it!" Adagio yelled as she ran to the two fighting girls and was soon caught up in the brawl.


The girls stopped their fight and was jumped by the sound of a pistol being fired at the ceiling. They turned to the furious Jacket who was holding his pistol. Upon looking at him, despite their newborn mistrust towards the man, the Dazzlings suddenly shut up as Jacket began to write down on his piece of paper.

I understand that you hate me. I wouldn't blame you. But right now, we have to put aside our arguments and anger. These people who are coming to kill us mean business. WE WILL DIE IF WE DO NOT GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

The girls slowly turned their surprised looks into glares. Jacket let out a breath of regret as he was uncomfortable of pouring out his feelings to anybody, even to his close bearded friend.

Look, I still remember seeing that hooker's face on the floor. I remember how long I was on the phone, waiting for my friend before I learned of the San Francisco incident. Fuck, I even remember my war buddy's crying face when that elevator blew off half of his body.

My life on earth was a total hell. And somehow, I end up in this new world. You three are possibly the only friends I made so far. No way in hell would I want to lose you three girls. I don't care what siren thing you did at that school. To me, you're just human beings, like me. Well, I would not consider myself human after everything I've done or happened to me.

I'm sorry for the trouble and hate I've caused here. But please, trust me this one time. We need to escape before these guys hunt us down.

The girls continued to glare at Jacket. As of now, they didn't care about the men coming up to their floor to kill them. They focused completely on the man they trusted and turned out to be an assassin. Eventually, Adagio slowly stood up and narrowed her angry eyes at Jacket.

"I hate you, Jacket." Adagio hissed at the stoic man. "I trusted you and thought you were a complete good guy. And now, it turns out you're just a maniac killer..."

The teenage girl let out a sigh as she slowly stood up. "And yet...I think, no, I KNOW that you wouldn't do anything to hurt us. Every single time me and the girls fight..."

"You make us stop fighting." Aria added as she too stood up from the floor. "Matter of fact, you brought us even closer. We've practically hated each other even with our powers intact. I still regret letting you live here in the first place, but I would be lying if I said you didn't make an impact on us."

"Somehow, I still trust you." Sonata continued on as she bit her lips. "Even though you're a serial killer or something, I can't help but to see Jacket instead of that killer. I, uh, am not good at talking about my feelings."

The girls wiped away their tears once more before they sniffed and looked up to the sad Jacket. The blonde man never cried in his entire life, but he felt the same pain as the Dazzlings felt. After silence was done hanging over in the room, Adagio finally choked out her response.

"Alright." She said as she smiled weakly at the blonde man. "We'll listen to you. This once. But you have to do one thing."

Jacket nodded as he awaited for Adagio's favor.

"Do NOT kill anybody in this apartment."

When Jacket learned his best friend was nuked, his face remained stoic. When his girlfriend was murdered, his face still remained stoic. And now he has been given the order to not kill any of these men in this apartment. Jacket dropped his jaw at the order Adagio had given to him.


It was going to be a new experience being a pacifist this once. Though the memories came back to haunt him as he remembered going to a mafia house in Miami and ended up knocking out SWAT guys as he escaped. Jacket shook his head, feeling a headache from the memories, as he quickly informed the girls to prepare themselves.

After a quick minute, they readied up themselves with their choice of arsenal. Jacket brought a knife, a frying pan, and the pistol he still had. Just because he had to be a pacifist for this one time doesn't mean he won't hold back. Adagio had brought the baseball bat from before. Sonata equipped herself with a lead pipe along with some baseballs she once found in a garbage can. Aria had proven herself worthy of using her own fists, so she decided to just stick with those.

Jacket cracked his knuckles as he can hear the angry masked attackers outside.

Let's dance, motherfuckers. Jacket thought to himself as he put on his mask.

The door sprang open and five men jumped into the room with machetes in their hands. "Fuck them up!" One of them shouted as they charged at the four.

Jacket swung the frying pan at one of the killers, causing a clang sound along with the sound of a jaw being broken as the killer fell to the floor. Aria jumped at one of them and started to punch his face repeatedly as Sonata swung her pipe at one assassin and pushed him to another one, knocking them both out. Adagio quickly punched a masked man in the stomach before grabbing his shoulder and head-butted him, leaving him unconscious and Adagio with some blood on her forehead.

Jacket signaled the girls to follow him and they obeyed his command. When they reached the hallways, they saw a couple of men in the hallway with assault rifles. Before the masked men could point their rifles at the four, Jacket whipped out his pistol and fired it. Adagio was afraid that he would go back in his word and was prepared to give him a harsh scolding. She decided to forget the scolding as she saw how Jacket aimed for their legs and blew off their kneecaps, causing them to scatter to the ground in agonizing, but nonlethal, pain. Adagio was relieved, but she felt that she should have also mentioned not overdoing the attacks.

"We should split up," Aria suggested. "We need to take out as many guys as we can so that they can't stop us from escaping."

"Risky, but we don't have a choice." Adagio answered. "The girls and I will deal with the third floor. Jacket, you take care of the second floor. PLEASE don't kill somebody here."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they bolted to the staircase.

"The girls are fucking there!" One overweight assassin shouted as his two armed companions turned to where he was pointing at. Their attempts to fire was ruined when Sonata threw a baseball at one of them and smacked the other one in the head. Aria punched the fat assassin in the face, causing him to tumble in the floor. He tried to get up, only to have his face collide with Aria's bruised fist.

"The hell is going on?!" One of the other masked enemies shouted as he entered the room with a chainlink whip. His face was soon battered by Adagio's cracked baseball bat. She quickly picked up the whip and directed the Dazzlings to follow her.

The trio was led to a hallway where two men were spotted twirling around their butterfly knives. They turned to the girls and one of them threw his knife at Sonata. Adagio quickly swung at the knife, causing it to jam itself into the wooden baseball bat. She threw away the bat and charged at the unarmed assassin while twirling around her chainlink whip. She struck down the assassin as the other one tried to swing his knife at her. Sonata stopped him by pushing him into the wall and twisting his hand, causing him to yell in pain as he dropped his knife. Aria shut his screaming by giving him a good punch in the face.

"Man, we're good." Sonata admitted as she clenched her slightly sore fists. She turned to her left to see a pair of assassins running towards them with assault rifles. Taking a chance, she threw one of the baseballs up in the air and then struck it with the lead pipe. The baseball hit one of the assassins in the hear, knocking him out as his finger accidentally jammed into the assault rifle. Bullets shot out of the falling gun and hit the nearby assassin in the legs, causing a gush of blood to splatter all over the floor.

Adagio and Aria blinked at the two incapacitated men before they glanced at an astonished Sonata. They looked back to each other before shrugging and continuing on. They stopped in their tracks when they spotted some dogs running at them with livid men pointing their pistols at the girls. One dog tried to bite Aria until Adagio swung her whip at the dog, knocking out the canine. Sonata threw her lead pipe at one of the men's faces, knocking him down and causing him to fire his pistol at the other man's shoulder. The other killer growled as he clenched his shoulder and pointed his pistol at Sonata. She yanked the pistol from his hands and jumped on top of him while proceeding to bash his face with her fists. She eventually stopped and jumped off the unconscious man as she grabbed the lead pipe on the ground.

Adagio walked up to another door and kicked it down, pushing someone to the ground in the process. The three girls gasped at the sight of a masked man growling at them as he held a chainsaw with his two hands. Sonata threw the baseball at him, only for the masked man to chop it in half with his chainsaw. As he charged, Aria pushed the girls away and quickly crouched, evading the attack and taking this opportunity to shove her clenched, bruised fist at the killer's crotch. The girls winced as the man tumbled on the floor in complete pain. Sonata blinked in surprise at this before she saw the man behind the door tried to get up, resulting in her swinging her lead pipe at him.

They left the room, only to stop when they came across nine masked men, each equipped with brass knuckles and murderous intent in their eyes as they slowly circled around the three girls. Adagio gritted her teeth as she slowly swung around her chainlink whip. Sonata tightened her grip on the lead pipe, pounding it softly on the palm of her hand. Aria cracked her knuckles as she used two fingers to gesture to the man to come closer. Yelling, the masked men charged at the girls.

Adagio wrapped the whip around one of the men's legs and slid him across the floor, knocking two men on the floor. Aria quickly grabbed their heads and shoved them together, headbutting each other and knocking them out cold. Sonata watched as the other man tried to get up and tried to swing her pipe only to have a killer grab her by the arms. As she struggled to break free, the other killer quickly grabbed her and punched her in the stomach. Sonata gasped at the attack and soon turned her face into anger as she smashed her foot on the foot of the man who was grabbing her. The man yelped in pain as Sonata smashed her lead pipe at his face before smashing it to the man who punched her stomach. She panted heavily as the men were incapacitated and another one tried to charge at her. Aria quickly dived and grabbed his legs, causing him to tumble on the floor as he grabbed Aria's neck. She gritted her teeth up to the point of feeling her gums hurt as she shoved her fist at his cheek, bruising his jaw before grabbing his head and pushing it to the floor, knocking him out. Another man tried to punch Aria only to have his stomach repeatedly by Sonata and have his face whacked by Adagio's whip. The girls looked up and saw three more masked men remaining. The men looked at each other before looking back at the aggressive girls. Adagio's hair was messed up and her shirt was scratched. Aria's face had a little blood while her body had more scratches. A faded black eye was present on Sonata's face as she held her bruised stomach. The men shrugged and charged at the three girls. A few seconds later, they were thrown into the wall with bruised faces and bodies, groaning as they held their stomachs and rolled around in utter pain.

The girls panted as they stood before the masked killers who were out cold.

"That should be all of them, I hope." Aria exclaimed, rubbing her hand which was exhausted from all the punching.

"I wonder how Jacket is doing?" Sonata wondered as she wiped the sweat from her forehead and rubbed her sore stomach.

"DIE CHICKEN FREAK!" One of the assassins screamed as he fired his AK-47 at Jacket, who quickly dodged the attack. The chicken-masked man pulled out his pistol and fired a perfect shot at the assassin's shoulder, causing him to drop the gun.

Jacket ran to his left where another masked man sprinted towards him with a hammer. The chicken-masked man slid through the floor, missing the hammer attack from the surprised assassin. Jacket fired another bullet into the man's kneecap and stole his hammer as the assassin rolled around in pain.

The blonde man burst into the room nearby him and swung the hammer at a nearby enemy, knocking him out. A dog tried to lunge at Jacket only for the canine to be lifted from the ground and have its face punched by the blonde man. Jacket soon ran into another room which looked like the kitchen.

Grabbing another frying pan, Jacket equipped both his hands with frying pans as assassins pointed their Mac-10s at him. The bullets hit the stove instead as the rooster-masked assassin quickly dived behind it. Peeking from his cover, he saw his opportunity to strike as one of the assassins hastily reloaded his automatic weapon. He jumped at the assassin and banged his head with the pan before using the other one to smack the other assassin.

Jacket kicked the door open, knocking down another masked man behind it. He shot a bullet at the enemy's legs to incapacitate him and spotted a molotov near the groaning masked man. Jacket quickly grabbed it and turned around to see more assassin about to gun him down. Instantly, the blonde man whipped out his lighter and lit the bomb before launching it at the hallway, causing it to go up in flames. Thankfully for Jacket, no man was burned alive and the hallway was blocked by flames, causing the enemies to back up a bit.

Jacket entered the other room where two overweight assassins were waiting for him along with a skinny assassin with a chainsaw. The rooster-masked killer wondered why all of his dodging enemies ALWAYS had chainsaws. Just as the dodger was about to chop of the man's head off, his attack was canceled when Jacket jammed his fist into his chest before knocking him out with a frying pan attack. The overweight men charged at the rooster-masked man, who was revving up the chainsaw. Wasted opportunity to butcher these fuckers up, Jacket grumbled internally, still dismayed at the promise he had to make. He jammed the chainsaw into one of the fat assassin's legs, causing the floor to be splattered with leg parts and copious amounts of blood. The masked man fell to the ground sobbing over his mutilated leg as Jacket planted the chainsaw into the foot of the other fat assassin. By then the chainsaw ran out of fuel, so Jacket shrugged and left the chainsaw stuck into the crimson-stained foot of the crying overweight man. Jacket momentarily wiped the foot and leg blood and gore from his pants.

The stoic man carefully opened the door and spread his fists out quickly, punching an assassin at each of his side. Cracking his knuckles, he figured that the burning hallway and the brutally injured large men (without any feet or legs) was enough for this floor. Jacket calmly walked down the stairs, pushing a nearby assassin on the way. Even without killing anybody, I still got it, Jacket complimented himself as he blankly stared at the toppling assassin going down the stairs.

"We finally made it out!" Sonata gasped as she placed her hands on the side of her head. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata walked to the bottom of the stairs with slightly ripped clothes and looks of relief and disbelief.

"Where's Jacket?"

Aria's question was answered when an unconscious assassin landed at the bottom of the stairs. The girls looked at the injured man before looking up to see an unmasked Jacket smoking a cigarette with an uncaring look on his face. Adagio looked at the blonde man with a dumbfounded look as he continued to smoke his cigarette and blankly stared at the girl.

"I'm assuming no one was killed?" Adagio asked.

Jacket took out a knife and scarred on a nearby wall: See for yourself.

"Fair enough." Adagio grumbled, hoping it was wise of her to trust Jacket on this one.

The four humans ran out of the apartment where they saw many vans outside. They also spotted another assassin with his mask removed momentarily while speaking on his cell phone and sitting on the hood of his green car.

"Yeah, I got about a shitload of men there." He said, oblivious to Jacket who was sneaking up to him with a baseball bat. "Got it. Talk to you later boss. Bye."

He hung up the phone and turned around, only to have his face smacked by a wooden bat. The Dazzlings raised their eyebrows at this as Jacket opened the trunk and shoved him into it. As he closed it, he was suddenly met with Sonata holding a pencil and a piece of paper. For some reason, Sonata knew Jacket would need it. If only she knew why he couldn't just talk. Jacket looked at Sonata's bemused look and, knowing what question he had to answer, quickly scribbled:

We need a ride to get the hell out of here. We also need this guy because he may know the guys who are responsible for this shit. Ever heard of the expression: Kill 2 birds with 1 stone?

The Dazzlings looked at each other before letting out a defeated sigh. "I hope to Faust you know what you're doing..." Adagio grumbled, ignoring Jacket's confused face at the mention of this 'Faust.' "You know how to hot wire this thing?"

Jacket nodded and smashed the window of the car to unlock the door. He proceeded to tinker around with the wires until the engine was turned on. Afterwards, he quickly signaled the girls to hop it. As they quickly entered the car and fastened the seat belt, Jacket slammed his foot on the gas pedal and drove away from the apartment as far away as he could.