"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

ACT V - Harmony




The loud piecing sounds of gunfire caused the Dazzlings to close their eyes and wince with fear. Their eyes continued to remain clenched until they heard the sounds of three thuds. Slowly, the opened their eyes carefully only to see three men laying on the floor soaked in their own blood. Horror was shown in the girls' eyes as they could feel their stomach being twisted. Sonata was almost on the verge of tears as both Aria and Adagio were on the verge of vomiting. Aria surrendered to the urge as she quickly ran to a nearby trash can to vomit. A pale-looking Adagio gulped and looked closely at the three men.

Tirek laid on the floor with a shocked expression on his face, along with two bullet holes on his head. Scorpan grunted as he rolled around in his puddle of blood while he held his stomach which was bleeding profusely. Jacket also rolled around in pain, though he clasped his left shoulder in exucating pain. The masked man opened his eyes and saw the scared girls looking down upon him through his mask.

"Jacket?" Sonata whispered. "Is...that you?"

Adagio ran to Jacket and quickly pulled out his mask from his head. The three girls gasped in horror as they saw the blonde man's face. Adagio looked at the chicken mask and looked back at Jacket with a shocked expression. "You're the chicken freak?" She asked in a broken tone. "Y-You're the one who killed these people in this building?"

Jacket bit his lips as he looked away with an ashamed look plastered on his face.


The girls and an injured Jacket turned to the voice. They stared at the dying Scorpan as he clenched his fist to fight the pain. Aria ran up to the man and crouched by him.

"Sir? You're going to be okay." Aria reassured. "Just hang in there."

"Heh." Scorpan chuckled a bit despite his current predicament. "I'm pretty fucking far from okay, miss. But thanks for your encouragement. You're the Dazzlings, aren't you? Ha ha ha, first some rooster-masked killer messes with my brother, then my brother had three masked assassins screw with me, and now I'm dying in the same room as the rooster-masked killer and the former sirens of Canterlot High...At least my brother's dead...good riddance..."

"Rooster-masked killer?" Adagio asked with a hint of curiosity in her tone.

"The one who went to these houses that belonged to my brother's men." Scorpan explained despite his excruciating pain. "Killed them all by himself. Something out of a slasher film..."

"Jacket...did all that?" Sonata whispered to herself as she looked at the struggling Jacket and back to the dying Scorpan.

"You..." Scorpan gasped as he pointed to Jacket. "I'm assuming you know these three masked killers, right? A short one, a skinny one, and a woman?"

Jacket nodded, remembering his encounter with the assassins back at the Wifi Palace.

"They work for Tirek, but they're actually working for these two men." Scorpan continued on as he could see his vision growing dim. "I have no idea who these guys are, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're the ones causing all of this..."

Jacket rolled up his hand into a clenched fist. They were most likely the ones telling him to go ahead killing gangsters.

"I don't know who you are." Scorpan said to Jacket as he continued to grip his bleeding stomach. "But I want you to promise me one thing..."

Jacket nodded as he listened to what Scorpan wanted.

"Find the bastards...and kill them..."

As he said this, Scorpan's head slumped to the side as he breathed his last breath and slowly shut his eyelids. The girls sadly looked at Scorpan as Jacket nodded at the dead man, promising to fulfill Scorpan's dying wish. With a pained look on her face, Adagio looked away in shame and stood up. The girls then turned to Jacket with unsure expressions on their faces.

"What do we do?" Aria asked. After a short awkward silence, Adagio finally spoke up.

"...Let's get Jacket out of here."

"Cheers." The red-haired young man exclaimed as he lifted his wine glass. "Tirek and Scorpan are dead." The white-haired teen grinned as he lifted up his drink in response.

"So is the three assassins who worked for Tirek." The white-haired man added as he drank his wine.

"Expendable." The red-haired teen grumbled back. "What about the chicken-masked guy?"

His partner leaned against the chair he was sitting on. "Still alive." He bluntly responded. "From what I've gathered, he's with those sirens."

"Our plan is a success." The red-haired said before he crossed his arms. "Still, we shouldn't have any witnesses. You know what needs to be done."

He stared coldly at the white-haired teenager who slowly nodded in response after finishing his drink.

"Kill the chicken-masked man and the three girls."

"Finally! We're here!" Sonata gasped as Adagio and Aria held an injured Jacket to their place. After quickly unlocking the door, Aria burst through the door panting. The girls were very fortunate that no gangster followed them or that they did not encounter any other problem. Right now, Jacket needed medical assistance. Sonata suggested a trip to the hospital but Jacket completely shot down that suggestion.

Jacket slumped to the couch and sighed as his shoulder continued to bleed. He quickly grabbed a nearby piece of paper with a pen on top of it and began to write down a list. Afterwards, he gave it to the Dazzlings who quickly scanned over it. They nodded and ran to the kitchen and bathroom. After a few minutes, they ran to Jacket with a knife, bandage rolls, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and two towels.

Jacket nodded in thanks as he grabbed the knife and one of the towels. He rolled up the towel into a ball and placed it in his mouth. He proceeded to bite the towel with his teeth as deep as he could before he stuck the knife into his bullet wound. He hissed through the towel while closing his eyes. The Dazzlings winced and looked away as Jacket yanked out the bullet from his shoulder. Afterwards, he dabbed some alcohol on the other towel and cleaned the wound, doing his best to ignore the burning pain. Finally, he wrapped the bandages around his shoulder wound and sighed as soon as he finished up.

Jacket looked up at the sirens to see them glowering at him.

"You got a lot of explaining to do, Jacket." Adagio spoke up in a stern tone along with a glare and crossed arms.

Jacket sighed and nodded to show that he understood.

"So..." Adagio trailed off with a frown. "You...were killing all these gangsters the entire time."

The blonde man once again nodded in confirmation.

"But...why?" Aria whispered.

Grabbing another piece of people, Jacket quickly scribbled on it and showed it to the girls.

I was forced to.

Jacket let out a sigh as he continued to explain in his piece of paper. He first began with the bank robbery he had once thwarted and, afterwards, was contacted by someone who wanted him to commit these murders. Jacket made it clear to the Dazzlings that if he did not follow those orders, they would not just kill him but also kill them.

The girls stood there, unsure of what to say. While they feel a bit grateful that he only did this to protect them, that does not diminish the fact that he murdered all of these gangsters. Yet, he always came home as if nothing happened!

"I know you came from another universe, but what universe was that? The Butt-Whooping universe?" Sonata shouted as she waved her arms around. "How were you able to kill all those guys all by yourself?!"

I was on the military, remember? What did you think I was doing there? Peeling potatoes?

Jacket paused a moment as he stared at the befuddled girls. He began to write some more.

Besides...it wasn't like this is the first time I had to do this...

He knew he would regret this, but they deserve to know the truth. "What do you mean?" Aria asked.

Remember when I said I came from another world?

The girls nodded as they waited patiently for Jacket to continue writing. He explained about his true past back on Earth. He told them about the phone calls he was getting, giving them cryptic messages to kill these Russians. He discussed about the murders he committed and the losses he had suffered up until his arrest. Rotting in his jail cell was the last thing he remembered before that bright yellow and red light that engulfed him. He also mentioned how his bearded friend was technically killed by Russians, making Jacket want to make those Ruskies pay for what they did. It took him nearly an hour to explain, but he managed to finish in which he waited for their reactions.

The girls just stood there with open mouths, unsure what to say. While they felt sorry that his only best friend was practically nuked by the people he's attacking and the death of his girlfriend by that "rat-masked killer," they felt shocked and sick. Sonata felt tears coming from her eyes. The man whom she looked up and liked turned out to be a psychotic killer. Aria gritted her teeth as she stared at the man whom she thought her knew, but it looks like she was wrong. Adagio looked the most upset. This man helped them get along and was the voice of reason among the girls. He turned their lives around and all along he was a mass murderer?

The Dazzlings sobbed a bit as they turned away from Jacket. The blonde man groaned and placed his hands on the sides of his head. All of a sudden, they heard the sounds of cars screeching outside. The Dazzlings and Jacket looked outside and saw vans parked outside their apartment. The doors opened and masked men, who Jacket recognized as those robbers from that bank, jumped out of the vans with guns and weapons heavily equipped.

"You know the orders." One of the men said as he loaded his shotgun. "Kill the chicken freak and the girls."

The girls gasped as they saw the masked people run into the apartment. If Jacket took this opportunity to talk, he would most likely say: We're fucked.