"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

16th Scene - Siblings

November 30, 2015
3:14 PM

"I wonder where Jacket is." Sonata asked as she sipped her warm drink.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were all seated at a table while drinking some coffee. Sonata let out a sigh as she sipped her coffee. "Have you girls ever wondered what he was doing?"

"Just taking some walks." Aria answered. "Nothing wrong with that. I mean, he looks pretty new in town."

"I think Sonata has a point." Adagio responded. "I mean, he's always going on walks, especially during the night. That isn't safe, since those killings took place during nighttime. I don't want Jacket to get hurt."

"I think Jacket is hiding something."

Aria and Adagio turned to Sonata, who sipped her drink once more.

"I mean, he's always quiet and kind of creepy. I think he's doing something else than taking walks..."

Before any of the girls could answer, they heard the door being unlocked and eventually opened, revealing an exhausted Jacket.

"There he is." Sonata whispered to the girls before she smiled at Jacket. "Hiya Jacket!"

The blonde man nodded back at Sonata and nodded at Adagio and Aria. He headed for his room until the phone rang. Jacket winced at the sound of the phone ringing. Adagio was about to touch the phone until Jacket quickly grabbed it and placed it next to his ear. The girls looked at each in surprise before turning to Jacket, who was listening to the phone with a grim look on his face.

After a few seconds, the phone hanged up which left Jacket confused. He turned to the Dazzlings, who were looking at him with raised eyebrows. Jacket gave an apologetic shrug as he headed towards the door with his backpack dangling from his shoulder.

As Jacket walked down the stairs, the girls looked at each other once more.

"Another thing, he usually goes to his walks only after answering the phone." Sonata added. "Maybe...he has a date or something?"

"He doesn't seem like the type of guy who'd date someone." Aria said as she placed a hand on her chin.

"I don't know." Adagio said to Aria. "I mean, he kept us under control and is surprisingly charismatic."


"He's kinda charming and a good leader figure for a creepy guy." Aria translated to the confused Sonata.

"Oh." Sonata stated before shrugging. "Yeah, he's pretty cool......you know what we can do?"

The girls looked at Sonata with raised eyebrows. "We could follow him. I know it sounds rude or something, but if he has a girlfriend, then why is he hiding her from us?"

"Why would he hide his girlfriend from us?" Aria asked with a shrug. "It's not like he's dating someone who hates us. The only people who hate us are those girls and students, but they're underage to begin with."

"Princess Celestia and Vice Principal Luna kinda hate us." Sonata pointed out with a sheepish smile. "And they seem to be the same age as Jacket."

"Jacket and Celestia or Luna...ugh, can't get that image outta my head now." Aria grumbled before shooting a glare at Sonata.

"You know what?" Adagio spoke up. "Sonata's right. We should see what Jacket's really doing. I mean, we're his friends, he brought us together, he's like someone we can trust."

Aria put down her drink. "You're right. Even if he's seeing a girlfriend or not, I think we should go and be supportive. After all, he's helped us a lot."

"Yay!" Sonata cheered as she jumped from the table. "After this, let's all celebrate with tacos! This is going to be a good day!"

After a quick preparation along with asking other people if they had seen Jacket, the three girls quietly walked through the streets, wearing their sweaters that was last wore around the time magic was first discovered here. Adagio wore her purplish sweater while Sonata shivered a bit in her dark violet sweater. Aria placed her hands on the pockets of her green sweater before letting out a sigh.

"I wonder if we're close." Aria wondered. "According to that hobo, Jacket should be in some red apartment."

"Found it." Adagio replied with a grin. The three girls looked up to see the red seedy-looking apartment in front of them. Sonata shifted a bit in total discomfort.

"This place looks creepy." Sonata grumbled. "Why would Jacket come here?"

"Well, our place looks creepy." Aria replied with a shrug. "Let's just go inside."

The three girls nervously stepped inside the apartment. As they reached beyond the entrance, they saw how the interior looked like it was in poor condition. Adagio let out another sigh as she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "I doubt a girl would want to stay in this mess. Maybe Jacket doesn't have a girlfriend or something. So, why is h-"

"Hey! You three!"

The three surprised girls turned to the source of the voice, which was someone dressed in black attire along with other guys dressed similarly to him. "The hell do we do with them?" One of the gangsters whispered to another one. "This was supposed to be a secret meeting. No witnesses allowed, damnit!"

"Fuck it, we can't have any witnesses here. Get them!"

They pulled out a baseball bat from their backs and slowly walked towards the scared three girls. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata backed away a bit with frightened looks on their faces. One swung his bat at Adagio, who quickly dodged it and swiped it. Without hesitating, she swung the bat at the gangster, knocking him down to the floor with a bruised face. The Dazzlings gasped at what just happened, especially Adagio who shuddered as she shakily held the bat she had just used. The gangsters blinked in surprised at what just happened before they growled at her and charged at the girls.

Aria grew desperate as she held up his fists and quickly evaded an attack from one of the gangsters. She pressed her fist as hard as she can at the gangster's stomach, immobilizing him long enough to punch him in the face. The last one tried to swing his bat at the remaining Dazzling, only for Sonata to grab the bat. As the gangster and Sonata struggled for the bat, the blue girl gained the upper hand and shoved the gangster into the wall before hitting his head with the butt of the baseball bat.

The Dazzlings panted as they stared at the unconscious or immobilized gangsters that laid upon them. Adagio sighed as she stared back at the girls.

"No turning back now..."

She then proceeded to run up the stairs with the other girls following her. They arrived at the second floor where they saw some gangsters looking at the body count in the floor. "Damn. That chicken freak did all of this?" One of them proclaimed as he examined the dead gangster with blood seeping from his gas mask.

"He's not human. He's like that demon girl and those three sirens....speak of the devil..."

The group of gangsters quickly turned to where they saw the surprised Dazzlings. Fearing any witnesses, the gangsters picked up some blood-soaked machetes they borrowed from this floor and sprinted towards the girls.

Adagio pressed the end of the baseball bat into the crotch of one of the gangsters, causing him to stop, drop, then roll while gripping his family jewels. Aria stomped her foot on another gangster's foot, causing him to drop the machete before Sonata hit his head with her bat. Aria grabbed one of the gangsters and threw him to two more gangsters, knocking them down like bowling pins. Sonata rolled past three gangsters, catching them off guard before jumping to her feet and attacking them with a nearby lead pipe. Man, I'm actually good at this, Sonata thought as she blinked a bit as the men laid on the floor while they groaned in pain.

"Hey guys!" One gangster shouted as he came into the hallway from one of the rooms with a cell phone in his hand. "The guy who called us is dea-The fuck is thi-"

Aria quickly threw a left hook at his face, knocking him out. After seeing how the gangsters were taken out, they proceeded to the stairs. They stopped when they spotted something that almost made Adagio vomit: the remains of several gangsters who seemed to be all chopped up and heavily mutilated. Aria grew pale as Sonata covered her eyes with her hands as the sickened girls ran past the gory sight.

"Why would Jacket come to this place?!" Sonata asked frantically as the girls ran up the stairs.

"I wish I knew, Sonata!" Adagio replied with a pale face.

Upon reaching the third floor, they saw more dead bodies, including the corpses of two dogs. They covered their nose from the strong smell of smoke and charred flesh, as some bodies seemed to be burnt.

"Was all this caused by one man?!" Aria frantically asked as she was amazed at the corpses.

"How is that possible?!" Sonata panicked. "This guy or girl ain't human!"

"Hey! You three!"

The girls turned around and saw some gangsters running up the stairs with pistols on both their hands. The trio shrieked as they ran from the gangsters. The men reached the floor and pointed their pistols at the girls. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all jumped behind some crates to avoid the gunfire. Sonata spotted a nearby assault rifle laying on the floor.

The girl bit her lips. Sonata did not want to resort to that. She winced when a bullet ricocheted from the crate she was hiding from. She peeked from the crate and saw the gangsters closing in as they fired their pistols. Realizing that she has no choice, Sonata took a deep breath and a huge gulp as she grabbed the assault rifle and began to fire at the gangsters' feet. Despite being a poor shot, she hit a gangster's foot, causing it to bleed all over the floor and making the gangster fall to the ground.


The surrounding gangsters suddenly panicked and scrambled to the stairs.


All the gangsters fled, leaving just the Dazzlings and the gangster too preoccupied in his suffering. Sonata had to keep the bile in her mouth from escaping as she threw away the rifle and quickly swiped her hands on her sweater.

"No. No. No. No. I am NOT touching that again. No freaking way."

Afterwards, the girls ran to the stairs and headed up to the fourth floor. They panted as they finally arrived at the floor and was astonished at what they had to see. Behind several shattered windows were the bodies of many gangsters. The pistols they had once held were now soaking in the puddles of their very own blood.

"They said this 'chicken freak' did this..." Sonata whispered as her eyes have yet to blink. "Considering how many people are dead, I'm not surprised they call him a freak."

"What if he's got Jacket?" Aria stated with a sense of worry in her face. "Come on girls! We got to find him!"

"Those three girls must be on this floor."

The girls turned around to hear more gangsters coming from the staircase.

"The hell are they doing here? I thought they moved out of this city after that siren incident!"

"Oh great," Adagio grumbled. "We got company. Everyone ready up."

Adagio and Sonata dropped their baseball bats to pick up nearby chainlink whips as Aria cracked her knuckles and put up her fists. Eventually, six gangsters emerged from the stairs with their faces lacking any reason for peace. They were unarmed with nothing but the weapons they were naturally given. They cracked their knuckles as they slowly circled around the Dazzlings. The girls gritted their teeth in determination and spoke to the gangsters, at the same time, with three words:

"Bring it on."

One of the gangsters tackled Aria to the ground while Adagio and Sonata were occupied by blocking the punches from the gangsters with their chainlink whips. As the gangster grabbed the sides of Aria's head, the girl growled as she used her knee to attack the man's stomach, causing him to back off a bit as he held his wounded stomach. Without hesitating, the violet girl threw an uppercut at the thug, knocking his stars out.

As he fell down, the others were having a hard time attacking Adagio and Sonata. The blue girl took the opportunity to swing her whip when one of the thugs let his guard down. The metal weapon collided with his face, causing some blood and a tooth to come out of his mouth before he fell down unconscious. Adagio used her whip as a lasso as she used it to grab one of the gangster's feet. She then threw the gangster at another gangster, causing them to impact each other with bruises and grunts.

The two remaining thugs glanced at each other before they stared at the panting girls. One of them shrugged and charged at the girls while the other watched the fight. He saw the girls surround the brutish thug and started to attack him. He grimaced as he saw the yellow girl continuously swing the whip at his face while the purple girl punch him repeatedly in the back. Finally, the blue girl kicked his chest, knocking him down to the floor as he rolled back and forth with painful wounds. The last thug looked up to see the girls aggressively staring at him.

"You know what?" He said with a sheepish grin. "Fuck this."

As he scrambled away with a scared look on his face, the girls just looked at each other and shrugged before they headed for the stairway.

The Dazzlings reached the fifth floor and were already horrified by the sight of an overweight man laying dead on the floor with bullet wounds on his head. Resisting the urge to vomit, the nervous girls continued to walk until they quietly gasped at the surprising sight that bestowed in front of them.

Three men pointed a pistol at each other. One of them was a young man with light brownish skin, dark brown hair, a red-brown jacket, and a golden triangle medallion on his neck. The other man was a bit older with red skin man, dark black hair, a black jacket and blue jeans, and some gray facial hair. However, the one man that caught the Dazzlings' attention, wore a letterman jacket, blue jeans, and a plastic chicken mask on his head. As the men, oblivious to the presence of the three girls, pointed their weapons at each other, Sonata narrowed her eyes a bit as she stared at the man with the letterman jacket. Her eyes were filled with surprise as she extended her arm out with a frightened look on her face.

"Jacket! Noooo!!!"

The three men blinked in surprise from the outburst and felt their itching trigger finger go off on its own.




The trio of girls clenched their eyes and winced at the sounds of gunfire. When they carefully opened their eyes, their stomachs twisted as horror began to appear in their eyes. They looked upon the three men lying on the floor alongside their own puddles of blood.