"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

15th Scene - Truth

November 30, 2015
3:01 PM

"Please get the scotch."

"On it, Scorpan." One of the gangsters replied as he exited out of the room, leaving his boss alone in rage. Surrounded by armed guards and boxes full of cash, the young man sat in a black chair behind a desk with his arms crossed.

Scorpan's headquarters was not different than his brother's, though it seemed to be in better condition. The apartment had enough firepower to stop those three killers.

The thought of those three killers made Scorpan even more furious. Ever since the news of the chicken freak became infamous, there were now these masked killers, all targeting Scorpan's business. He lost a good amount of meth, guns, cash, and loyal men. Scorpan had a possible assumption of who is behind the killings of his own men and destruction of his supplies.

"It could be Tirek's doing." Scorpan pondered to himself as he put a hand on his forehead. "But maybe these killers are targeting both me and my brother. Heh, I should consider myself lucky. I'm stuck with those three killers. Tirek is stuck with that rooster-masked assassin. I say he's had it rough the most. Heh, almost makes me feel sorry for him. Almost."

A gangster entered in the room with a tray containing a bottle of scotch whiskey and an empty glass. Scorpan, despite his bad mood, politely thanked the gangster and began to pour himself a glass. Just as he took a sip, he heard his cell phone vibrating. With a raised eyebrow, Scorpan took out his phone from his pants. He answered it as he put the phone near his ear.

"May I help you?" Scorpan calmly answered as he leaned back a bit.

The gangsters around Scorpan watched him calmly listen to the phone. After some time on the phone, the young man's eyes slowly widen as he carefully stood up from his seat.

"You don't say..." He said in disbelief to the person on the phone. "Go on."

He left his desk as he continued to listen to the person on the phone. "Who exactly?" Scorpan asked before pausing. "Oh, him. Great. And he's at where exactly?"

Scorpan grinned after the person on the phone quickly answered the question. "You've been a great help, you know that? Thanks."

He hung up the phone and headed for the exit. Along the way, he called two of his gangsters.

"You two are coming with me." Scorpan ordered. "I need some men to escort me somewhere."

The two men looked at each other before shrugging. As they walked with their boss, one of them asked a question out of curiosity. "So, uh, where exactly are we going?"

Scorpan narrowed his eyes in determination. "We're paying a visit to Svengallop's Bar."

"Hey Scorpan, why are we going to that jackass's bar?" One of the accompanying gangsters asked his boss. Scorpan and two other gangsters walked through the streets while Scorpan cracking his knuckles.

"An informant, who just happens to be someone in my gang, witnessed the three killers in that bar." Scorpan answered before he placed a hand on his chin. "Well, allegedly witnessed. He wasn't sure. He did tell me, however, that the owner of the bar eavesdropped on the conversation. He may have some information for me. So might as well pay Svengallop a visit."

"Should we go in with you?" The other accompanying gangster asked.

"No thanks." Scorpan replied. "I can take care of this by myself. You just wait out here while I get some answers. It should not take that long."

After taking another corner, Scorpan spotted the bar. He also spotted some cars parked and a thug standing in front of the entrance. Scorpan rolled his eyes in dismay when he saw the attire the guard was wearing.

"Oh right, I forgot." Scorpan grumbled. "Some of Tirek's thugs reserved this bar for some party or something. These guys aren't going to be happy seeing me."

Scorpan noticed how his men tried to pull out their pistols. He immediately stopped them by placing a hand on their shoulders.

"I don't want a big mess." Scorpan said as he glared at the bar. "I can handle them myself. You just stay out here until I come back."

The gangsters looked at each with concern before turning to Scorpan who was already walking towards the bar. He arrived at the entrance where a thug smoked a cigarette while covering the entrance. The thug glanced towards Scorpan before growling.

"You're the boss's pet brother, aren't you?" The thug hissed at the young man. "The hell are you doing here? Only the boss's men are allowed. You ain't."

"Not nice to call me a pet." Scorpan calmly replied as he crossed his arms. "I don't want trouble. I just need to speak with the manager of this bar."

"Speak with him another time." The thug grumbled back. "There's a party inside so come back another time."

"It won't take more than a second." Scorpan responded with some annoyance in his tone. "Just need to talk to the manager and then I'll be on my way."

"What part of 'come back another time' do you not understand, motherfucker?" The gangster hissed back as he glared at Scorpan. "Get lost."

Scorpan narrowed his eyes at the gangster. After giving each other dirty looks, Scorpan settled with a smirk as he stepped up a bit.

"You got a gun?" Scorpan asked with a grin.

The gangster looked at Scorpan as if the young man had grew a second head. Afterwards, he simply growled and flicked his cigarette at the young man's chest.

"Get outta here." The gangster demanded as he started to kick Scorpan's leg. "Get the fuck outta here!"

On instinct, Scorpan's face went from a grin to a scowl as he whipped out a pistol from his pants and placed the barrel on the gangster's right shoulder.

"Suck on this."

Scorpan fired the gun, causing the nearby wall to be splattered with blood as the gangster screamed and clenched his bleeding shoulder. Scorpan ignored the injured thug and waltzed through the entrance.

As he entered the bar, he was met with a couple of Tirek's men sitting in a table with beer in their hands. They dropped their beer at the sight of Scorpan. They pulled out butterfly knives and charged at the young man. One of them swung his knife only to miss when Scorpan dodged out of the way. Scorpan grabbed the gangster's wrist and twisted it, causing the gangster to yell in pain. He swiped the knife from his hand and jammed it into the other gangster's knee, causing him to grab it as he fell to the ground, yelping in pain. Scorpan grabbed a nearby gangster's chest and headbutted him, making the thug collapse to the ground with a bloody forehead. Scorpan picked up the butterfly knife and headed to his right.

He was met with two more gangsters drinking beer. They put down their beer and stood from the table they were seated at. One of them pulled out a baseball bat while the other one whipped out a pistol. The one with the baseball bat attempted to strike down Scorpan, only for him to get punched in the face and grabbed as a body shield. The pistol-equipped gangster tried to shoot at Scorpan but accidentally hit the body shield's shoulder. He threw the body shield to the floor, who was too preoccupied in holding his bleeding shoulder, and quickly sprinted to the other gangster. Scorpan sliced the gangster's hand, causing him to drop the gun before he got punched in the face.

Scorpan continued on walking until he came across more gangsters near the bar counter. They were drinking whiskey and shouting in praise...until they saw Scorpan. Their faces of joy and excitement was wiped away and replaced with scowls of disapproval. Upon seeing the angry men, the anonymous bartender hid behind the bar counter with a nervous look on his face.

"The fuck is HE doing here?!" One of the gangsters roared as he pulled out a Uzi.

"Hey asshole!" Another gangster yelled as he took out his lead pipe from behind his back. "This party's for Tirek's gang only! No one else allowed!"

"Waste his ass!"

The gangsters equipped with guns began to fire at Scorpan, who dived behind a pool table. He pulled out his pistol and fired at the shooting gangster. He made sure not to kill them, just disable them. He fired at their legs, causing them to cease fire and held their profusely bleeding legs. The other gangsters jumped out of the way and got their melee weapons ready. Upon realizing his pistol and dry empty, Scorpan threw the gun away and grabbed one of the pool cues. He dodged a fire axe attack and chainlink whip strike and struck the cue at two gangsters, breaking the cue in the process. One gangster punched Scorpan on the face, who merely wiped the blood from his nose and launched the gangster on top of the pool table. After smashing the gangster's head against the pool table, rendering the gangster into a state of unconsciousness, Scorpan grabbed another pool cue and began to swing it at other gangsters, striking them back to the floor. He dropped the cue on the floor and walked away, only for another gangster hiding behind bar counter to grab the cue and charge at Scorpan. Just as the cue was about to hit his face, Scorpan grabbed it and pushed the end into the gangster's stomach. As the gangster backed off a bit and groaned while holding his bruised stomach, the last thing he saw before getting knocked out was Scorpan's bloodied fist.

Scorpan entered through the last room where he met another thug and a man in a business suit with glasses and a goofy-looking haircut. The thug sprinted towards Scorpan, only to have his gut punched and then have himself launched to the wall. The dressed man gulped as Scorpan turned from the unconscious thug and towards the dressed man. As Scorpan walked forward, his furious glare made the dressed man whimper in fear as he stepped back a bit.

"Look man," the dressed man stuttered as he stared at Scorpan. "I don't want any trouble here...the safe is open, just take what you want and go! Let's be civil about this?!"

"Shut it, Svengallop." Scorpan growled as he approached the trembling man. "I just need some answers."

He placed a hand on Svengallop's neck. "And a damn good reason why I should not put you in the hospital as well."

"S-sure!" Svengallop sputtered in fear. "Ask away, my man!"

"Okay, first off, don't call me 'my man.'" Scorpan hissed as rage began to fill up his body. "Now then, an informant of mine told me that you eavesdropped over three tough-looking people who are supposedly destroying what I have. What do you know?"

Svengallop gulped as he smiled nervously. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

Scorpan responded by violently shoving the scared man into the wall and hardening his grip around Svengallop's neck.

"Wrong answer, suit." Scorpan grimly said as he could hear the frightened man choking. "Another one and you win a free permanent vacation to the cemetery."

"N-no wait! Don't kill me!" Svengallop choked with tears forming in his eyes. "Look, they were talking to these two guys. I think they're working for those two or something! I don't know what they looked like. They were dressed up heavily with these trench coats and stuff."

So those three killers are working for these two guys? Scorpan thought. I still need some information other than this.

"Is that all you have...?" Scorpan calmly replied as he pulled out a butterfly knife. "Wouldn't want that stupid haircut of yours to be ruined, eh?"

Svengallop began to cry.

"No, wait! I also heard them talking about doing some dirty work for Tirek!"

Scorpan froze. "Dirty work for Tirek?"

"Y-yeah! That's the name! I heard that those two guys made them work for Tirek! I swear!"

Scorpan let go of Svengallop's neck and turned around with his fists clenched. That bastard, Scorpan mentally said to himself in fury, I knew it was him! I should have guessed. He thinks those killings of his men are my doing. I'm not sure about these two guys, but at least I know who to begin with...Tirek, you're going to wish you never crossed with me again!

"So..." Svengallop stuttered as small beads of sweat covered up his forehead. "Am I off the hook?"

Scorpan slowly turned the scared man. He then grabbed Svengallop's chest and clenched his teeth at the frightened man.

"I listened to Countess Coloratura when I was just a kid. I grew up listening to her phenomenal singing. She is one of my role models, even to this day."

Scorpan slammed Svengallop to the wall.

"You turned her into an abortion. You're going to wish your parents had one when I'm done dealing with you."

The office was filled with the agonizing screams of Svengallop.