"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

14th Scene - Old Habits

November 7, 2015

Nothing new today, Jacket thought to himself in a dismayed tone.

Jacket laid on his bed, reading today's newspaper. The bed he laid on was raggy as hell and kind of itched his back a bit. He did not care. Jacket grunted as he found nothing interesting in the news, resulting in him throwing the newspaper at his wall.

The only thing interesting that popped up was Jacket's rumbling stomach, making him wonder what's in the fridge. He jumped off his bed and stretched a bit before leaving his room.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw the three girls playing cards while drinking some grape juice. They were too preoccupied with their game and conversation, so they did not notice Jacket standing there.

"It's been 2 days since we let...that guy stay over." Aria said calmly as she threw her cards in the center of the table. "We don't even know his name."

"I don't care." Adagio grumbled as she picked up the cards in the center of the table. "He gives us money for rent and he seems like a nice guy."

"Besides, there are worse things out there." Sonata replied as she sipped her grape juice. "Heard about that robbery 2 days ago?"

"I know!" Aria responded in disbelief. "One guy took down 24 robbers all by himself."

"The people in the bank were too scared to give a clear description of him." Adagio stated as she shook her head. "You think this guy is magical or something? I mean, killing all of those robbers without getting killed? Maybe this is still some magic or something..."

"Oh hey...dude?" Sonata greeted the blonde man with a smile.

The rest of the girls turned to Jacket, who was waving his hand gently. They stared at him before waving back at him. Jacket quietly headed towards the kitchen. The three girls just shrugged and went back to playing their card game.

"I like his jacket." Sonata said to herself as she lifted up her five cards.

Jacket opened the fridge and pulled out a celery stick. He began to chew on it as he went to the living room and sat on the couch. He let out a sigh, planning on just walking around, maybe see some sightseeing. Maybe this school, Canterlot something. He heard some rumors about them, involving magical ponies and pure magic. Bullshit.


"Get the phone, will ya?" Aria asked Jacket.

The blonde man looked at the phone and back to the girls. He shrugged as he stood up and walked to the red phone sitting on top of a cracked desk. He picked the phone up and placed it on his ear. The voice from the phone began to speak.


Jacket did not say a single word nor express any emotion on his face.

"Is this the man who is living with the Dazzlings?"

Jacket raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You know, the Dazzlings? The girls who almost took over that school, Canterlot High, with their siren singing? Their names are Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk?"

Jacket turned to the girls, busy with their card game. Dazzlings? Canterlot High? Siren singing? He thought before turning around.

"Whatever. Those were some sweet moves you did at the bank two days ago."

Jacket's stoic face was replaced with a surprised expression.

"Yeah, we know it was you. Killing 24 heavily armed men without getting killed. You really are something special, you know that?"

Jacket simply growled a bit.

"Why am I calling you? Simple. We need some...guys who needed to be 'decommissioned,' if you know what I'm saying."

Jacket understood what he meant by 'decommissioning' some guys. After all, he 'decommissioned' some Russians before.

"All you have to do is go into these locations we tell you to go to and you kill every bastard there. Not so hard. Hell, we'll even pay you. We also like to be subtle as possible in our orders. You'll understand once we tell you where to go. Sound good?"

Jacket simply glared at the phone and was about to slam the phone back into the desk until the voice started to chuckle.

"You think we're that stupid enough to not know you're gonna refuse? We know where you live. Shit, we even know about the three girls you're with."

Jacket's eyes widen as he quietly turned to the girls.

"The funny thing about these Dazzlings, that's what they're called, is that they used to be sirens who tried to take over Canterlot High. But after some girls stopped them, those Dazzlings now live in complete shit." The voice paused before it changed its voice into a mocking tone. "Heh, I bet you don't believe us."

The one thing I agree with them, Jacket bitterly thought to himself.

"Look, the point is that if you don't do what we tell you...well, if you think the girls need a better place to live in......the morgue's nice these days..."

Jacket clenched his teeth in rage as he balled up his other hand in a trembling fist.

"Heh heh, I thought so. Now then," the voice paused to clear its throat a bit, "Around a few blocks from that shopping mall, there's a house with...'misbehaving children' there. We need a 'babysitter' to make sure these brats learn some matters. Oh, and get rid of their...milk money...if you know what I'm saying."

Jacket winced at the caller's cryptic message. It reminded him of those cryptic messages in Miami, ordering him to kill all those Russians. Not that Jacket had a problem with that in the first place. And judging from the 'milk money,' he had to burn down their cash stashes.

"We're watching you. Do not fail us. Oh, and wear something so that these sons of bitches will not recognize you. I would wish you luck, but I can tell you don't need that."

The phone suddenly went silent, leaving Jacket standing there with the phone still up to his ear. He sighed, realizing he has no choice. He turned to the girls, Dazzlings as the phone call stated. Sirens who took over the school? He dismissed that idea as utter bullcrap.

They told him to wear something to hide his identity. He knew the perfect item. It was currently hiding inside a backpack that was placed near the door. Jacket cleared his throat at the trio of girls, grabbing their attention. As they turned to Jacket, they saw the blonde man pointing to the door.

"Gotta go do something?" Sonata asked. "Okay, but bring us dinner, okay? Tacos for me, please?"

Jacket nodded as the girls went back into playing their cards. He took his backpack and soon headed out.

Jacket walked up to the old, abandoned house that stood before him. He did not know that this world had some seedy parts. Some things just can't change. He took out his backpack and pulled out the rooster mask. After throwing away the backpack, he slid his hand on the plastic mask.

He closed his eyes in fury. The memories still haunted him. The memories of Russians being slaughtered. The sounds of bullets going through their bodies. The screams of those Russian bastards being bashed to death or chopped up like a damn butcher in his natural habitat.

With his eyes still closed, he placed the mask on his head. He felt the cold plastic mask on his face and the back of his head, causing him to shiver a bit. He opened his eyes, seeing perfectly through the mask. He clenched his fist in rage. He had left behind his past back on Earth.

It seems that old habits can never die.

Walking up to the door, he cracked his knuckles and kicked the door open, knocking down someone behind the door. As soon as Jacket entered the house, he looked down at who he had just knocked down. Jacket took note of the gangster's black attire, knowing who to kill.

The gangster regained his vision and stared up at Jacket, taking a good look at him. "Is this a fucking joke?" He grumbled as he quickly stood up. "Nightmare Night was last week, asshole."

The gangster tried to throw a punch, only to have his fist grabbed by Jacket. He widen his eyes before Jacket shoved him to a wall. The masked man lifted up his fist and crushed the gangster's skull against the wall.

Jacket let out a breath of fresh air as the dead gangster slumped to the floor. It sure brings back old memories of his masked killings. He looked to his right and saw another door. He walked up to it and opened it slowly. He was met with another gangster too preoccupied urinating in a toilet. He grabbed the back of the gangster's head and jammed it into the toilet, killing the gangster and spraying part of the bathroom with water and some blood.

As Jacket left the bathroom, he turned to his left and noticed some stairways going up. He sprinted towards the stairway and headed up the second floor of the house.

He arrived the second floor and quickly hid behind a wall. He spotted a nearby gangster patrolling around with a baseball bat in his hands. The gangster turned around to walk in the other direction, giving Jacket the change to sprint up to him. He kicked him to the floor and kicked down into his head, smashing it into pieces.

Jacket walked to his left until he heard a gangster alerted. "The fuck are you?!" Jacket turned around and saw the gangster with a machete in his grip. He ran towards Jacket with his weapon swinging. Jacket ducked down to avoid the swing and bashed the gangster with the baseball bat. Just as Jacket was about to walk away, he paused and looked down to see the gangster still alive, struggling to crawl away while soaked in his blood. Jacket calmly walked to the gangster and grabbed the back of his head. With a swift motion, the gangster's head was twisted 180 degrees, revealing his shocked expression on his face.

Jacket walked away from the dead man and entered the other room. He noticed a nearby gangster with a pistol. Before the man could react, his face was smashed by the rooster-masked man. Jacket could hear the gasp of another gangster across the room. He turned and saw how the gangster tried to whip out his pistol. Jacket quickly grabbed the dead guy's pistol and fired it, putting a bullet into the gangster's head.

Jacket walked forward until he saw a door to his right. He tried to open it until he realized it was locked. Wondering what to do, he turned to the window to his left. With an idea freshly brewed in his mind, Jacket opened the window and carefully stepped on the ledge of the building. With his back plastered to the exterior wall, Jacket carefully moved to the right. He made sure not to look down and to hope to God that a window was going to pop up soon. Do these people of this world have a God? He heard rumors about a goddess named Lauren Faust...

His thoughts were interrupted and replaced with relief when he finally saw another window. He carefully opened it with silence in hopes to not alert anybody. He entered the room where he saw the sight of a couple of gangsters playing poker while smoking weed. They dropped their blunts at the sight of a rooster-masked man in front of them. Before they could pull out their Mendoza HM-3 guns, they were immediately gunned down by a stoic Jacket. As soon as they dropped to the floor with their blood splattered to the poker table, Jacket turned around and noticed their 'milk money' in the form scattered piles of cold hard cash. Jacket grabbed one of the lighters from the dead gangsters and threw it at the money piles, burning them to a crisp.

With his job done, he headed to the first floor to get out of here. As soon as he reached the bottom of the staircase, however, he was met with more gangsters with assault rifles and surprised looks on their faces. "Who the fuck is this chicken freak?!" One of the gangsters blurted out in confusion before his head was hit by a bullet, courtesy of Jacket.

"Shit, the chicken freak's attacking! Kill him!"

Jacket dived into a wall at the right, avoiding the gunfire intended to hit him. He quickly checked the magazine from the pistol, counting three more bullets. What a coincidence. There are three gangsters trying to blow his head off his neck. He quickly dived to the side, firing off another bullet while midair. Another gangster was shot dead, leaving the two gangsters in rage. They sprinted forward and towards the right wall. One tried to point his rifle at Jacket only to be grabbed by the masked man and used as a shield. As the other gangster tried to point his gun at Jacket and not his colleague, the masked man fired another bullet at his chest before using the last bullet at the temple of the body shield. He threw the dead body shield to the ground and dropped the pistol. That should be all for today.

Jacket took off his mask for a moment to rub his forehead. Not bad for his first job. As he put his mask back on, he walked to the exit, wondering how long will he have to keep taking these jobs. One thing is for sure though: he still hasn't lost his touch.

As he exited out of the house, Jacket did not notice the two teenagers parked across the street. The white-haired teen chuckled to himself.

"The chicken-masked guy is good." He admitted. "We're definitely going to use him from now on."

The red-haired teen sneered as he saw Jacket ran away. "It's only a matter of time until we overthrow Tirek and Scorpan..."