"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

ACT IV - Massacre

November 5, 2015

Jacket let out a bored sigh as he sat in a table outside of a local cafe.

It's been a while since that incident back in his prison cell which led him into this strange world. His city is quite similar to Miami, but had some differences. For one thing, no Russians, a change Jacket greatly welcomed. It also seemed to be more colorful and peaceful. He heard rumors about this school that possessed great magic. There were also reports of magic three times, the last report involved a rival school. Jacket did not care about that. He thought magic was just bullshit.

Jacket realized that he did not know how long has it been since he warped into this world. He hasn't been keeping track of the days. He didn't care. All he cared about was that he finally has a home.

Well, more appropriate to say, he's waiting for the chance to have a home.

As he quietly ate his plate of extra cheesy quesadilla, he waited for three people. He recently saw a flyer for an apartment with a reasonable rent price. Sure, the apartment was in bad shape, but Jacket's apartment back in Miami was also in bad shape in his eyes, so this shouldn't be bad. He stuck out his tongue. He should have gotten pizza, because this quesadilla tasted a bit funky.

"Don't screw this up like last time, Sonata!" A female voice behind Jacket hissed.

"What did I do last time?" Another female voice behind Jacket whined.

"You didn't shut up about tacos, that's what!" A female third voice bitterly replied.

"Oh c'mon, you're never going to let me hear the end of that, are you?"

"Just shut up, Sonata!"

"Yeah! I know you can't shut up, but maybe try something like stop talking with that big fat mouth of yours!"

Jacket rubbed his eyes. He hoped these girls would just go away. He hated hearing people argue. Unfortunately for him, the arguments did not die out as the girls who were fighting at each other walked into Jacket's sight.

One of the girls was yellow-skinned and had a unique hairstyle: orange hair that was giant and puffy-looking. Another girl had violet for her skin color and had twin ponytails. The last girl had a dark blue ponytail and light blue skin. Jacket raised an eyebrow. Another thing different was that most of the humans here looked...freakish. Variant colors for skin color and freakish hairstyles? Then again, he wore a chicken mask, so Jacket wasn't one to complain.

"Will you girls shut up?" The yellow girl hissed at the violet and blue girls. "We need to find the guy who wants to stay at our apartment."

The violet girl rolled her eyes. "What kind of a loser wants to stay at our place?"

Jacket cleared his throat.

The girls turned around and saw the blonde man with a letterman jacket eating a quesadilla while staring at the girls with no identifiable emotion on his face. So these are the three for the apartment? Jacket thought.

"You're the one who wants to apartment space?" The yellow girl asked Jacket, who nodded in surprise.

The violet girl scratched her arm. "Uh, didn't mean to call you a loser," she said before glaring at the blue girl, "Nice going, you idiot."

"What did I do?!"

"You made me call him a loser! Are you trying to make us not get any rent money!"

"Aria, shut up!"

"You shut up, Adiago!"

"All of you shut up! I didn't do anything!"

As the girls bitterly argued, Jacket noticed how the other cafe patrons are directing their attention to the argument. Jacket realized that he needed to get these girls to stop arguing. He shrugged and raised his hand up in the air as he rolled it up into a clenched fist. He slammed it down at the table, making a bang noise that immediately shut up the three girls. Their angry faces were replaced with shocked expressions as Jacket glared at them. The patrons were also shocked before they slowly turned away and continued their business.

"Um, sorry about that." The violet girl choked out with a shy look on her face.

Jacket shook his head and pointed to the blue girl. The violet girl seemed surprise and her face quickly twisted into an angry look on her face.

"Are you freaking crazy?!" The violet girl barked at Jacket. "Why should I apologize to her?!"

Jacket growled.

"Um, I mean," The violet girl muttered as she shot an apologetic look at the blue girl. "I'm sorry, Sonata."

"Um, it's okay." The blue girl replied, "I'm sorry too, Aria and Adiago."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you two." The yellow girl added.

They slowly turned to Jacket, who nodded in approval despite his emotionless face. The girls looked nervously at each other. They don't know why, but they all think it's wise not to piss off the blonde man.

"So, uh," The yellow girl coughed uncomfortably. "Relating back to the apartment, we have a spot open. You saw how much the rent costs on the flyer, right?"

Jacket reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out some money, which made the girls widen their eyes just a tiny bit. He hoped they did not ask HOW he got this much money in the first place.

"Just a moment please."

The trio of girls turned around and started to whisper.

"What do you girls think?"

"This guy looks creepy. What if he killed people or something?"

"He's a bit strange but I'm sure he looks like the guy who doesn't like hurting other people."

"He has money. We need money. Our place is a total dump and we barely have enough food. Up to this point, I don't care if he's killed a guy or two."

"I guess it's settled then..."

The trio of girls turned around and smiled at Jacket. Jacket handed the money to the yellow girl, who took it and placed a pair of keys on his palm. Jacket placed the keys on his jeans pocket and nodded his thanks at the girls. He finished the last of his food and picked up the empty paper plate to throw it away. Just as he threw it in the trash can, he looked back to the girls.

"Feel free to come in your new home anytime you want." The yellow girl said to Jacket, who nodded.

Before he could walk away, the blue girl spoke up. "Oh hey, we didn't give you our names. I'm Sonata Dusk."

"Aria Blaze." The violet girl said. "Just call me Aria."

"I'm Adagio Dazzle." The yellow girl added. "And you are...?"

Before she could finish her sentence, the blonde man walked away. The girls just stood there watching him walked away.

"Huh." Sonata said in disbelief. "Didn't give us his name."

"I still think this is a bad idea." Aria grumbled as she crossed her arms.

"I don't care." Adagio mumbled. "Ever since we lost our powers thanks to those magical girls, we've been living in a garbage dump. We need to do whatever we can to survive. Even if it means letting a creepy, silent man into our homes. Though he did do a good job in getting us to shut up and apologize to each other."

Aria and Sonata silently nodded in agreement as Adagio put the money in her pants pocket.

It was official. Jacket hated quesadillas. Hell, he was probably scared of them now.

Now that he got a new home, Jacket decided to walk around a bit. Maybe get to know some places he would visit that was near the apartment. He hoped the apartment was near some pizzerias or a VHS store. But from what he can tell, VHS's have become ancient history. Such a shame. He missed watching slasher movies and war films on VHS's.

However, as he walked around a bit, he started to feel a bit uneasy. The food he had just ate was probably poisoned or something, because he needed to use the restroom badly. He looked around but saw nothing but more residential buildings and a bank. He groaned and hoped the bank had a bathroom.

As he entered the bank, a car parked into a street across the bank. Inside the car were two male teenagers. They were all green-skinned and wore some street clothes. One of them had white shaggy hair and the other one had long red hair. Their faces were clean from any facial hair. The two teenagers were busy looking at the bank for a while until three men entered the bank.

"If this plan is going to work," The red-haired teenager grumbled, "We need some good muscle."

"I already hired three guys, not the ones who are trying to be hired as Tirek's lackeys." The white-haired teenager responded as he looked at the bank with a pair of binoculars.

"You sure about these three guys?" The red-haired teenager asked. "We need some quality grade killers for this plan to work."

"Don't worry." The white-haired teenager answered. "We told them that we were going to test their skill. They just need to find a briefcase of money and bring it back to us."

The white-haired teenager smiled as he saw a couple of vans park near the bank. The doors from the vans opened and a couple of ski-masked men jumped out of the vans.

"Of course that isn't the REAL test." He chuckled as he watched the masked men pulled out their guns and weapons.