"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

12th Scene - Shadows

November 30, 2015
2:33 PM

"Cheers everyone!" Santiago exclaimed with a grin as he and his two colleagues lifted up their beer cans as a toast. "After this mission, we get a shitload of cash and more opportunities for violent action!"

The three assassins were standing next to their SUV, parked near the apartment where their last job was located.

"What are you going to do in Manehattan?" Darrell asked Mary who sipped her drink without any concern.

"I dunno." She answered as she looked down at her drink. "Just do nothing. Open up a store or something. Hell, maybe get a boyfriend who treats me nice."

"Sounds like you have it all planned." Santiago said with a grin.

"Eh." Mary grunted. "I try not to take about it too much. Let's focus on this job. Kill every son of a bitch there, correct?"

"Yeah." Darrell answered with a nod. "I figured you would still be bored, so I looked in the files again and found out that there are gangsters on the second, third, and fourth floor. I say we each get a floor and kill every bastard on that floor."

"Sounds good to me." Santiago answered. "Dibs on the second floor."

"I'll take the fourth." Mary added.

"And I'll take the third." Darrell finished with a small smile.

After drinking their drinks, the three assassins walked to the entrance. Santiago kicked it down and walked in along with the rest of the assassins. Santiago looked around but was surprised to see no gangster on the first floor.

"Santiago, get the second floor. Darrell, get the third floor. I'll get the fourth floor." Mary ordered as she went up the stairs with her colleagues on her tail. As soon as they reached the second floor, Santiago unsheathed his katana.

"It's go time, bitches."

Santiago rolled into the hallway where two gangsters spotted him. They charged at him with baseball bats. Santiago quickly sliced the baseball bats with his sword, causing the gangsters in front of him to gulp. He wasted no time slicing the two men.

Santiago turned to his left and saw a window. Behind it was a gangster with a shotgun in his hands and a surprised look on his face. Santiago was able to roll away, missing the shotgun blast. The gangster growled as he sprinted to the room the assassin was in. Three more armed gangsters in another room heard the shotgun noise and sprinted towards the source.

The growling gangster arrived in the room, looking for the masked assassin he just saw. He felt someone tap his shoulders and, just as he turned around with an irritated look on his face, had his head sliced off from his body.

The three gangsters before ran into the room where they saw an eagle-masked man standing next to a beheaded corpse. They pointed their rifles at Santiago.

"Kill the griffin freak!" One of the gangsters snarled.

"And I thought I was the only one who thought I'm a griffin." Santiago mumbled to himself with a small smile.

Just as the gangsters fired, they gasped in astonishment when Santiago rolled towards them, miraculously avoiding the bullets. Santiago landed behind the gangsters and pulled out his katana. He killed all of them except for one of them. The gangster tried to shoot at Santiago only to have his rifle suddenly destroyed by a sword. He gulped as he stood in front of the eagle-masked killer.

Santiago smirked at the thug. "Humor me." He said as he kicked the katana to the thug, who quickly grabbed it. After all, this gangster was the one who called him the griffin-masked killer.

The thug looked at the sword and back at Santiago before shrugging. He soon let out a war cry as he charged at the amused assassin. He swung the sword in a clumsy fashion which Santiago was able to dodge. The gangster yelled some more as he continued to swing the sword in a frantic fashion. Santiago rolled away, missing every single attack. The gangster ran at him with the sword up in the air, only for Santiago to quickly swiped it away.

"You're good."

Santiago swung the sword, causing the gangster's head fall off.

"But I'm better."

Placing the katana on his back and picking up a nearby assault rifle, Santiago sprinted into the final room, where a couple of gangsters were watching a Daring Do movie. The assassin hoped that these were the last gangsters in this floor, since he liked this certain Daring Do movie.

One of the thugs turned around and alerted his colleagues about the intruder. Santiago pointed his rifle and fired at them, killing a couple gangsters and making an overweight thug bleed to death.

The surviving gangster jumped out of a couch with a machete, charging at Santiago while he reloaded his rifle. He detected the gangster and quickly pulled out his katana. Just as the machete was about to hit him, Santiago quickly blocked it with his katana and was locked in a sword/machete clash with the gangster. The gangster backed bit and jumped forward as he tried to impale the assassin in the chest. Santiago stepped to the side, avoiding the attack and impaled the gangster from the back, killing him.

As the gangster fell down dead, Santiago let out a triumphant cheer.

"Ha ha ha! Who's the man, bitches?!"

As soon as the two assassins reached the third floor, Darrell nodded at Mary and tightened his grip on his nunchucks.

Darrell charged at an unsuspecting gangster in the hallway and crushed the gangster's head against the floor. He looked up and saw two more gangsters running towards him. As they tried to swing their fists at Darrell, the assassin easily dodged their attacks and uppercutted one of them, instantly killing him. The other gangster tried to pick up a nearby crowbar only to have his neck swiftly snapped.

Darrell spotted a pair of dogs rushing towards him. Just as one of them pounced to get a bite of the assassin, he immediately punched the mutt in the face, cracking its skull and killing it. The other one jumped at him, only for Darrell to grab the canine in midair. He slammed the dog into the ground as the dog struggled to remove its jaw from Darrell's grip. The warthog-masked assassin lifted up his fist and brought it down to the dog's head, repeatedly bashing it until there was nothing left but remains of doggie brains.

Unfortunately, since the execution was a bit delayed, he had just noticed the gangsters in front of him when one of them pointed his pistol at him. Darrell jumped to a nearby crate of drugs, avoiding the gunfire.

As the gangsters slowly moved up, Darrell took this opportunity to whip out his nunchucks. He jumped from his cover and charged at the gangsters with this nunchucks in motion. He swung his weapons at a gangster's face before fatally kicking another thug to the wall. Just as he struck another gangster to the ground, dead, Darrell dropped his nunchucks when a bullet hit his shoulder. He quickly jumped at the gangster who shot him and killed the thug with a jump punch.

Ignoring his shoulder, Darrell charged into another room, where a group of gangsters were busy doing drugs. One of them shrunk his pupils when he saw the assassin and tried to grab his baseball bat. Darrell grabbed a nearby trash can and jammed it in the gangster's head. The gangster's muffled screams were heard from the trash can as he struggled to yank it off.

As he tried to take off the trash can, he can hear his surroundings. He heard grunts and screams from his fellow colleagues. He heard a couple of gunshots but was soon replaced by something being twisted followed by a scream. He then heard something being snapped and more crunches. He even felt something liquid splash into him. Given the fact that this liquid splashed on him just right when some gangster yelled something about his chest, the gangster struggled to rip off the trash bin from his head. He continued to hear more sounds like groans, screams, and smashes until the noise slowly stopped.

Just when he took off the trash can, he saw Darrell's fist going towards his face. That was the last thing he saw as his lifeless body fell to the ground with his face dripping blood.

Just then, as Darrell looked down at the dead corpses, an overweight man sprinted in the room and tackled down the warthog-masked assassin. The thug grabbed Darrell's head and began to bash it on the floor. The struggling assassin quickly kicked the overweight man in the groin, causing his hands to direct to his crotch as he whimpered in pain. Darrell took this moment to grab the thug's shoulders and headbutted him, causing the overweight man to fall over, dead.

Darrell quickly stood back up and lift his hands up in victory.

"Who else wants some?!"

Mary had finally reached the fourth floor with a look of determination in her eyes. She charged through the door where four armed gangsters turned around in alert. Before they could fire their weapons, Mary easily shot them down, making them tumble to the floor where their blood was splattered.

Mary also noticed another gangster, though what stood out the most was the gas mask he had on his face and the chainsaw in his hands. Mary rolled her eyes and pointed her guns at him and fired. The gangster swiftly ducked down, miraculously evading every bullets. Mary's eyes widen as she muttered, "Oh shit."

The dodger got up and sprinted after the assassin. Mary desperately picked up one of the rifles from the dead gangsters next to her and threw it at the dodger. The dragon assassin gulped when she saw the dodger ripped the rifle in half with his chainsaw.

Another gangster snuck up on her and lifted up his lead pipe. Mary noticed him and punched his stomach, causing him to grunt in pain and lower his weapon. The assassin quickly grabbed the pipe and, when the dodger was close to her, swung it at him, breaking his neck. She then swung it at the other gangster, killing him.

She heard some other gangsters wondering what was happening. Pulling out her Uzis from her back, Mary spread her guns out in a horizontal fashion and fired when the gangsters ran out of the room. She spotted some more gangsters coming in the hallway, so she spun around until her guns took down every gangster in both directions. She heard a couple of barks, causing her to turn around and see some dogs running towards her. She easily gunned them down but after killing the last dog, she discovered her Uzi magazine was dry.

As she reloaded her guns, Mary was suddenly pushed to the floor. She looked up and saw a gangster holding a computer screen and was going to throw it down at her face. She wasted no time as she rolled away just when the screen smashed on the floor. Mary kicked of the shins from the gangster, causing him to drop to the floor. She proceeded to repeatedly punch him until he died.

She looked up and saw an overweight gangster charging at her. Mary pointed her guns at him until she heard some gangsters behind her. She quickly turned around and fired at the shotgun-equipped gangsters. She then sprinted away from the fat thug and fired at him. A few bullets hit the overweight gangster's chest. After that, the gun made a clicking sound rather than firing off bullets.

"SHIT!" Mary shouted as she proceeded to run away faster.

She stopped when she saw the thug stopping to gasp and clench his bleeding chest. He eventually fell to the floor, a victim of blood loss.

"Huh." Mary said in surprise. "Well, okay, I guess?"

She picked up a nearby shotgun and a machete and headed for the last room on the floor. She kicked it open and spotted some gangsters playing video games. They stopped when they saw the masked woman and pulled out two pistols from their jeans.

Mary pointed her shotgun at them and fired.

"OH COME ON!" Mary shouted when they all ducked and avoided the attack. "I fucking hate you dodging motherfuckers!"

She hid behind a wall as the gangsters fired off a couple of shots. One of them ran to her only for Mary to swing her machete at him, killing him. Another one tried to run at her only for Mary to throw the corpse at him. He easily ducked and avoided the corpse but when he got up, the last thing he saw was a machete swinging at him. The other gangster pointed his pistols at the woman only for Mary to throw her machete at him. As predicted, he dodged the machete but was suddenly tackled to the ground and had his head brutally bashed into the floor.

She got up and took a deep breath. If she is not mistaken, then that should be all the gangsters on this floor.

"Is that all?!"

She paused for a moment when her cell phone suddenly vibrated.

With a confused grunt, Mary took out her cell phone and was surprised to see that, according to the caller ID, the call was coming from the two teenagers from the bar earlier. She answered the phone and placed it on her ear.

"This better be good." Mary grumbled.

"We have a problem." The voice from the phone bitterly explained. "The Wifi Palace won't pay us anymore. Apparently, thanks to the attack on November 7th, Tirek is doing whatever he can to get more cash. So now he has exhorted the cafe to give him money. Now we don't get a fucking cent."

"So you want us to fuck the cafe up?" Mary asked.

"No. We sent the rooster-masked killer to do so."

"And what does that have to do with us?" Mary asked with an angry face.

"His use to us is no longer needed. Go to the Wifi Palace and make sure the cafe is taught a lesson. And then...kill the rooster-masked killer."

"Got it." Mary replied after a brief pause. Just when she was about to hang up, the voice continued to speak.

"Kill any witnesses there."

The phone suddenly hanged up, leaving Mary standing there with a cold stare.

3:04 PM

"I wonder if they have one of these in Manehattan." Mary thought to herself as the SUV parked near the cafe.

The three assassins jumped out of the car with their weapons deployed and their masks equipped. As they headed towards the entrance, they noticed how the entrance doorway was open.

"The rooster-masked man is still inside." Mary calmly stated as she headed towards the entrance. Before she could do so, however, Darrell stopped her.

The warthog-masked assassin lifted up his hand. "I hear someone. Sound like...girls?"

Santiago and Mary paused to hear what was happening in the cafe.

"Twilight! Are you done anytime sooner!?" A voice asked frantically.

"I-I'm trying my best!" Another voice hastily responded.

"Well, please do take your time, it's not like we're gonna get caught at the rate you're going!!" Another voice replied, going from pleasant to vicious.

"Sour Sweet, your overreacting will not speed up the process nor is it helping the current situation we are in, so please refrain from rushing Twilight." Another voice rebuked the vicious voice.

"I still hope she finishes soon enough. This place kinda gives me the heebie-jeebies." Another voice admitted.

Darrell looked at his companions. "We have witnesses. They sound like girls, but our orders are to kill any witnesses."

Mary and Santiago nodded as the trio slowly walked to the entrance.

"Rats! I-I couldn't find anything." The voice from before admitted. "I'm sorry girls."

"No need to apologize, Twi. You did your best."

"Yeah. Now c'mon! Let's get outta here before..."

The teen trailed off on her words as the rest of the girls looked at the exit. Darrell, Santiago, and Mary all stood at the exit with their weapons lowered.

Mary blinked as she turned to her friends.

"They're fucking teenagers!" She whispered to her colleagues.

"We kill them?" Santiago asked, resulting in Mary widening her eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She hissed. "We can't kill these teenage girls!"

"I don't like this anymore than you do, Mary." Darrell confessed. "But we have orders to kill any witnesses. Besides, you're already in deep shit with the bosses."

"Goddamnit..." Mary growled to herself as she took a deep breath. "I'm going to hate myself for this..."

After the three assassins finished their brief conversation, they slowly walked to the girls. Darrell started to twirl his nunchucks. Santiago unsheathed his katana. Mary pointed her twin machine guns at the teenagers.

The girls slowly backed away, scared faces were plastered on their faces.

That is until a knock on the wall was suddenly heard.

Santiago, Darrell, and Mary slowly turned around where they saw another figure. He wore a rooster mask on his head.

"The rooster-masked killer..." Mary whispered as she glared at the chicken-masked man.

Santiago smirked. "Great! Now I get to kill that asshole!"

Immediately, the eagle-masked assassin rolled to the masked man and swung his sword. The rooster-masked man dodged by jumping to the side, though his right shoulder was cut. He gritted his teeth and grabbed his bleeding shoulder. Santiago chuckled as he slowly walked to the man.

"C'mon!" Santiago taunted. "Is that all you got?!"

Just as Santiago lifted up his sword, the chicken-masked killer lunged back up on his feet and grabbed the sword. Santiago grunted in confusion as he and and the other killer wrestled for the sword. The chicken-masked man kicked Santiago to the wall and then jammed the katana into his heart.

Mary and Darrell gasped as Santiago looked down to his bleeding chest with wide, scared eyes. The chicken-masked killer pulled out the katana from Santiago, who slowly fell down dead.

"SANTIAGO! NO!" Darrell yelled as tightened his grip on his nunchucks and charged at the man.

The chicken-masked man was pushed to the wall as Darrell angrily tried to kill him. The man dodged Darrell's punch and rolled to the side with his katana in his hands. Darrell swung his nunchucks at the masked man, causing him to tumble to the floor. Darrell jumped on top of him and grabbed his head. Grabbing the katana, the chicken-masked man thrusted it into Darrell's shoulder, causing the assassin to back off while holding his bleeding shoulder. The man took this opportunity to swing his sword. Darrell widen his eyes as he stepped back a bit before he fell down. His head rolled away from his freshly-sliced bloody neck.

"SHIT! DARRELL!" Mary shrieked as she pointed her Uzis at the killer and fire the triggers. The chicken-masked killer dived behind a desk as Mary yelled in rage.

"YOU FUCKING SHITHEAD!!!" She roared as she clenched her teeth furiously. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

The chicken-masked killer grabbed the nearby nunchucks and started to twirl them. As Mary tried to reload quickly, the man took this opportunity to jump up from the desk with the nunchucks equipped. He swung it at Mary, causing the woman to drop down to the floor in pain. She quickly got back up with a snarl behind her dragon mask. As the masked man spun the nunchucks, Mary yelled as she charged at him. The masked man grabbed her and punched her in the stomach and then the chest before hitting her in the head with the nunchucks until she dropped down to the floor with gritted teeth. The masked man looked to his right and saw a big computer screen. He wasted no time picking it up and lifting it up in the air. Mary groaned in pain as she opened her eyes a bit. They shot wide open when she saw the rooster-masked man lifting a computer up in the air, ready to drop it on her.

"OH GOD NO!" Mary screamed as she lifted up her hand in fear.


Twilight and the Shadowbolts all looked horrified at the sight that bestowed upon them. The masked man panted as he stared at the scene. He glanced at the man laying in a puddle of his own blood, the man with his head sliced off, and the woman laying on the floor with a broken computer screen smashed in her head. He slowly turned to the teenage girls that witnessed this whole thing. A majority of them were all scared and even sobbed a bit, especially the pink girl with green hair with headphones who cried the most. He noticed how the yellowish girl with a rose-colored ponytail looked scared the most, hiding behind the purple girl with glasses with a frightened look on her yellowish face. Both the blue-haired yellowish girl and the light turquoise-skinned girl were hugging each other in fear as the gray-haired girl with twin ponytails was panting heavily while shaking.

Silently, the rooster-masked killer left the internet cafe.