"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

11th Scene - Heartbeat

November 29, 2015

"Well, I'm glad you're doing alright, Flash." Sunset Shimmer said with a grin on her face.

"Thanks Sunset," Flash Sentry replied. "And thanks Twilight for visiting me."

"No problem." Twilight Sparkle responded with a grin.

Since it was a weekend, Sunset decided to visit Flash Sentry at the hospital. The human universe's Twilight decided to visit him as well. Flash Sentry woke up a few days ago and is now recovering. He laid on a hospital bed with a nasal cannula.

Twilight smiled at him. "Always a pleasure Flash." She said. "Hope you get better."

As they left Flash's hospital room, Sunset smirked at Twilight.

"Taking an interest in Flash?"

"Well no. I mean, he is kinda cute and I feel bad for him being in the hospital." Twilight admitted with a coy smile. "But, since I still want to focus more on my studies..." She looked away with a tiny blush on her cheeks. "Besides, I'm sure the other Twilight would get jealous if I'm dating Flash. Speaking of which, she's coming in three days, right?"

"Correct." Sunset answered. "By the way, I visited Luna yesterday. Her arm's getting better and they already took off her cast."

"That's nice to hear." Twilight said as she and Sunset exited out of the hospital.

Sunset noticed how Twilight was looking a bit glum. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Twilight answered before looking away, "Well, no. I'm still upset about these chicken-masked killings. And now there are more reports of murders."

"I've heard about that." Sunset mumbled. "Now there are three more killers in our town. When will this ever end?"

As they continued to walk, they passed by an SUV. Inside the vehicle were the three assassins. Mary shook her head as she crossed her arms in annoyance.

"This job better be good." Mary grumbled to herself. "These past jobs were so damn boring."

"Sorry to break the news to you Mary," Darrell said as he looked at the files. "But this one's also gonna be cake. On the bright side, Tirek saved the best job for last."

"Great, I guess." Mary said with a shrug.

"Don't forget," Santiago added as he continued to drive. "The bosses want to meet us at Svengallop's Bar."

"You mean that bar owned by that asshole who fucked with Countess Coloratura?" Darrell asked in disbelief. "I like listening to Coloratura. You think the bosses won't mind if I snap Svengallop's neck?"

"He's not in that kind of business anymore, Darrell." Santiago replied. "After he fucked up working as a manager, he ended up becoming some petty bar owner. How the mighty has fallen."

"I still wanna teach that asshole a lesson." Darrell grumbled. "His haircut is stupid too."

"Less about Svengallop, more about destroying the money Scorpan has." Mary interrupted as Santiago found a parking space.

"I'll take the first floor." Darrell ordered. "Mary and Santiago, fuck up the second floor."

"Got it." Mary said as she and her colleagues exited out of the vehicle and grabbed their weapons.

The three assassins walked up to the door. "Let's see." Darrell said. "Santiago answered the door for the first job, then Mary answered it for the second job."

Darrell began to twirl his nunchucks.

"My turn."

He charged through the door with his twirling nunchucks. Along the way, he killed three gangsters, a dog, and knocked down a fat thug. As the overweight man groaned, he tried to stand up. With a calm look on his face, Darrell jumped on top of the man and repeatedly bashed his head on the floor. Bits of blood flew from the remains of the head and stained the warthog mask with crimson blood.

"Go up the stairs." Darrell ordered. "I'm going to have so much fun with this floor."

As he heard his colleagues run away, he took out his nunchucks and began to shout. "Cowards!" He growled. "Come out and fight me like a man!"

At the speed of lightning, gangsters came out of the rooms equipped with sledgehammers and crowbars. One gangster jumped at Darrell with his crowbar up in the air. Darrell was able to evade the attack and push the gangster to the floor. He saw another one charging at him and kicked him to the wall. He felt something metal around his neck and was suddenly strangled with a chainlink whip by another gangster. Darrell immediately kicked the gangster on the foot, causing the gangster to release him.

"Is that all you got?!" Darrell growled as he punched the gangster behind him in the face, killing him instantly. After punching another one in the face, the surrounding gangsters just shrugged and charged at the warthog-masked killer. Each of them were punched in the face or had their necks snapped. One pointed a pistol at Darrell, only to have his wrist twisted. As he screamed while holding his twisted wrist, Darrell pushed him to a wall and kicked him in the face, killing him.

He ran into another room where he spotted a couple of gangsters. One gangster saw his colleague tried to charge at the assassin with a machete only to fall down to the floor with a twisted neck. He saw a 9mm sitting on a table and picked it up. Darrell quickly swiped it from the gangster and threw it away from the two of them.

"Fight me like a man!"

The gangster just shrugged and threw a left hook at the assassin. The warthog-masked calmly grabbed the fist while it was in mid-air. The gangster's pupils shrank as he gulped.

"Fuck me."

After bashing the gangster's brains on the floor, along with staining the red carpet with something else red, Darrell noticed a tan crate labelled, "Handle With Care."

Curious, he opened it and looked at the contents of the crate.

"Is that," Darrell said with blinking eyes, "Shit, is that what I think that is?"

"Hey!" A gangster shouted as he pointed at Santiago and Mary who were running up the stairs. "The fuck are you two?!"

Santiago quickly sliced up the gangster as Mary pointed her guns at the door. Two gangsters who heard the commotion outside ran to check out what was happening. Mary gunned down them when they came into her sight.

"I'll take this room!" Santiago shouted. "You take the other one."

Mary nodded as she picked up an M16 from a dead gangster. Santiago opened the door and was met with a gangster wearing large blue headphones and was too preoccupied in his music.

"Oh, this oughta be a fucking joke." Santiago chuckled as he shook his head. Taking out his katana, he slowly ran the blunt edge of his sword across the back of the gangster's neck. The gangster yelped as he felt the cold metal and tumbled to the floor. Just as he took off his headphones, Santiago immediately jammed his sword into the gangster's face.

Meanwhile, Mary kicked the door to another room. She was met with a bunch of gangsters playing video games and drinking beer. Just as one of the gangsters turned around, Mary pulled the trigger, eliminating five gangsters and two overweight thugs who bled to death. Just as she was about to walk away, a gangster who was hiding behind a table jumped up with a hand cannon.

"Die motherfucke-"

He was riddled with bullets by Mary, who did not even turn to face the gangster as she took out one of her Uzis and fired it at him.

"Santiago?" She said as she reloaded her Uzi. "You found the money?"

One of the doors to another room opened, revealing a bored Santiago carrying a decapitated head of an overweight thug.

"Eeyup." Santiago replied as he threw the head away.

Mary followed the eagle-masked killer to a room filled with piles of cash, sitting on a couple of tables with some of them slightly soaked in crimson blood. Mary couldn't help but laugh as Santiago took off his mask to ruffle up his brown hair a bit. "How do you wanna destroy this shit?" He calmly asked.

"Burn it with this." Darrell said as he walked into the room with something in his hands. Mary and Santiago turned around and widen their eyes at what Darrell was holding.

"A fucking flamethrower?" Santiago exclaimed with a grin. "Dibs!"

Darrell and Mary just stood there with relaxed looks on their faces as Santiago began to use the flamethrower while laughing like a child playing video games for the very first time.

"If I see that Svengallop, I'm going to punch him in the face." Darrell grumbled to himself as he and his two other colleagues entered the bar.

The bar was filled with people drinking and the soccer game on the television sets. The bar patrons looked seedy with some glaring at the three hitmen. The bartender serving the drinks was a woman with mulberry skin, cerise hair, and a t-shirt that had the picture of grapes and a strawberry together.

She smiled at the sight of Santiago. "Hey!" The bartender cried out. "What's up Santiago?"

The slim man smirked as he shook hands with the bartender. "Not much. How about you, Berry Punch?"

Berry chuckled. "Well, I finally convinced my idiot boss, Svengallop, to get a day off tomorrow."

"Awesome." Santiago replied. "Can I get three cold ones, please?"

As Berry prepared the drinks, Mary walked next to Santiago.

"Girlfriend?" Mary asked nonchalantly.

"Just a friend." Santiago calmly replied.

As Berry handed the assassins their drinks, Santiago thanked her and placed a 20 dollar bill on the counter, asking to keep the change. Berry thanked him as the three assassins took their drinks to a nearby table.

As the three assassins waited, they saw the door open and two green-skinned men walked in. They both wore sunglasses, baseball caps, and trench coats. The only difference between the two men is their hair, sticking from the caps. One man had white hair and the other man had red hair.

They spotted the assassins sitting in a table. They let out a small sneer as they walked to the table.

"Good to see you three." The red-haired man greeted as he and his companion sat down.

"How was school?" Santiago asked.

"Not much." The white-haired man grumbled. "No new magic attack or any shit Canterlot High is famous for."

"Let's talk business." The red-haired man said. "Give us the details."

"We're officially doing Tirek's dirty work." Darrell replied with a smile. "Destroying what Scorpan has left."

"Boring shit, but we're managing." Santiago added with a shrug.

"Good to hear." The white-haired man said with a smirk. "Any other news?"

"Listen boss." Mary said as she took a sip of her drink. "I respect you two and have no trouble-"

"Get to the point."

"Alright." Mary said as she paused a bit. "After this mission, I want out. Thinking of retiring and moving to Manehattan."

The two teenagers slowly glared at Mary before turning their gaze towards at Darrell and Santiago. "Surely you two warned Mary about what happens if you quit your job."

"Hey. I warned her." Santiago confessed as he put up his hands in defense.

The two teenagers growled at Mary, who just simply stared back at them with narrowed eyes. Their hostile expressions soon turned into warm smiles. "Alright." The red-haired teen said. "Do this mission and you're free to go."

"Got it." Mary replied as she sipped her drink. "Thanks."

"Well, we gotta go." The white-haired teen said as both he and the red-haired teen stood up.

"Good luck on your last mission, guys." The red-haired teen said with a sneer as he walked away with his companion.

"That was short but went well." Mary commented as she finished her drink. Afterwards, Santiago and Darrell quickly drank their drinks and proceeded to leave the bar.

"So our last mission is to kill a shitload of Scorpan's men?" Santiago asked.

"Correct." Darrell muttered as he stretched his arms while yawning.

"When's our last mission again?"

Mary smirked.

"November 30."