"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

10th Scene - Fear

November 27, 2015

"Rats, my alarm didn't go off..."

Mary grumbled to herself as she woke up while laying on top of her bed. Her room had the scent of perfume and was neatly organized. Mary blinked her eyes a bit as she yawned.

"How late was I?" Mary sighed as she squinted her eyes at the alarm clock. "Damn. I need a new alarm clock."

She got off her red queen-sized bed and walked to the answering machine.

You have one new message. *BEEP* Hey Mary, it's Darrell. Me and Santiago are waiting for your ass. Meet us at the diner near the place we have to attack.

"Darrell's gonna kick my ass..." Mary grumbled as she quickly got dressed. Afterwards, she grabbed her duffel bag which contained her two guns and her dragon mask.

She exited out of her apartment and sprinted through the streets. She finally reached her destination when she came across the diner Darrell talked about in the answering machine. Standing next to the diner was Santiago, smoking his smokes, and Darrell, who was busy drinking his coffee.

"Took you long enough." Darrell grumbled as he finished his cup of coffee.

Mary rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." She grumbled back. "Sorry about being late. Alarm clock's still busted."

Santiago put out his cigarette and shook his head at Mary. "Get a new alarm clock next time. C'mon. Get in the SUV."

Mary and Darrell entered through the back as Santiago drove the car. "So what's our objective again?" Mary asked as she put on her dragon mask.

"Tirek wants us to destroy Scorpan's weapon caches, which should be downstairs." Darrell explained as he put on his warthog mask. "That and to kill every motherfucker in the building."

"Sounds good to me." Santiago responded as he parked near an abandoned-looking house. "We're here."

Darrell handed Santiago the eagle mask as Mary jumped out of the SUV with her guns ready. Darrell and Santiago soon followed her with their weapons ready. Mary frowned as she walked up to the front door, disgusted from the smell of the neighborhood. Hopefully killing these gangsters will distract her from the stench.

Mary knocked on the door.

The three assassins heard a gangster grumble through the door as he opened it. "What do you want?"

Santiago answered by shoving his blade into the gangster's head. He kicked the corpse away as the assassins walked into the house. Santiago took note of the MP5 laying on the ground and picked it up. He slammed through one of the doors, surprising the gangsters in the room. He fired at them, killing all but one. The surviving thug tried to gun Santiago down but missed because the eagle-masked assassin rolled to the other side of the room. Santiago threw the MP5 at the thug, knocking him down. As the thug groaned on the floor, he opened his eyes and saw Santiago's foot, which was the last thing he ever saw before his skull was crushed.

"You guys check the basement if the weapons are there!" Santiago shouted at Darrell and Mary. "I'll take care of these fuckers on this floor."

Mary and Darrell nodded as they ran to the stairs. Santiago grabbed his katana and whistled. "Come get a piece of me, bitches!"

Immediately, a couple of gangsters emerged from their rooms and glared at Santiago. "Kill the piece of shit!" One of them yelled as he lunged his machete at the eagle-masked assassin.

Santiago quickly evaded the attack and swung his katana, staining it with the gangster's blood. Another tried to point his gun at Santiago until the katana was jammed directly into his hand, causing him to scream in pain. Santiago quickly pulled the sword from the hand and into the chest.

As soon as the gangster fell down dead, Santiago quickly detected a gangster behind him and in front of him, each armed with a SMG. They pointed their weapons at the assassin and fired. Santiago quickly rolled away, causing the gangsters to shoot each other.

As Santiago got back up on his feet, he could hear the sounds of gunfire and screaming downstairs. "I hope I have as much as action as they're having." He grumbled to himself as he threw away his katana and cracked his knuckles. "I'll kick all of your asses without my blade."

One gangster tried to swing his crowbar at the assassin. Santiago immediately dodged the attack, pushed the gangster to a wall, and then thrusted the crowbar into the gangster's neck. Santiago detected a gangster behind him with a baseball bat, ready to bash the eagle-masked killer's head in. Santiago quickly pulled out the crowbar from the neck and then jammed it into the other gangster's face. Santiago noticed a pistol in the gangster's jeans and pulled it out. He fired it to the gangster who just whipped out his machine pistol.

As the gangster fell down dead, Santiago stretched his arms and then took a sniff. "Hmm," he pondered. "What's cooking?"

"You think he'll be alright?" Mary asked as she and Darrell walked down the stairs. The two assassins heard Santiago whistle and demand that the thugs come get a piece of him.

"I wouldn't worry." Darrell mumbled back as he heard one gangster yell about killing the 'piece of shit.'

As soon as they were on the basement floor, they came across a wooden door with a KEEP OUT sticker. Mary ripped the sticker off the door before Darrell kicked it down. Two gangsters holding AK-47's immediately spotted them and tried to fire at them. Darrell crushed one gangster's skull while Mary put a bullet on another gangster's abdomen.

The two assassins looked up and spotted a large group of gangsters next to tables with stacks of guns. The gangsters dropped their bongs and picked up their weapons, ranging from M16's to MP5's.

Darrell quickly bashed the head of one gangster as Mary fired her guns, killing two gangsters. The rest of the thugs quickly jumped behind the tables. One jumped from his cover and fired at Darrell. The warthog-masked killer got hit on the foot, causing him to dive behind a crate with a hiss. Mary saw this and wasted no time killing the gangster.

As Darrell laid on the floor gripping his foot, he looked up and saw a gangster pointing his M16 at him. Darrell punched him in the shin, causing the gangster to tumble down to the floor. Before he could get up, the gangster died the minute Darrell snapped his neck.

As Mary panted behind crate, she could hear the sounds of gunfire and screaming upstairs. "I hope I have as much as action as he's having." She grumbled to herself as she put her Uzis behind her back and picked up a knife on the floor. "I'll kick all of your asses without my guns."

She spotted a gangster too occupied reloading his piece. She took this time to lunge at him, stabbing him in the eyes. The other gangsters saw this and tried to shoot her. Mary quickly used the corpse as a body shield. As the corpse was getting shot, she threw the knife at a gangster's head, killing him instantly. Mary counted two more gangsters to kill, so she threw the corpse at one of the gangsters, knocking him to the floor. The other gangster tried to reload, giving Mary the opportunity to take out the knife from the dead gangster's head and then slit the gangster's throat. The remaining gangster pushed the corpse away from him and picked up his gun. Darrell quickly punched him in the face, instantly killing him.

The two assassins started to pant before stretching their arms and facing towards the weapon caches.

"How do you want to destroy them?" Darrell asked.

Mary looked around and smirked when she spotted some gas cans nearby.

"I swear Tirek gave us these easy jobs as a way to piss me off." Mary grumbled as she carried her groceries. After a successful but boring job, Mary just wanted to get home and do absolutely nothing.

"Maybe I'll move to Manehattan." Mary grumbled as she continued to walk through the streets. "This place sucks."

As she continued to walk, she let out a surprised gasp when she accidentally stepped on a rock and tumbled down to the concrete floor. "Shit." She grumbled as she saw her groceries scattered all over the floor.

As soon as Mary picked up a can of chicken soup, she suddenly looked up, surprised to see someone standing in front of her. The man had blonde hair and wore a letterman jacket and blue jeans. Mary looked at the blonde man with a surprised look on her face. Without saying a word or even showing any emotion, the man began to pick up the other groceries on the floor. Mary let out a thankful grin as they both began to pick up the items on the floor.

As soon as all the groceries were picked up, the blonde man handed them to Mary and proceeded to walk away. Before he could do so, the blonde man felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and faced the woman.

"Hey," Mary said as she let out a small smile. "Thanks."

The blonde man just nodded and walked away. Mary tilted her head curiously at the blonde man.

"Huh. Must have a speech impediment or something." Mary guessed as she headed for her apartment.