"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

9th Scene - Initiation

November 25, 2015

"So brief us again, Mary?" Darrell said as he drove the SUV to a broken down house.

Mary double-checked her Uzis before she placed them behind her back. "This place has some meth labs. It's our jobs to destroy them all."

"And the guys inside?" Santiago asked as he placed his hands behind his head.

"Simple." Darrell asked as he found a parking spot. "Kill them all."

"Fine by me." Santiago answered as he and his colleagues exited out of the vehicle.

They walked to the back of the SUV and opened the trunk. Mary opened the duffel bag and handed her colleagues their respective masks. After donning the masks, they leaned towards the trunk and took out their weapons. Santiago unsheathed his gold katana as Darrell twirled his nunchucks a bit before cracking his knuckles.

"Shouldn't be too hard." Mary said as she inspected her twin machine guns.

"Party time."

The three assassins ran to the entrance with their weapons ready. Santiago rammed through the door, knocking down a gangster behind the door. As the gangster groaned, he looked up and was surprised at the sight of a katana-equipped man wearing an eagle mask.

"What the hell?!"

Santiago immediately shut the gangster up by swinging his katana, chopping off the gangster's head from his neck. As the head rolled away, another gangster entered the hallway with a beer in his hand. He dropped it as soon as he spotted the three intruders and pulled out a pistol. Just as he was about to fire, Santiago immediately rolled at the scared gangster. The gangster's eyes widen with shock as all of his bullets seem to miss the rolling assassin. Santiago quickly stood up from his rolling position and sliced through the gangster.

"What the hell was that?" A thug shouted from another room.

Darrell turned to one of the doors, spotting an overweight man exiting from the room. The warthog-masked assassin charged at the thug and punched him in the face knocking him down to the floor with a bloody nose. As the overweight thug looked up, he was greeted with Darrell kicking him in the head, killing him instantly.

Darrell entered the room the fat gangster came out of. He saw a bunch of gangsters playing poker and becoming shocked at the sight of the assassin. Without hesitating, Darrell quickly twirled his nunchucks while smirking behind his mask. He quickly ran around the room as he twirled his nunchucks. Most of the gangsters were immediately killed while two fat gangsters tumbled to the floor. As soon as he was done twirling his nunchucks, Darrell grabbed one of the fat gangsters and head-butted him, killing him quickly. As the other gangster tried to stand up, Darrell walked up to him and snapped his neck, causing the fat thug to drop back to the floor.

"No meth labs in this room." Darrell mumbled as Santiago calmly knocked on one of the doors with his katana.

"Pizza delivery!" Santiago shouted at the door with a smile.

The door opened, revealing an angry gangster. "We didn't order any fucking pizz-"

Santiago immediately sliced him in half with his katana and pushed his remains aside as he walked in the room. Gangsters who were busy smoking pot quickly grabbed their lead pipes and baseball bats. One tried to bash Santiago's head but had stomach sliced open by the eagle-masked assassin. Others tried to circle around the assassin and kill him. Santiago immediately rolled away and impaled one of the gangsters through the back of his chest, causing the gangster to scream in pain.

As Santiago was having his fun, Mary looked around before facing Darrell.

"Check if there's any meth labs on this floor." Mary ordered her colleagues. "I'm going to take care of the second floor. And please leave some gangsters for Santiago to kill. Dude doesn't shut up if he doesn't kill anyone."

Darrell nodded as he picked up a nearby unopened can of beer. After opening it, he removed his mask briefly to take a sip as he speculated Santiago's fight with the gangsters.

Mary sprinted to the second floor where she spotted some men dressed up as meth cooks. They dropped their jaws at the sight of her and shouted that she was here as they picked up some nearby guns.

Mary quickly pointed her twin machine guns at them and gunned them down. More gangsters were spotted with AK-47's as they tried to kill the intruder. Mary dived behind a crate as cover. She quickly rolled while firing her guns, killing the gangsters she had spotted before.

As she got up, more gangsters appeared to her left and right. Smirking, Mary spread her guns out in a horizontal fashion and pulled the trigger, blowing the gangsters away with bullets inside them.

Mary began to reload as she investigated one last room. Kicking it down, Mary was relieved to find a couple of meth labs. She also saw a bunch of meth cooks similar to the ones she killed before, though these cooks were fat. They gasped as soon as they saw Mary and pulled out two pistols.

"This is getting boring." Mary bluntly commented as she finished her ammunition on the cooks' chests. She put her empty guns behind her back and grabbed a nearby crowbar, chuckling as she stared at the meth labs.

After the meth labs were all obliterated, Mary walked down the stairs and was greeted with her colleagues killing the last of the gangsters.

"Labs destroyed?" Santiago asked as he pulled out his sword from a gangster's chest.

"Done." Mary asked. "Dealt with all the thugs here?"

"All of them dead." Darrell answered as he pushed a headless gangster to the ground.

"Cool. Let's get out of here." Mary said as she headed for the exit with Santiago and Darrell behind her.

"Shit, this is a good margarita." Santiago chuckled as he took another sip of his watermelon margarita. "Thanks for inviting us to this party, Mary."

"My pleasure." Mary replied as she sipped her glass of rum. "Job was boring so might as well come to the Alicorn Nightclub for some fun."

The nightclub was filled with patrons either relaxing or having a good time. Mary, Santiago, and Darrell were sitting at the bar, relaxing as they drank their beverages. They wore different clothes since their other clothes needed to be washed.

"Hey guys, look." Darrell said to his colleagues as he put down his martini. "See that girl there?"

Santiago and Mary looked to where Darrell was pointing at. They saw a red and yellow haired girl holding a birthday present as she walked up to a girl who looked like she was a fan of dubstep.

"Happy birthday Vinyl." The red and yellow haired girl said as she presented her gift to her. The birthday girl smiled as she hugged the girl.

"Sorry about your other birthday party." The red and yellow haired girl said as she patted the birthday girl's back. "I hope this one makes it up for you."

"Yeah, what about her?" Mary asked Darrell.

"Her name is Sunset Shimmer, I think." Darrell explained as he sipped his drink. "Word is that she's the one who fucked up everyone in that arcade nine days ago."

"Really? That's her?" Santiago asked in disbelief as he stared at this Sunset Shimmer. "I expected her to look tougher or something."

"Well, she used to be a real mean son of a bitch at her old school." Darrell explained. "Then after something happened, a demon girl incident or something, she's one of the most respected girl at her school."

"Demon girl?" Mary asked as she shook her head. "Darrell, you've been drinking too many martinis."

"Hey, at least I'm not drunk enough to quit my job after this." Darrell mumbled back with an irritated look on his face.

"The bosses are going to kill you if you quit." Santiago warned Mary as he patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry guys." Mary reassured her colleagues. "I can handle them. Now shut up, will you? I'm trying to enjoy my rum."