"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

ACT III - Apprentices

November 23, 2015

"Get the Jack Daniels."

"Yes boss." A gangster replied as he walked away, leaving Tirek alone with his bitter thoughts. He sat in his black chair next to his wooden desk. The room he was in consisted of drugs, piles of guns, and heavily armed bodyguards.

Tirek was at his headquarters: a broken down apartment filled with guns and gangsters. This apartment was armed to the teeth and carried enough firepower that the chicken-masked killer could not handle.

Tirek's stomach churned at the mention of the killer. He wondered how one guy dressed up as a damn chicken could kill so many of his men. This person was not human. Tirek had heard rumors about Canterlot High having "magical" occurrences, so he assumed this killer was "magical." He couldn't help but chuckle as he thought of the school. He hated the school and the school hated him back.

He didn't know who this killer is, but he personally knew who was responsible.

"I do not know why I am surprised that my brother is destroying everything I have." Tirek grumbled as he crossed his arms. "He despises me. I despise him. It has always been that way."

A gangster entered in the room with a tray containing a bottle of Jack Daniels and four empty glasses. "Here you go Tire-I mean boss."

"Just place it here." Tirek bluntly ordered as he tapped his desk. He would have thanked the gangster, but he told this one to always call him boss, not his real name.

"Check if our guests have arrived." Tirek ordered as soon as the gangster placed the tray on Tirek's desk.

"Yes boss." The gangster responded as he left the room. Tirek began to pour himself a drink. He took a sip of the strong alcohol and felt some relief from the suffering he was going through.

After a minute has passed, the gangster from before walked in the room, this time accompanied by two other men and a woman. One was the most muscular of the group, sporting a t-shirt with a skull on it. He had a goatee and had black dreadlocks. The other man was taller than the muscular man and had a slim figure. He wore a Daring Do sweater and torn jeans. The woman had a fine physical shape and had pretty blue eyes that went well with her blonde ponytail. She wore a red vest over her blue shirt and had star earrings on each of her ears.

"Welcome!" Tirek exclaimed with a smile. "Please, pour yourselves some Jack Daniels and then we can talk business."

"Don't mind if I do." The woman answered as she and the two other men poured themselves a drink.

"First off, I am Tirek." Tirek said as he gave a slight bow. "You obviously know who I am, of course."

"Now then," He continued as he pointed at the muscular man, "You are Darrell."

"Yup." Darrell responded as he sipped his drink.

Tirek pointed at the slim man. "You are Santiago."

"Correct." Santiago replied as he nodded.

"And this beautiful lady is Mary." Tirek said as he smirked at the blonde woman.

"That's my name." Mary said as she let out a sly smirk.

"It will be a pleasure doing business with you three." Tirek stated as he reached his arm to the bottom of his desk and pulled out a large black briefcase. He opened it, revealing many hundred dollar bills that caught the interest of Darrell, Santiago, and Mary.

"Now then." Tirek said as he closed the briefcase. "I have called you here because I need the assistance of some 'waste disposal,' if you catch my drift."

"You hired the best." Darrell responded as he finished his drink.

"Four buildings." Tirek explained. "All of them have something that should be disposed immediately. In addition, there are thugs and criminals in those buildings. Make sure they are all DEAD."

"If I'm allowed to ask," Mary asked as she raised an eyebrow, "Whose men are we dealing with?"

"My brother's, Scorpan." Tirek answered with a growl. "He was always a headache. Ever since my businesses were destroyed, I've decided that I tolerated his presence long enough."

"Newspaper said that the chicken-masked killer is a vigilante." Mary pointed out. "You really think your brother is responsible for the killings?"

Tirek said nothing before he took another sip of his Jack Daniels.

"I've always wanted to kill that masked killer." Santiago admitted with a prideful grin. "Someone with that much balls should be fun to fight against."

Tirek pulled out a manila folder from his desk and handed it to Darrell. "Here are the files you will need. They contain the information about these buildings, what you have to do, and when you should attack."

Tirek snapped his fingers at a nearby gangster, who nodded in response as he picked up a box and handed it to Santiago.

"Here are the masks you will wear for this operation." Tirek explained as Santiago opened the box. "Not only will it help you be discrete in this mission, but it will give a message to Scorpan: destroy my business with animal-masked killers..."

"Destroy his business with animal-masked killers." Darrell finished with a smirk. Mary looked at the contents of the box: three plastic masks consisting of a warthog, dragon, and eagle.

"Dibs on the griffin mask!" Santiago shouted as he grabbed the eagle mask.

"That's an eagle mask." Darrell responded with a bemused look on his face.

"Griffin, eagle, whatever." Santiago replied as he put on the mask.

"I like the warthog." Darrell said as he placed the warthog mask on his head. "Fits my character."

Mary sighed as she looked at the dragon mask. Without a word, she picked it up and placed it on her head.

"A little itchy." She mumbled through her mask. "But I'll deal with it."

"Wonderful!" Tirek exclaimed with a grin. "According to your files, you first hit will be on the two days. Meanwhile, go prepare yourselves for the big day. And remember..."

His smile slowly devolved into a vicious scowl.

"You fail, you die."

Santiago, Darrell, and Mary nodded as they took off their masks and left the room. "Charming man." Santiago said as soon as they were in the hallways.

"This shouldn't be too bad." Darrell stated. "Scorpan's men aren't that tough compared to Tirek's guys."

"By the way," Mary pointed out as she scratched the back of her head. "After we deal with these four hits, I'm calling it quits."

"The bosses will be pissed off." Santiago warned the blonde girl.

Mary rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine. Don't worry."

As soon as Santiago, Darrell, and Mary exited out of the apartment, they headed towards the black SUV parked in the street. Darrell opened the trunk, revealing a green duffel bag.

"We got the weapons ready?" Mary asked as Santiago crossed his arms.

"Present and accounted for." Darrell answered as he pulled out a pair of blue nunchucks from the bag.

"Awesome." Santiago added as he pulled out a gold-colored katana.

Mary quietly reached her hands in the duffel bag and pulled out two Uzis. "Well then." Mary said as she and the other men put their weapons back in the bag. "On the 25th, we attack some gangsters and destroy the meth labs there."

"This is going to be fun." Santiago hissed with a triumphant smile as Darrell closed the trunk.