"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

8th Scene - Standoff

November 30, 2015
3:32 PM

"What is taking him so long?"

The red-skinned man checked his phone before he let out a sigh. He wore a black jacket with blue jeans. He had a pitch black hair along with some gray facial hair. He grumbled to himself as he crossed his arms with a scowl on his face.

In another room, Scorpan let out a groan as he ruffled his hair a bit. He knew the red man was waiting for him. He picked up two pistols from a nearby desk. He put them in his jacket in concealment as he grabbed two glasses of beer that were sitting on the same desk.

He eventually came out of the room with the two glasses on his hands. The red man noticed Scorpan and gave him a welcoming smile.

"Pleasure seeing you, brother." The red man said as he patted Scorpan's shoulder.

"Same to you too...Tirek." Scorpan replied as he nodded at his brother with a welcoming smile. "I'll be honest. I thought you didn't want to have a face-to-face talk with me."

Tirek smiled. "For you, my dear brother, I will make time for you."

"I knew I can trust you." Scorpan responded with a patient smile. "Have a seat please."

Tirek turned to the rotating chair that was next to him. He sat down on it as Scorpan handed him a beer. Tirek nodded in thanks as Scorpan took a seat on another chair. The two men just sat there in silence, drinking their beer. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Tirek finally spoke up.

"So...how is everything?" Tirek asked his brother.

Scorpan let out a shrug. "Same old, same old. You?"

"Nothing new." Tirek replied as he gave a casual smile.

"Glad to hear." Scorpan calmly responded. His smile quickly vanished as he aggressively smashed his empty glass on the floor.

"Okay, no bullshit, alright?!" Scorpan growled as he pointed a finger at Tirek, ignoring his vulgar statement. "Did you order those attacks against my men?!"

"What are you talking about?" Tirek calmly asked as his smile was replaced with a vicious glare.

"Don't act stupid Tirek!" Scorpan hissed as he clenched his fist. "On the 25th, 27th, and 29th, my men were killed by three masked assassins. I know you're involved in this."

"How can you accuse me of such thing?" Tirek asked as he stood up with an angry look on his face. He threw his glass on the floor, breaking it into many pieces. "I thought we were close brothers from our childhood?"

"This is because of those other killings, isn't it?" Scorpan asked he shook his head. "I did not order that chicken-masked killer to murder your men and destroy everything you had!"

"SHUT UP, YOU LYING IDIOT!" Tirek snapped as he pulled out two pistols from his jeans. "The whole city knows about how much we hate each other! It was only a matter of time before you fuck with me!"

Scorpan quickly pulled out two pistols from his jacket. "As much as I despise you more than anything in the world, I was not responsible for those killings!"

"Lies..." Tirek growled as he and Scorpan aimed their guns at each other.


Tirek and Scorpan looked to the entrance door with their weapons still pointing at each other. "What is it?! This better be good!" Tirek bluntly responded.

"We have a problem!" The gangster shouted from behind the door. "It's that chic-ARGH!!!"


Jacket let out an irritated groan. Today just sucked in his opinion. Having to do another mission after he had just finished a mission; it reminded him back in Miami, killing all of those mobsters and then having to kill that biker. Did he really kill the biker? Or is he still out there?

Jacket grabbed his head and growled. He had a headache so he should not think about this too much. Right now, he just wants to lie down and maybe smoke a pack of cigarettes. He stood in front of the door to his place. He grabbed his eyes and unlocked it, stepping inside.

As he walked inside, he spotted Adagio, Aria, and Sonata sitting next to a table with mugs of coffee on their hands.

"There he is." Sonata whispered to the girls before she smiled at Jacket. "Hiya Jacket!"

The blonde man nodded back at Sonata and nodded at Adagio and Aria. He headed for his room until the phone rang. Jacket winced at the sound of the phone ringing. He had just gotten home and already they were calling him?

Adagio was about to touch the phone until Jacket quickly grabbed it and placed it next to his ear.

"No time for details. Red apartment. Couple of blocks from your apartment. KILL EVERYONE THERE. NOW!"

The phone hanged up, leaving Jacket confused. Whatever happened to the cryptic calls he'd been receiving? He turned to the Dazzlings, who were looking at him with raised eyebrows. Jacket gave an apologetic shrug as he headed towards the door with his backpack dangling from his shoulder.

As Jacket walked down the stairs, he wondered what was so damn important about this red apartment?

Jacket's answer may have been answered. As he finally reached the apartment, he quickly hid behind a bush when he spotted a pair of gangsters talking to each other.

"I saw the boss looking pretty pissed." The gangster told his friend. "Had to deal with his brother."

"The boss is always pissed." The other gangster grumbled. "Seriously, why do I work for him and not Scorpan?"

"Be careful what you wish for. Heard about the murders of Scorpan's men?"

"Ugh, don't remind me."

As they headed inside the apartment, Jacket placed a hand on his chin. The leaders of the gangs he had attacked were holed up in this apartment? No wonder the call he'd received just got to the point.

Putting on the mask, Jacket let out a deep sigh as he stretched his neck a bit. He walked inside the apartment.

Time to kill the ringleader of these thugs.

Jacket ran to the apartment stairs and up the second floor. Upon reaching the floor, Jacket was spotted by a fat gangster and his skinny shotgun-equipped friend.

"Shit! The chicken freak's here to kill us!" The fat gangster shouted as he ran away. The other thug tried to shoot only to have his stomach punched by Jacket. After swiping the gun, Jacket blew off a chunk of the thug's chest.

A gangster in a nearby room jumped at the sound of a shotgun firing. Upon realizing what was happening outside, he quickly pulled out his phone and called one of his contacts.

"Yo. I think the chicken freak's here." He exclaimed through the phone. "Send as many guys here. Make sure that asshole is dea-"

His head was blown to bits by Jacket as he shot a shell at the gangster. Jacket heard the guy on the phone wondering what just happened. Jacket shrugged as he walked away from the room. He did not mind since it meant more gangsters for him to kill.

He knocked one of the doors with his shotgun. A gangster opened the door, wondering who was knocking. Jacket quickly put a shell in his face. After the gangster fell to the floor dead, Jacket noticed another gangster. This one was wearing a gas mask and held a revved up chainsaw. Is this asshole going to be like that dodger from Jacket's past?

Jacket confirmed his thoughts the second he fired at the thug, who easily dodged the gunfire. As he charged with his chainsaw, Jacket quickly grabbed the barrel of the shotgun. Just as the thug was about to thrust the chainsaw into Jacket, the masked man swung the butt of the shotgun at the dodger's face. The gangster grunted as a stream of blood squirted from his mouth and his chainsaw fumbled to the ground. As he opened his wounded eyes, the last thing he saw was Jacket pointing the boomstick at his face.

Dodge this, Jacket thought as he fired a shell at the gangster's head. He grabbed the chainsaw and revved it up. His head snapped back up when he spotted a group of gangsters holding machetes.

"Yo!" The overweight gangster gasped as he reached the third floor. "Chicken freak's here! Kill his ass!"

The other gangsters on the third floor nodded as they equipped their assault rifles. They hid behind their covers waiting for their target. They were surprised when they Jacket ram through the door with blood staining his clothes. Nevertheless, the gangsters fired at him. Jacket quickly dived behind a statue.

One of the gangsters ran to the statue as he fired his gun. Jacket quickly pulled out the machete from behind his back and thrusted it at the gangster's chest. He quickly stole his rifle as the gangster bled to death. Jacket held the trigger as he dashed forward. Two gangsters were gunned down as the other seven thugs quickly dropped to their cover.

As Jacket reloading, he spotted two dogs running at him. Just as one dog was about to leap at the masked man, Jacket finished his reloading and fired at the dog's head. The other dog pounced at Jacket and attempted to chew off his face. As Jacket and the dog struggled, the seven gangsters jumped from their cover to fire their weapons. Jacket pushed the dog away and rolled to a nearby crate full of Molotovs. He grabbed one and took out his cigarette lighter. Upon lighting the Molotov, he threw it at the thugs. Four of them were able to evade the molotov but the other three were hit by it, roasting them alive. As they burned to death, Jacket sprinted forward and gunned down the last dog and two surprised thugs.

The other two gulped as they retreated to the fourth floor. Jacket wasn't going to let them get away so he chased after them. Upon reaching the fourth floor, Jacket quickly gunned down the two gangsters. He looked around and was met with a group of pistol equipped gangsters...behind windows.

Jacket really hated windows.

The overweight man paused to gasp for air. He had finally reached the fifth floor and was a few yards away from the room his boss was in.

"Boss?!" The overweight man shouted as he knocked the door frantically. He did not notice a panting Jacket walking up the stairs with a pistol in each of his hands

Jacket narrowed his eyes at the thug shouting in front of a door. "What is it?! This better be good!" Someone bluntly responded from behind the door.

"We have a problem!" The gangster shouted, unaware of Jacket pointing his twin pistols at the overweight man. "It's that chic-ARGH!!!"

"What the hell was that?!" Another voice shouted from behind the door.

Jacket rammed through the door and spotted two men in a Mexican standoff. Their eyes widen at the sight of Jacket.

"It's the chicken-masked killer." The brown man exclaimed in shock.

"Finally. Now I can kill him!" The red growled as he pointed one of his pistols at Jacket while the other pistol was aimed at the brown man.

"The only one dying is you Tirek!" The brown man shouted as he pointed both his guns at Jacket and Tirek.

Jacket pointed his pistols at the two men. His teeth gritted in anticipation as the three men stood there in silence. The red man, Tirek, shook his head at Jacket.

"I've heard a lot about you." He snarled at Jacket. "Are you that stupid to not know what happens when you screw with me?"

The brown man panted as he aimed his pistol at Tirek's head. He aimed the other pistol at Jacket's shoulder. He did not want to kill Jacket. He just wanted Tirek dead.

"Don't do anything stupid, Tirek." The brown man exclaimed.

"Shut up Scorpan." The red man hissed at the brown man. "I'm going to enjoy killing you and this masked maniac."

"You." Scorpan exclaimed at Jacket. "I don't want to kill you, okay? Don't do anything that you'll regret!"

Jacket narrowed his eyes at the two men. He wasn't sure about this Scorpan, but now he was positive that he had to put a bullet in Tirek's head. Jacket's finger on the trigger started to shake as he felt himself sweating inside his mask.

"Jacket! Noooo!!!"