"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

7th Scene - Duty Calls

November 30, 2015
2:26 PM

"So how's it going, Twilight?" Lemon Zest asked Twilight Sparkle as the Shadowbolts quietly walked in the streets. They were headed for some lunch at a BBQ place Sugarcoat found about. Twilight let her pet dog stay over with Rarity for a while. Spike seemed to really like that girl.

"Well," Twilight replied. "Aside from those killings, that nightclub attack, those reports about that explosion 12 days ago, and more killings by three new people, I'm good. You?"

"Sorry I asked." Lemon Zest mumbled as she scratched the back of her head. "And I'm good, thanks for asking."

"Not your fault." Twilight replied with a sad smile. "Anyway, I know this is something I shouldn't be involved in, but I'm trying to learn more about this."

"I do not know if that is a good idea, Twilight." Sugarcoat bluntly replied. "But if you are willing to investigate it, I'll be glad to help you."

"I don't know what I can do." Sunny Flare admitted. "But I'll help in any way I can!"

"Me too!" Indigo Zap exclaimed as she patted Twilight's shoulder.

"Me three!" Lemon Zest added with a toothy grin.

"I'll help too!" Sour Sweet added with a grin. "If it will give me the opportunity to have that chicken freak go to jail!"

"Thank you girls, but you don't have to do this." Twilight responded with a shrug. Her eyes widen a bit in realization. "Is this because of what happened with the Friendship Games? I told you a million times. I forgive all of you girls for pressuring me into a demon monster."

The Shadowbolts looked at each other with guilty looks on their faces. To this day, they still felt responsible for that incident with the competition.

"Okay, so maybe we do feel like jerks about that." Sunny Flare blurted out. "I know you keep saying it's alright, but please, can we at least help you out?"

Twilight saw how sad the Shadowbolts were and couldn't help but frown. Eventually, she let out a smile and hugged one of them. The others smiled and gave a group hug to each other.

"I got some information about this on my laptop. But let's talk about it over lunch. I'm starving!"

The other Shadowbolts nodded and ran towards the restaurant with Sour Sweet behind them. On the way, Sour Sweet accidentally bumped into someone. She dropped to the floor, shaking her head a bit. She looked up and saw a blonde man on the floor. He groaned a bit as he stood up, placing a hand on the side of his head. She noticed that the girls were already gone and that the man's backpack was laying on the sidewalk. She grabbed the backpack as she stood up and handed it to the blonde man.

"Here you go, mister." Sour Sweet said with a kind smile as the man took his backpack from Sour Sweet's hands.

The blonde man nodded at Sour Sweet and then walked away. Sour Sweet's smile turned to an irritated scowl as soon as the man was out of sight.

"Hmph! Not even a thank you." Sour Sweet bitterly grumbled as she ran to catch up with her friends.

Jacket thought to himself to watch where he was going. He was lucky that girl didn't peek into his backpack. The last thing he wants is someone finding his rooster mask. He was grateful that the Dazzlings respected his privacy and did not peek into his backpack.

His mission wasn't that complicated. Just take a nice girl out to her date. The "date" is supposed to be inside a house that looked like it barely survived a nuclear war.

Jacket cracked his knuckles.

He knocked on the front door. He heard some thugs grumbling through the door.

"The fuck is it?"

"Ah, just tell the fucker to fuck off."


The door opened revealing two thugs. One was holding a beer bottle and the other was holding a machete. "The fuck do you wan-"

Jacket quickly took the beer bottle and smashed it on the thug's head, knocking him out. The other thug tried to swing his machete at the intruder. Jacket quickly turned around and slit the thug's throat with the broken bottle. The thug gasped as he fell to the floor with his hands on his bleeding throat. Jacket calmly took the machete and examined it a bit. He quickly turned around, swinging the machete at the other thug who was standing up. As soon as the thug died, Jacket walked up to another door.

He placed his ear against the door, hearing some people and a dog barking. "I say we should get more dogs." One thug grumbled.

"I say you shut the fuck up." Another thug retorted back. "We don't need to bring an entire army here. We can take care of the chicken freak."

"I ain't talking about the chicken freak. I'm talking about those three killers that-"

Their conversation came to a stop the second Jacket smashed through the door. He spotted two overweight thugs with a dog. The dog growled at the sight at Jacket and sprinted towards him. Jacket quickly sliced the dog in half with his machete.

"Oh shit! Kill his ass!" One thug yelled as the other jumped from his seat, charging at Jacket. Realizing there was no gun in the room, Jacket had to retreat to find something to help kill this fat ass.

"After him!" The thug growled as they both chased the masked man. Jacket realized that he should have a better chance finding a weapon upstairs.

Jacket sprinted through the stairs, looking back to see one thug still chasing him while the other was leaning against the wall catching his breath. Jacket finally made it to the second floor and saw a gangster urinating on a wall. A double-barrel shotgun was leaning against the wall next to the gangster.

"Stupid bastard." The urinating gangster growled. "Had to take up the only bathroom here just so that he can make me piss on the wall."

Jacket quickly pushed the gangster to the wall and swiped the shotgun. He turned around and saw the fat thug still running up the stairs. Jacket pointed the barrel at the thug and fired the trigger, blowing off the thug's head from his neck. The downed gangster behind Jacket struggled to stand up. Without turning around, Jacket shoved the butt of the gun at the gangster's face, knocking the gangster down to the ground. Jacket waited patiently for the other fat thug to come up.

After a few seconds, a panting thug slowly walked up the stairs. He took a quick break to place his hand on a wall and the other hand on his chest. He froze at the sight of Jacket pointing the gun at him. Jacket shot a shell at the thug's chest, killing the overweight man instantly.

"Chicken freak..." The gangster behind Jacket coughed. He looked up and saw Jacket grabbing the front part of the gun and then swung the butt at the gangster's head, smashing it into a bloody mess.

Jacket threw away the blood-soaked gun and walked into another door. He was surprised by another overweight thug sitting on a toilet. A fire axe laid on the ground next to him.

"Occupied motherf-" The thug grumbled before he took a good look of Jacket. "SHIT! YOU'RE THAT MASKED MANIAC!"

Jacket quickly grabbed the large fire axe and lodged it against the thug's forehead. Jacket left the bathroom as the dead thug slumped to the floor. He came across another door and opened it. He was greeted with a table with piles of dollars. Jacket noticed a gasoline canister sitting in the corner. After taking some cash for rent, Jacket drenched the money with the gasoline. He shot at the gas, causing a fire that burned the money. He closed the door as smoke slowly escaped through the door cracks.

It may have been short, but Jacket's job was now done.


Jacket raised an eyebrow as he turned to the red phone sitting on a nearby desk. Filled with curiosity, Jacket picked up the phone.

"There's been a small change of plans. The date is now at Wifi Palace west from the national bank. Make sure everyone on the second floor behaves properly! Oh, and rough up things in there, if you know what I mean..."

The phone hanged up, leaving Jacket standing there with a confused look on his face. Wifi Palace, huh? Looks like that's where Jacket needed to go to.

3:02 PM

Jacket raised an eyebrow. Apparently this Wifi Palace place is an internet cafe. The Dazzlings talked about these kinds of places. He wondered why Miami didn't have these internet cafes. He shrugged. At least he had the VHS Palace. Sucks they don't use VHS's here.

He stood in front of the empty cafe with a closed sign plastered on the front door. He noticed how the inside was dark with the exception of the only computer turned on. Jacket did not care about the first floor since the call told him to go to the second floor. He opened the door without any trouble as the door was already unlocked. He walked inside, smelling the faint scent of coffee. He walked to the door that said Employees Only and opened it.

Jacket walked up the stairs.

He opened the door and saw a large office filled with computers. A bunch of gangsters were smoking and conversing among one another. They stopped their conversation the second they spotted Jacket.

"Damnit!" One gangster hissed as he pulled out his silenced pistol. "It's that masked asshole! Kill him!"

Jacket saw a gangster picking up a sledgehammer and rushing towards him. Jacket saw a pen sitting on a table and grabbed it. As soon as the gangster lifted up the sledgehammer, Jacket swiftly jabbed the pen at the gangster's eye. Blood squirted at Jacket's mask as the gangster fell to the floor covering his bleeding eye. Jacket grabbed the sledgehammer and rushed at the other gangsters.

One of the gangsters gulped as he sprinted to the third floor. The other four took out their pocket knives as they circled around Jacket. One tried to slash at the masked man only for Jacket to quickly drop down and punch the gangster's groin. He felt one of the gangsters holding him behind as the other tried to lunge his knife at Jacket's head. Jacket quickly turned around, causing the gangster to accidentally plunge his knife at back of the other gangster's head.

"Oh shit!" The gangster gasped as the other gangster fell to the floor with the knife still sticking from the back of his head. As he fell down, Jacket was freed and proceeded to grab his sledgehammer. He swung his hammer at the thug, killing him instantly. Another thug tried to threw his knife as an attempt to kill Jacket. His eyes widen when Jacket grabbed the knife while it was in midair. The thug tried to run away only to have the back of his head pierced with the same knife.

Jacket saw the other gangster still grabbing his groin in pain. He grabbed the sledgehammer and slowly walked to him. The thug tried to bargain with the masked killer. Jacket responded by lifting up the hammer and smashing it on the head, causing bits of cranium and pools of blood to shoot out.

Jacket remembered how he was told to "rough up things in there," so he proceeded to destroy the nearby computers and office with his sledgehammer. As soon as he was finished, Jacket also remembered the other thug running up the stairs, so he ran up the stairs while gripping tightly on the sledgehammer.

He reached the third floor which was just a medium-sized room that looked like the main office filled with other desks. The gangster with the silenced pistol from before was sitting on the middle desk.

"Asshole!" The gangster yelled with a grin. "You die today!"

Five gangsters popped out from behind the other desks with silenced Uzis. They began to fire as Jacket quickly rolled to one of the other desks as cover. One thug rolled from his cover and ran to Jacket's position. As soon as he was close, the thug pointed his gun at the crouching Jacket. He was unable to pull the trigger because Jacket quickly swung the hammer at the thug's kneecap, bursting it into bloody pieces. The thug screamed as his Uzi was stolen by Jacket. After putting a bullet in the screaming gangster's head, Jacket rolled from his cover and began to fire.

One thug had his shoulder shot while the others quickly dropped back into their covers. The thug with the bleeding shoulder gritted his teeth as he dropped to the floor. Jacket quickly dived forward and pointed his Uzi at a thug who was busy reloading his Uzi. The thug looked up to see Jacket before having his chest covered with bullets.

"Bastards!" The thug with the silenced pistol growled. "Kill this son of a bitch already!"

Another gangster charged at the desk Jacket was hiding from. Jacket quickly grabbed the thug and used him as a body shield. The thug with the silenced pistol pointed his gun at Jacket and fired off a bullet. Jacket quickly moved his body shield so that the bullet would hit the thug's chest instead.

"Idiot!" The gangster coughed. "You shot me in the chest!"

"Fuck you!" The other thug shouted as he began to shoot again. His bullets hit the body shield's head instead, leaving Jacket without a scratch.

Jacket threw away the corpse and quickly killed the other thug who jumped from his cover. As Jacket began to reload, the thug with the bleeding shoulder charged at Jacket and tackled him down to the ground. As the gangster and Jacket began to fight on the floor, the other thug pointed his silenced pistol at the two.

"This time I kill you, chicken freak!" The thug hissed as he pulled a trigger.

While he was wrestling with the thug, Jacket noticed the thug about to fire his weapon. He immediately hid behind the thug he was wresting with. The bullets hit the wrestling thug, much to the last surviving thug's dismay.

"It's just you and me now, jackass!" The gangster roared with a smirk as he aimed at Jacket.

The masked man grabbed a nearby Uzi at a rapid speed and fired the weapon. The thug's chest was blown to bits as he fell to the floor, mortally wounded. Jacket stood up and walked to the thug who was coughing blood.

"A-a-asshole..." The thug stammered as a trail of blood escaped from his lips.

Jacket pointed his Uzi at the dying gangster and pulled the trigger as hard as he could.

3:03 PM

"So, uh, where we going again?" Lemon Zest asked her friends as they ran down the street.

"We're going to that internet cafe near the bank." Sour Sweet answered as she started to growl. "We already told you that before. If you weren't so preoccupied with your music, I'll-"

"Sour Sweet, calm down for Pete's sake." Indigo Zap replied to her angry friend. "We're almost there."

Eventually, the Shadowbolts and Twilight arrived at the Wifi Palace. They noticed how the inside was apparently closed but the entrance door was open.

"According to the research I got," Twilight explained as she adjusted her glasses, "The Wifi Palace should have some information about the gangs the masked killer is attacking. Maybe I can find some information about the gangs and why this killer is attacking them."

"Twilight, are you sure about this?" Sugarcoat asked as the girls peeked inside the cafe. "I know we all said we're with you, but are you sure this is a good idea? This place looks closed and I don't think we should go inside."

"I can't just stand around and let these killings go on!" Twilight responded with determination. "I have to at least try!"

Twilight walked into the cafe with a nervous look on her face as Sunny Flare turned on the light. The girls walked around as Twilight walked up to the only computer turned on.

"I'm going to try to go through the files." Twilight stated as she let out a breath of fresh air. "This may take a while, so please hold on."

Twilight looked through the computer as the girls huddled next to the purple teenager. A few minutes have passed and the girls started to get anxious.

"Twilight! Are you done anytime sooner!?" Lemon Zest asked frantically.

"I-I'm trying my best!" Twilight stammered as she browsed through the computer. She honestly did not know what she was doing but she was at least going to try.

"Well, please do take your time," Sour Sweet replied softly before she growled. "It's not like we're gonna get caught at the rate you're going!!"

"Sour Sweet, your overreacting will not speed up the process nor is it helping the current situation we are in, so please refrain from rushing Twilight." Sugarcoat rebuked at her angry friend.

Sour Sweet grumbled to herself as Indigo and Sunny tried to calm her down.

"I still hope she finishes soon enough. This place kinda gives me the heebie-jeebies." Lemon Zest admitted.

Twilight continued to browse through the computer for a couple of minutes only to have no information whatsoever. She eventually gave up as she slammed her hands on her face.

"Rats! I-I couldn't find anything." Twilight admitted with a sad face. "I'm sorry girls."

"No need to apologize, Twi." Sunny Flare said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "You did your best."

"Yeah. Now c'mon!" Indigo Zap exclaimed as she turned around. "Let's get outta here before..."

She trailed off on her words as the rest of the girls looked at the exit. Three figures slowly appeared at the exit. One was a man with a muscular tone wearing a brown warthog mask and equipped with nunchucks. The other one was not as muscular as the one with the warthog mask, but stood out to be taller and more slim. He wore an eagle mask and held a gold-colored katana. The last one was a woman with a fine physical shape, along with a dragon mask on her head and an Uzi on both her hands.

"Who are they?" Lemon Zest said as the three figures seem to be having a private conversation among themselves.

"Do you think they are part of those masked killings we have heard from these past days?" Sugarcoat whispered to her friends. They answered with a nervous shrug.

After the three figures finished their brief conversation, they slowly walked to the girls. The warthog-masked man started to twirl his nunchucks. The eagle-masked man unsheathed his katana. The dragon-masked woman pointed her twin machine guns at the teenagers.

The girls slowly backed away, scared faces were plastered on their faces.