"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

5th Scene - Injuries

November 16, 2015

The thug quietly hummed to himself as he stood guard. It was a boring job, but it sure beats working for Tirek. His humming stopped when he spotted a girl with hair that kinda looked like bacon, which amused him a bit.

"Hold it right there, darling." The thug said as he raised his hand. "No one's allowed here. Walk along now."

"Please, I need to see Scorpan." Sunset said as she stared at the thug.

"The boss doesn't want to see you. Please go away." The thug firmly said as he picked up a nearby lead pipe. "Don't make me hurt you, ma'am."

Sunset let out a growl at the man and turned around to walk away. Before she could take a step, however, she gritted her teeth and clenched her eyelids. She wasn't going to give up, no matter what! She did something she felt she would regret later on.

She threw a punch at the gangster's face. Her fist collided with his nose, causing the man to fall to the floor, grabbing his face as he rolled around in pain.

"Damnit! My fucking nose! You fucking bacon-haired bitch!"

Sunset gasped at what she had done. She tried to say that she was sorry, but the thug was too preoccupied with his broken face. Realizing she can't turn back now, she took a deep breath, straightened herself out, and grabbed the nearby lead pipe.

She entered the arcade.

She looked around, viewing many arcade cabinets. She overheard Scorpan saying something about a zombie shooting game, so she just needs to find that to find Scorpan. She heard a thug shout at her, telling her that she isn't allowed here.

She turned and saw two thugs charge at her. Gripping on her weapon, she swung it at one of gangster's stomach, causing him to tumble over with a stomach injury. She banged the other gangster on the head, causing him to fall to the floor unconscious.

Sunset panted as she checked the unconscious thug. To her horror, she saw a pistol laying next to him. She grabbed it, feeling sweat thickening on her head by the touch of the weapon. Quickly, she discharged the magazine out of the gun and threw it away.

She heard a thug shout at her, causing her to turn around only to see he was close with a baseball in his hands. She quickly dropped to the floor as the thug missed his attack. Spotting a nearby pistol, he grabbed it and shouted at her to give up. He pulled the trigger to let off a warning shot. However, he was surprised with a clink sound, causing him to realize the gun has no ammo whatsoever. Sunset took this opportunity to push him to the floor. As soon as he was down, Sunset punched the sides of his head, knocking him out cold.

Standing up, Sunset saw that there were no gangsters here. However, she didn't find Scorpan. As she continued to look around, she saw a door that led to a stairway. Not hesitating, she grabbed the baseball bat and quickly sprinted to the next floor.

Opening the door, she spotted two thugs playing air hockey. They stopped when they spotted Sunset Shimmer holding a bat.

"Hey missy!" One of them growled as he pulled out a knife. "Get outta here before you get yourself killed!"

Sunset ignored him and charged at the other gangster, injuring him with the bat. The one holding the knife was surprised but glared at the girl as he sprinted towards her. She quickly pushed him to the hockey table and kicked him in his personal jewels.

"Shit! Not there!" He whimpered as he crawled up into a ball.

"What the fuck?!"

Sunset turned to the five gangsters who walked into the scene, all of them looking pissed. They cracked their knuckles as they slowly circled around Sunset. The girl simply let out a sigh and spoke to the gangsters with three words:

"Bring it on."

One of the gangsters threw a right hook at Sunset, who quickly dodged the attack. Another thug threw two more punches only to be evaded by Sunset. A gangster shot a kick at Sunset's right leg, causing her to yelp as she fell down. Her baseball bat rolled to the side. Seeing the gangsters surrounding her, she quickly kicked one of their shins. One of the grabbed his shin in pain, giving Sunset the chance to pass by him and grab her bat. One thug threw a punch, only for Sunset to block it with the metal baseball bat.

"Fuck! That smarts!" The gangster yelled, rubbing his bruised fist, before Sunset struck his head with the bat.

She was caught surprised when another gangster threw a garbage can to her face, knocking her down once more. She whimpered at the pain as she opened one eye. She saw a gangster about to punch her head to knock her out. Grabbing the bat, she pushed the end of it against the gangster's stomach. He grunted as he rolled to the side, grabbing his stomach as his legs started to twitch.

"Three against one ain't bad!" One of the thugs cheered, until Sunset threw the garbage can at his face, rendering him into unconsciousness.

The two thugs stared at the panting Sunset, an aggressive expression covered her face more than the bruises. One shrugged as he charged at Sunset. The other grimaced as Sunset fought the thug. He closed his eyes, but didn't bother to close his ears. Because of that, he heard the sounds of punches, grunting, crying, yells of aggression, and groaning by the time that was done.

By the time he opened his eyes, he was met with a cold baseball bat on the side of his head and a furious Sunset Shimmer, panting heavily with slightly torn clothes.

"T-they were right about you being a demon girl that one time..." The thug whimpered.

"TAKE ME TO SCORPAN." Sunset growled. The rage inside her slowly faded and she felt the hostility suddenly gone. She put on a weak, nervous smile. "Please?"

The thug felt himself wet his pants.

"C'mon! Shoot the zombies!"

"I'm outta ammo!"

"There's an ammo bag there!"

"You need it more than me!"

"I can take care of myself! You take it! That's an order!"

Both Scorpan and the gangster were lost in the zombie shooting game. Scorpan felt himself pumped up as they face against the final boss.

"Gotta get a grip!" Scorpan shouted at the gangster. Eventually, they won the game, causing both men to cheer and high five each other.

"Short game, but hell of a lot of fun!" The gangster cheered.

Scorpan was about to say something until the door opened, revealing Sunset Shimmer with her baseball bat on her hands. Scorpan turned around and his triumphant grin turned into a confused frown. The gangster was about to charge at the girl until Scorpan held him behind. The teenager eyed Sunset for a bit before he spoke to the girl.

"And you are?"

Sunset looked a bit nervous but cleared her throat as she straightened herself up. "A-are you Scorpan?"


"Oh thank Celestia." Sunset sputtered out before she cleared her voice a bit. "I'm Sunset Shimmer."

"Wait, I've heard about you." Scorpan calmly answered. "Canterlot High's meanest bully turned to savior of the school. From turning into a demon to stopping three sirens and another demon girl. Heh, what an honor to meet you. My bad for calling you a demon. How did you get past my men?"

Just when Sunset was going to answer, Scorpan silenced her by raising his hand. He eyed up and down at Sunset, taking note of her baseball bat and slightly torn clothes.

"You got skills, Ms. Shimmer." He complimented with a smile. It quickly faded away. "But I can tell you're here more than just to say hello."

"You're right." Sunset responded. "I'm here about those attacks."

"Ah yes, the one involving the rooster-masked assassin and Tirek." His voice had a dose of anger as he said his brother's name. "I'll only answer three questions. Regardless of your reputation as a hero, I don't really like to talk a lot about this kind of thing from anyone not in my gang."

"Alright," Sunset responded. "First question: the police mentioned how you're a possible suspect in the killings. Is that true?"

"Of course not." Scorpan answered with a growl. "Tirek is a total sociopath, but I didn't order those killings. It was just a coincidence."

"Second question," Sunset asked. "Who do you suspect killed these gangsters?"

"Someone with guts did this." Scorpan responded. "Everyone in town knows if you play around with Tirek, he screws with you. Trust me, he did worse than being a monster at your school. Even the police wouldn't dare mess around with Tirek."

"Um, last question." Sunset asked, a bit uncomfortable. "If you can't answer this, that's alright, but what do you think Tirek will do in response to this?"

"He's going to fucking kill whoever did this. That's what he'll do." Scorpan crossed his arms and looked away, clearing his throat after he said that certain vulgar word. "We hate each other and we both know it. It's only a matter of time before he thinks I'm responsible for this and start to target me."

Scorpan sighed. "Okay, I answered three questions. Please leave."

"Thank you Scorpan." Sunset replied with a smile.

Just as she was about to leave, Scorpan spoke, "One more thing, Ms. Shimmer. Don't get involved in this. You'll just get yourself killed."

Sunset heard this and thought about it as she walked away. The gangster spoke up as soon as Sunset was out of sight.

"You really think she'll stay outta this?" The gangster asked.

"I admire her spirit and her determination of doing what is right." Scorpan replied to the gangster. "I wouldn't want her to get killed in this. But I can tell she's not going to give up. She just wants to protect the school she almost destroyed in the past. We'll meet again soon. With our luck, it will be the last time we meet."

"What a day!"

Sunset said as she was sitting on the bleachers of Canterlot High with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Twilight and Spike were busy to hang out today.

"I, uh, visited Flash and passed by Luna." Sunset stated as she sipped her orange soda. "Luna's alright and Flash is probably going to make it."

"I'm going to throw Luna the best 'Get-Well-Soon' party and throw Flash one when he wakes up." Pinkie Pie declared with a weak smile.

"I've heard that Tirek and Scorpan are involved in these killings." Sunset pointed out.

"Ugh, I wish Tirek rots in prison or something." Rainbow Dash grumbled with an angry look.

"Scorpan's not really a bad kid, to be honest." Applejack admitted. "He's just misguided, that's all."

"I just wish this whole thing is over." Fluttershy said as she looked away.

"Yeah, me too, Fluttershy." Sunset added. "Me too-"

Sunset's eyes widen when she saw a couple of black-dressed gangsters with baseball bats covered in barbed wires. They pointed at Sunset and rushed towards her. She growled, threw away her jacket, and rushed to the gangsters. She jumped on top of one of them and ripped his head from his neck. Grabbing a nearby baseball bat, she swung it at one of the gangster's stomach. She smirked as she saw blood gush out of the dying gangster's stomach. One of them tried to pull out a gun, only for Sunset to snatch it and fire off a bullet at his head, exploding his head into chunks. She threw away the pistol and grabbed the bat. The surviving one dropped his weapon and raised his arms up in the air, begging for mercy. Sunset Shimmer ignored him and swung the weapon at his head.

"Darling, are you alright?" Rarity asked.

Sunset gasped as she blinked, looking around. She was right back on the bleachers with her friends. The gangsters were not there and there was no blood on the grass. It was merely a dream.

"Oh, um, yeah, I'm fine."

She looked away with a scared expression on her face.

"Scorpan's right." Sunset thought. "I shouldn't get involved in this...who knows what can happen?"