"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

ACT II - Fatalities

November 16, 2015

"How is he, Redheart?" Sunset Shimmer asked as she fidgeted uncomfortably.

School was over early, so Sunset decided to pay Flash Sentry a visit at the hospital. The teenager laid on a hospital bed, his eyes closed as he rested. He breathed through an oxygen tube inside his mouth and had IV tubes on his hand. The hospital room was filled with just the sounds of the heart monitor and Flash's faint breathing.

The white-skinned pink-haired nurse, Redheart, sighed as she looked at Flash.

"Well, he got out of surgery two days ago. He's stable and should have a good chance of waking up eventually." Nurse Redheart answered as she frowned. "It's still a pain to see Flash like this. Who would do such a thing?"

"He was involved in that attack at The Alicorn Nightclub." Sunset answered. "He and Luna are the only people at the party who were injured. The only ones who died are these gangsters and the co-owner of the nightclub."

"Dear God..." Nurse Redheart muttered.

Sunset sighed as she looked at Flash Sentry once more. She no longer harbored romantic feelings for the teen, since she only dated him for popularity, but she was still disturbed seeing him like this.

"Damnit. Why did it have to be like this?" She whispered as she gritted her teeth. Ever since she changed her evil ways, she dedicated her life to making sure there was no more suffering at her school. And now a student as been critically injured in the middle of this masked maniac issue.

After a while, she decided it was time to go. "Thanks Redheart." She said as she began to leave the room.

"You're welcome, Sunset." The nurse replied as the girl left the room in thought.

As she walked away from the hospital, she took out her phone and looked up any news about the masked killer. There were news articles talking about the massacre that the chicken-masked killer caused. Along her way, she passed by Vice Principal Luna, walking around town with her arm still in her cast.

"Vice Principal Luna!" Sunset called out as she ran to the dark blue woman.

"Oh, hello Sunset. How are you?" Luna replied with a smile.

"Well, I just visited Flash." Sunset answered as she looked down.

Luna frowned. "Is he going to make it?"

"Yeah. The nurse says he'll live." Sunset said as she nodded.

"Thank goodness..." Luna sighed. "I can't bare the fact of losing a student."

"Damnit, why did this have to happen?" Sunset asked as she felt rage growing inside her.

"I wish I knew the answer."

"By the way, how's the arm?" Sunset asked, her rage fading a bit.

"It will get better eventually. Don't you worry, Sunset." Luna said, putting on a reassuring smile. "Well, I gotta go. See you in school tomorrow."

"Yeah, see ya!" Sunset responded with a smile, waving as Luna walked away.

As soon as Luna was out of sight, Sunset sighed as her smile disappeared. She took out her phone and continued to look at the news while leaning against a wall.

To her surprise, there was a news article talking about the victims. As she looked further, she learned about how victims they were all part of this gang. They were led by someone named Tirek.

Sunset shuddered at his name. Tirek was once a student at Canterlot High before Sunset came to the human universe. He was known for his misconduct and misbehavior. He was not only vicious to the students, but to the faculty and even the principals. He was responsible for putting a couple of students and even a teacher in a hospital for plastic surgery. It didn't take long for him to be expelled and even put in juvenile prison. Rumor has it that he managed to bail out. It might be true as he has his own gang now. His gang has caused enough mayhem for this town.

She read more and learned how the police suspects that the attacks against Tirek's gang are connected to Scorpan's gang.

Scorpan was Tirek's younger brother. However, he was not as cold-hearted as his brother. While he did not attend Canterlot High, many students knew about him and even respected him. Almost the whole town knows how Scorpan and Tirek hated each other with passion. Scorpan's gang was not as brutal as Tirek's gang. They never critically injured anyone or caused any misdeeds compared to Tirek's gang. In fact, word is that Scorpan will personally put any of his gang members in a coma if they critically harm a civilian.

Sunset put a hand on her chin. "Scorpan's hatred for Tirek is legendary in town, but did he really have that chicken-masked killer attack those gangsters?"

As she walked, she passed by a group of people. What caught her interest was their attire: brownish gang clothes. According to the news article, what they are wearing is similar to Scorpan's gang's attire.

Quietly, she followed the group without them knowing. Eventually, she followed them to a local arcade. There was a sign in front saying that it's closed. They eventually reached the entrance of the arcade and waited. Sunset hid behind a large garbage container, eavesdropping on the guys.

"When's the boss gonna get here?"

"Won't take long."

"Yo, there he is!"

Sunset saw a car drove up next to the arcade. As it stopped, one of the doors opened and a young man stepped out. He had light brownish skin and dark brown hair. He wore a red-brown jacket and wore a golden triangle medallion on his neck. He thanked the driver and walked up to the arcade as the car drove away.

"Nice to see you, boss." One of the gangsters greeted.

"Please," The young man responded, "You know I hate that formal stuff. Just call me Scorpan."

"Right. We convinced arcade owners to reserve the place for you."

"How are they?" Scorpan asked as his tone grew darker.

"They're fine and unharmed."

"Good." Scorpan responded with a smile. "Remember what I said about putting civilians in a coma?"

"Y-you'll give us a one-way ticket to the hospital?"

"Correct." Scorpan said as he put a hand on the gangster's shoulder. "Now c'mon. I need someone to help me with that zombie shooting game."

"Y-yes sir, I mean, Scorpan!"

Before they went inside the arcade, he whispered to a nearby gangster. "Keep guard of the place. If someone tries to get inside, don't kill them. Just...keep them holed up somewhere so that I can deal with them myself."

The gangster nodded as the other gangsters headed inside. He then stood guard of the arcade entrance with crossed arms.

Sunset hid behind her cover. "Yup, he's definitely not like Tirek." Sunset mumbled to herself.

She let out a deep breath. Should she really get involved in this? She shook her head. She just can't sit by and do nothing. She just can't let someone from the school get almost killed! She needs answers or anything to help stop this problem.

With a determined look, Sunset Shimmer marched to the arcade.