"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

1st Scene - Hospitality

November 12, 2015

The blonde man wouldn't deny it. This place looked like a total shithole. The red and black house looked like it was abandoned for many years. However, the man wasn't here to give any constructive criticism to the house.

Placing his backpack near a flower pot, he zipped it open and took out the rubber rooster mask. He placed it on his head and then straightened himself as he walked towards the house.

He forcibly opened the front door, causing someone on the opposite side of the door to grunt as he fell to the floor. The man took a good look of the guy on the floor. He seemed to wear black clothes that looked like gang attire.

The gangster groaned as he placed a hand on his head, regaining some focus until he looked up and saw the rooster-masked man standing before him.

"Oh shi-"

The masked man responded by lifting up his foot and smashing it on the gangster's head, causing it to explode in brains and pure crimson red. Looking to his right, the masked man saw a baseball bat on the ground.

Picking it up, he calmly looked at his surroundings. Total shithole. The walls had tapestry ripping out with cracks on the walls. He saw trash lying on the floor, most notably pizza boxes. Seems like they really like pizza. The man couldn't blame them.

Looking down, he noticed the rug on the floor, with red words saying: FUCK OFF. He looked up and saw another man dressed like his late associate currently dead on the floor. He dropped his beer can and took out a pocket knife.

The masked man charged at the thug and swung the bat, cracking the thug's skull as he fell to the ground, splattering some blood on the floor.

Looking to his right, he saw a door leading to another door. Picking up the knife, the masked man walked into the room, seeing two thugs standing next to a table filled with shotguns. They looked up and gasped at the sight of the masked man.

They both tried to pick up the shotguns. The masked man threw the knife at one of them, impaling his neck. The other thug screamed as he pointed the shotgun at the masked man.

Filled with fear, the thug fired but completely missing the masked man as he was able to jump for cover at a large crate of pistols. The gunshot was heard from the other occupants of the house, causing them to head for the source of the sound. The masked man charged at the thug, punching him and making him drop to the floor. He grabbed the shotgun and pointed it to the downed thug.

The masked man heard three thugs come into the room. One of them pointed his uzi at the masked man. The downed thug gasped as he felt the masked man pick him up and use him as a body shield.

The scared thug shouted not to shoot, only to result in the armed thug to shoot, riddling the body shield with bullets. The masked man threw away the dead thug he was holding and fired a shot at the thug, blowing him away from the room. He shot the other thug before he could fire his pistol. The last one just looked down at his lead pipe and shrugged as he charged at the masked man.

He felt the shotgun collide to his face as he fell to the ground, his lead pipe rolling to the side. The masked man dropped to the floor as he lifted up his fists. He ignored the thug's pleas as he bashed the thug's head into a bloody pulp.

Standing up, the man was pretty sure that was the last of them. On this floor, of course.

Remembering some stairs he saw on the way, the man left the room, this time carrying a shotgun with him. He headed for the stairs, quickly running up them.

He arrived at the second floor and was greeted with a man smoking a cigarette. He dropped his cigarette from his mouth as he scrambled to reach for his pistol. The masked man placed the muzzle of the shotgun on the thug's mouth. Pulling the trigger, the man blankly watched the thug's head blow up like a bloody water balloon.

As the headless body fell to the floor and stained the reddish carpet with blood, the masked man heard the nearby gangsters wondering what the noise was. Taking cover by a wall, the masked man waited for one of the gangsters to come. One of them holding a lead pipe ran to the dead body. Upon hearing the thug comment about the amount of blood there is, the masked man quickly leaped from his cover and fired a shell into the thug's chest.

As soon as the thug fell to the floor dead, the masked man noticed two more gangster in the hallway. Each of them was equipped with a silent pistol. Their shocked faces quickly turned to angered scowls as they fired at the masked man. The masked man quickly picked up the headless corpse and held it in front of him, causing all the bullets to hit the corpse instead.

As both thugs began to reload, the masked man threw the body at one of them and then pointed his shotgun at the other one, pulling the trigger. As one fell to the floor dead, the other one was forced to the ground by the dead body. Screaming, he hastily tried to push the body away only for the masked man to blow off his head.

The masked man looked around, seeing empty rooms. However, he found one room that wasn't so empty.

Pushing through the door, he saw a table filled with piles of cash. On the other side was a gangster leaning on his chair, wearing red headphones on his head as he closed his eyes and banged his head to the music he was listening too.

The masked man deduced that this guy was so preoccupied on his music that he didn't even noticed the slaughter from the other rooms. The masked man left to grab the lead pipe and went back inside the room. As he slowly approached the gangster, he grabbed a small wad of cash and put it in his jacket pocket. He needed to pay the rent after all.

As soon as the masked man was close, he calmly tapped the gangster's shoulder with the pipe.

"The fuck do you wan-" The gangster grumbled as he took off the headphones and looked up, only to feel a fist punch him in the face.

As he trembled down, he felt someone jump on top of him. He screamed for mercy as the masked man wasted no time bashing his brains out with the lead pipe. As soon as he finished turning the thug's brain into pulp, the masked man got up.

That should be all for today.

Throwing away the blood-soaked lead pipe, the man took off his blood-soaked mask momentarily to take a deep breath. Upon doing so, he put the mask back on as he proceeded to leave the house.

"Show 'em girls."

"I got nothing."

"Me neither."

"I got two of these guys. Is that good?"

Adagio and Aria leaned forward in disbelief as they saw the pair of kings Sonata has in her hands. Looking back at the five cards on the table, they grumbled as they threw their cards in the center.

"She wins again. Is she cheating?" Aria grumbled as she crossed her arms.

"She doesn't even know how to play. How can she even cheat in the first place?" Adagio teased as she chuckled along with Aria.

"Hey!" Sonata shouted back with an irritated look on her face. "I heard that!"

They heard the door open and close, causing them to look at the blonde man who just walked in the room. As usual, his face showed no emotion whatsoever. His clothes were devoid of any blood.

"Hey Jacket!"

The blonde man stopped to stare at Sonata, who just smiled sheepishly.

"Um," she muttered, "I figured that, uh, since you never gave us your name, I could call you that. As a nickname, I mean! You know...?"

The man continued to stare at the slightly sweating girl before retreating back to his room. As soon as he was out of sight, Adagio and Aria shot Sonata with bemused looks.

"Nice work, genius." Aria grumbled.

"Hey, you shut up." Sonata replied back while sticking her tongue at Aria.

The man could hear the trio of girls bickering at each other. Definitely sounded like they hated each other. Then why do they hang out a lot? The man just brushed off his thoughts. Jumping on his bed, he laid down with his hands behind the back of his head.

Jacket...the blonde man wondered if he should have that as a nickname...