"You have reached the wrong number."

by LtMajorDude

ACT I - Debut

Sometime in November

"Twilight! Are you done anytime sooner!?"

"I-I'm trying my best!"

"Well, please do take your time, it's not like we're gonna get caught at the rate you're going!!"

"Sour Sweet, your overreacting will not speed up the process nor is it helping the current situation we are in, so please refrain from rushing Twilight."

"I still hope she finishes soon enough. This place kinda gives me the heebie-jeebies."

Six teenage girls were huddled up next to a computer as a purple girl with glasses was hacking into the computer. One of the girls, a yellowish girl with a rose-colored ponytail, seemed impatient as some of the other girls tried to calm her down.

"Rats! I-I couldn't find anything." The purple-haired teen admitted with a sad face. "I'm sorry girls."

"No need to apologize, Twi." The light turquoise-skinned girl said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "You did your best."

"Yeah. Now c'mon!" The teenager with blue hair and light amberish grey skin exclaimed as she turned around. "Let's get outta here before..."

The teen trailed off on her words as the rest of the girls looked at the exit. Three figures slowly appeared at the exit. One was a man with a muscular tone wearing a brown warthog mask and equipped with nunchucks. The other one was not as muscular as the one with the warthog mask, but stood out to be taller and more slim. He wore an eagle mask and held a gold-colored katana. The last one was a woman with a fine physical shape, along with a dragon mask on her head and an Uzi on both her hands.

"Who are they?" The pink girl with green hair and headphones said as the three figures seem to be having a private conversation among themselves.

"Do you think they are part of those masked killings we have heard from these past days?" The gray-haired girl with twin ponytails whispered to her friends. They answered with a nervous shrug.

After the three figures finished their brief conversation, they slowly walked to the girls. The warthog-masked man started to twirl his nunchucks. The eagle-masked man unsheathed his katana. The dragon-masked woman pointed her twin machine guns at the teenagers.

The girls slowly backed away, scared faces were plastered on their faces.

The air was clammy and there was a distinct awful stench stinking up the room, but that was the least of the blonde man's problems. The man in prison clothes sat on his blue bed, doing absolutely nothing as it was his only choice right now. Silently, he looked around his surroundings, which wasn't eventful, considering he is stuck in a cell. To his right, he saw a toilet sitting there. Surprisingly, the distinct awful stench did not come from there, despite not being cleaned in two months. He turned to his left, viewing a desk with papers on top of them. The desk was not of any use for him, so he wondered why he has a desk in the first place. He looked straight forward, seeing the door in front of him.

He looked down and saw a green stress ball lying on the floor. He picked it up and started to squeeze it. Amazing how fun playing a ball around could be to the man. As he fiddled around with the ball, he looked up. His face showed no emotion whatsoever.

He began to think over the events that had happened. He remembered how he served in the military. He remembered how he befriended the friendly bearded soldier. He remembered the breakup with his ex-girlfriend. He remembered all those dead bodies with blood and guts soaking their stupid white suits. He remembered that hooker who stayed at his home. He remembered her dead body lying in his bathroom. He remembered that man with the rat mask and how he assaulted a local precinct just to get to him. He remembered killing the head of the Russian Mafia.

He remembered how he got caught. He tends to not think much about that.

The man just sat in his bed, remembering all that has happened to him while playing around with his green ball. Is this how it ends? He heard how there was a prison riot and some prisoners escaped. Can that happen to him?

The man knew that wouldn't happen. This is his new home. This is where he will rot. This is-

The man's thoughts were shattered as a bright orangish light suddenly enveloped the entire room.

The light suddenly disappeared.

The man blinked. He stood up and looked around, seeing nothing has changed. The toilet still stank, the stupid desk was still there, and the door remained intact. The man threw the ball back to the bed as he walked a bit forward, wondering what just happened.

"It's been a while. Hasn't it?"

The man turned around, his emotionless face not changing, unlike the cell itself. The desk and toilet seem to be in poor condition, papers were scattered throughout the cell floor, and the blue bed was completely soaked in blood. Sitting on the demolished desk was a young woman with a green dress. She wore a gray horse mask. Another man sat on the destroyed toilet, wearing an owl mask and a white suit. Someone else sat on the blood-soaked bed. He wore a letterman jacket, blue jeans, and a mask of a rooster. His rooster mask seemed alive as it was occasionally blinking.

"It must be a shame to end up in a place like this." The woman said, a hint of care was in her voice. "No one deserves to suffer the fate you had just experienced."

"You deserve to be in a place like this!" The owl-masked man growled, pure hostility was present in his tone. "It was not a pleasure seeing you for the last time!"

Suddenly, in the blink of the eye, everything disappeared, leaving only the man and the rooster-masked man in an infinite void of blackness.

"They're right, you know." The rooster-masked man said, his beak moving as he talked. "It is both a shame and punishment."

The blonde man said nothing.

"Leaving this world is not as scary as everyone thinks. Maybe they are afraid of losing their purpose to live or their beloved ones. But I'm sure you lost those anyway."

The blonde man blankly stared at the rooster-masked man.

"Of course, death is not permanent. What will happen to you is something even I do not understand. But if you're used to departing from this world, you should tolerate this world."

The rooster-masked man walked away.

"After all, you seem to enjoy hurting other people..."

The man blinked once more, the rooster-masked man was gone. All he saw was not the black void, but rather a small park in the middle of a city. The blonde man slowly got up, realizing that his clothes have been replaced with the same jacket and jeans as the rooster-masked man.

He looked around, observing his surroundings. Let's see what kind of a world this will be like...

November 12, 2015

The man laid on his raggy bed, smoking a cigarette while he stared at his ceiling, which looked like it was in poor condition. His room was in poor conditions, as there were cracks on the wall and the television was shattered. The glass from the television were still scattered on the floor, along with dried up spots of dog urine. The man didn't care. All he cared is that he had a room at the moment.

Of course, he wasn't by himself this time.

A teenager walked into his room. She seemed to have orangish hair that looked giant and puffy. The blonde man just moved his pupil to the girl, eyeing her. Adagio Dazzle is her name.

"Hey, um," Adagio said, wondering who to call the man. After all, the man never gave her his name in the first place. "Someone's calling you."

The man nodded and slowly got up from his bed, stretching a bit. He walked out of his room, passing by Adagio. Along the way, he passed by the kitchen. The kitchen was also a mess, dirty dishes everywhere and poor hygiene everywhere. Hell, it was a miracle that the cracked fridge actually has some food.

Sitting on the dining table were two girls eating cereal. One was blue-skinned with a blue ponytail and the other was violet-skinned with twin ponytails. The blue girl is Sonata Dusk and the violet girl is Aria Blaze.

The man heard rumors how Adagio, Sonata, and Aria once tried to take over the world after being banished by a bearded horse, but the man did not really care about that.

Sonata smiled at the man. "Hey! What's up, buddy?"

The man just nodded at her as he continued on.

Aria stopped eating her cereal a bit as she stared at the man. "Sometimes I wonder why we let him stay with us."

"He pays the rent. That's good enough for me." Adagio said, crossing her arms as she sat on the dining table. "Though I wonder the same thing. He never talks or anything. We don't even know his name."

"We can always call him Jacket since that jacket he's wearing looks pretty cool." Sonata suggested.

The girls just stared at the blue girl as she resumed eating her cereal.

The blonde man walked to the phone on top of the desk. He saw it lying on its side. He picked it up and placed it to his ear.

"Hello! It's Mitch from Canterlot Flowers Industries. I need you to make a personal delivery to that red and black house that's about 5 blocks west from that Sugarcube Corner place. Please be discreet!"

As soon as the phone hanged up, the man put it back on the desk and looked down to see his backpack. Picking it up, he walked to the exit.

As soon as he was outside, he double checked the contents of the backpack. He saw only a rubber mask of a rooster. Nodding, he zipped up the backpack and headed towards the location.