Viridi: Down-Trotting

by Dr Yeis


For a long time it seemed the world was at p-

"Oh, this is nice, this is the end."


"Ok. Um...there are some things still unresolved here, guys! How do I get home!? What do I eat!? Was...Hades my dad? Or...a phantom...oh jeez...was this all in my mind!? What's a Timberwolf? Is that a...lumberjack thing? Am I real!? I mean, I'd like to go home but....oh gosh...WHERE'S HOME!? Oh...calm down...I mustn't run away...I mustn't...ok, I got that. Ok. Good. Now, if I were to run away, now let's analyze that...WHERE THE HECK WOULD I GO!? I'm in another dimension! this how you end a fanfic!? I mean, is this where we go from here!? Ok, the sequel better make up for this, I'm telling ya right now. Cause I'm stuck in Equestria! Your computers are lagging too, aren't they, ya ba-'