Two Suns in The Sunset

by Portable Dingus

The Sun is in The East, Even Though The Day is Done

Shadows, remnants of the fading Sun.

The Sun began to sink below the horizon, but never quite made its way out of sight. It stayed put as though it didn't want to say goodbye. Still basking those who saw it with its life giving warmth.

Celestia's horn began to loose its magical glow, letting go of its grip on the celestial body. No. She thought. Not yet.

She stood in the small, quaint town of Ponyville. Shadows all around, gazing upon her with their empty blackness. She stared back at them with shallow eyes, empty of emotion.

"The ponies still need their light." She stared at the Sun. "It's too early for them to rest their heads."

They didn't respond, though. They just stayed the same as they were.

Celestia began to walk around the town, taking in all the sights. She move from area to area before she came upon a certain sweets-shop of interest, Sugarcube Corner.

A memory from the past found its way into her mind. I remember when Pinkie Pie threw a party there when I came to visit. The Cakes were trying so hard to make a good impression, if only my little ponies knew that they don't need to be so formal with me all the time.

The shadows enveloped the shop with their despondency, shrouding the place with an ominous feeling. Making the insides of Celestia turn in ways that drove her bleakness further. Without thinking another thought, she turned away from the sweets-shop and started walking away. Not having the strength to stare at those shadows any longer.

Her walk lead her down a path towards a boutique, the one owned by the Element of Generosity, Rarity. From the looks of it, the shadows hadn't clouded the place with their poisonous shapes. Leaving the place rather untouched.

I should have asked Rarity to make me a dress, even though the nobles wouldn't be too happy with me getting a dress from somepony other than the royal tailor. She thought back to the shadows. Much good did their class do for them.

Walking around the building to get a look at the other side, she met with a sight she wished she didn't. The shadows were there too, not willing to leave a single building untouched.

"I'm sorry..."

She had a slight dip in her facial features, her eyes watering for a moment. She shut them, though, not letting a tear escape. "I should go."

She turned to gaze at the rest of the town, looking where to head to next. A crystal tree castle caught her eye, making her face contort as she made her way towards it. Her head held limply on her shoulders, almost as if it was too heavy for the rest of her body: Her steps light and slightly crooked. Her balance failing to keep her on a strait path.

"Twilight..." She said lowly to herself, voice weak and cracking.

She bumped into the crystal structure as she got lost in the moment, losing track of her surroundings and forgetting that she was walking. Rubbing and shaking her head, she took a step back to look up at the castle before her.

You have come so far, my student. I remember when you were just a filly, so eager to learn, and so full of mirth. When you underwent your studies in friendship, you made me so proud. You couldn't have found a better bunch of ponies to call your friends, your loved ones. Like how I loved you...

She groaned it pain, not physical, but with pain that eats away at the soul. "Why... why must it be this way."

She felt an uneasy presence behind her, her neck hairs standing on edge. She turned slowly to take a look at what was making her feel such anxiety, only to be greeted by what she never wanted to see, shadows. Shadows like the ones before, the shadows that littered everything under the sun. Sucking out all life, and replacing it with dread, and unhealthy hollowness.

"I'm s-so... very s-s-sorry." She stuttered out in a mix of fear and sorrow. Using her magic to open the large crystal doors of the castle; entering the structure and closing the doors behind her.

The hall was dark, and the crystal walls dwarfed the princess. The shadows were gone, though, no longer visible without the Suns light. It eased Celestia a little, but the thought of them still lingered in her mind.

Looking around trying to find her way through the dark, she only ended up lost. Lost in a castle with rooms that looked the same as the last--nothing but dark, menacing crystal to keep her company. The occupants of the castle nowhere to be seen. If only I was smarter, stronger... maybe then things could have turned out different.

She saw a staircase nearby and went to it, climbing the steps to the higher levels of the castle. Greeted with another hall, she began to walk down it like the last. I was too foolish, I should have shown more hostility early on. I should have ended this before it got out of control.

A double door entrance to what she could only guess was Twilight's chambers based on the star shaped insignia inscribed on them appeared just a little further along. Making her way there, she used her magic to open the doors before entering. The room had all a princess could ask for, a large bed, a wardrobe, a desk for writing, and a personal restroom.

"My student... my dear, dear student." She softly said.

She couldn't bare the pain inside much longer, it was about to burst and drag her into a pit which she couldn't climb out of. A few tears escaped her eyes, before she turned to look at a balcony across the room. She made her way there, noticing that light was shining through the curtains that covered the balconies entrance. They blew around to the fro from the breeze that came from the outside.

Before she stepped out onto the balcony, she saw laid across the balcony floor was a shadow. "N-N-No..."

She couldn't take another step, she just collapsed on the spot in a pile of anguish and grief. "I"m so very sorry, everypony!" She shouted. Her pain finally coming to the surface, pouring out in a river of heartache. "I never wanted any of this to happen, it's all my fault, and I'm so very sorry!" She raised her head a little. "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash, I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie, I'm sorry, Applejack." She started to stand. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy, I'm sorry, Rarity." She was almost completely standing up. "I'm sorry, Twilight..." When she was finally upright, she said one final thing. "I'm even sorry for you, Discord."

Walking steadily out onto the balcony, she looked upon her Sun again. "It's time to go to sleep now, its been a long day and we need our rest." She lit her horn up with her golden magic, grabbing hold of the celestial body in the sky. Lowering it, she finally finished off the day.

Even though the Sun was set, there was still a light, the light coming from the east. Looking over to see for herself, Celestia could only unhinge her jaw slightly. What she saw could only be described as another Sun, only this one had a sinister feel behind it. It was like it intended harm upon those unfortunate enough to look upon it.

"It is time..." Looking to the sky, she was able to faintly see the Moon: with the Sun lowered the Moon raised itself into the sky. "And finally, I'm sorry for you sister..." She had a faint smile on her face. "May you do a better job overlooking this land."

As the light from the east increased in intensity, Celestia said her final words. "It's time for me to join you my little ponies, in the shadows in which your forms have become."