Dreams Inklings

by AzureDreams


Hundreds of years have passed. Hundreds of years of the cold emptiness of the void, of watching the world turn below.

Forgetting my very existence.

I am trapped in a body not my own, forced to relive my worst memories, only to live my best ones as soon as I could resist.

The day in and day out of torture, of seeing those that I had loved only to be told that they were dead, that I would never see them again. That if I ever escaped that She would be waiting. She who onced loved me, waiting to send me back. To cast me aside once again, and let others to leave me to rot.

All the while the world turns slowly.


It plots its escape, its revenge against her. Always thinking, always planning. Somehow she finds time to torture me. Little flashbacks into a life no longer my own.


The memory of when I first raised the moon, the savoring of the triumph, the sense of accomplishment. A happy memory. Despite myself I feel my hopes rise. Here is what I need! A memory of victory!

And then it was gone, examined and tossed aside like trash. In its place a new memory. Now I'm resting on a cloud. Looking down upon the land. Not a single pony looks up. My hard work is ignored, forgotten, taken for granted. Even his creation didn't look up anymore. Too much pain hidden amongst the stars for him. I wonder now if he felt this way also.

And then it's gone and a new memory in its place again.

This one is of beloved Snowdrop presenting her first snowflake, her own little star. She understood the beautiful night better than anyone. I was devastated. I wanted to cry, to have that one chance to say goodbye. But I couldn't, I wasn't even allowed to move, to do anything as I crumbled away inside.

And the world turns slowly

Years fly by, I want to forget, but she counts the days and so i do also. The very happiness slowly bleeds out. The memories of love I once held fade. I feel myself slipping into darkness ever so slowly. I can't take the torture anymore, her will bearing down on me, as she mocks me day in and day out.


I am losing myself. It's the small things that are the first to go. The day I was born, the taste of an apple, the sound of the birds in the morning. Without these little building blocks my life crumbles away, with ever larger pieces falling into darkness where they are lost.

Until I am ... Empty.

And the world turns slowly.

She comes now looking for something else to take, but there's nothing left.

Her torture no longer holds me, and without her enjoyment she turns more bitter.

At some point she doesn't even bother to control me completely anymore, for what's the point? There is nothing left to take and nothing left to give. I have no motivation. I am a shell, walking but not going anywhere, watching but not wanting.

She resides in the parts of my mind were I once was trapped.

She is... waiting. Waiting for her chance to escape. To be free again. I don't see what the point is anymore, it's not so bad here. Why does she want out so badly?

I vaguely remember wanting to leave also but I can't remember why.

And the world turns slowly


She is eager now. She has taken back control, and I'm back to watching from the sideline. The stars are shining brighter for some reason. I can feel the power coming from them, she has grasped the very stars and she is draining me. All my-our power spills away into this spell she is creating, until it stops, it is over. Before me stands a swirling mass of light and color, warm stills out into the greedily cool air. Together we step forward.
