A Poem About Clop.

by deadpansnarker

100% Clop

In came Pinkie, with a hippety-hop.
Said to her studious friend 'let's clop!'
Twilight had read many a book.
But she didn't realise this meant to f**k.
Poor thing, as naive as a newborn foal.
She thought it meant a leisurely stroll.
Said she: "Have you informed Mr & Mrs Cake"
"Of your intention to take an extended break?"
"Uh huh, uh huh" nodded the party mare.
"Do you mind if we included 'Shy and Rare?"
"Sure" replied the princess "If they wanna hang..."
Not to know that Pinkie wanted a gang-bang.
Said Ms Pie: "Let's not leave Applejack and Dash out either!"
"I've always wanted to lick that tight, blue beaver!"
"WHAT?!" Twilight was confused, to say the least.
Why would her friend put her tongue on such a beast?
"It doesn't make sense..." mumbled the princess with a frown.
"To the best of my knowledge, beavers are generally brown."
"No silly." giggled Pinkie, "That's the OTHER end".
"I'll demonstrate it to you later, my friend."
"Oh." said the Princess. "I can hardly wait."
She was extremely confused by this whole debate.
"Shall we round them up, and meet back here?"
"That's fine!" Replied the party mare, with cheer.
"Just wait until you sample some of that juicy rump..."
And with that, Pinkie departed, with a skip and a jump.
Twilight watched her leave with an eyebrow raised.
"Ponies are vegetarian..." The egghead appraised.
"So, why is she suggesting that I go and eat meat?"
"As weirdness goes, nopony has that mare beat."
Then, she remembered something she had to do.
"I'll go and tell Spike... He'll want to come too!"
With her dragon in tow, Twilight found Rarity and Dash.
One charmingly elegant, the other boisterously brash.
And though Rainbow hated to be grounded for too long.
He agreed to the walk, as long as nopony sung a song.
Rarity was eager, though both friends would vouch.
She wouldn't travel anywhere without her fainting couch.
They journeyed together, to meet up with Pinkie.
Not suspecting anything in the least bit kinky.
They waited... And waited... And waited some more.
She took forever she did, that little pink whore.
At last she arrived, and spirits were lifted.
But to what was behind her, attention soon drifted.
For there were more ponies there than Applejack and 'Shy.
In fact, half of Ponyville seemed to be walking by.
Teachers... Healthcare workers... Market Traders...
Even, Celestia have mercy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
All had been told to expect a very good time
With free ice cream afterwards, lemon and lime...
They'd readily agreed, and turned up en masse.
While Pinkie still dwelt on that buff, cerulean ass.
'Not long to go now' she thought with glee.
"That sexy pegasus booty, all for me.'
Twilight was shocked at the turn-out, and asked "Why?"
"Because, the more the merrier!" said the horny Ms Pie.
"Now, let's get started. Everypony join the pile ."
"Dashie, come here. You're my b*tch for a while."
"Hey, I ain't nopony's b*tch!" Rainbow stopped to glare.
"You can't make me! You're not the one with The Stare!"
"Oh, go on, you'll like it!" Pinkie licked her lips.
But Dash remained resolute, her hooves on her hips.
"I thought this was supposed to be a walk." The pegasus said.
"Now, I find out that you want to take me to bed?!"
"No, silly!" Chuckled Pinkie. "We won't do it under covers!"
" We'll have our fun outside, with the rest of the lovers!"
"So, everypony, start cuddling and kissing each other's necks!"
"Then, when you're ready, it's time for full blown sex!"
A loud gasp rang out. A most audible sound.
Shocked and disgusted faces all around.
How could one mare be so depraved and twisted?
"Let's put her into prison." The crowd insisted.
So they picked her up, and marched her off to jail.
She'd see the error of her ways, without fail.
That is, until one of their number whistled
It was Rainbow Dash, looking mad, her fur bristled.
"Aren't we forgetting somepony?" She said in the sky.
"The other one who perpetuated this lie?"
"It was none other than Twilight Sparkle, our 'beloved' royal.
"If we're sending Pinkie down, she also deserves to boil!"
The crowd agreed, and took the princess in hoof.
"Wait, I'm innocent!" She cried. "I have proof!"
But it fell on deaf ears, as they were carried off together.
To be locked into a tiny cell, possibly forever.
Word spread quickly, of what they had done.
Trying to corrupt innocent ponies for fun.
Pinkie lost her job, and all her party things.
As for dear Twilight, it cost her her wings.
A princess into orgies simply wouldn't do.
Her parents and brother disowned her too.
Funny how life can change in a blink.
One minute on high, next you're in the clink.
Her reputation destroyed, and stripped of her rank.
All Twilight could do was kneel in the dank.
Said she to her cellmate "This is all your fault!"
"Just what were you thinking, you stupid dolt?"
"Oh, don't be sad!" Pinkie said with a wide smile.
"I've an idea, seeing as how we'll be here a while..."
"You lay down, and I'll go on top."
"In other words, Miss Sparkle, do you wanna clop"?