Vile's Journal

by Josh Crapo

September 19, 17029

September 19, 17029;

That is it! Either there hast to be some cloud cover coming within little time or I will leave Coltan. We just hath two major jolts in just one day. The sun have not even cometh close to setting. Usually, one jolt a day was enough for me to stay suspended on air for many of hour out of fear another jolt may come within the same day; today, oh today, that fear cometh true.

My fellow ponies, I must leave thee to go someplace where jolts shall hit less than once a day, at the most frequent as once every three days' passing. The earth here hast become too unstable for my landings.

Vile Soil cries loudly when she finds the perfect altitude so that no one can hear her. There are no clouds nearby that she could lay on. She'd lost all hope in landing on the ground. Her powers as a pegasus have already taken a beating from the quakes she's experienced from loss of balance on clouds to sore wings to loss of aerial coordination. On this day, two quakes have ravaged through Coltan entirely in only one half of an afternoon. Vile already lost her home now to the quakes that happened.

"It cannot be. It simply cannot be. My home destroyed from unstable foundations."

Suddenly, Vile sees something blowing in the thin breeze.

"A paper?!? I shall see that!"

Vile takes the paper out of the wind and reads very slowly, coming across unpronounceable vocabulary.

"'Come to the newly founded Equestria, where everything lives in harmony.' Equestria? What kind of a lodging shall this be?"

Suddenly it clicks. Vile always read the paper in the morning before those nasty quakes came about to read the news all over the world. Ever since last winter, a new holiday came to pass for the first year. Currently, there's no knowledge in most other parts of the world who the ruler of Equestria is. That place hasn't experienced any quakes ever since it came to be.

"I shall move to this place seeing how now I hast not a home."

And off starts the voyage to Equestria.