The Wander Through Lands Unknown

by Tomas Lutwig

Chapter 19; Escape

Finding the exit to the old castle seemed to be an issue, though it wasn't a complete waste of time as I found a small number of things that could be counted as useful beyond the necklace that was tucked into my shirt.

While walking down a vaguely familiar hall lined with suits of armor, I noticed the weapons hanging in the alcoves that flanked all the suits. Most had spots of rust, but that didn't stop me from reaching around and taking a couple of the axes. One of said weapons was tucked into my belt while the others were put carefully into my backpack.

I also examined the armor for a few moments questioning how a pony would move with some of the pieces on, as they were so different from the armor I had seen. Shrugging my shoulders I continued on my way, meeting no resistance beyond a few strange spiders that a large star shape on their abdomen, though the biggest threat they posed was my accidentally walking through some of their lower hanging webs.

Listening, the guards seemed to of left, possibly believing me to be elsewhere in the forest. Finding a window, I looked out it to find the sun starting to set on the day. 'It's already been that long?' I questioned holding a hand to my head and letting out a sigh. 'Might be best if I found someplace to sleep' I thought.

Looking around, I started down a way I guessed to be either the exit or the way to the bedchambers. I silently wished I had remembered where I had come from as the memory of those couches sounded like a great substitute for a real bed.

As I walked through the hallways I started to hear voices coming from one of the rooms up ahead surprising me. My pace slowed as I neared the doorway the voices and now laughter sounded from.

“Alright, hit or pass?” A deep voice sounded. Making a gruff, but still feminine one reply with a “Hit me” A small amount of shuffling and the sounds of a groan with a few cries of celebration. “Shoulda stuck with what you had Steel Shot. Normally most do-” the gruff voice sounded again before being silenced. Sounding again with the question of “Hit or pass?” this time there silence followed by the same shuffling.

Peaking around the doorway, I saw a number of helmetless guards sitting around a small table playing cards. The majority wearing the golden armor, though the singular batpony sat with her hooves crossed scowling down at her own cards.

The dealer having gone around the table a rather small peguasus mare silently leaned forward to grab the small pile of bits and dragging them to her corner. “A good hoof there Quick. Alright, this is Steel Shot's last game before she has to go on night patrol, so let's finish taking her bits” A large earth pony stallion said taking the cards and reshuffling them.

Leaning back from the doorway I started back down the hallway, hoping to avoid a confrontation with the guards. Much to my annoyance though something shifted in my bag causing a clunk that echoed down the hall. My eyes shot open and I spun around just as something to the effect of “What was that?” was said from the room full of guards.

I ran down the hall before rounding the corner, 'Crap!' I thought as the sound of wing beats was heard behind me along with few yelling voices.
Turning enough to look I saw the batpony and smaller pegasus flying around the same corner, looking back ahead of me I saw the path turn into an intersection with a unicorn and two earth ponies arriving at the center of it all glowering at me.

“Double Crap” I said skidding to a halt. Turning back I saw the pegasus and batpony barreling at me. An idea came to mind making me run towards the two only to duck and slide on my shoulder as they flew over me.

Jumping to my feet I raced down the hallway rounding the corner again as a number of curses sounded behind me. The unicorn and earth ponies seemed to be coming down the hall intersecting mine as I saw them coming towards after I passed the door that they had been playing cards in.

Rounding another corner, I turned back only to see that the pegasus mare was nearly on top of me with the group of stallions not far behind. Turning I noticed a door, my boots slid against the stone as I reached it and nearly tore it off it's hinges trying to get it open.

Rushing inside I pulled the door shut and looked around the room for some way out. It looked like a kitchen as there was a number of large tables a couple of barrels some missing their lids, completely empty. Another door mirrored the one I stood in front of making me dash over and swing it open. Looking back for a second I thought about it before running to one of the empty barrels, hiding my spear behind it on the ground before hopping in it and putting the lid on.

Holding my breath, I waited as the sounds of wing beats followed by a number of hooves clopping against the stone. Staying completely still, I listened. Hoping they had lost the trail. After a few moments of silence in the room with a small amount of sound going on outside the room I slowly lifted the top of the barrel and looked out. Both doors were swung open, but the guards seemed to of rushed off to search where they had thought I'd gone.

I stayed there for a few more minutes listening as the silence continued. 'Hell I could've gone then' I thought getting out of the barrel and grabbing my spear.

As silently as possible, I walked to the door I had entered the room from before sticking my head out and looking around, empty. 'Good job you freaking idiot. Now I'll have to find some way out of the castle' I thought trying to listen for any sound.

Nearing the first corner I heard hoof steps making me start back towards my hiding spot as quickly, though quietly as possible. Looking out the door, I saw the batpony, looking around, guarding where her and the others had been earlier. Shaking my head as the thought of taking her out appeared in my mind. I waited for her to go back down the hallway before turning to the rest of the one to the left of my door.

'Really wish I didn't have to walk around with a seven foot pole' I thought as I noticed a few other doors down the hallway. Listening to the closest one for a moment, I quickly opened it and closed it as quietly as possible when it seemed to coast was clear.

The first thing to catch my attention was the light of the setting sun flowing in from the window. The second thing was the enormous bookshelves making me recognize this place. “The library” I whispered in awe at the size of the shelves. After a moment I shook myself of my stupor and headed for the window. A quick glance at the books made me silently wonder what knowledge lay within the books. A sigh escaped me before I took the axe from my belt gently tapping the glass gaining in speed and force before the brittle substance shattered. Stepping out of the way of the falling shards I realized the noise would attract anyone within a fair radius. Replacing the axe, I dove in between a pair of bookshelves and squeezing myself into the shadows before crouching trying not to disturb the shelves to either side of me.

When no sound came I found myself confused and almost made a break for the window, but then the sound of hooves entered the room. “Shit! He's made it outside!” A voice said before the sounds of hooves grew louder and the cracking of the glass shards on the floor was heard. “Quick, Steel Shot, and Hoofstrong, get out there, check the castle grounds. Snow shod, Orchard and I will check here and make sure he's not pulling another quick one on us.” The deep male voice said quickly followed by the sound of wing beats and hooves.

'Dammit!' I cursed mentally as the sounds of hooves going through the library started with the sounds of things being moved around. I stiffened as the unicorn passed by the small gap in the bookshelves and looked right at me. The pony had an annoyed look on his near white face his aqua and slightly paler aqua mane cut military style, similar to my own. Turning away he continued on with his search and I mentally thanked God for the ring of fog.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the sound of wing beats returned. “Sir, there's no sign of him outside.” the gruff female voice sounded again.

“Celestia burn his hide... Very well. There seems to be no sign of him in here either. Steel, you start making your rounds, the rest of us need some shuteye” The deep voice said followed by the sound of hoofsteps before a door was shut.

The sound of hooves on glass sounded again, making me wonder what was going on. A quiet sigh sounded from the window making me peek my head from between the bookshelves to see the lone batpony, looking up at the now risen moon as it slowly made it's way across the sky.

“Sooner we find this thing, sooner I can get back to you my princess” she said, saluting before turning away from the window and walking away. After a moment the sound of the door shutting again caught my ear.

I stood there waiting, thinking something else was going to happen that would alert the ponies to come back. Nothing was what I got for my waiting, silence ruled before the sound of a cricket chirping echoed through the room.

Stepping out of my hiding place, I looked around again before heading to the broken window, attempting to avoid as much glass as possible to keep the noise to a minimum. Making it, I brushed the shards still sticking out from the bottom of the window. Having made it safe, I climbed up on the sill. The drop was nothing to call home about, climbing out, I kept a hold of the outside edge of the sill before dropping down into the grass.

Taking a few steps from the castle I looked back with a smile on my face before hooking it for the forest.

I let out a tired laugh as I looked back at the top of the castle that just poked out above the trees. “Finally” I said yawning in the tree I sat in before leaning back. I closed my eyes resting with my bag on my stomach. The quiet whistle of the wind accompanied by a few insects buzzing fell upon my ears, and the rhythmic sound of my heart lulled me to sleep in the still night.

Blackness surrounded me, a feeling of something missing. A woman, passed by, her face nothing but black nothingness. I held another woman's hand as unintelligible words left her lips, I looked at her confused for a moment before nodding. A swirling mass of colors made a noise, a noise... honked! The mass of colors honked as I sat next to a red sign with white lettering spelling STOP I rolled my eyes muttering something about impatient assholes before making my turn.

“Wak. .. ti.e for ..ool!” A broken voice said making my eyes slowly open. “Huh?” I asked groggily blinking a few times before looking at the black mass of nothing holding the door open. “I .t .ime f.. s.oo.! Co.e on …t, d. we ha.. to do t..s d.y?” the voice said.

Looking at it I was unable to tell what it was, but by the voice I think it was female. Sitting up in my bed, I rubbed my eyes before looking around the room. A pile of clothes laid atop a dark purple lounge chair not far from my bed but looking around at the other things hurt my head. A black box hung on the wall, above what looked like a computer cabinet which hooked up to what looked like nothing. The cords simply went to this tear in space and ended. Around the room, other things were similarly missing, things that felt like they should be there.

“Alright Mom, I'm up” I said reaching down grabbing a pair of jeans. 'Have to change these tomorrow' I thought before grabbing a shirt. It didn't really matter what shirt to me, so I just reached down and grabbed a blue one, with a lone pocket above my left peck. Pulling up my pants before bucking the belt, I started putting on my socks and shoes. A few moments after I got my left foot into the tennis shoe a beeping sound echoed from a box that was hooked up to the wall.

Reaching over I switched something on top of the black nothingness which made it stop. Putting on my other shoe I adjusted what was in my pockets and stood up. Making my way out into the living room I grabbed my phone and Mp3 player putting them in my pocket.

Walking out into the room, I saw how there were holes in everything. Nothing sat against the far wall, what looked like a few unused candles and a handmade vase sitting on top. A blacked out blob layed on the couch covered in pillows in front of a strange looking desk that had nothing on top of it. A loud 'meow' called me to look down at a gray and white cat who brushed up against my leg making me pick him up and put him on my shoulders. The purring animal pressing itself against the back of my head before laying down on his rest.

“Morning doofus” I said to the blob lightly hitting one of the pillows making the black blob groan out of annoyance. Walking to the kitchen I grabbed a quick breakfast of a toaster treat wrapped in colored tinfoil-like plastic. Grabbing a familiar backpack, water bottle, and hat, I headed for the door.

“Y.u a..n't .h.nki.g of le.ving w..h out go.dbye a.e you?” The voice of my mother rang out again making me whirl around with a smile on my face. The black form walked over and enveloped me before I felt it kiss my cheek. “I .o. ha.e a .ood d..” it said before backing away.

“I love you too Mom” I said with a smile returning the kiss to the formless blackness where it's cheek should be. “See you when I get home” I said walking outside.

The sound of birds chirping echoed in my ears again, followed by louder noises of the forest.

Opening my eyes I stretched before nearly falling out of the tree with a bit of a yelp. Looking around I sighed at the sight of the trees before rubbing my eyes. 'What the hell was that' I thought looking at the silhouette of my hand against the light of the sun passing through the leaves of the tree I was in.

I moved my backpack to hang on one of the smaller branches. Sitting up from my makeshift bed, I popped my back before doing the same to my neck. Letting out another sigh this time from comfort of the small, but familiar pain. Looking at my bag, I pulled it back to me before opening it and grabbing one of the apples. The last one, the granny smith, sat there neglected in it's part of the backpack as I ate the red delicious, and it did live up to it's name. Looking at my last apple I shook my head before zipping up that section and going for my water. Emptying the remainder into my mouth before twisting the cap back on and putting it away.

'Have to find me some water today, and some food would definitely go a long way' I thought before strapping the backpack back into it's place and jumping down onto the earth. I let out a grunt on impact before looking around and starting back into the forest.