The Day Equestria Changed for Me

by Th3D4rk0n3

Chapter 4: When the Walls Come Tumbling Down

Shimmering Dusk sat ready for her shift staring at her wall of armors. Her black feathery wings lifted and flexed as if ready for the day's work ahead. She pulled herself to move to the end of the armory wall to the one of Twilight's Royal Guard. She just found her life as so simple and easy as she slipped the armor on Then it all changed as a loud crash was heard. She tried to go downstairs as her ceiling cracked above her as she tried to jump out of the way. Instantly, the world went black for her as she thought the sun was falling on her.

Hours later, she woke as she saw a deep yellow colored Pegasus with bright orange hair and gold eyes. He was standing there as if lost to where he was or what was going on. He tried to fly as a shot of pain went through his wings as he cringed. He just looked around till he saw her lying there still dazed from the crash. He ran to her side immediately, albeit limping, as he held a hoof out to her, "Oh my... I just... I'm sorry I just don't know what happened. I hit a storm cloud an-"

"Wait! You're a Pegasus and you didn't see the storm cloud coming? Really?!" Dusk questioned and shook her head giving up. She just took the hoof offered to get to her hooves. She stood and shook off some of her ceiling tile from her coat. She looked at him in utter disbelief and gave up "I'm Dusk. What's your name?" Lets hope he remembered that, she thought, because if he doesn't... Celestia help my soul.

He just stared at me blank for a few moments and just thought deep for a few minutes. I waited as he lifted a hoof to his chin still in thought. He just looked around the house and saw the armor. He just seemed to get a thought on his mind as he got excited. Instantly, his hoof grabbed hers as he seemed a bit happy from his sudden thought, "Hey... My name its Solar Blain. I was flying and this storm just came from nowhere and hit me. It was a sudden one. I just fell an-"

Just as he spoke, ran flooded into her house. She just sighed and pulled her hoof away from his grasp. Immediately, she pulled a plate from the cubboard. As she flew up to the open hole in her roof, she put the plate there as it expanded into the hole to patch it. Slowly it became tiles and the roof was fixing slowly. For now, it was a metal plate over the hole in the roof. She flew down to him and looked at him, "Solar Blain... You broke my house. What do you have to say? Not only that I was supposed to be on flying patrol in Princess Twilight's castle long ago... Now my wing is hurt again and I can't. Oh never mind. Follow me."

He followed her upstairs as she found some bandage wraps for his wings and hoof. Her own wrappings would have to wait. When his front right hoof was wrapped a long with his wings, he was grateful to her help as well as her simple kindness. He just couldn't understand how he got here or why. It was important he knew but what was the major reason he rushed here. That's right, I rushed here to find somepony. The letter in my saddlebags, he thought as he raced back down the steps. He picked up the letter from the half ruined saddlebags. He brought it up to her, "Here. Does this letter help anything? It was urgent to be sent to somewhere nearby. It all that I remembered so far."

"I... I don't know. Let me read it," I picked up the letter and saw it was addressed to Princess Twilight and urgent too. I just couldn't speak as I swear I saw my name in the letter I could see through the letter's thin paper. This wasn't good at all. I just looked at him realizing my face was grave and concerned. I just shoot it off and smiled, "Well your okay now. Not to fly that is. Hold on and let me get the only other armor I have that isn't dented. Man the captain is going to kill me." She walked into her room to get a new armor as she noticed the cut the armor made in her side. I'd have have to go to a doctor pony, she thought irritated. Instead she just put on new armor after wrapping it. She walked out and motioned for him to follow.

His voice was amazed and concerned at her armor. Then a thought hit him like a train as he fell to the ground. He just held his head as it seemed almost painful to remember. Blain looked up at her holding the pain at bay as he shook his head, "You... Shimmering Dusk. They said not to come here... Ah!" He just lay on the floor holding his hooves to his head as the memory that came in was filled with pain. The meeting of why he was delivering the letter. He saw two blurry alicorns and then the letter float to him. They spoke hushed but he heard a few words 'Dusk cannot see this. We don't want her to be afraid or suspicious. Just get this to Princess Twilight immediately.' His pain faded as he looked up and stood. Immediately, he backed up away from her as he shook his head.

Dusk just tried to help him and comfort him but knew of little to do. She just saw him seem to get better as he stood, albeit a bit wobbly. She just held a hoof out to his shoulder, "Solar, are you okay? You just fell and held your head. Did you remember something from your past? What was i-"

He just shook his head and spoke above her, "I need that letter. I'll figure it when I get to Princess Twilight's Castle. For now, I have to deliver that. Forgive me but I have to be going, Shimmering Dusk. It was wonderful to meet you." His words were straight forward as he took the letter from her. He just bowed his head, "Thank you, Dusk. I owe you so much for helping me but I have to go. It was beautiful to see y.. I mean, nice to meet such a radiant pon... Oh just, bye!" He ran out of her house flustered as his words just wouldn't come out. Why did he have to hide this letter from her, he thought, what were the princesses of Canterlot afraid of? He ran towards the large tree-like castle as fast as his limping run would allow.

Dusk watched him go with a concerned thought of what that letter was meant to say about her. Why was her name in it, she thought, what did I do? Her mind flooded with what ifs and whys as she lost control of her train of thought. Soon she realized she was late as she ran outside. She tried to fly as her wing ached with a sharp pain all they way through every feather. She shook her head and began running as fast as she could. With some thought, she looked up to see a storm brewing above her house only as it was passing slowly. It seemed like it followed her, albeit really slowly. She caught a glimpse of a friend of hers as she called out, "Hey Wave Clash! Can I get some help here?"

The golden armored Pegasus landed by me with a shocked look at her wrapped wing. He just laughed as he flew along side her speeding form. His voice was deep but caring as he spoke carefully, "You broke it again? What'd you do, try to race somepony again? You can't do flying patrols with that."

Dusk glared and spoke in breaths, "I need you to... Tell the Captain... I'll be late because... I can't fly... And no I didn't... Race somepony... Some Pegasus royal guard.. Crashed through my roof... He ran to deliver... A message to Twilight now..." Running and talking was tough, she thought a she ran towards the tree almost there but her guard post was up at the top. Her shivers came in a bout as she stopped and looked around. She looked at the sky above with lightning cloud.

Wave Clash looked up as she stopped and picked her up, "Time to go!" He flew her out of there with little issue being used to pulling around two young phillies all the time. He flew her towards the tree dodging lightning bolts deftly. He just spoke to her to help her calm down, "Its okay... A freak storm. You're okay, Du- Dusk you okay?"

Dusk just hold onto Wave Clash as her eyes glowed with a green hue. She just looked at the storm and glared at it. She glowed momentarily with light tan-like magic as it hit the cloud. The cloud dispersed and left as she lay unconscious in Wave Clash's hooves from the episode. She just dreamt of a forest where storms like those were normal. Her mind kept thinking of her past but showed different images then she knew. Her sleep was restless and fearful as she walked a hoof through each rapidly changing memory.

Wave Clash just shook his head determined, "Come on you philly, your not leaving me yet. I don't know what you did but I owe you now. I have to get you to the medical ponies in the guard's barracks." He flew faster now afraid for Shimmering Dusk's health being at risk. He couldn't explain what happened but he would tell the Princess about this. She told him to report to her if something happened that could only be magic. He raced in past the Captain, through the sky entrance, to get to the medical ponies below the reporting decks. He put her down on one of the cots as the medical ponies swarmed over to help her.

The blue medical pony asked him cautiously, "What happened? She has a broken wing and looks to be getting sick rapidly. She was fine on her check up yesterday."

He just couldn't explain so he put it as simple as possible, "She just told me somepony fell through her roof and landed on her wing. After that, I was trying to fly her out of this lightning storm nearby and she just got sick..." He knew he couldn't tell them, he thought, they report to Princess Twilight directly. He wanted to be the one to tell her of this. After all, this mare was his responsibility by the Captain's orders.

He let the medical pony begin to go through her methods of helping her. He simply stepped back and ran down the way towards the thrown room. His speeding hooves were all any pony could hear as he soon gave up running. Instantly, he flew through the halls and landed in front of the thrown room door. He looked at the guards, "I need you to let me in. Its urgent. The Princess has to know this new development."

"Go in. She'll understand if its urgent," the guard pony said as he let Wave Clash in. Wave Clash ran in and bowed in front of Princess Twilight. He was almost out of breath as he spoke direly of the situation at hand, "Its Shimmering Dusk... She's sick and won't wake up... You won't believe what she did though. She made a lightning storm cloud into nothing as it tried to chase us. I don't understand but she's with medical ponies now being treated." He just tried to catch his breath now as he could only think of the mare he treated like family sitting up there unresponsive. It worried him to think something was wrong with Shimmering Dusk at all, albeit this.

Princess Twilight nodded with a cautious look on her face. She lifted a quill and paper to take note on everything he said. She just walked up to Wave Clash and smiled, "Rise. Go keep an eye on her for me. Tell the guards to send in Solar Blain when you go out." Twilight was concerned on this new development as she had an idea of what was going on. She just couldn't hold up waiting anymore. She called spike to send a direct message to Princess Celestia as fast as possible.

Wave Class took the advice to heart. He walked out of the throne room, hearing her make a note and send it. Why was she calling the Princesses all here, he thought. Now he really worried for Dusk's sake that this was nothing bad. She was a sister to him and he had made sure to keep track of everything she did to help her out. He told the guards as a bright yellow-orange stallion walked in with a letter. He just didn't like any of this at all. So he walked up to find Shimmering Dusk still sleeping with a fever and some rather severe coughs.

The same blue medical pony approached, "She needs to go home and you need to get a doctor pony there immediately. We can only help her feel better for short times. This is serious. We can give you a cart to take he-"

"No... I'll carry her home. Tell the captain I have to take of Dusk today so I won't be on gua... Nevermind I have to pass him anyhow," Clash lifted her onto his back as he made sure the medical pony convered her to keep her warm. He walked up the steps and found the Captain's stern glance on him. He just shook his fear away and stood tall speaking confidently, "Sir, I was requested by Princess Twilight to take of Shimmering Dusk today. The medical ponies recommend her bed rest and a doctor. I was going to take her home to ensure such-"

The white colored Captain just glared with a careful tongue, "That is not possible. We need you on guard today. She can be taken by somepony el-"

Wave Clash just fumed with anger at this point. He thought, what pony wants to help her but me. He just shook his head adamantly to his commanding, "Forgive my outburst sir but I disagree. No pony will take her but me. Its why Princess Twilight told me to watch over her. Forgive me but I'll be going sir." He walked to the edge of the platform and flew off smoothly as not to disturb the sick Shimmering Dusk. He just flew her to his house after seeing the condition of her house. He just put her in his bed and walked downstairs to find some ice.

Clash got her some ice for her head and then just sat beside her bed. He watched her feverish sleep as he put the ice on her forehead. He worried her fever and condition was too much for simple bed rest. Then the thought hit him to get a doctor here. He walked downstairs to find there was a sunset orange pegasus in his doorway breathless. Wave Clash just watched him and picked a sword from his side, "Who are you, delivery boy? I'm in not so great a mood with little time. Name and purpose now."

The golden orange stallion just caught his breath and bowed his head to him. He just looked up at him with caution of the sword. He knew she was here, she had to be. He heard her cough as he folded ears were brought up. He sighed relief and spoke hopefully, "Princess Twilight sent me to help. I found a doctor pony for you on the way." He stepped out of the way as a unicorn with a healing type cutie mark ran in.

Wave Clash just sighed relief at the doctor pony's presence. He put the sword away and pointed up the stairs, "Just up there. Please hurry. She's getting worse and fast." He hoped she could be helped at this point. Her condition was rough to say the least, he thought, his poor sister. Clash saw the doctor pony run past him upstairs. He looked back at the helper who may have saved her life, "Names Wave Clash. I'm Dusk's unofficial brother really. Nice to meet you, uh?"

"Solar Blain. Nice to meet you. I heard you lived here so I got the doctor here right away. Wave Clash was it? Why did you say unofficial?" Solar Blain said with little concern of offending him. It struck him odd to have somepony say unofficial brother as a relation to somepony. The things he learned from these ponies astounded him everyday now as he got to learn so many new things. Thanks to Princess Twilight, he remembered why Princess Celestia sent him. He was the fastest flyer and most certainly the best option. Now with her illness, he sees what they meant in the letter. He wasn't supposed to read it but he was worried.

Wave Clash just nodded in the explanation as he chuckled to himself. True, he thought, not many ponies consider a relation unofficial like the two did these days. He just shrugged with a soft smiled, "I've helped her so much that we hung out. It wasn't like dating but almost sibling like. So we vowed to siblings for each other. Its time to hold up on my end of things now. Thats why I call it unofficial brother because most would disagree what we do is right. Though not many get to know her like I do, she's kind and nice but few know that."

Few know that, he thought, how could they not she was openly kind to him when he crashed into her house of all things. She forgot her own injuries and helped him first above all even her own injuries. The tone that came from him was confused but caring, more so by the minute, "She's impossibly nice. Helping others over her own injury or harm and making sure they can finish their task over hers. Its hard to believe that most don't want to be friends with her."

The medical pony came downstairs and looked at the two. She motioned them to follow her upstairs to the bed that Wave Clash gave Dusk. The medical pony sighed wit tired effort, "She'll be okay for now. A few days from now, maybe better but I can't tell. Its no normal thing I never heard of as an illness. No magic will heal it because it just stops the spell from casting. I tried herbal and its responding. So give this to her for a few days, if she's not awake in two days, call me back here." The medical pony left two large jars of soup with different herbs in it. After that, the medical pony left.

Solar Blain looked at Wave Clash, "I can stay to watch her condition in shifts if it helps? You can sleep the first, I saw you on guard earlier today too." He just smiled hopeful that the brother would-be would let him stay. He didn't know why but this mare just held him like the way a good song stuck in your head. Except this good song was really her radiant kindness and care that just drew him to her like a magnet. He didn't want to say it but he thinks he may like her or more than such. This mare would surely be somepony he wanted to know more about and care for was for sure.

"Yeah. I need to crash a few hours. So take the first few hours and Solar Blain? Thanks for helping me out here. It seems i'm the only pony who gives a hay about her. She'd be glad to know your here, I know it," Wave Clash said with a bit of cheer in his voice. He just chuckled at the stallion that stood before him. He knew he liked her, he thought, so she may be lost to me soon. Brother or not, he thought, she can choose whom she likes but she had to egt better first. He left to the couch downstairs to sleep on.

Solar Blain just watched her sleep easier than before. He put his hoof on hers and smiled hopeful, "Please wake up, Dusk. I owe you an apology and a big one. So get better soon so we can talk okay? Please..." He just hung his head feeling slightly responsible for what was going on to her. It was his fault she got drenched and hurt. Then he left her in fear if she knew, he thought, she's going to hate him. So why am I here, he thought to himself depressed at his reaction now that he had time to look back on things for what he saw.

The hoof he held moved to hold his own hoof back as a sleepy and sick Dusk stared at him. Her eyes half open but she smiled at him, "Its okay... I get it. I didn't need to know. The roof can be fixed. You have to promise to take me out though. I want to hang out before you go home- Ah!" She held her head immediately as this glow of deep golden brown covered her. She saw flashes of forests nowhere near here as they were filled with flashes of black. She just cried in fear and pain as they raced past her and claw at her as they past. When her vision returned to the room, Solar was shaking her trying to wake her.

He just shook her with a heart full of worry, "Dusk! Whats wrong? You have to tell me!" He just watched her slowly stop glowing and return to reality once more. He sighed relief and hugged her simply more concerned than before about what was wrong with her at the moment. He just smiled thankfully as he hugged her that she was okay for now. He just stood straight with a red hue on his cheeks as he looked sideways, "You... You okay now? I was checking for a heartbeat."

She nodded and hugged him back weakly. Her own cheeks blushed as she smiled as he was warmer than the blankets she had. She just hugged him and smiled, "I'm glad your here. I owe you a lot after today alone. Just stay here abit for me please. I'm so cold right now." She tried to hide the fact her entire face was red with her mane as she just felt better with him around her. It was like she could breath and be moderately okay with him around to warm her fragile heart right now.

Solar Blain nodded and pulled a chair up. He sat down with his front hooves on the bed beside her as he just lay like that for a long time. He noticed it looked like she slept easier this way for some reason. It made him happy to know he could help her after all he did today to make her this way. His only concern for her at the moment was to stay by her side. He'd let Wave Clash sleep off his guard shifts tonight. He slowly fell adrift asleep with his head and front hooves beside her on the bed. His eyes drooped as he had a wonderful dream of Dusk by his side flying high together.

In the morning, light shined in to an empty bed. Solar Blain woke to the rays of light as he tried to looked around blinking away from sleep. He just found an empty bed as he stood quickly doing a 360 trying to find her soon. His eyes flashed every direction as he saw her downstairs at the door as Wave Clash still slept on the couch. He ran down the steps after her as he tried to get her to turn. He saw a faint glow around her of a totally different pony as he watched her wobble weakly on her hooves. She seemed to fall as he caught her and helped her onto his back. He ran out quickly to find the Princess. She would know what to do, she has to, he thought.

As the town of Ponyville blurred by, Wave Clash's form blurred beside them as he glared at him, "What do you think you're doing running out without telling me? She's sick you can't have her out here without something warm. She's sick you idiot, keep this up and she'll-"

"Get worse?! Well she did. You didn't see it and you don't understand what I just saw. She needs help of an alicorn now. Thats all I can say. Wave Clash, fly ahead and warn the Princess we're coming. Quickly!" Solar Blain commanded as he sounded certain of himself in his words and their meaning. He was determined to do all he could to help her. In that moment, he saw Wave Clash nod and fly off to the castle ahead quicker than he can run to warn the Princess. The guards allowed him in easily as he ran down the halls to the main chamber.

Princess Twilight opened the door with her magic as she lifted her off of his back. She looked at him and smiled, "I've got her Solar Blain. Wait with Wave Clash in the guards barracks. Get some sleep for now, you look tired." She shut the door abruptly with Dusk inside with her. Her words echoed in his head that she had it... He didn't like this at all that they wouldn't say a thing to him of what was going on with her. Wave Clash wasn't told anything either, he thought. He just went upstairs to the guards barracks to wait irritated and concerned for the first mare he truly cared for.