How is it in Manehatten, Sister?

by Jazz

Kicked Out/The Picture of Green Flames

The school bell rang, and Sweetie Belle trotted home. She went into the kitchen, and began to make cookies. She waited for fifteen minutes and in that time, she squeezed lemons and made lemonade.
Tssk... Tssk... Brr... BRUMM... Sweetie Belle's alarm went off, and she grabbed the cookies, put them in a basket, and put the lemonade in a closeable jar, and trotted over to the Official Clubhouse of The Cutie Mark Crusaders.
She was just about there when she heard:
"I think we should kick her out. All in favor say 'I,' and raise a hoof."
"Case settled. Scootaloo, please write a pink slip."
"Next step, how about training cats?"
"I'm in! Sweetie Belle never let us-"
"Please do not talk about ex-club members/former club members/rival club members in the club."
"Yes. Sorry."
Knock... Knock...
Applebloom went to the door. "Cutie Mark Crusaders, who is it?"
"Uhm... Sweetie Belle..."
"Sweetie Belle!"
"I'm sorry, but you aren't a Cutie Mark Crusader. You may not enter."
"Rules are rules, hun," Applebloom said. "Leave, or we'll be forced to use force. Er, pun intended!"
Scootaloo put on a big grin and grabbed a squirt gun. "Muhahahaa..."
"Oh..." Sweetie Belle said, and went to Carousel Boutique. Green glowed from her horn, and the boutique was in a set of green flames. "HOW IS IT IN MANEHATTEN, SISTER?" Sweetie Belle shouted. Usually unicorn magic is weak for fillies, but when focused, or in great emotion, can be stronger than an alicorn's. The young filly crept towards the boutique. Her horn glowed, and a green shield surrounded her. She walked into the home that she once lived in. As she crept up the stairs, hate and sorrow filled her heart and mind. One thought- the picture.
When Sweetie Belle reached her sister's room, already aflame with green, she ripped off the picture she made when she was younger. The blue sapphires reflected the flames. She levitated it, then set it aflame as well. "TAKE THAT, YOU EVIL WITCH!" she screamed. "YOU EVIL, EVIL WITCH. I HATE YOU! DIE IN THIS FIRE, HAG! YOU CAN WEAR AS MUCH MAKEUP AS YOU WANT, BUT YOU'LL NEVER BE BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE- ON THE INSIDE YOU ARE AS UGLY AS... AS... AS A CHANGELING!"
Somewhere in Manehatten, wherever Rarity was, Sweetie Belle wished she had heard that. She hoped it burned her heart. Rarity deserved it, after all. Right?
Sweetie Belle's shield soon began to distort, and the heat hit her face and body. She had used to much magic, but the flames stayed, since she already cast that spell. "Help!" she cried from the flaming boutique. The firetrucks began to circle and surround the flaming boutique. Firemares piled out of the trucks, but didn't get there soon enough, and little Sweetie Belle died a horrible death.


Lol, no.


Up until the death part, the story goes. So, a blonde mare with a beautiful brown coat came out of the truck, and broke down the door that held Sweetie Belle. She raced up the lavender stairs, the first pony besides Sweetie Belle inside. Suddenly, a large piece of ceiling came crumbling down, blocking off the mare. She bucked the ceiling as best she could, but eventually had to call for help. The smoke made it hard for her to breathe, so she couldn't cry out at all. A window! she thought, and began to look for one, but could not find one to signal for help. There is a little filly in there that needs your help, Paint! Get in there and save her! Paintbrush (that was her name) gave one last buck at the chunk, and watched it crumble into tiny bits as she raced into Rarity's bedroom. Sweetie Belle's face lit up with joy, but then grew tired and fell into a serious state.
Paintbrush picked up Sweetie Belle and raced out of the boutique. Her fellow firemares worked on putting out the fire. Soon, an ambulance came and Paintbrush put Sweetie Belle onto it. Sweetie Belle was rushed to the hospital in critical condition.