Know your Mare

by overlord-flinx

Know Your Girl: Lemon Zest

Know your girl, know your girl, know your girl...

There was no reaction from down on the stage. The lights showed that not a soul had even appeared.

Where's the guest...?

One second...

Gently, a green haired girl was guided onto the stage by a long stick jabbing at her hip. However, it seemed she wasn't paying much attention to the stick, just going in the direction it was motioning.

There... Now we can start...

Lemon Zest...

...only drinks lime-aide...

The girl on stage just stood there, looking around the vacant space with her head bobbing.

Lemon Zest...

...has no sense of taste...


Lemon Zest...

...rubs lemons on her tongue in hopes of simulating taste...


Lemon-- She's not paying attention, is she?

No... No she's not...

Can we broadcast into those headphones she's wearing?

Yeah, then we can fly to the moon and eat balls of milk.

So we can't?

Of course we can.

With a little click that Lemon Zest couldn't hear thanks to hear headphones, the sound coming out of them died. "Where'd my--?"

Lemon Zest...

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Lemon Zest promptly fell to the ground and threw her headphones off as she screamed.


She must have had them turned up all the way...

This episode's a wash...

Now you know...

Lemon Zest...

And you know not to have your headphones up all the way...

The more you know.