//------------------------------// // Chapter-2 A New Friend // Story: Tales of Steamia // by Grey Pen //------------------------------// As the ponys looked around at the sights and technology. A pony stayed in the back like a shadow, a pony notices her and the instant the pony looks back she is gone. My alarm went off and instead of my wacking it, I threw it across the room. "Good morning Olive prepare for another nice day." I said with a little hope in my voice. "And let there be no weird things." I added. I went to the washroom and washed my face and then headed down. I found a letter on the counter and no Dove. I opened the letter and looked at it. Dear Olive You may be worried why I am not here. The reason why I am gone is cause Teral invited me to go to One of the librarys only for the mayor! I can't wait to tell you what books I find! Sincerely Dove So she left with the mayor's son, good for her. I ate cereal again for breakfast well I was suppose to yesterday. Like always I waited for the bus to come. When it finally came I decided to play at the Dredrich docks. When we arrived i had no Dove singing with me It was lonely but alot of fillys joined in and sang the songs I played. "Mr?" Said one of the filly's. "Yea?" I said back with the best kind voice "Can you play the hockey pokey?" Said the filly. "Question, what is that song." I said back in a confused voice. "Ya don't know what the pokey is?" The filly said in a shocked tone. "Mind telling me it?" I asked. "Sure Mr!" Said the filly. I tried to keep up with it, but it was fun. When I thought I could do it, I played it. It went well but I did mess up a bit. Not every pony is perfect I guess. After that I left the docks and decided to head for the square. Then out of no were I ran into a purple unicorn. "Ouch watch were ya going!" I said. "Oh sorry I was not watching were I was going." The unicorn said in a very forgivable voice. "Ya not going to yell back?" I said in a confused voice. "What why would I do that?" The unicorn said. I proceeded to tell her about steamia's act of who is stronger. "Why would any pony put that as a thing to do?" She said. "Well anyways my name is Olive." I said. "Oh my name is twlight sparkle." Twilight said. We became friends quickly, she liked most the genres of books I was talking about. I proceeded to invite her to dinner with me and Dove, oh and her 'special some pony'. "Well I guess I will be there if I can find it, this city is just so big and different from most of equestria's citys." Twlight said. "Here take this." I said. I gave her a map to get around. "Oh thanks!" Twlight said in a shocked voice. "Best I could do, Steamia is not a good place to get lost in." I said back. I waved goodbye to her and headed home. When I got home I got the home phone and told Dove about twlight, and how we were all going to dinner. Then I proceeded with reading my new book that twlight personally told me to read. She said it was a must read or something. 5 hours later it was time, I got up and called a taxi to pick me up. Hopefully twilight can get there her self. When I got there Dove and Teral were already waiting at the table. A few minutes later twilight arrived with a guest. "So whos your friend here" I said. "Her name is fluttershy, she wanted to come with me to Steamia to see if there any new animals." Said twilight. "Well nice to meet you fluttershy." I said. All she did in agreement was nod and sit down next to twilight. "I am guessing shes shy? Said Teral. " In my bet I think she is." Said Dove. "Dove, please be nice my friends." I said. "Fine" she said and started talking with Teral. "So what is equestria like?" I asked. "Well its definitely different from here." Twlight said. "I am guessing it's sunnier there?" I said. "Yea, yes it is." She said In return. We ordered our food and kept talking, but no interesting things happened. Our food finally arrived, after we ate I showed twlight our house. "Why is it connected with the other houses?" She asked. "Its not that's just the look." I said in return. "Oh." Said twilight. "Also I have another question." Said twlight. "Yes?" I said back. "What does your cutiemark mean?" Asked twilight asked. "Well I don't really know." I said. My cutiemark was a guitar with a gear behind it. "Maybe it means that you are a good guitar player?" She said. "Maybe." I said back. I showed here the house then showed her a place to stay across the street. It was one of the biggest hotels in the republic. Later Dove finally came home and we did our normal things and then went to bed. "Night Dove" I said. "Yea, night." Said Dove. I went up stairs and read the rest of the book and shutted off the lights.