//------------------------------// // PROLOGUE // Story: Iris Strike: Sealed Power // by hujan86 //------------------------------// Introducing Illumina, the capital city of Crystal Empire. The kingdom is home to pony-human hybrids, very much like the Godslayer, Fortepiano. They look very much like people, but with varying skin colors, small snout for a nose and pony ears and tail. They are still referred to as ponies though (formally, pony-people), since they are not associated with the Overlanders whose ancestors were actual human beings. Crystal Empire’s population is divided into four main races: Earth Ponies. Historically they descended from numerous agrarian tribal groups that once spread over the southern regions; Unicorns. They have horns on their forehead from which they channel their inner magic; Pegasus are generally capable of fast flight; and finally, the Pegacorns. Like their Unicorn counterparts, they also cast their magic via their horns. Additionally, they sport sheer glittery wings that make them look somewhat like fairies. In terms of architecture, Crystal Empire’s building style is analogous to the architectures of 15th to 17th century Europe in Dash’s homeworld, with heavy emphasis on glitter, in everything from the ornaments, tiles, roof shingles, frames, glass, linings, cornices etc. Crystal Heart College is an institution of higher learning open to all races for enrolling in various courses. With the exception of Magic Arts, that is strictly limited to Unicorns and Pegacorns. The college was founded around a millennium ago by the head of the ruling royal family whom also serves as its chancellor. Such tradition continues until today of which Queen Crisanna is the current chancellor. With slick cerulean hair elegantly styled with curly ends, brilliant green eyes behind her glasses and smooth light gray complexion, Queen Crisanna in the eyes of the citizens is a beautiful Pegacorn. In fact, her appearance is very youthful for someone of her age. “You wish to learn magic?” she shockingly asked the young Pegasus sitting before her. Rainbow Dash replied enthusiastically, “Yes, Your Royal Majesty. I’ve made up my mind. I wanna follow my dreams.” “Only Unicorns and Pegacorns can perform magic,” Crisanna stated. “I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash but you cannot expect me to accept your claim based on faith alone.” Rainbow Dash’s face fell. “But I really did use magic before! I know it’s in me! Though I can’t prove it now, I’m twenty percent extra sure if I work hard enough, I’ll be able to do so! Please! Give me a chance to prove myself!” Crisanna gently shook her head. “I am truly sorry but that is impossible,” she maintained. Another Pegasus that is the queen’s younger half-sister, Princess Cadenza whom is standing by the table side, was notably impressed by Rainbow Dash’s sense of determination. She looked thoughtful for a while before politely interrupting the conversation. “My Queen, if I may have a quick word with you in private?” The queen nodded at her sister then instructed Rainbow Dash to wait outside. The sullen Rainbow Dash complied but instead of waiting on the bench, she eavesdropped to find out what the royal sisters are discussing about. “You can’t be serious, Cadence,” she heard the queen was saying. “I am, sis. I without a doubt believe that she possesses the ‘spark’, and an even greater deal of determination. It’d be very interesting to see what studying magic could do for such a gifted Pegasus. Here. Have a look at what I’ve retrieved from the old archives and I think you’ll agree with me.” Upon hearing the princess’ firm words, Rainbow Dash’s spirit was high again. Crisanna looked through the browned old research notes with intrigue. “Very well. I will grant the Pegasus a chance,” she told Cadenza. “For that, you’ll have to be her mentor. You must get her prepped by the time the next enrollment comes.” A prideful smile ran across the younger sister’s face. “Of course, sister.” When Cadenza opened the door to call Rainbow Dash in, the latter was already on the bench, pretending like she did not know anything. She tactfully smiled as she followed the princess into the office. The full story was still not clear to her. She was however now optimistic of her chances being accepted into Magic Arts class. And she had Princess Cadenza to thank for that. *** It was around midnight. Lying in wait on a rooftop a mile away is a Suppression Squad operative, equipped with nigh vision visor mask and armed with a long-ranged hard sound sniper rifle, who is patiently observing a steamship, SS Baltimare, docking at the harbor. From the limited intel given by her commanders, Baltimare departed from Maretonia four days prior. Once in the open waters, Crystal Empire naval vessels followed closely behind the ship’s secret voyage until they arrived at the territorial waters outside Horseshoe Bay Harbor. Since this mission was ordered by Queen Alicia herself, whatever is it that the ponies on board Baltimare are smuggling out from Maretonia must be of very high value to Her Majesty. The queen was rather mum on the exact nature of the merchandise in question. But her orders are clear: eliminate the target along with all witnesses, retrieve the merchandise from the target’s dead hands and brought it back to Moebotropolis. Easy enough, the sniper thought confidently. The employed sonic weapon would kill them all almost instantly, without alerting the marine police and leaving little evidence behind. Her super speed would ensure she will disappear out of the area within seconds and reach the Acorn Empire’s capital by sunrise. Naturally, suspicion will fall on Acorn Empire. Therefore, after she is done, she will leave behind false evidences in order to incriminate another nation of the crime. The sniper zoomed in her targeting scope on the uniformed bodyguards disembarking from the steamship to the lamps-lit dock. Amongst them, she spotted a middle-aged mare, dressed in plain clothes and carrying a metallic suitcase in her hand. The suitcase, the sniper immediately figured, That has to be it! With her finger firmly on the trigger, the sniper gets ready to fire upon the undercover agent for Crystal Empire. But the shot never took place. Few seconds of hesitation is all it took. Unexpectedly, a very young Unicorn came into the scope’s sight, partially blocking the target from view. Horrified at how close she was to shooting an adolescent, the sniper impulsively released her finger from the trigger. As they greeted each other, Jasmine Flower was given an affectionate bear hug by her granddaughter. “Wow, it’s been too long since last time I received a hug like this,” she said, relishing the long awaited reunion. “Then you must also know how terribly I missed you,” Starlight Glimmer pouted after she finished hugging. “How’s your mom?” Jasmine Flower asked her. “Still recovering. She apologized for not able to come greet you but she sends her regards.” A stern-faced bodyguard, who is also the mission’s superintendent, stepped up to the relatives. “Let’s get a move on,” he urged. “There’ll be plenty of time for you two to talk back at the safe house.” They complied with the superintendent’s request. As they are escorted out to the waiting vehicle outside the dock, Starlight Glimmer clung on her grandmother’s arm and whilst walking together, asked, “How long will you be staying?” Jasmine Flower could see there is notable hint of hopefulness in Starlight Glimmer’s eyes. She could not feel more proud at her granddaughter after she learned the Queen Regnant had chosen Starlight Glimmer for the important task concerning the content inside the suitcase. “I suppose...I can make an exception this time,” she said. The response made Starlight Glimmer smile. Back on the rooftop, the sniper just sat there, reflecting on her past deeds. I almost took a poor kid’s life, she thought to herself. What a monster I’m becoming. This was the first mission she undertook that involves taking someone else’s life. Throughout her short career with the Suppression Squad, she had done terrible things. She helped detained countless Moebians on suspicions of links to the insurgency and had them imprisoned despite lack of evidence in many cases. Harsh tactics were used in the interrogations, including white torture but not once she went overboard. In comparison, Queen Alicia’s torturing methods are amount to slow execution. She took no pleasure for all her past deeds. Her true motive was to get herself in the good graces of the regime thereby be in close proximity to Queen Alicia through which she will be able to take revenge upon the ruthless queen with ease. By sparing the enemy’s life, she had signed her own death warrant at the hands of the Suppression Squad. Returning to Moebotropolis after this setback would be suicidal. But she had made up mind. If she is going to die in damnation, might as well bring along the one who made her what she is today. The sniper took off her mask, thus is revealed as Rosy Rascal.