A Horse at Hogwarts

by ponygirl825

Diagon Alley

"Princess, where are we going to find all this?" Enchanted Hue asked the Princess as she led Hue down a back road in Canterlot. "It says, 'All students must be equipped with a one standard size two pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad.'"
Celestia smiled at the young mare, "You can only find it if you know where to go," she stated, leading Hue behind a pub called, "The Salt Lick". There was a stone wall behind it. The Princess stepped in front of an indented brick in the wall, and, with her horn, tapped five surrounding bricks. The wall started to shake and the bricks started shifting.

When it all finally stopped, there was an opening, what looked like to the inside of a shop. Celestia nudged you forward, and you looked back at her, then carefully stepped through. She turned around and waited for the Princess to follow. She stepped through and led Hue further into the store. They reached the counter and Celestia rung the bell, as nopony was standing there.
"Just a moment!" a voice called out from somewhere in the rows of shelves filled with small, rectangular boxes. When the one behind the voice came forward, Hue jumped behind the Princess with a gasp, for it was no pony, but rather a strange, hairless, ape of some sort. The Princess chuckled.
"Don't be afraid, this is a good friend of mine, Garrick Ollivander."
"Good to see you again Princess!" the strange...creature exclaimed.
"You as well, Garrick," she replied. "Do you have the things I asked you for?"
"Right here," he said, lifting a pile of items onto the counter. "Everything except her wand, of course."
"Wand?" Hue asked.
"Yes," said 'Garrick'. "I couldn't choose it for you because, as everyone knows-"
"The wand chooses you," Celestia finished.

Enchanted Hue was very confused, but decided the Princess knew what she was doing, and so she was patient. The creature went down one of the rows and grabbed a box off a stack of boxes that looked exactly the same. He opened it and handed what looked like a dressed-up stick to Hue. She looked at the Princess with a look of confusion.
"Well go on," she said, "give it a wave!"
Enchanted wrapped her hoof around it as best she could and swished it in a "C" shape. A burst of what looked like magic flew out of the end and destroyed a vase behind the counter.
"No, no, not that one," Garrick said, fetching another.
Hue quickly put the wand on the counter, afraid to cause more damage...at least until he gave her another wand to try. She repeated the process and this time knocked down a light that was hanging from the ceiling.
"No, no, definitely not." he shook his head and retrieved another. More scared now than the last time, Hue carefully grabbed the last wand. But this time, there was no need for her to wave it, as when she grabbed it, a soft wind felt like it came from the ground.
"Well done! That wand there is made out of wood from a weeping willow tree, a very rare wand!"
Hue looked at the wand, realizing she had no idea how this was going to work.


"Princess, what was that creature we saw earlier today?" she asked Princess Celestia during dinner. Celestia had insisted in Hue staying at the castle until classes started. The Princess smiled.
"That, my dear, was a human."
"Strange creatures," she said. "They have very different life styles along with very different looks. You'll be going to school with humans."
Hue sighed. What if they didn't like her? What if she had to spend all her time at the school alone because she didn't get accepted as anyone's friend? She hoped that wouldn't happen, and tried to think of all the positives coming out of this. Though she never would have admitted it, she was scared. She was scared to go to this school, but if she would be able to learn magic, it would be completely worth it.