//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 Under The Surface // Story: In The Closet // by Cyberfire1800 //------------------------------// Fluttershy ended up underground in a safe area where she saw weapons, maps, kitanas dipped in acid and poison, even some other weird contraptions laid present. Shy tried to call Sunset for help but couldn't get a signal where she was, without warning approaching footsteps echoed through the hallway and getting closer with each step. Shy had no time to think so the smart thing was that she hid in a locker hoping whoever or whatever came would go away. The person looked around and sniffed the air for the perfume lavender embrace, just like that Sunset opened a locker door where her friend Fluttershy was present and cowering in fear as she was curled up in a ball shivering slightly. "Fluttershy there you are I've been looking all over for you I traced your cellphone down here and then I smelled your perfume," explained Sunset. "Oh thank goodness it's you Sunset," exclaimed Shy who gave her friend a big hug. Their reunion was cut short as Twilight chased after them and was fast approaching but Shimmer fired a few warning shots at her former friend which was enough time for the trio to escape. Opening the hatch, they ended up at Canterlot High School in the closet or basement. Sunset helped Fluttershy out and decided to try to load up before Adagio finds out what's going on. "Shimmer what's going on? Twilight used a spell to send me here then nothing else," asked Fluttershy who grabbed a baseball bat. "I don't know yet just be ready for anything ok?" asked Shimmer. Fluttershy nodded and also gulped in fear at the same time, fearing what happened to Twilight Sparkle as she did sacrifice herself in order to save her. It tore her mind apart and made her feel sorry that she could've stayed behind to let Adagio corrupt Shy's mind but Twilight was willing to let herself fall under Adagio's spell. Her and Sunset walked through the dark damp hallways of CHS until they heard a blood curdling scream coming from somewhere down the hall. "What was that?" asked Fluttershy as she cowered behind Sunset Shimmer. "I have no idea but let's keep going ok? Stay close to me," reassured Shimmer as she turned her flashlight on. Sunset walked further taking careful steps not alarming anyone who might be still be inside. Footsteps actually steps of high heeled boots echoed through the hallways causing Fluttershy to shake in her boots but Sunset stood her ground as the steps got louder and louder then stopped. "Oh Sunset you are not going to make this easy are you? You have done everything to protect the ones you hold dear yet you failed," said Adagio as she steeped out of the shadows. Sunset kept her guard up ready for whoever was about to attack her and Fluttershy. "Sunset go ahead and try to hit me I dare you," said Adagio baiting Shimmer to hit her. Like a moth to a flame, Sunset tried to charge at her but Rarity and Twilight held her back while Pinkie Pie put Fluttershy in a choke hold, almost snapping her neck but Adagio motioned Pinkie to lower the pressure and she did. "Let me go! You guys are my friends!" shouted Sunset. "Oh Sunset dear they can't hear you over my spell singing to them keeping them under my control," explained Adagio. "You asshole!" yelled Sunset. Adagio slapped Sunset so hard that she hit the wall hard head first and as Sunset got up from the slap she cocked her gun and fired it at her attacker. The bullet hit a place where Adagio had the most control: her pendant. The glass shattered into nothing more than pieces that scattered across the floor. Green mist came out and went into the air vents, without the mist everyone reverted back to normal. "What on earth just happened? Also my head hurts," asked Rainbow Dash holding her head in pain. While everyone was distracted with trying to figure out what happened, this was Adagio's chance to escape quickly in the midst in the confusion. "It's a long story that I will tell you guys over some tea," said Sunset.