
by AJapple


Nothing was working and she was almost dead. That was what she had figured anyways, by the lack of sleep and food. But what else was she supposed to do? If she slept all she would see is failure. If she ate, the food would sit in her belly like rocks. Water was helpful, it kept her awake at least, but Spike was keeping her from her observations.
“Spike!” she howled banging against the door with a tired hoof. “I need to get back to my papers! The fate of my friend depends on it!” she cried.
“No way Twilight! I’m not letting you out until you promise to take a nap!” Spike’s voice was broken with worry. “Please! You’re exhausted!” he whined.
Twilight sighed giving in. She bit her lip levitating an old spell book in front of her nose. If she could get this to work...than she’d be able to find Rainbow Dash. However if it went wrong she may never be able to get back. The risks were high but she felt responsible for what had happened to Rainbow Dash. Of course part of the blame laid on the pegasus’s shoulders. She’d flown off into the cave without a second thought, Applejack right behind her. So much for adventures.
Twilight muttered a few incoherent words before casting the spell. A pink glow enveloped her body but faded almost immediately. Twilight crawled over to her bed and collapsed, her purple eyes rolling back into her head.


The lavender alicorn blinked, the world was a dazzling white. She turned around, her mind sharper than it had been.
“Okay focus. She’s around here somewhere.” Twilight muttered taking a few cautious steps forward. She imagined her friend, brash and competitive but also loyal and brave. Rainbow hair flying behind her as she dove through the air with ease. Rose eyes scanning the ground below and the sky above making note of everything.
“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called desperately. “Where are you?” Then the whiteness faded and was replaced by splashing rain. Each drop felt like a tiny stone as the water bounced from Twilight’s coat. But she only gritted her teeth and screamed her friend’s name louder.
“Rainbow Dash!” The insistent rain only got worse, it’s hissing sound seemed to be saying something.
“Go away!” a voice yelled. “Get out of my head!” Twilight felt relief turn her body to jelly. She felt tears mingle with the stinging rain.
“Rainbow Dash!” she repeated for the third time, the name warm in her mouth.
“Get out!” was the reply. “I’m not Rainbow Dash!” Twilight’s eyes widened.
“No! It’s me! You know me!” she cried feeling mental walls slam down on either side of her.
“You’re tricking me! I-I” the voice of her friend faded as the connection wavered. “You’re hurting me.” the voice whispered. “My head feels like it’s going to explode.” then without warning she screamed. “Who are you!” Twilight felt sobs building and she bit her tongue to keep them from spilling over.
“Twilight!” she choked. “Your friend.”
“But…” Twilight could hear the hiccups of the pegasus. “I don’t know you.” Then the rain stopped and Twilight was sucked back into eternal brightness.


Bolt jerked upwards, her body stiff and her head hurt, a lot. Mistake was leaning over her with a concerned look.
“You okay kid? You just kinda toppled over.” he said. Bolt laid back.
“No…” she couldn’t hide her terrified expression as she spit out her next words. “There was somepony in my mind.” She coughed touching her head gingerly. “And she called me Rainbow Dash, told me she was my friend.” Mistake pursed his lips and sat down beside her.
“I think it was someone from your past, and by that I mean from before you met Sombra.” Bolt swallowed and curled into a ball.
“I don’t even know her and she just barged into my dreams.”
“You do know her. At least you did.” Mistake pointed out. Bolt scowled at him and closed her eyes. She hadn’t seen the pony in question but the voice had been familiar. She knew she’d heard it before. She ran through blurry images of ponies that her mind had stored away. Of all the faces only one was clear. That face didn’t belong to the voice, because it just didn’t, it couldn’t. The face, that beautiful face, was special. Whoever she was, she was special. Those emerald eyes and freckles....
“Kid.” Mistake’s rough tone got her attention.
“Huh?” she grunted.
“You can’t just ignore that. Your memories are important.” Bolt scoffed and rolled over, her back facing the stallion.
“I know I’m not important.” she muttered. Mistake chewed on his lip.
“I could tell you you are, and exactly why…” he stopped and looked away. “But you need someone you actually knew to tell you. I mean you should.” he corrected himself. Bolt laughed bitterly.
“Then you’re too late. I know all about Rainbow Dash. How she’s part of the elements of harmony and she’s the best young flier ever or something like that.” Mistake adopted a saddened manner.
“I’m sorry then, that they took that away from you. Your chance at remembrance.” Bolt turned and scrunched her eyebrows.
“What’s that supposed to mean? I’m never going to remember who I was?” Mistake sighed and shook his head.
“You already know who you are. You’re Rainbow Dash, you just can’t except that.”
“Of course I can!” Bolt shot back with a sudden surge of competitiveness. Mistake cleverly hid his smile.
“Well you seem to deny the fact that your memories are wiped and that whoever contacted you is your friend.” Bolt felt like she was thrown from a warm fire into the icy cold of the snow.
“I-I.” she started. Mistake watched her with a grim expression.
“If you can’t figure out who you are you’ll stay lost forever and it’ll be so much easier for him to find you again. The best thing for you is to find whoever spoke to you.” Bolt swallowed and gnawed nervously on her hoof.
“I don’t know if I can.” she mumbled. Mistake’s eyebrow rose.
“Why not?” Bolt hesitated trying to choose her next words carefully.
“I’m not sure I want to go back to being her.” she glanced at the open window, where the clouds were outlined against a bright blue sky. Every trace of the previous night’s storm was erased with the slanting rays of sunshine. Her mind was like the rain, dried up. The pieces of her memory laid in puddles and if she looked close enough she could see the faces of ponies and the scenes of home.
“You have to.” Mistake said coldly. Bolt shook her head.
“I don’t have to go back.” she exclaimed getting to her hooves. “And you can’t make me.” Mistake hung his head.
“I know.” he muttered softly. “Just remember this, you’ll always be confused and lost. You’re supposed to be someone else.” Bolt sighed.
“Thanks for your help Mistake.” she turned to the window, the warm wind ruffling her feathers. Then a thought hit her. “Wait, why did you say that because of me you got let go?” Mistake lifted his chin and stared directly into her eyes.
“You were more important to him. He wanted to ruin you more than he wanted to keep me as a slave. He tortured everyone else, the ponies you were with I mean, but for some reason he really wanted to convert you.” Bolt grimaced.
“Thanks for that helpful tip.” she exclaimed.
“Your welcome!” Mistake growled. “You’re making a huge….” he paused. “Mistake.”
“Wow, take you all week to come up with that one?” Bolt spat anger heating up her cheeks.
“You don’t understand do you? Whoever you were with when you were captured? They’re going to be looking for you. After a while they’ll think you’re dead. You’ll put them in a position of pain and suffering.” he looked directly into her eyes. “You’ll hurt yourself too. Ponies won’t stop calling you Rainbow Dash.” Bolt set her jaw.
“I don’t care.” she said. Mistake shook his head catching the conflict behind the rosey gaze.
“You do.” he persisted. “Please consider trying to find them. For yourself….and for the ponies you’re selfishly leaving behind.”
“Goodbye Mistake.” Bolt hissed flapping her wings and carefully exiting the building. The stallion watched her go, his eyes becoming darker and angrier.
“Goodbye.” he spat turning around and trotting into the depths of the broken house.