
by Sailor_Pluto

Chapter 1: Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle slammed her door shut, flopped down on her bed, and screamed into her pillow.

“I HATE DIAMOND TIARA!” She shrieked. She banged her hooves on the bed repeatedly. “I HATE HER I HATE HER I HATE HER I HATE HER!!!” Sweetie Belle kept screaming the same thing over and over until she wore herself out. Rolling onto her back, she stared up at the canopy of her bed.

"I wish Diamond Tiara wasn't here," she mumbled to the canopy. "Either that, or I wish I wasn't here. I wish I could move some place far away from her and Silver Spoon. And I would take Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, too." She thought for a minute. "And maybe Rarity. Nah, probably not Rarity."

Sweetie Belle looked out her window at the sun that she knew would set soon and felt a yawn coming on. Her eyelids began to droop sleepily. "Maybe I'll take a quick nap..." She slid under her covers, and as soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep.

Sweetie Belle found herself standing in the middle of a circle mirrors. There were six in total, and behind them was a rocky cave wall that supported all of them. From what Sweetie Belle could tell, there was no exit, and that scared her.

"Hello?!" She yelled. "Is anypony out there?"

No response.

"I'm trapped! Can somepony help me?"

No response yet again.

"I want to go home," she whimpered, sinking to the ground and curling her tail around herself. "I want to go home..."

"But thisssss place issssss much better, don't you think?" A hissing voice asked. To Sweetie Belle, it sounded like it was nowhere and everywhere at the same time. She yelped.

"Wh-who are you?!" She asked. "Where am I?"

"The Circle of Mirrorssss, of coursssssse. Each mirror containssssss a different world. Ssssso go on. Choosssse one."

"Different worlds?" That got Sweetie Belle's attention. She turned and looked at one. "Really? Right through there is a different world?"


"And...I can go to any of them?"


"I dunno..." Sweetie Belle glanced warily at the mirrors. "I mean, how do I know something bad won't happen?"

"Each world isssss sssssshaped to your innermossssst dreamssssss. Go through one, and you will be presssssssented with a life much better than the one you had before."

"What's the catch?" Sweetie asked. "Because if there's a catch, then this is definitely a deal breaker for me."

"No catch," the voice assured her. "No catch at allll."

"...How did I even get here?" Sweetie wondered. "I mean, I was just lying on my bed and staring outside and then BAM, I wind up here. How did that happen?"

"Whenever a pony wissssssshesssss to be sssssssomeplace far away, they are brought here, regardlessssssss of how old or young, good or evil. Anyone can come to this place."

"I see," Sweetie Belle said. "So...this is really for free? I can get to a better life just by walking through one of these mirrors?"


"All right!" Sweetie Belle squeaked, jumping up. "Let's see, let's see...how about...this one?" She pointed to a mirror. "Is this one a good one?"

"They're all good onesssss..."

"I'll start with this one, then!" Sweetie Belle waved to the air. "Bye, mysterious voice!"

"Bye bye..."

With that, Sweetie Belle stepped through the mirror and into another world.

The voice cackled. "Foolssss....these mirrorsss are CURSESSSSS! Go through one, and a tragedy will befall you!"

Sweetie Belle exited the mirror into a lush forest. There were plants and animals like she had never seen, and they excited her.

Sweetie Belle laughed and started skipping through the forest. "I like it here! It's cool!"

Eventually, she saw the end of the path she was on. Walking a little closer, she could see that she most certainly was not in Ponyville anymore.

The town that the path from the forest led to was styled like a gloomy kingdom from at least one hundred years ago. The buildings were made with dark bricks, and the streets were lined with blue cobblestone. The windows were tinted with a slight yellow color, and ponies everywhere wore suits and frilly, fancy dresses. Several vendors lined the cobblestone streets, offering food and other things to any pony who passed. Sweetie Belle gasped and excitedly skipped down to the town.

As she walked the streets of the town, the ponies stopped and stared at her, many of them whispering.

"Look at her!"

"Is that Silver Bell?"

"I should think it is..."

"Wait...that Silver Bell?"

"I am quite certain there is only one!"

"Mistress Sweetie Belle!" Somepony called. Sweetie stopped and turned around. A white unicorn stallion wearing a black suit, a hat, and a monocle rushed towards her. "Mistress!"

"Me?" Sweetie asked, pointing to herself.

"But of course, you!" The stallion replied. "Goodness, whatever did you do that for? If we hadn't found you, your parents would have had our heads!" He looked her up and down distastefully. "And what did you do to your dress and your hair?! You look like a peasant now, you do!" He grabbed one of her forehooves in his aura and started dragging her behind him. "Come along, we must tidy you up at once!"

"Uh, I'm not-" Sweetie Belle started. The stallion whipped around and glared at her.

"Oh? You're not what?"

Sweetie Belle gulped. "N-never mind."

"That's what I thought." He continued dragging her behind him. "Now, we've got to get you home quickly. Duchess Orchard and her daughter are coming by at one o'clock, and Countess Raincloud and her daughter are coming by as well. Honestly, what were you thinking? I am quite fine with you running off when there are no important meetings we must attend and I have all the time in the world to search for you, but to do it on such short notice?" He continued muttering to himself as he brought Sweetie Belle farther and farther away from the town and to a grand manor on top of a hill.

Sweetie gulped and felt herself start to perspire slightly.

Twenty minutes after being brought to the manor, Sweetie Belle was dressed up in an elegant dress made of blue and purple satin, her hair in a tight bun atop her head with two thick, curly strands hanging down the sides of her face. She had a gold ring with a large ruby in the center on her horn, a choker with matching color and gem, and soft gold satin shoes. The faintest bit of blush had been applied to her cheeks, and a small bit of lime green eye shadow could also be seen. She stood in the foyer of the grand house with the butler, apparently named Sebastian, while waiting for Sweetie's "parents" to get ready.

"Sweetie Belle," Sebastian spoke quietly.

"Yes, sir?"

"Remember, you are to be polite to both the Countess and Duchess, as well as their daughters. Just because they are the same age as you does not mean that they'll appreciate your jokes and rowdiness. They are a quite bit more refined than you, and if you do anything immature you might distance yourself from them involuntarily. Got it?"

Sweetie Belle nodded, feeling a bit stung at the fact that he had said the other fillies were more refined than she was. Sure, it was probably true, but nopony likes being told that to their faces.

"We're coming!" A mare's voice called frantically as she clopped down the stairs. "Have they arrived yet?"

"Not yet," Sebastian replied.

"Oh good," a stallion's voice responded. "We were quite worried." The two came into view and stood behind Sweetie.

The little filly tried her hardest not to stare at them. They were most certainly not her parents. The mare had the graceful stature of an alicorn, though it was apparent that she was only a unicorn. Her coat was a brilliant white, and her mane was the lightest shade of blue and curled slightly at the ends. She wore a simple yet beautiful navy blue dress and a silver necklace with emeralds and sapphires, and combination silk-satin shoes that matched the color of her dress.

The stallion was slightly taller than the mare, but just as elegant. He had a dark brown mane that was combed back perfectly, and a monocle rested over one of his ice blue eyes. He had the same stunning white coat, and he wore a suit that was navy blue as well. A black skin-tight band was wrapped around one of his forelegs. Sweetie Belle looked at their coats and then hers, and felt like hers was more dingy in comparison.

Somepony knocked lightly on the front door, which the stallion stumbled forward to get, but was reminded by the look on his wife's face that they had a butler to do that for them.

Sebastian opened the door and smiled warmly to whoever was standing outside. "Please, do come in, Countess, Duchess."

Sebastian stepped to the side and allowed the Countess, Duchess, and their daughters entrance. When Sweetie Belle caught sight of them, she couldn't hold back a gasp—the fillies were Apple Bloom and Scootaloo!

Sweetie Belle's mother glared at her for emitting such a rude noise, then quickly apologized for her daughter's impoliteness.

"Countess Aquilia Raincloud and her daughter Sunrise Shower, as well as Duchess Apple Orchard and her daughter Apple Blossom." Sebastian said, introducing the four.

The Countess had skin the shade of oranges, and her eyes were a cold violet. Her mane was short yet stylish, pulled into a wavy magenta ponytail, with a few strands down by the sides. Her dress was a darker pink and purple combo, which was meant to look like a ballroom dress but more easy to move in. Holes were made at the sides so her wings weren't tucked inside the dress. Her shoes were light blue, and went with nothing else in her ensemble, but looked good nonetheless.

Sunrise had a longer mane than the Scootaloo that Sweetie Belle knew—it hung almost down to her silver shoes. It looked as though it had been flattened and curled at the ends, and a small barrette of diamonds graced the hair near her ear. Her dress was silver and a bit over the top, with frilly bits here and there. Sunrise's dress also had the holes in the sides for the wings, as was expected. Sweetie Belle figured that if the Scootaloo she knew had been forced to wear that, she would have locked herself in her room and stayed there for days.

The Duchess had a lime green coat and matching colored eyes, and a slightly darker green mane which had been curled. Her dress was a medium blue, with crossed fabric in the front and an aquamarine brooch attached. Her shoes matched the color of her dress.

Apple Blossom's hair was also longer than that of her counterpart, but not by much. Her hair had been flattened as well, but shows no curls. Upon her head was a small ruby tiara, which had a matching necklace. Her dress was ruby red and satiny looking, with many waves about the skirt. Her shoes were still the same red as her dress and the rubies.

"Viscount Earth Runner and his wife, Viscountess Harmony Gem, as well as their daughter, Silver Bell." Sweetie's parents bowed, Harmony Gem forcing Sweetie's head down too.

"A pleasure," Countess Raincloud spoke in a harsh accent. "How kind of you to invite us to your home." She looked around distastefully. "It could definitely use a bit of work."

Harmony Gem gritted her teeth. "Please, Aquilia, not today. Today is a day to get our daughters acquainted and discuss the deal of property, not to judge the homes of others."

"Very well," The Countess replied, her ear flicking in annoyance. "Well then, let's get on with it. You three young ones go play in Silver Hill's room, or something."

"Silver Belle," Earth Runner said through clenched teeth. "If you can't remember that name, perhaps you can remember Sweetie Belle? It is her nickname, one she is quite fond of."

"Sweetie Belle?" The Countess scoffed. "What a childish name." She tossed her head. "Fillies will grow into mares, Sir Runner, and what is she going to do with a nickname such as that? In my household, we have forbidden the usage of any names other than our own. You could really learn something from us, you know..."

Sweetie squeaked and exited the foyer, the other two fillies reluctantly in tow.

Sweetie headed up the stairs, not really sure where she was going. She wandered around for ten minutes before Apple Blossom and Sunrise got mildly annoyed.

"Hey, where's your room?" Sunrise asked, her voice smoother and more lady-like that Scootaloo's. "I'm getting tired of walking."

"W-we'll get there soon," Sweetie said, opening a door to one of the bathrooms and closing it again.

"Are you sure?" Apple Blossom asked, her voice completely devoid of any accent. "I mean, it's seems like you don't know where you're going..."

"I've got this," Sweetie said firmly, opening a door to a room with lush pink carpeting and a princess-like canopy bed. Found it! she cheered mentally, pushing the door open all the way and allowing the others in before her.

Apple Blossom went to prod at the cushions on the window seat, while Sunrise plopped down on the bed and bounced a few times.

"My bed is more cushy," Sunrise said, sliding off and dragging the bedspread with her partway.

"The cushions on my window seat are made from velvet and stuffed with goose feathers," Apple Blossom said, holding up one of the pillows and looking at Sweetie Belle disappointingly. "This is made from rough cotton and manufactured stuffing, isn't it?"

"Uh..." Sweetie shrugged. "I guess?"

"You mean," Apple Blossom set down the pillow with a horrified look on her face. "you don't know what the stuff in your room is made from?"

"That is SO disgusting!" Sunrise said, sneering. "I never let Mother order something for me without looking at what it's made from. I mean, what if something in here is poisoned?" Sunrise and Apple Blossom looked at each other and shuddered.

"What if it's the carpet that's poisoned?" Apple Blossom suggested. The two screamed and rushed out of the room.

"We're going to go get food in the kitchen!" Sunrise called from the hallway. The two scampered off, whispering and snickering.

Sweetie Belle sank to the floor and groaned. "Those weren't the Scootaloo and Apple Bloom that I knew." She sighed. "I think I've had about enough of this world." She looked around the room. "But...how do I get back?" She stood and walked over to to a large, beautiful mirror hanging on the wall. She didn't like what she saw in her reflection—sure, she was pretty, but it just wasn't...her. Even when she had dressed up for Cadance's wedding she wasn't this fancy.

Suddenly, the mirror's surface started shimmering and wavering. Sweetie Belle took a step back out of shock, then made her way closer slowly. She lifted her hoof to tap it, but found that it went straight through, as if the glass was a liquid. Mustering up courage, she stepped all the way through, a slight tingling feeling wrapping around her as she went all the way through.

Sweetie Belle stepped back into the Circle of Mirrors, her fancy clothing and new hairstyle gone.

"Sssssssssso?" the voice asked her. "What did you think?"

Sweetie Belle rubbed the side of her leg. "It, um...wasn't really my thing."

"Oh, that'ssssss a sssssssssshame. Well, go ahead and try another. I guarantee you'll like it."

"No, that's okay," Sweetie said. "I'd...actually like to go home now."

"Oh, i ssssssssee. Well, alright then." Two of the mirrors to Sweetie's left parted, revealing a dark and narrow hall. "Go down that hall, and you will be returned to your original world."

"Really?" Sweetie grinned up at the roof of the rock cave. "Thanks, Mysterious Voice!"

"No problem..."

Sweetie walked down the long corridor, the exit getting brighter and brighter until it was blinding.

She sat up in her bed, the moon glowing outside her window.

"Hunh," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "I guess I slept for a long time." She slid out of her normal, not-overly-fancy canopy bed and looked in her mirror at the normal her. "Good," she said, smiling. "I actually kind of missed it here, even thought Diamond Tiara lives in this world."

Trotting downstairs and into the kitchen, she noticed Rarity collapsed in the middle of the floor.

"RARITY?!" She screamed, rushing over. Immediately getting a hold of herself, she shook her head furiously. "She probably just exhausted herself from working too hard on dresses." Sweetie nodded. "Yeah, that's gotta be it." She lightly grabbed Rarity's shoulder and began slightly shaking her. "Rarity, you won't believe the crazy thing that happened to me in my dream! You would have loved the dresses some of the ponies were wearing!" Sweetie's shaking stopped to a halt when she realized her sister wasn't waking up. In fact, now that she was paying attention, Rarity's shoulder seemed...colder than normal.

"Rarity?" Sweetie asked, shaking her sister again. "...Rarity?"