The Encounter

by Winter_Solstice

Captain H'iix

Captain H’iix went through the pre-launch procedures as the massive shuttle bay doors began to open. His commlink clicked on.

“Is there any way I can still talk you out of this, Sir?”

H’iix smiled. “No, Lieutenant. It has to be done. If it will settle your mind any know that I have no intention of going in unarmed. I have a small weapon secured on my person. It should be undetectable, but I'll only use it as a last resort. I’m not looking for a fight.” The link was still open, so he heard her give a resigned sigh.

“May the Seven keep watch over you, Sir.”

“And They over you as well. Captain out.”

The shuttle lifted smoothly off, and he angled it to quickly enter the planet’s atmosphere. His map showed the location of Saacs' shuttle, still transmitting his lifesigns, so H’iix set that as his destination. He briefly considered cloaking his vessel, but no, he needed to be as conspicuous as possible, without a hint of guile, if this mission was to succeed.

As he located the other shuttle and prepared to land, he suddenly lost control of his vessel. Some kind of force was holding the ship in place. Try as he might, nothing he did could make a dent in what he assumed to be a form of tractor beam. Then there was a flash behind him, and he spun around to see a dark, horse-like being standing there. The shock of seeing his ship suddenly boarded caused him to instantly reach for the controls to the ship’s internal defense system, but then the creature’s horn flashed, and he himself was seized with immobility. Then it spoke.

“Our Sister holds this vessel in her field, alien. We will destroy it and you if you give Us reason.” It took a step forward. “Why are you here?”

H’iix swallowed and took a moment to think before answering. In all his years of being a ship’s captain, he had never been subjected to the raw power he felt now, and inwardly he cursed Saacs for his foolishness that put him in this position. He cleared his throat.

“My name is Captain H’iix of the Hkari battle cruiser Diligence. I mean you no harm. I have come for my crew and those Antashi in your custody.”

The creature’s eyes flashed at the mention of the Antashi. “Their fate will be decided by Us. We are Princess Luna of Equestria, the land you have invaded. Your soldiers have killed several of our ponies, and as their Commander, you will answer for their actions. In addition, the Antashi are responsible for the deaths of many of our subjects when they released alien creatures onto our world."

H’iix seized upon the opportunity. “I can assist you in locating and capturing all those creatures, Your Highness. I know we have not given you reason to trust us, but please allow me to help in whatever way I can.”

Luna stared at him, considering. After a moment she released him from her field. “We need all those beings off our world, Captain H’iix. We will inform our Sister of your offer.” There was a flash, and she was gone.

The vessel hung motionless for a time, then H’iix felt his shuttle resume movement as it returned to his control. So far, so good. He gently landed, dropped power to standby, and opened his doors. He slowly exited with his empty hands in full view.

For a moment he was struck speechless. He’d seen images of these inhabitants before, but the reality far outstripped those representations. All around him, on the ground and hovering in the air, were dozens of the creatures, all staring at him with murderous intent on their faces. One also was a creature unlike the others, some sort of hybrid that stared at him and flexed its talons. But his attention was most drawn to the two imperial beings that gazed upon him. The one called Luna was dwarfed in height and the radiating power of the one beside her. She stared at him without speaking. H’iix swallowed, then dropped to one knee. This was the unknown force that could move stellar objects, of that he was certain.

“Your Majesty. I am Captain H’iix of the Hkari. I have come to offer my help to you.”

The One stared at him for a few more moments, then she took a step forward.

“Rise and come with me.”

H’iix quickly got to his feet and fell in step, as the crowd of creatures parted. In front of him loomed the Antashi vessel, with its main cargo bay door standing open. They were heading off to one side of the vessel, and he could already see their destination. Before him were lain the bodies of several beings, each covered with a blanket. The One stopped and nodded to her subjects, and they came forward and lifted the blankets off the bodies. H’iix felt the blood leave his face as he stared, and recognized Hkari weapon patterns. The One turned to him. He tore his glance away from the bodies, and saw sadness mixed with anger on her face.

“Here you see the “help” we have already been given, Captain.” She watched him closely. H’iix knew he was walking a very fine line. One more error could not only cost him his life, but the lives of the Diligence as well.

“On behalf of my crew, I deeply apologize for this mistake, for mistake it was. I gave no such orders for my people to attack yours.” He looked back down at the fallen ones. “I know that is little comfort now, and I can see you care for your own as much as I do mine.” He squared his shoulders and looked her in the eyes again. “If one must be punished, then I ask you to punish me. I take full responsibility for the actions of my crew.”

A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. “Well said, Captain. Tell me, how do you intend to rid us of those creatures released from that ship?”

H’iix almost let a sigh of relief escape him, but he was too disciplined for such raw emotion. Instead he answered, “I will need access to the Antashi computer to accurately identify and locate each and every creature. Your planet’s magnetic field interferes with my ship’s sensors, or else we could accomplish this from orbit. Will you allow me to do so?”

She silently regarded him, then spoke: “You may.”

H’iix hesitated once more. “I…do have a request of my own, Your Highness. My crew…may I see them?”

A shadow passed over her face, and for a moment he feared he’d angered her. But then she addressed one of her own.

“Captain Nightfang. I require your assistance.”

Another creature stepped forward from the crowd.

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Take him to see what remains of his crew.” She turned to face H’iix again. “Do not linger long, Hkari. Every moment those beasts are free is another moment my ponies are in danger.” H’iix nodded.

The other creature made no effort to hide the contempt from his expression as he spoke to H’iix. “Follow me,” he snapped. He led him some distance away to the edge of the trees. There, propped up against one with a makeshift bandage and sling over his arm, was Saacs. All his armor had been removed except for his translation device, and he was clad only in his black bodysuit. His eyes were closed, and his face was wracked with pain. H’iix and his escort stopped in front of him.


Saacs slowly opened his eyes and looked up. When he saw his Captain his face brightened and he started to rise, but H’iix waved him back down.

“It’s good to see you, Sir!”

H’iix scowled. “Is it, Saacs? I thought you understood my orders.” It wasn’t a question.


“You not only disobeyed me, but in so doing you caused the deaths of my crew and these creatures! Any chance we had to make a peaceful resolution is all but shattered, Saacs!” For a moment H’iix’ discipline slipped, but he regained it.

Saacs stared at the ground. “Sir, I’m sorry for all that. I…I thought we could take the Antashi from these beasts…”

Captain Nightfang sharpened his gaze at this last. “I told you once before about that word, alien.”

Saacs sent a burning stare at Nightfang, who met his eyes with the same intensity.

“Enough,” said H’iix. Saacs tore his eyes away from Nightfang and faced his Captain. H'iix added, “You’ve done enough. If they will allow me, you are to return to the Diligence. There you will be placed in confinement. Where are Jaaco and the rest?”

Saacs turned accusing eyes on the pony and said, “They butchered them all, Sir. The bodies are over there.” He pointed to an area some distance away.

“Where are the Antashi?”

“I don’t know, Sir. For all I know they’re dead as well.”

Captain Nightfang ground his teeth as he said, “We do not kill without provocation, Hkari. They are safe.” Saacs’ face showed he was about to make a retort, but he then looked up at his Captain again and held his tongue.

“Get on your feet,” said H’iix. Saacs struggled up as he impassively watched him.

“Follow me.”

H’iix turned and walked off in the direction of Celestia as Saacs painfully matched his steps. Celestia and Luna watched him approach. H’iix stopped in front of them, then spoke over his shoulder to Saacs.


“But, Sir—”


Saacs did as he was told, but did not keep the emotion from his face. H’iix addressed Celestia.

“Your Highness, you may do with him as you like—” he heard Saacs gasp behind him. “But I ask that he be returned to my ship. I will stay in his place, and accept whatever punishment you deem fit on his behalf.”

“Captain, you can’t just give in to these—”


He turned back to Celestia. “What say you?”

Celestia nodded. “Get him off our planet. Take the bodies of your crew as well. You will indeed remain.” She shifted her gaze. “Captain Nightfang.”

“Your Highness?”

“Retrieve the bodies and load them onto this creature’s ship.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” He turned and directed his soldiers to carry out the order. H’iix addressed Celestia.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

He turned to Saacs and stared him in the eyes. “Return to the ship and inform Lieutenant Chapel of my situation, then surrender yourself to the brig.” He looked down. “Get that arm seen to, but take no further actions.” He stepped closer. “The shuttle’s controls will allow you operate her engines. Its weapons respond to my authorization codes only, so do not attempt to override them. Do I make myself clear?”

Saacs scowled at the implication, but nodded. “Yes, Captain. Very clear.”

“Good. Now get out of my sight.”


I saw a bench and walked over to it. As I sat heavily down the ponies were clustered all around me. One had produced a cloth from somewhere and wrapped it tightly around my arm to stop the bleeding, smiling at me the entire time. Pinkie came and sat beside me, so I lay my uninjured arm over her back and leaned on her as it hurt to breathe. That thing must have bruised a few ribs when it had wrapped me in its coils.

I looked up. Rainbow Dash and the bat pony had arrived, and I could see the other ponies speaking to them as they pointed at the monster and then to me. The bat pony turned and gave me an incredulous look, then nodded at me. I nodded back. I guess we weren’t exactly friends, but it appears we were no longer enemies.

Now that blonde pegasus I’d seen earlier came up to me. She was crying and speaking to me as she held her foal. I now noticed her eyes weren’t totally in sync and I wondered at that, but I was glad as she thanked me over and over. The little unicorn she was holding squirmed until her mother released her, then she came up to me, climbed up on my lap and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and helped her back down as she returned to her mother.

The crowd was getting larger as more and more ponies came out of their homes. I could see the ones who had already been here speaking to the new arrivals, and there was a lot of pointing in my direction. I started to feel a little awkward at all the attention, for I hadn’t been the only one to save that filly. Hell, that filly really saved herself when she fought back, for I doubt we could have gotten to her before that thing had killed her. I turned to Pinkie.

“Can I go, Peen-Kee?” I held up my arm, then felt my ribs. “I see doc-tor?”

“Of course, Char-Elles! Let’s go now.”

I’m not ashamed to say I needed her help to get back up. My arms felt like lead, and the pain was really starting to make itself known in my chest. Another pony, a stranger, ran up and helped me on my other side as I got to my feet. Rainbow approached me and smiled.

“Sounds like you were awesome, Char-Elles!”

I had no idea what the word meant, but I took it for a compliment and thanked her. As we slowly made our way back to the hospital, the crowd followed us, still whispering and pointing. I felt my cheeks burning. I’d never been the center of attention before, not like this, but I certainly understood their intentions.

When we arrived at the hospital the bat pony spoke to the other guard. She looked at me and smiled as we approached. Then, to my surprise, she beckoned me forward then saluted. I didn’t know what to say, so I just smiled and nodded as I walked past. But before I could fully enter the place, Pinkie stopped me and pointed back to the crowd. I turned and looked. They all seemed to be expecting something from me as I saw all their faces, so I slowly raised one hand, smiled and waved. They all erupted into cheers again. Even though I still felt self-conscious, I had to admit the attention was wonderful.

The blonde Pegasus had carried her foal inside with us, and I watched as she spoke to a nurse. Rainbow and Pinkie walked up to Twilight, who was still sitting with Spike. I took a seat and looked around for the zebra, but she was gone. I could see Pinkie becoming quite animated as she spoke to Twilight, and pointed back to me a few times. Twilight’s eyes got wider and wider as Pinkie continued. Even Spike had turned and was listening.

A nurse came over and was examining me while all this was going on. She grimaced as she slowly unwrapped the cloth over my arm, but she spoke softly to me the entire time. I couldn’t understand every word, but her voice was soothing, so I started to close my eyes. That’s when she nudged me, and repeated what must have been a question. She’d turned and faced away, then looked back at me over her shoulder. I then understood she wanted me to follow her, so I slowly got to my feet. I held my ribs as I walked, for every step sent a dull throb of pain through them. I hoped we didn’t have to walk too far.


“…and then he wrapped one of his forelegs around the monster and defeated it! He was amazing!” cried Pinkie. Twilight just shook her head.

“I had no idea he’d put himself in danger like that. Are you sure you’re alright, Pinkie?”

Pinkie enthusiastically nodded her head. “I got knocked down, but I didn’t get hurt, thanks to Char-Elles!”

Twilight scowled. “I’m glad he was there and fought that thing, but this tells me Ponyville is in immediate danger. If one of those things could make it inside the town as far as it did, there may be others.” She looked over at Applejack, who was sitting with Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. “I can’t ask Applejack to do anything right now, and I need somepony to patrol the area until I get back with either Celestia or Luna. Rainbow, fly over the town and watch for anything suspicious. Pinkie, please stay here and keep an eye on Spike for me.”

“Will do, Twilight!” they both said at once.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can. Stay safe you two.” She ported out.

She reappeared in the air close to the aliens’ ship. She looked down, and could see Celestia and Luna watching yet another alien. How many of these things are there?

As she landed, she caught it telling one of its own, “…now get out of my sight!” She had time to be surprised she could understand it before Celestia turned and greeted her.

“What’s going on, Celestia?”

Twilight could see the other one had one of its forelegs in a sling as it scowled and walked off, and then entered a smaller vehicle, as it was followed by several bat ponies bearing what appeared to be...bodies? The remaining alien turned and faced them. Twilight could see it was similar to Char-Elles in basic structure, except for the eyes and ears, which were both slanted and pointed. Its skin color was darker than his, and it was encased in armor from its neck to its hooves. She could see it was bare of fur except for the same amount on its head as had Char-Elles. The scientist in her wondered if their species were related, when its eyes widened as it saw her. Then it bowed and spoke.


“Twilight, allow me to introduce Captain H’iix of the Hkari. He has offered to help us track down all those creatures the Antashi released,” said Celestia.

“The ‘Antashi’…those other two aliens?”


Twilight stared at him without speaking. Finally, she said, “How can we trust you?”

H’iix closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I do not suppose you can, given the present circumstances. I only ask that you believe me when I say I’m here to atone for the wrongs done to your people by mine. I will do what I can.”

Twilight hesitated, then said, “The only alien I trust almost died saving a filly from one of those creatures.” She turned to Celestia. “It got into Ponyville and would have killed her, if Char-Elles hadn’t been there. We need patrols extended in and around the town.”

H’iix spoke up again. “Your Highness, one of my shuttles is still here on your planet. Once I get the information from the Antashi vessel, the shuttle’s scanners can pinpoint each and every one much faster than you yourselves could hunt then down.”

Twilight looked around. “Speaking of those two, where are they?”

Luna pointed to an area where her guards were clustered. “They’re over there. I placed a sleep spell on them, but I still had my ponies restrain them.”

Belinda snorted and spoke up for the first time since arriving. “I imagine you have your guards around them to keep them safe from me, Princess.” She grimly smiled. “That’s probably for the best.” She took a step closer to H’iix and flexed her talons. “But I’m not picky. One alien is as good as another to me.”

H’iix met her gaze without flinching. “Once I access the Antashi computers, you will have your fill of targets, creature.”

“And your creatures killed several of these ponies, alien! I agree with Twilight: why should we trust you?”

Celestia spoke up. “Enough. I have decided to accept his help in tracking down all those beasts that threaten our land. Every moment arguing is another moment they are all still free to wreak havoc. I won’t allow that.” She turned to H’iix. “What do you require, Captain?”

“This will go faster if I can get the authorization codes from the Antashi for their computer. Otherwise I’ll have to break in.”

“So you will have to converse with them, then? That is a great risk, as they are both completely untrustworthy,” said Luna.

H’iix smiled. “Oh, I think I can put the fear of the Seven in them, Your Highnesses.”

“Very well, follow me,” said Luna. She led the way as the rest of the group followed. Soon they came to the spot where her bat ponies were on guard. They saluted and stood aside as Luna approached. Priel and R’el lay before them, still prostrate with their hands tied together behind their backs. When Luna began to light up her horn, H’iix held up a hand.

“I think it best if I wake them, Your Highness, to set the tone of this interrogation.” Luna stepped back and they all watched as the Hkari knelt and placed a hand on the back of their skulls. Then, without warning, he suddenly pressed down with his thumbs as both Antashi screamed and rolled away from the pain. They sat up and looked around. Seeing H’iix, the color drained from both their faces. Priel found his voice first.

Why did you do that?!”

H’iix impassively watched them both. “That’s only one of several nerve clusters you have, Antashi. Now that I have both of your attention, I need something from you. And I’d advise you cooperate.”

Priel and R’el scooted back away from him. “What…what do you want, Hkari?” asked R’el.

H’iix stood and stared down at them. “Give me the authorization codes for your computer, Antashi. Apparently you released many non-indigenous creatures onto this world. We need to find them all. Now.”

Priel and R’el looked at each other. “We’ you, Hkari. But…but you have to do something for us!” said Priel.

“You’re hardly in a position to bargain, criminals. Even before you violated this world, that is off limits mind you, you both are still wanted for several other transgressions of Stellar Authority laws.”

“Just hear me out: we’ll give you the codes if you take us with you off this planet!” He glanced in the ponies’ direction, but didn’t meet their eyes. “They’re going to put us on trial here if you don’t!”

“You represent the Stellar Authority!” added R’el. She stared at his uniform’s insignia and said, “…Captain! Don’t leave us to these creatures!”

H’iix shook his head and turned to Luna. “You were right, Your Highness. This was a waste of time.” He began to walk back to the Antashi vessel.

“Captain! Captain! Help us!” cried Priel.

H’iix gave no sign he’d heard them.


“Stop yelling! It’s not doing any good,” whispered R’el. “Besides. I think this is going to work out in our favor.”

Priel turned to her and whispered back, “How so?”

She jutted her chin in the direction of their ship. “The crowd control device in the main cargo bay. If that Hkari tries to use the computer without the codes, he may just trigger it.”

Priel looked back at the ship. “I’d almost forgotten about that. But will it affect Celestia and her sister? And that purple one?”

“We may soon see.”

Entering the ship, H’iix searched for a computer interface. Several creatures quietly watched the group from their cages, but either due to their previous ill treatment by the Antashi, or their fear of Celestia, they made no sound.

“What exactly are you looking for?” asked Twilight.

“Some sort of console that connects to this ship’s main computer. It shouldn’t be that hard to…ah, there it is!” He walked over to the unit and studied it for a moment.

“Can you operate it?” asked Luna. H’iix nodded.

“It’s a standard interface, there should be no problems.” The screen lit up as his fingers flew over the console. All was going well until there suddenly started an incessant beeping.

“What’s that?” asked Belinda. H’iix frowned.

“I’m…not sure…” Then the keyboard froze up. Above their heads, a strange device lowered itself. H’iix took one look and his eyes grew wide.

“Psionic defense! Everyone ou—” but it was too late. In a flash, the device triggered a pulse that knocked all to the ground. The pulse spread outside the ship and effected the guards as well. All but Priel and R’el.

They stared at each other, then looked around at the unconscious bodies.

“I can’t believe that worked,” said Priel.

Priel rolled over and struggled to his feet, not an easy task with his arms secured behind him. He stared around again while R’el copied him.

“I don’t understand why that pulse didn’t affect us,” said Priel.

“It wouldn’t be much of a control device if it affected the ones doing the controlling,” said R’el. “Here, help me with this lance.” She’d returned to her knees and was trying to pick up one of the guards’ weapons from behind herself. Priel knelt down and joined her.

“Hold it steady so I can use the sharp edge to cut through these restraints,” she added. After some moments of fumbling, she was free. She then turned and did the same for Priel. “Now let’s get into our spare battle suits and get out of here. And hurry, we don’t know how long they’ll all be out.”

They both cautiously made their way into the cargo bay and looked around. Celestia and her group lay there, including the Hkari captain. Priel and R’el smiled at each other, then continued on into the ship. After some minutes they found that which they sought: the armory. There, they quickly suited up and holstered their weapons after making sure they were fully charged.

“Now what?” asked Priel. “Celestia destroyed the bridge and with it any chance of flying this ship.”

R’el checked the settings on her weapon then turned to face him. “Our only hope to get off this planet is that Hkari’s shuttle. And we take him with us in case his crew decides to retaliate. Let’s go.”

Filled with new confidence, they both returned to the cargo bay. Priel hoisted H’iix up onto his back, then stared at Celestia. He drew his weapon.

R’el looked back at him and said, “What are you doing?!”

He slowly pointed his weapon at Celestia. “This may be our only chance to kill her.”

R’el hissed, “Fool! Don’t you remember what happened the last time we tried that?! It’s not worth the risk! Let’s get out of here!”

Priel looked at her, then back down at Celestia. Finally, he holstered his weapon and followed the impatient R’el. “Which way are we going?” he asked.

R’el used the sensors on her suit to sweep the area. A telltale dot made itself known on her scanner. She looked up and pointed. “That way.”

As they entered the forest, all was still. Celestia’s sun, now freed from her holding spell, swiftly descended. A moonless night now settled over Equestria.