//------------------------------// // The Next Generation // Story: The Tale of the Second Alpha // by Bergen //------------------------------// "What!? I have been asleep for over fifteen hundred years!" The Alpha roared, his booming voice, shaking the already partially destroyed city of Canterlot. "Delta, you need to understand their was no way that we could bring you back." Luna said doing to best to explain to her old friend, while at the same time scared to death. Her knowing fully just how dangerous an angry Alpha dragon can become. "Save me you're excuses Luna, now where are my dragons!?" The Alpha roared at Luna, making the blue alicorn take a step back in fright. Luna not believing the words that were coming out of the Alpha's mouth. "Um... I don't know if it is my place, but I am a dragon." Spike said to the towering dragon, walking toward. Him feeling looking even smaller than he already was next to the Alpha. "Spike, don't." Twilight said, standing protecting in front of the dragon that she treated like her little brother, if not her own son. An act that only fueled the Alpha's anger. "I'm not a baby anymore Twilight." Spike said, pushing past the purple unicorn. Leaving Twilight speechless. "Well, what is your name little one." The Alpha said, lowering his massive head to the purple dragon's eye level. "My name... my name is Spike." Spike said up to the giant dragon. "Hmm... Spike. Well Spike what do you know of the state of my dragons?" The Alpha asked the purple dragon, assuming that Spike would be the best qualified to answer his question. "Um... don't wish to disappoint, but I have actually lived with ponies my entire life." Spike began, looking back at the purple unicorn that had raised him as if he was her own son. "So I don't really think that I can really answer your question." Spike said up to the Alpha, the giant dragon's red scales seemly to lose a little bit of their color. "I see..." The Alpha said simply, as he stared into the distance, the light from the sun making his red scales shine. "Your highness'!" A unicorn said bursting into the room that the ten ponies, Princess' Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, the newly freed Shining Armor, and the rest of the Mane Six. Spike and the Alpha were having their discussion. "Yes, what is it." Celestia said turning her attention to the guard, who was doing his best to catch his breath. "Just... just give me a moment." The guard said as he regain his composure. "Ok, I'm good. I have a very important message from our mountain borders." The guard said, and the three alicorns all shared a look. Them all knowing that it was the mountains that separated Equestria and the Dragon Empire. "What about are mountain borders?" Celestia asked the guard, his words filled with concern. "Well there have been confirmed reports of... well.. that our borders are under attack." The guard said, getting a combined gasped from the ponies present. "What... is it a second wave of changelings!?" Celestia asked the guard. Who seemed to hide under his armor. The guard drifted his gaze up to the giant dragon standing over him. His massive body blocking out the sun rays. "Buck, and I thought Celestia was intimidating to talk to." The guard thought to himself, before he answered the white alicorn's question. "Not exactly your highness... well their are reports that the mountains are being invaded by..." The guard began, before becoming mute, as he reverted his gaze from the ponies staring at him, or more accurately the mountain sized dragon that was staring down at him. The Alpha patience of current pony customs about to break. "Yes... what is it." Celestia said, her warm words encouraging the guard to continue. "Dragons, your highness... there have been unconfirmed reports of our mountain borders being invaded by dragons. All eyes shot to the giant dragon that was standing above them, and the Alpha looked like he was about to explode in rage. "WHAT!?" The Alpha roared, his booming voice shaking the castle to its foundation. The Alpha's eyes flashed red, and his scales becoming a darker shade of red. As his massive wings. Gigantic wings that made Celestia's look like ones off of a hummingbird, opened to their full spread. "Delta, come down. This is the worst time for doing something drastic." Luna said, trying to use logic on her old friend. Something that the Alpha didn't need or even want to hear. "Don't patronize me Luna. I am the Alpha, and it is my job to look after my dragons! Now if you don't mind, stay out of my way! Or you'll end up just like my brother!" The Alpha roared at Luna, tears beginning to form in the blue alicorn's teal eyes. Her not believing that her old friend was acting so cruelly toward her. The Alpha then took off into the blue sky, the wind created by his wings making it feel like a hurricane had just hit the already partially destroyed city. "Come on, that's get this mess cleaned up." Luna said defeated, as she watched her once close takeoff into the skies to do who knows what to his subjects when he finds them. Over at the Changeling Hive, Chrysalis and Zulu had returned, them being the only two survivors of the failed invasion of Canterlot. "Well, that went simply fantastic." Chrysalis sarcastically as the Queen of the Changeling warped out of the shadows, thanks to Zulu's shadow travel. Zulu knew that it would be best not to respond to the Queen's words, as she was the last changeling you wanted to piss off. "Chrysalis! I need to speak with you!" Omega roared, making Chrysalis tense up. She had already dealt with one mountain sized dragon today, she really didn't want to deal with his less kind brother. Chrysalis hovered to the cavern that Omega was using as his own sanctuary, the gears in his giant head turning with the most evil plan for revenge. "Omega, how are you doing today." Chrysalis said trying to make light of the fact that she was just called like a owner's lap dog, by the most powerful creature outside of Equestria's borders. "Save me your pity words Chrysalis." Omega roared, his one dead eye seemly to bore through Chrysalis' skull. "Then what did you want to talk to me about Omega?" Chrysalis asked the giant dragon in front of her, fearing what his answer would be. "You have failed me Chrysalis." Omega said, his massive head raising from its laying position on the dirt ground. Chrysalis' olive-green eyes widened as the almost black scales of Omega began to glow a maroon hue. "What do you mean... I mean I know about Canterlot, but didn't want your brother to return?" Chrysalis laughed awkwardly, as she began to slowly trot backwards. "You are correct Chrysalis, but that is not what I am talking about." Omega said, as he let out a blast of his maroon fire, the flames blocking the exit to the cavern, trapping the changeling. "What do you want from me Omega!" Chrysalis yelled at the giant creature, doing her best to hide the fear that was running through body, like the maroon blaze that was raging behind. Her crooked horn glowing her green magic. "Do you really believe that tiny horn can harm me." Omega said, a devilish grin appearing on his face. "I can try." Chrysalis snapped back at the giant black dragon in front. She then fired her green magic at the snort of Omega. "Ha, Ha, Ha! Is that best you got, you are more pathetic than I had previously thought." Omega laughed, as the queen's magic is nothing but slightly warm up his scales and give him a slight tickle. "I defeated Princess Celestia single hoofly!" Chrysalis barked back, as the magic of her horn grew even brighter, only adding to Omega's. "Trust Chrysalis..." Omega began as he swung his massive claw around, hitting the queen in the side. Making her fly upward into the ceiling, and fall hitting the ground with a loud thud. "That is not saying much." Omega roared as he slammed his right claw on top of Chrysalis' body. While still giving her enough room to breathe, but keeping his claws in a position so that she couldn't escape from his grasp. "What do you want from me!" Chrysalis yelled at the giant dragon standing above her. "Your wings." Omega said simply as he lifted his massive claw off Chrysalis' body, as his chest glowed the same maroon hue has before. "What... wait no!" Chrysalis out as Omega let out a burst of his maroon fire. His fire engulfed the body of the changeling queen. Burning her bug-like in its place, leaving only her charred remains in its place. Omega's one red eye flashed green as he earned the ability that was once exclusive to only royal changelings. The ability to control lesser changelings using just their mind. Zulu was busy checking the nursery of the hive, seeing if there was any hatchies from the Shadow Hive. To his dismay there were none, he was truly the last one. There numbers were already small, even before the invasion of Canterlot. But he had never thought that he would be the last one. Zulu's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a sharp pain in his chest, almost as if his heart was getting rip out of his chest that very second. His wasn't the only changeling that was going through this experience. With all of the nurse changeling dropping their knees, grasping at their chests. All of the of them, including Zulu, groaning in pain, as the pain in their chests didn't seem be close to stopping. The blank eyes of the changelings glazed over as a voice that they hadn't heard before entered their minds. "I want everypony that can hear my voice in my cavern. Now!" Omega's voice boomed inside the changeling's minds. They all nodded dumbly and started heading toward the giant cavern that held their new King. Zulu simply warped his body into the shadows of the hive and shadow traveled into the room, and what he saw almost made him lose his last meal of love. In front of him was the charred remains of his former queen. His body forever frozen in an act of shielding herself from the unbearable heat of Omega's flame. Her face forever etched with the look of fear in her eyes. Zulu had to revert his eyes from the scene only for to fall on the one black eye of Omega, the shire blackness seemly to drive him closer. As if we was staring at one large black hole. The two creatures simply stared at each other, the massive dragon having a smirk that could make the worst creatures locked up in Tartarus hearts skip a beat, or two. Their terrify silence was broken with entrance of the rest of the mature changelings in the hive. They all snapped out of their trance, and recoiled at the sight of their charred queen's remains. "You... you monster!" One of the nurse changeling yelled at the massive dragon in front of them. Only getting a devilish chuckle out of the black dragon, his scales only becoming even darker, as his outsides began to express the true nature of his insides. "This coming from a creature that literally feeds off the love of others." Omega said, making the changeling turn silent. "That was want I thought." Omega said, as his one red eye flashed olive-green as he did his mind control on the group of changelings again. "Now bow beneath your true King." Omega roared, and all the changelings, including Zulu, dropped to their knees. Each of them clutching at their heads. "What is it that you want from us!" Zulu yelled, through gritted teeth, at the giant dragon in front of him. "Isn't it obvious. I want your queen's powers." Omega said, using his giant claw to slam the charred remains of Chrysalis. Her body becoming but a pile of dust. The dust from the former queen's remains was absorbed into Omega's black scales, and her biological control over the changeling unlocked a part in his biology that was once inaccessible. Omega let out a loud roar that shook the hive, as two sharp pains erupted in the middle of his back. His back was then engulfed by a green fire that spread in the shape of one pair of bug-like wings. The fire then died down leaving the giant bug-like wings in its place. Omega shift his massive head to the new pair of wings that was on his back, and opened and closed them a few times, before he returned his gaze back to the petrified changelings shaking in front of him. Omega's one red eye changed to the same olive-green color that Chrysalis had, slit and all, as he was going to have fun with this brand new power to control all the changelings just with his mind, but we wasn't stopping with just the likes of changelings. "Nurses, I want you to return to your stations and work even harder than you have before, I need a new army. One that stand up against the likes of the Dragon Empire. "Yes your majesty." All of the nurse changelings said robotically, them accepting the full command of their new King. "And you!" Omega roared at Zulu, making the changeling take a fearful step back. "Yes... your majesty. What is... it that you want... from me?" Zulu said to the giant newly winged dragon, fear and hesitation plaguing his words. "You are capable of shadow travel, correct?" Omega asked Zulu, taking him slightly off guard by the massive dragon's genuine question. "Um... yes. Me, along with other members of the Shadow Hive are capable of what is known as shadow travel." Zulu said to Omega, the twisted gears inside the massive dragon's skull beginning to turn. "Are there members of this so called, Shadow Hive, that you speak off?" Omega asked Zulu, the changeling's head dropping at his word. "Sadly, at least to my knowledge, I am the only remaining member of the Shadow Hive. My forces were all wiped out, along with all of the other soldier changelings, during the invasion of Canterlot." Zulu said, him to his best to determine if the dragon in front of him was pleased with his answer or not. It wasn't that easy as his one black eye made it almost impossible to read his expressions. "Hmm... that is most unfortunate." Omega said, as a evil plan came to his mind. "Yes that will do most nicely." Omega chuckled to himself, his plan for revenge beginning to shape. The Alpha flew over all over Equestria, as he passed very city he was either meet with sounds of awe, terror, or both. As he neared the mountains that marked the border between Equestria and the Dragon Empire, he could see the massive battle going on, and his rage began to build as he let out on loud roar. Announcing his presence to the battlefield. "Well, that was easier than expected." The pony commander said as he stood in front of an entire army of surrendered dragons. "Private, alert Canterlot that we have this invasion under control." The commander said to a light blue guard. "Yes sir." The private said saluting his commander. All eyes, pony and dragon alike, shifted to the clouded skies above as a massive roar shook the area. "Ugh, what is it this... time." The pony commander began to say, only silencing himself as the massive body of the Alpha appeared out of the clouds. Heading straight for the ground. The Alpha's massive body landed, his massive claws dug into the ground, kicking up mounds of dirt as he slid to a stop. The Alpha let out another roar, all of the dragons in the area bowing at the sound of their true King. "You've got to be bucking kidding me." A red pony guard missing most of his golden armor said as the Alpha approach the area, his massive body shaking the ground as he got closer. "State your business... oh giant one." The commander said up to the Alpha, doing his sound immediately to the giant dragon. "I am not here to fight." The Alpha said, making the ponies relax. "Then why are you here?" The pony commander asked the Alpha. "I am here to teach my dragons a lesson." Alpha said, his words making the dragons closest to him cringe at what the giant dragon might do to them. "Ok, all dragons in my captivity are transferred into your care... a what's your name?" The commander asked the giant dragon. "I am Delta, but more commonly referred to as the Alpha. Now go, I will deal with my dragons myself." Alpha said to the commander. Who, along with the rest of the pony guards, left the battlefield. Not wanting to get involved with what might turn bloody. "Dear Alpha, I am Steelclaw. The King of the Dragon Empire, and your representative during your absence." Steelclaw said to Alpha, bowing to the giant dragon in front of him. "I am not concerned with your title, from this day forth I am your one and only King!" Alpha roared, making Steelclaw take a step back. "Well this should get interesting.." Sigma mumbled to his brother. "Alpha did not mean to offend you in any matter." Steelclaw said to Alpha, trying to fix his bad first impression. Which only ended up digging him into a bigger hole. "Don't patronize me Steelclaw. I am the Alpha, and I WILL be treated as such." Alpha roared, his chest beginning to glow orange. Theta knew that if Steelclaw continued talking then a war between dragons would begin, and so he step forth and began to speak to the Alpha. "Um... sorry to interrupt, but I have few words to say." Theta said, catching every dragon, including the Alpha's attention. Alpha taking notice of Theta's white scales and strange lack of wings. "Theta, what are you doing?" Sigma called up to his brother. "Come down, I know what I'm doing." Theta said back to his brother. "I think." Theta mumbled to himself, under his breath. "What is your name little one." Alpha said taking interest in the white dragon's bravery. "It is Theta your majesty, and that is my brother, Sigma." Theta said to Alpha, also introducing his brother. Alpha became even more intrigued by the white dragon in front of him. "Were you born without any wings, or it you lose them early in your life?" Alpha asked Theta, sensing a similar power deep within him, as while as his brother, just waiting to be unlocked. "I was born without them, same with my brother." Theta said, looking at his bare, his words sounding defeated at something that he had always seen as a weakness. Rather than something that showed that him and his brother were the next generation of the Alpha species. "I know, what kind of dragon doesn't even have wings?" Theta mumbled more to himself, but still loud enough for Alpha to hear. Alpha let a small grin escape passed his lips as he answered the white dragon's unintentional question. "An Alpha, my little dragon." Alpha said, and the entire field became deathly quiet. "You, and your brother, shouldn't see your lack of wings as a weakness, but instead as a sign of your Alpha status just waiting to be unlocked." Alpha said to Theta, and the white dragon's emerald green eyes widened as he continued to speak. The every creature that he thought was nothing more than a myth the day before, not telling him that not just was he shouldn't feel bad for not having wings. But that his lack of wings was a sign that he was the next in line as the new Alpha of all the dragons. "Wait are you telling me that we are going to be the next Alpha?" Sigma said to Alpha, walking up to his brother's side. "You can say that." Alpha said to Sigma, leaving out how their can only be one Alpha. Something that had torn Alpha and his brother apart. "Does that mean that we are your new apprentices. Like how you were to the first Alpha?" Theta asked Alpha, barely able to contain his excitement. Making Alpha slightly chuckle to himself. "Yes young one, you and your brother will be my apprentices, and I will teach you in the ways of the Alpha. The same way that my Alpha did to me, all those years ago." Alpha said, as he remembered when he was the apprentice for the first Alpha. Before he became the second Alpha, and he was betrayed by his own brother. Alpha shook the memory out of his mind as he started to remember when he had to banish his own brother from Equestria. "Now, you two must come with me. I know two ponies that I believe would be very interested in meeting you." Alpha said to the two younger alpha dragons. The two dragons then climbed on the giant dragon's tail, and grabbed onto one of the many small spike (in comparison to his body) as the Alpha opened up his massive wings. "Alpha, where are we going?" Theta asked the giant dragon that he was currently cringing onto. "Canterlot, my dear Theta." Alpha said to Theta, as his massive body rocketed into the air, flying back to the partially destroyed city. Back at the Changeling Hive, Omega was having fun as he thought out his plan to get revenge on the very dragon that had banished him. "What will do most nicely." Zulu asked Omega, the lower half of his body beginning to warp into the shadows. Just in case he needed to get out of the cavern as quickly as possible. "Have you ever heard of the land known as the Crystal Empire?" Omega asked the changeling in front of him, almost being able to smell the fear coming off of Zulu. Something that he took great pride in being able to create. "No, I can say that have." Zulu answered Omega, not sure where he was going with this new tangent. "Hmm... I wouldn't have expected you to, it disappeared not long after my banishment." Omega said, his green eye reverting back to its original red. "What do you mean by disappeared?" Zulu asked Omega. "Long ago there was once a kingdom known as the Crystal Empire, ruled by the shadow pony known as Sombra." Omega began explaining the history of the Crystal Empire. "Well, he sounds pleasant." Zulu said sarcastically, getting a slight chuckle out of Omega. "Yes, Sombra was quite a ruler if I do say so myself. He was very good at making ponies to his work for him." Omega said, Zulu understanding the true meaning behind his words. "So, he used subjects as slaves?" Zulu asked Omega, already knowing the answer. "You could call them slaves, but I prefer to call them workers that don't get paid." Omega said, a crooked grin escaping passed his lips. "But, what does this have to do with me?" Zulu asked. "I want you to go to where the Crystal Empire used to be, and report back to me whatever you find." Omega said to Zulu, being intentionally vague. "Ok, what do I if see anything... strange." Zulu asked Omega, before he warped into the shadows. "You return to me as quickly as possible." Omega said to Zulu. Zulu then warped into the shadows of the large cavern. "Just wait Delta, soon I will get my revenge." Omega said to himself, as he closed his massive eyes drifting off into the same dream that been having for the last fifteen hundred years. Determined to make sure that it would never come to pass. "Are we there yet?" Theta asked the Alpha, his words filled with fear. As he clinged onto one of the giant dragon's spike on his back, doing his best not to look down. "Come on Theta, stop being such a hatchling." Sigma said to his petrified brother, harmlessly making fun of his fear. Only to get a death glare from the white dragon. "Hey, the fear of heights is a serious mental condition." Theta said to his brother, only making Alpha roll his eyes at the two brother's pricking at each other. A scene that reminded him a little too much of when he did the same thing with his brother when he was their age. "Don't worry little one, Canterlot is only a few minutes from where we currently are." Alpha said, looking over his shoulder to the white dragon that was clinging onto his back for dear life. The two younger alpha dragon gasped in both and slight horror as they lead eyes on the partially destroyed city. "What in all of Tartarus happened here?" Theta said, definitely not remembering the city looking the way it did the last time he visited Canterlot. "Changelings." Alpha said simply as he landed on the outskirts of the city, all eyes in Canterlot shifting over to the giant dragon that had slept underneath the city for longer than it had even existed. "He's back." Celestia said, stating the rather obvious. As the three alicorns were using their magic to repair the damage done by the invasion of changeling and by the Alpha's return. "Yeah, but who's is with him?" Luna said, noticing the two smaller dragons on the Alpha's back. "I don't know aunties, but there is only one way to find out. Go on I can take it from here." Cadence said, as the two older alicorns flew over to the giant dragon. "Delta what are you doing back?" Luna asked Alpha. "I wanted the both of you to meet some new friends of mine." Alpha said to the two alicorn princesses. "Oh really, and who would those be?" Luna asked her old friend. "Celestia, Luna, this is Theta, and this is Sigma." Alpha said to the two alicorns, introducing them to his two new apprentices. "It is a pleasure to meet the both of you." Celestia said to the two younger dragons. "As am I." Luna added. "Um... same goes to you, your highnesses." Theta mumbled out, the over hundred foot height of the Alpha not helping his crippling fear of heights anymore than actually flying. The two alicorns chuckled at the obvious fear coming off the white dragon. "Charmed." Sigma said, letting a small smirk slip passed his lips as his brother continued to cling onto one of the Alpha spikes. Luna noticed the two dragons lack of wings and the fact that they looked like a younger version of the Alpha. "Delta, are these two dragons..." Luna began to asked Alpha, only for him to cut her off. Knowing exactly what she was asking. "Yes Luna, Theta and Sigma are in fact alphas, and my two new apprentices." Alpha said, making the two alicorn's eyes widen. Before Luna could respond Theta opened his mouth to speak. "Sorry to interrupt, but do you think that it would be easier for most of us, practically me, if we to do this on ground level." Theta said, and all the ponies and dragons present broke out into laughter. "No, I'm serious." Theta said, not taking the others laughter kindly. Alpha allowed his two new apprentices to climb off of his body, as he laid down on the concrete road on the outskirts of the city. The two alicorns followed the Alpha's example and flew down to the ground. "Now we can be properly introduced to each other." Celestia said to the Theta and Sigma respectively. "How long have you known that you were alphas?" Luna said, skipping right past introductions, and straight to personal questions. "Um... to be honest. Yesterday, I didn't even believe that the Alpha was even real. I just thought he was just a legend that older dragons told hatchlings." Theta said to the two alicorns, who shared a look. "What about you... Sigma." Luna asked the gray dragon. "Well... to answer you question, neither Theta nor myself knew we were alphas until he told us." Sigma said, not a used to talking to royalty as much as his brother. Before Luna could ask the Theta and Sigma another question they were interrupted by the words of grayish-yellow unicorn. "Wow, you are even more magnificent than I could've even imagined." Moon Dancer said taking awe in the giant dragon standing in front of her. "Wait who are you?" Sigma said to the Moon Dancer. "Oh, apologizes, I am Moon Dancer. Hi, Theta great to see you again." Moon Dancer, being friendlier than she had been in a long time. All eyes shifted over to that of Theta, curious as to how she knew his name. "We met during the migration." Theta said shrugging. "I remember you." Alpha said to Moon Dancer, taking everyone by surprise, Moon Dancer especially. "You do... well my data does suggest that you still had the ability to hear. So you might have pick my name one of the many times that studied you." Moon Dancer said, intriguing the three dragons even more. "What do you mean by 'studying' the Alpha?" Sigma asked Moon Dancer. "You know taking claws, scale, and tooth samples. You know general scientific behavior." Moon Dancer said to the gray dragon, only making Sigma's face dropped into a frown. "I think he means, why were studying the alpha?" Theta asked Moon Dancer, taking a small delight in his brother's discomfort. "Oh. Well... there were no signs that he would awaken anytime soon. So Princess Celestia asked me to take samples of him, so that we would be able to learn more about him, and the entire dragon species in a whole." Moon Dancer said, answering both Theta and Sigma's question. "Speaking of which, why are you two here. I haven't read in any of my books, or more technically a book, that the Alpha required any escorts." Moon Dancer said. The thing to escorts that she had found were the two apprentices that the first Alpha, one of which was standing laying right in front of her. "These two dragons that you are speaking of are my two newest apprentices." Alpha said to Moon Dancer, leaving the unicorn speechless. "Wait... you two... alphas." Moon Dancer manage to fumble out, before she fainted. Falling backward on her back, her staring blankly up into the sky. "Um... is she ok?" Theta asked. Over in the frozen tundra of the far north. A certain changeling was trudging through the almost knee height snow, looking for something. He didn't really know. Zulu had shadow traveled there as from Omega instructions. The icy wind making his bug-like body shiver. "A... buck it's cold! Whatever this is for, it better be worth it. Because I don't want to be out here in this cold any longer than I have to." Zulu said to himself as his continued to trudge through the snow. The white powder going all the way up to his knees as he continued through the near white out conditions. Zulu didn't have to travel very far, as the ground beneath him began to shake. "Oh come on, can my day get any worse." Zulu said to himself, as giant castle made entirely out of crystal began to rise out of the snowy ground. The snow around him began to melt as the entire Crystal Empire continued to return from its over one thousand year absence. The large city being a large safe haven from the blizzardy conditions that surrounded it. Zulu stared in awe at the newly returned city of crystal. "Wow! Now, I see why Omega wants this place." Zulu said to himself as he approach the giant tower of crystal that was in the direct center of the large city. "Crystals." An almost zombie-like voice said behind Zulu, making the changeling jump in fright. "Who's there?" Zulu said into the white out conditions behind him. "I have returned." The same voice said behind Zulu. Who began to retreat backwards, his crooked horn glowing emerald green as he held his double-bladed in its aura. "Show yourself, whoever you are!" Zulu called into the snow storm, trying best to sound as intimidating as possible. "As you wish." The voice said, as a giant cloud of black smoke began to form in front of Zulu. "Oh Buck..." Zulu began to say, as the smoke began to shaped into the form of a black pony the size of a two story building. It's green eyes having purple waves of dark magic coming out of the sides. "I have returned." The giant pony made out of pure shadow said, Zulu now knowing what he was dealing with. "Sombra."