//------------------------------// // 139 // Story: My Little Fortress: Dawnpick // by Paaaad //------------------------------// Friesden comes out of the craftspony workshop, tears in her eyes, and a bone grate in her mouth. Flux wanders by, noticing Friesden seems to have finished her odd project. Friesden sets the grate down, and slumps to the floor, crying. He tilts his head, walking towards the little striped filly. "D-, er... Friesden? are you alright?" "I...I...I...I don't like making things out of dead things!" Friesden says with sorrow in her voice. "Um... it's alright, D-Friesden. What did you, uh... make?" "T-t-t-t-this thing!" Friesden holds out the grate, still crying. Flux kneels by the little filly, trying to comfort her. "Um... it's alright. Those moods... they make ponies make strange things. Even things you never really cared for, or might not want to have created." "B-b-b-b-but look!" Friesden points to where a cutie mark would be, and there is a new cutie mark there. Two crossed ivory tusks. Flux gives little Friesden a gentle hug. "You don't want your talent to be... making things like this, do you?" "N-n-n-n-no..." whispers Friesden. Flux whispers to the filly: "Want to know a secret about cutie marks?" As she nodded, slightly, he continued on. "They're rarely what they seem." "W-w-w-what do you mean?" Friesden asked, the tears starting to stop. "Mine, for instance." Flux gestures to the crucible on his flanks. "It's a crucible, so you'd think my talent is smelting, right?" "Isn't it?" asked Friesden. Flux chuckles and shakes his head. "Nope. I've been smelting for a long time, but I don't hold a candle to Cinders, the other smelter. I'm... actually not sure what my talent is... but I know it's not smelting." "But...but...then...But what could this mean?" Friesden continued to ask, a slight hint of hope in her voice. "Um... I don't know," admitted Flux. "But if you don't like carving, it's probably not your talent." "Oh...Okay...But...But...But what will Dad think?" continued Friesden's questioning. "Fauchard? He'll probably be thrilled that you got your mark, Friesden. Just tell him what I told you about marks if he wants you to take up bonecarving." "Oh...Okay, mister Flux...D-d-d-do you want this?" Friesden says as she points to the grate. "Um... no thanks? I uh... don't really need a grate for anything. Thanks for the offer, though, Friesden." He smiles at her, genuinely happy she offered it, but also genuinely having no use for it. "Oh...Um...Okay then. Well...Thank you anyway, mister Flux," she says before picking up the grate again. He tussles her mane, smiling. "Any time, Friesden. Take care!" Friesden walked off, a fair bit happier now.