Maid to Please 2: Loopholes

by videomaster21XX

Soft Cannon Bonus: The Fate of Lemonfresh


        It was cold in Leomonfresh’s cell. It wasn’t damp at least, but she hardly cared. It was a cell. A prison located in the deepest depths of Canterlot castle. It was a place they sent ponies they wanted to forget about. No visitors allowed, not that she knew anypony who would.

She didn't even get a guard to bring her food. Instead it merely appeared each time on a stone table in the corner. A one way teleportation spell. She had actually tried to see if she’d swap places with the food when it appeared, by standing on the thing,  instead the bread and cheese merely popped up on her back and rolled to the floor.

        She ate it anyway.

        Not that any of this really mattered. Even if she did get out, where was she to go? Everything had been taken from her. All thanks to that infuriating twit of a stallion. If it wasn’t for him, she’d still be a prince! She’d still have a princess for a wife! Foals on the way! Endless opportunities for power laid before her!

        Now she had a bed, toilet, and a stone slab that served as a table. She almost prefered being a maid to this. At least then she was allowed to roam.

        “It’s not fair.” She said out loud. She doubted anypony was listening, but anything was better than the thick silence that hung over this place. She wondered when the last time anypony besides herself had been locked down here?

        Though they did let her out each morning for exercise, she saw no one, spending most of the day in isolation. Oh she knew what the game was. She’d heard of these rooms. Celestia’s little ‘silent reflection’ cells. Designed to leave her with nothing but her thoughts. She supposed she should feel honored. Only the most dangerous of criminals were ever brought here.

        “It’s not going to work you know!” She shouted in the direction of the stairs. She knew no pony could hear her, but she was feeling particularly annoyed today. “It should be you all who are locked in here! I had power! I had a destiny that wasn’t cleaning up your disgusting filth! How can you condemn me for wanting that!?”

        “Hmm, and I suppose using the former prince as a fuck toy was just the icing on the cake?”

        Lemonfresh blinked. She’d yelled at the stairs before, but they never answered. Was she finally going crazy from being locked down here?

        “Who’s there?” She asked loudly. She had contemplated adding ‘what the fuck do you want’ but if there really was something talking to her, she didn’t want to cause it to leave. Anything was better than wallowing here in silence.

        “Oh just a curious passerby.” The voice replied. Though playful, it had a gruffness to it, making Lemonfresh believe it was male in nature.

        “Curious about me? How come?” The voice laughed.

        “Why my dear little Lemonfresh, who wouldn’t be? A mere maid who becomes the prince of an entire empire! It’s quite the entertaining story, wouldn’t you say?”

        “Yeah, well it has a really shitty ending if you couldn’t tell.” She shot back. Was this one of their tricks? To have a disembodied voice try to make her repent for her sins? BAH! The only sin she had committed was not sending that blunderhead of a unicorn to the execution grounds when he arrived.

        “Oh yes, you do seem to be in quite the pickle.” She heard a snap from the darkness as several dozen pickles appeared in the air above her. Naturally they quickly piled atop her.

        “What the fuck!?” She screamed, digging her way out. By the time she was done, she was drenched in their juices and feeling particularly pissed. How had they done this? Why had they done this!?

        “Alright asshole, what the fuck do you want with me huh?” She screamed, looking all around for even the slightest bit of movement. The voice merely chuckled at her.

        “Now now, no need to feel sour. Get it? Oh I kill myself!” Lemonfresh spat.

        “Yeah real fucking funny. How about you show yourself bastard? Let me show you my appreciation!”

        “Well, if you so insist…” The voice said as the shadows seemed to twist into a shape. As Lemonfresh watched, they continued to collect in the air before slowly gaining mass and color, a twisted creature being born.

        It had the body of a long snake, and the head of a goat. Each arm was a different type of claw, one an eagle, the other a lion’s. Everywhere she looked, she saw a mismatch of parts. Finally the creature stared down at her with it’s yellow eyes, a curious expression to them. She had never actually met this being before, but like most who worked in Canterlot at one point, knew his name all too well.


        “The one and only!” The draconequus bowed in the air before her.

        “W-what do you want?” She tried to keep her voice steady, but her trembling broke through anyway. This wasn’t just a pony, or even a Princess. Those she understood, those she could handle. This was Discord, the creature responsible for pink clouds that rained chocolate milk, along with a list of other random things. The reasoning for him to do anything was beyond her. Why would he be here to see her?

        Maybe he’s just bored. She told herself mentally, trying to keep herself calm. play it straight, maybe you can convince him to let you out in the name of fun?

        “Who me? I just want to talk.” He said, causing a chair to appear. He sat upon it as both it and he continued to float in the air. “So tell me, what do you think of your current predicament?”

        “I’m wet and sticky and generally unhappy.” Discord chuckled.

        “Well I can fix one of those things.” He said snapping his fingers. In an instant she was dry again, the pickles and their aftermath gone. “Better? Now, I meant your current place of living. How do you find it?”

Lemonfresh regarded him carefully. Despite him being her best bet at escape, she was concerned about his sudden interest. In her life, she’d learned that the only time you asked those kind of questions, is when you had an ulterior motive for doing so. She really doubted he was only curious.

“It sucks, what did you think I’d say?”

“Oh such sass!” Discord laughed. “But yes I suppose it would be rather boring in this little experiment of Celestia’s. I’m sure a smart pony like you figured out the purpose of this place.”

“Yeah, and it’s not going to work.” She said defiantly. Looking good so far. It was impossible to read him, but at the very least she figured he was in the mood to cause trouble for the Princess’s.

        “Oh indeed, this just isn’t my sort of punishment. Then again, neither is turning one into stone. We should do something else with you, don’t you agree?” She shivered, it was likely as good of a chance as any.

        “Maybe let me go?” Discord laughed harder.

        “Straight to the point I see! Well yes, for once I’m in no mood to play games. Well at least too many of them.” He snapped and the robe of a judge appeared on him, complete with the weird white wig she often saw in history books.

        “Lemonfresh, I hereby sentence you to be freed!” She tensed, amazed at how well that had worked. She was about to walk toward the door when she realized it was still shut. Looking around she could see no way out of her cell at all. She glanced back up at him in confusion. Much as she wanted to ask what was up, she was too afraid of him changing his mind.

        “Oh dear, seems I forgot to open the door. Well I can certainly do that for you.” He raised his hand to snap, but stopped short. “Assuming you do one little thing for me.”

        “What’s that?” Assuming he didn’t ask for her soul or something, she was all ears.

        “Answer me one simple question, you see-” A pair of glasses appeared in his hand along with a cloth to clean them. He did just that as he spoke, putting the glasses on after. “-I’ve gone over your case and there is one thing I don’t get. Why did you attack this,” he peered at a paper that appeared in his hands, “Evening Storm is it?”

        Lemonfresh’s blood boiled. How dare he mention that name!

        “Why? He ruined my life! He’s the reason I’m stuck in this stupid cell! The reason I lost everything!”

        “Is he now?” Discord looked surprised. “I thought it was Twilight who exposed you.”

        “Yes, but only thanks to that idiot discovering the truth! If not for him I’d still have my kingdom and my wife!” She gritted her teeth, tears forming in her eyes. “I was finally something! I finally had power! I was on my way to great things! I wasn’t a pawn in their game!”

        “My My, you have quite the lust for power. Just how far did you plan to take this?” She growled.

        “As far as I needed.”

        “Oh I don’t doubt that.” He began to look over a long scroll. “Look at this list of crimes. Impersonating royalty, forced slavery, abuse of said charge, illusions of conquering more. Tell me, did you plan to control all of Equestria?”

        “What does it matter? It’s obvious that’ll never happen now! Unless you can swap my body with Shining’s?” Though angry, she was still hopeful. That sounded like something Discord could do. “Think of all the chaos.” Much to her disappointment, Discord shook his head.

        “No, I don’t think we’ll be doing that. Oh it’d be chaotic yes, but a bit too mean spirited even for myself.” All the things he had summoned vanished into the air. “May I ask you another question?”

        “Well I don’t have anything better to do.” She replied bitterly. At this point she was certain that Discord had never meant to free her, it seemed he meant to toy with her instead.

        “No I suppose you don’t, still I’d like an honest answer here. Ahem.” He brought his head down to fix her with a blank stare. “If Evening was here in this cell right now, what would you do?”

        “You mean he lived?” She spat. “Then the answer is simple. I’d finish what I started.”

        “Oh dear, so much anger.” He tsked. “Why such hate for a simple unicorn?”

        “I told you already!” She cried, shaking with rage. “He took it from me! Everything I had worked for gone! All because of him! I hate him! I hate him!” Discord sadly shook his head.

        “Well now that puts me in a spot. I can’t have you going and doing that you see.” This time it was Lemonfresh’s turn to laugh.

        “What? Why do you care? Don’t tell me you have a soft spot for that moron. He’s a menace! He can’t even cast one spell right! He said so himself!”

        “Oh yes, I’m well aware of his rather wonderful gift.” Discord replied with a grin. “His magic really is rather chaotic don’t you think?”

        “Really? That’s what this is about!?” Lemonfresh cried in frustration. She knew it! He wasn’t here to free her! He only came to taunt! “Fine! If you like him that much I’ll just leave him alone! Does that please you?” She could always just go to some other far off kingdom and start anew. Maybe find a body swap potion or something. Well unless of course that dolt got in her way again, but no sense in telling Discord that. Sadly, Discord just rolled his eyes.

        “Oh come now, you don’t really expect me to believe that do you?” Fed up, she stomped her hooves.

        “Oh why do you care!? So his magic can be chaotic, so what? Big deal!” At that Discord grinned wide.

        “Ah, but have you ever wondered why it does what it does?” She blinked. Was he serious?

        “What? No! All I care about it keeping him and that magic out of my hair forever!” Discord’s grin faded.

        “Well that’s no fun. Here let me tell you a story.” The chair was back, this time along with a large book. She didn’t plan on letting him continue, no longer caring if he let her go or not. Now she just wanted him gone.

        “I don’t want to play your games Discord! If you won’t help me then leave!” The draconequus gave her an annoyed look.

        “And ruin my fun? I don’t think so.” He snapped again. At first she didn’t notice anything until something warm blossomed within her. Frantically, she looked over herself, fearful that he’d turn her to stone after all. After a few moments though, she saw nothing out of place. Still, it felt as if there was something inside her now. Something that was strangely familiar.

        “Sit down and listen.” He said simply. She was about to tell him what for, when she felt her hips lower her rear to the ground. Her body had moved on it’s own!

        “What’s the matter my dear, you look confused. Curious as to what that was?” Discord regarded her with a neutral expression. “Tell you what, I’ll give you a hint. For the next five seconds you’ll bark like a dog.”

        “Woof!” She said immediately, staring at her muzzle in horror. She continued to make every ‘doggy’ sound she could think of for a few seconds, before finally stopping. She sat there in shock. The entire time she had no control over her actions. Just like-

        “Oh yes, you figured it out, I knew you would. It’s my own brand of the persona spell. You’ll do whatever I tell you, and right now I want you to listen to this, and listen good. It’s quite the story.”

        “Y-You can’t do this to me! You have no right! No-” She began to scream. Looking frustrated himself, Discord gave another snap. She had been in mid rant, when she felt her lips press shut. Terrified, she watched as they fused together into skin. Her mouth simply a patch of blank flesh. Unable to utter anymore sounds, she was only able to stare up at Discord in fear.

        “Much better.” He said, looking through the book. “I suppose I could have just commanded you to shut up, but this is far more amusing.” He grinned at her before flipping the pages. Unable to move due to the spell, she sat shivering in place.

        “Ah here we are.” Discord cried in glee, pointing to a passage. “Once upon a time there was a rather handsome and all around amazing draconequus named Discord. Oh my! That’s me!” With a grin he pointed to himself. “Oh my how this book flatters me!” He laughed as Lemonfresh watched with growing dread.

        “Anyway,” He continued, staring at her as he did so. “Being who I was, and what I am, I’d spend my days spreading chaos and fun wherever I went! Oh the adventures I’d have! Turning a lake into jello! I’d have rocks roll around, smashing buildings and the like. Sometimes I’d change a pony’s gender or age, just for the fun of it. I even turned one pony into a tree!” He blinked at the last one.

        “Come to think of it, I should change him back. I don’t think I fixed that before being turned to stone. Well one for the checklist.” As he said that an actual checklist appeared before him which he marked.

        “Oh but none of those things are why we’re here today. You see, in addition to all that, sometimes, just for the amusement of it all mind you, I’d make myself a pony.” At this his voice dropped most of the cheer it held.

        “It was always to cause trouble of course, but I’d get rather creative with that trouble. Perhaps even going as far as to pretend to be the husband of a mare, and give them a good rutting.”

        “Now I know what you’re thinking!” He said placing a claw on his chest. “Discord! How could you do something so irresponsible? Well I think the answer would be obvious that I didn’t care about such things, but regardless I see your point. Such actions can have unforeseen consequences.” He began to tap his claws together as he stared at her.

        “One such consequence was the fact one of those mares had taken a fertility potion privy to my arrival. I had no idea about this of course, only that her husband was just next door helping a neighbor before I presume they intended to get busy that night. Oh, the look on his face when he came back to see me as his double! Pounding away at his wife. Well it was funny at the time. I since feel I’ve matured from such pranks.” He shrugged.

        “Regardless, the potion did it’s work. I, of all creatures became a father that day. I discovered it a few days later, the odd feeling of chaos that still lingered on her. Pity I never learned her name. I should correct that.” He sighed, closing the book on his lap.

        “I never got to see the little thing’s birth, but I believe they kept the foal, and it was just a foal. Sadly, as I was a pony at the time, it inherited none of my good looks.” Again he shrugged.

        “Still, it did get a nice healthy dose of chaos magic in it’s blood, and that is where this story gets interesting.”

        As Lemonfresh sat there, listening to his tale, she could feel her stomach twist She was beginning to suspect where this was going and didn’t like it one bit.

        “You see that pony was a mere earth pony, as was its parents. Though it’s chaos magic would come out from time to time, such as them being able to grow a plant that produced chocolate covered cherries for instance, it never really became a problem. Contained within them with no real way of letting itself out, it mostly festered, transferring from one newborn to the next. This continued for a few generations, all of them being earth ponies, until one faithful day, one of those ponies married a unicorn mare. A mare that gave birth to a particular black unicorn colt with a sapphire blue mane and tail…”

        At this, Discord’s face changed into something akin to a scowl. His eyes drilling into her own. Once more the chair and other props vanished, leaving just her and one very dangerous and angry looking creature.

        “You see as a unicorn, his chaos magic had a much easier time spreading the mischief it was always meant to. Something I took notice of and looked into. You can imagine my surprise when I realized just how connected our magic’s really were. In that time I’ve come to… enjoy seeing my grandson’s antics. Always intrigued by just what he’ll cause to happen next.” He placed his face directly before hers. Terrified, she closed her eyes.

        “Look at me.” He commanded darkly, as her eyes snapped back open. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as he sat there regarding her. She wanted to scream, wanted to cry out how she didn’t know. How she’d never have wanted to upset him, but of course she couldn’t do any of that.

        “Then, my dear Lemonfresh. Then I find out you went and tried to kill that stallion, and I must admit that doesn’t make me very happy.” He stood back up, looking down at her like a owner would to a misbehaving pet.

        “I’ll admit that I’m still getting use to his whole friendship thing. I never really had any before, and that goes double for family. I was rather shocked I had any really, and yet I came to find it...  enjoyable. Not only could I have tea with the wonderful Fluttershy, but I could also share her understanding of what it was like to have family that was away. A bond I’ve discovered is much more than friendship. Blood is thicker than water as they say.” He waved a single fingure at her.

        “Yet you tried to take that from me. Tried to take the only family I’ll likely ever know. Now I can’t have you getting away with that can I? I haven’t even told him yet. Oh I will eventually, I just need time to figure this all out. So I’m very much in the market of keeping him alive for the time being.” He sighed.

“Which brings us back to you. Well, it seems only natural that I should punish you in some fashion. Yet at the same time, if I just kill you or turn you into a chair or something I’m sure I’d have Twilight and Celestia on my tail, and that won’t do either.” Twiddling his thumbs, he looked around as if trying gain inspiration from his surroundings.

        “Luckily this persona spell business has given me an idea. I think I have the perfect thing planned, and if what I’ve seen happening in the Crystal Empire right now goes the way I anticipate. Well it’ll open the perfect role for you to play. You are put in my own personal ‘reform’ program, you stay alive, and Evening goes on being none the wiser of our little secret.” When he finsihed, he broke into a wide, mischievous grin.

        “Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to remember who you really are. You just won’t have any say over any of your actions or personality. I’d call it cruel, but hey, you didn’t have any reservations of doing this to somepony else right?”

        Lemonfresh mentally screamed for her legs to let her run as Discord descended upon her. She sat there, thrashing in silent horror as her body was unable scream out the horrors she felt coming.